Standing on the shoulders of giants I learned how to make simple-proton stories about pandemics and viruses. YOU my friends need to learn how to explain these “truths that we find to be self-evident”, and spread the word because you as a whole know more persons than I, and I don’t use Social Media (no, definitely not).
There was no US pandemic
There was no Japan pandemic
Official documents prove pre-planning
Sars is only a registration printed from a computer
No Sars virus was found by any country
What about the common cold?
Bird Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Virus Finding 101:
Coronavirus, or any virus, defined as a replication competent intracellular parasite with a genome and protein coat has never been found, so using the word “virus” related to a suspected or proposed object or process does not fit with the definition.
To find a virus you must first ultracentrifuge (spin) a sample taken from an ill patient looking for the 100nm size band in a gradient that separates particles based on density. The 100nm size is based on reports that most viruses are in that size range, but since virus particles have never actually been found there is no physical proof of a virus size. Non-virus objects that do exist like exosomes and phages are also in this size-range. Then you confirm the sample is nearly purified on Electron Microscopy so you know you only have one type of object. Then you go back the density band you confirmed was purified in the centrifuge pellet and characterize the sample: genome, protein structure, infectivity and pathogenicity in another host, reisolate, purify, and again characterize to confirm similarity to the original.
The above has never been done (probably because a particle fitting the definition of a virus has never been found), so that viruses are just guesswork and models (and sometimes fraud) based on some symptoms and lab tests that can be “positive” due to many things. Since a virus hasn’t been found in >100 years of looking we can say that it doesn’t seem likely that viruses exist. There is also evidence that foundations and think tanks have drummed-up this fraud in order to make a market (and other nefarious purposes) for vaccines and medications for germs that do not exist.
Looking for viruses based on antigens or antibodies is faulty because an original particle to base these on has never been found. Antibodies and immune cells are non-specific and can react to many things, and antigens are not specific to one particular biologic material.
Electron microscopy photos of mixed patient samples or cell cultures show images (shadows) of stained & dead objects of unknown provenance. This does not say what these objects really are or what they do (you can’t take shadows of objects out from the microscope and characterize them). Similar kinds of objects can be found whether you look at sick or healthy patient samples or even non-human cell cultures with or without putting in patient samples. It should be clear that just pointing arrows at an object in an EM image and calling it a virus doesn’t make it a virus. In that line, the cytopathic effect that you can see in a cell culture is due to starving the cultures and putting in antibiotics and is seen whether a patient sample is put in the culture or not. That’s why control samples without patient sample are almost never done (See the study in the post here).
The genomes that are said to be found are strings of letters assembled by software programs from unpurified mixed samples taken from ill persons. A few sample letters are “found” by matching them to short letter sequences on probes called “primers”, and these matches are then input to a computer. The computer puts together a larger sequence that becomes a guesswork model of assembled letters they “call” a genome but it is not a biologic object proven to exist (I can say these assemblies describe my grandpa Harry, my grandma Hazel, or Larry the cockroach on my kitchen floor if I want). This is all why PCR can’t test for a virus-because there is no original to base it on (the PCR primers are “hypothetical” as you can see here). Software can print-out any virus model that it is programmed to find (that’s not an actual biologic object is it?). Software can also be programmed to make these letter streams evolve in a software-made phylogeny as researchers claim to find new viruses, even though no biologic object meeting the virus definition have ever been found. So when you read that XYZ corona virus has a genome with 99% homology (sameness) with past corona viruses, that is like saying the fantasy show Star Wars II is in the same family as fantasy show Star Wars I🚀. [Epilogue Jan, 8th 2024: George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, was said to have traveled to Epstein’s Island. Maybe it was just his genome you say?]
I’m again getting threats if I don’t give an encore:
What the heck are frozen vials hiding?
No, there’s no clear proof of RNA in the shots
Swarm the enemy with truths, that’s the only way.
Smoke and mirrors. The problem is that the myth was begun long before any of us were born. We all grew up in a world where almost everyone believed viruses existed. So many illusions shattered...and many more to come. Thanks for being a voice of reason in this commotion!
Indeed, there are the twin towers of Rockefeller lies He taught as "truth" - viruses and contagion. And these lies were used to get fear ramped up in 2020 so that too Many volunteered Their flesh for the experiment...or really, the attack on Us.
I offer here ideas for solving the problem of psychopaths in control on Our planet:
The Humble One (article):
The Simplicity of Ethics (article):