The Mama of all Enchiladas🚑
Ensign Proton asks Captain Rancourt if 5g was a cause of xs deaths in 2020. Eyebrows fluttering in fear...
It all starts on the bridge of the Enterprise stardate 2324*. Ensign Proton asks Captain Rancourt if 5g was a cause of xs deaths in 2020. Eyebrows fluttering in fear, Rancourt rushes off the bridge to escape the question. Proton then asks First Officer Strahl about 5g and if he knows about Stoner’s work on excess deaths.
This induces a “Galactic Conniption” in Strahl who shouts,
“I have dealt with Stoner…she is fucking off the wall!”
Crazed, Strahl has to be subdued by security who fires phaser at him for foul language…
Spock Jr. comes for the final blow:
While Strahl is brought to sick bay, yeoman Stoner rushes on the bridge with a box, “Proton, this data is the Mama of all Enchiladas protect it”. Proton is confused, “this is no time for lunch yeoman!” Stoner orders “Super Nova Hot-Jalapeño sauce”, mandates Strahl to be straight-jacketed, and locks Rancourt in his room.
👉“Proton you are now First Officer, I am the real Captain, Strahl and Rancourt are ‘Clingon-to-bad-data’ imposters”.
Suddenly, the alarm rings and the screen shows Rancourt beaming out to a Cling-on Bird of Prey. “Oh shit!” screams Stoner he got away with his excess death calculations again that data scoundrel!”
Straight-faced and Russian accented Ensign Fukov screams, “Gapitan, Gling-on Bird of Prey uncloaking at goordinates theta 9 pi 11”.
Stoner: “Mr. Fukov, confirm the enchilada is safe and fire DEW phasers now!”
“⚡Target hit right up the behind gapitan, they have been fuked-ov and Rancourt along vith dem”.
👉Back in quarters with the Mama of all Enchiladas Proton Magic starts to write the Captian’s log for Stoner…the enchilada starts to speak, “Proton, see this substack thread from 2024”….
From (all [👈…] statements are by Proton Magic):
People got sick and died. There were no excess deaths worldwide, Excess deaths were limited to certain nations, certain regions within nations, and pretty much to health care facilities in those nations, happening to people with an average of 4 comorbidity factors. They didn't die because of a unique new disease called COVID-19, caused by a unique new virus, but because of health care practices often intending to kill them. There is LOTS of work that's been done about this, including new from Denis Rancourt.
Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions, Correlation, 7/19/24.
Virginia Stoner's analysis would disagree and she says there were 500k xs deaths in the US.
I will not go into all of it here but Denis is strange in a number of fronts, but on the XS death front I think he is a minimizer and will not look at 5G, he only says there these studies did not look at "correlation" but that is exactly what they did.
(5g radiation poisoning is a unique new disease)
If you will quote Denis you first must debunk Stoner, she will discuss with you if you inquire to her.
I and Eric Coppolino and "Allen" have dealt with Stoner. She is fucking OFF THE WALL. [👉this is the Galactic Conniption in case you weren’t following the plot]
She insisted that deaths occurred because of a toxic release from a ship in New York Harbor, and presented a map with info of deaths by county in the New York area. I pointed out the map debunked her claim, counts not showing a pattern of higher deaths closer to the port (i grew up in New York, so i know the geography). She had NOTHING TO SAY [👈CAPS means something is a proof right?]. Likewise "Allen," who has done extensive work on the matter, and Eric. Jessica Hockett's extensive stat work (she has a Substack) also shows no excess deaths away from a few hot spots, in a manner only fitting with deliberate medical malpractice. Are you familiar with her?
Ok Jeff thanks I will take your opinion to heart. I've got my dogs in too many puddles right now with my own posts, personal life, and professional life to deep dive into everything so pls bear with me.
If you have an inclination and time pls see the 5g studies I sent you, seems like rational correlation is at least obtained in these papers, but this is Denis' reply:
[From this comment on the
substack:]“Dear Denis, there have been at least 2 large studies showing correlation of 5g with getting ill and a Covid label in time and place. Perhaps I missed any discussion on 5g and other EMF effects in your paper so if you can please comment on this.”
Denis Rancourt
“Hello Proton. The paper you link does not present any evidence of a "correlation". Rather it proposes mechanisms for a "connection". One can always propose mechanisms but epidemiology is based of population-wide correlations. I have not seen any convincing work in that regard about 5G.”
I think 5G as a cause of "COVID" is being overdone by 5G activists. Michael Bryant has opined likewise. They have made it THE cause, overlooking deliberate murder via medical procedures. Not saying 5G is harmless, not remotely. It's BAD!!
And Denis said the 5G paper did not look at correlation only mechanism which is abjectly not true, these are through and through correlational investigations. Did you read them?
I do not share your evaluation. Your first paper in fact takes the notion of a unique disease called "COVID-19" which has created a "pandemic{ as being true. That's BUNK!! [👈Pushed to stay in reality, his temperature rises]
We dont know what they know about virology or if they were told to write this by the publishers. Their statement is a distraction from what they have done in their study, and there are 2 studies.
That is NOT a distraction. If you post something you don't believe in, you are enabling disinformation. Almost every other sentence has "COVID-19" or "SARS-CoV-2" or both. i see no actual analysis of data, just descriptions.
Maybe they did believe in the Covid narrative.
Regardless, 5g is not on or off, it depends on the Ghz and this is nearly impossible to study where and when it is high. You can only look at illness vs when the towers were put in operation, that is the correlation variable.
This study was better
To ignore hundreds of thousands of ray guns just starting all over the world in every city at the same time as 2020 illness was coming out is irresponsible epidemiology because it is completely left out of the report. PCR swabs up the nose, clearly causing upper respiratory symptoms in many people was also left out. I personally had to deal with many people with post-pcr URI.
"To ignore hundreds of thousands of ray guns just starting all over the world in every city at the same time "
The use of "ignore" is a GROSS exaggeration. Why not just say Rancourt is a 5G promoter? [👈Not mention 5G once in a 500+ page paper is a kind of “ignoring” isn’t it? I mean, we are native English speakers here right?].
I am DONE!
[👆The ol’ “cut the other guy off when you are up against the ropes” trick. ]
I didn't say he is a promoter, you are putting words in my mouth. It is true, it is not noted once in his very large paper is it? Now try to be polite Jeff, look at all my comments here, right or wrong I am polite.
Jeffrey Strahl 54 mins ago You are obsessive. And you just misquoted me. I said "You might as well say he's a promoter," not that you are saying that. FORGET!
👉You may have noticed this little proton is now in the “Strahl-induced Twilight Zone”. The process is always the same with these guys:
You propose a truth—they deny reality—you tell them it is reality—they get flustered—you ask them to be polite—they berate you (yes you should copy this sequence for your records).
My doggedly hounding reality is “obsessive” huh? I’ll have to get a therapist I guess.
Your statement insinuated I was saying that. Your commentary aggression is quite surprising Jeff and does not flatter your logic arguments it only makes me wonder what you are all about because whether Denis does or does not include 5G, PCR, etc in his paper is a scientific discussion.
👉Never take the bait and berate back, no matter how much they deserve it. My birth certificate says “proton was made from the union of charm quarks only”.

As first officer I feel strongly that Captain Stoner gets a fair say about her work and will post her summary here. I have not combed over all of it, and do not take responsibility for the content herein, but it is very thorough and well-written.
→ This entire section was written by Virginia Stoner and received as personal communication on 8.06.24 by Proton Magic. All images in this section are taken from the links below on:
This section is the real “Mama of all Enchiladas”
“Mortality data points to a likely worldwide democide (mass-murder) from 2020-2022, which depopulated the world by millions, including 1.6 million extra deaths in the US.”
There has been a coverup of the democide in place from the beginning, involving most of the mainstream and alternative media—including many highly respected figures in the “no-virus” movement.
They have used everything from simple avoidance to conflicting narratives to misdirection and outright lies to cover up the democide—especially excess deaths in 2020, since they cannot be blamed on the Covid vaccines.
I know this because the contents of the US mortality database are NOT DEBATABLE, in the sense that everyone who does the same search will always get exactly the same results.
They can dispute the integrity or reliability or meaning of the data, but the fact the database shows there were 529k more deaths in 2020 than in 2019 is not debatable. It is therefore quite easy to know with certainty who is lying, or just doesn't know what they are talking about.
The Doctors Bailey took the total silence approach, managing to write an entire book about why we shouldn’t fear future pandemic declarations, because viruses don’t exist—without once ever mentioning that the last pandemic declaration was followed by widespread death.
Denis Rancourt has taken exactly the opposite approach, openly exposing the huge death numbers—then blaming the deaths, without any real evidence from the mortality data, on things that don’t involve any intent to kill, but rather, errors in judgment, iatrogenic effects, or something the deceased consented to, such as medical treatment or a vaccine.
Beloved country doctor Tom Cowan insisted that nonexistent “data and evidence” clearly proved any excess deaths in 2020 were due solely to bad medical treatment.
Bizarrely, some have openly said they just don’t care about the mortality data, preferring instead to base their beliefs about excess deaths and their causes on personal experience and feels.
This includes virus-promoter Sasha Latypova and no-virus promoter Eric Coppolino, along with Naomi Wolf, who says democide isn’t newsworthy unless we prove it was faked.
I have a category about the democide coverup on my blog with more reading.
To wade thru the democide coverup, you have to understand US mortality data, which fortunately is now fast and easy with the help of my new reference book on the subject—you can see quite a bit of free content here:
Captain Stoner’s reply to Strahl on :
You and Coppolino and "Allen" have all been spreading bad mortality information around. The contents of the US mortality database are not debatable, in the sense that everyone who does the same search will always get exactly the same result.s. So you should all get my new reference book, which makes it easy to understand US mortality data in minutes, and stop spreading bad info.
Your own map debunked claims you made about a mortality pattern centered around New York Harbor in Spring 2020. The fact that you persist shows a high degree of detachment with reality, i prefer to be attached to reality.
Further attempts to engage with me will lead to your being blocked. [👈The same trickeroo when up against the ropes]
Yes, you seem to have difficulty with civil debate.
Per the new Rancourt paper there were 31 million excess deaths worldwide from 2020-2022. Their proposed 3 primary causes don't fit the US mortality data in spring 2020.
Still trying to make it about 2020-22, when the case was about Spring 2020? You sure love disinformation. [👈It’s “get that berating bat out time”]
It's a litmus test--but since you never read links you wouldn't understand.
Screen Shot Reference for the “Galactic Conniption”
Special thanks to Captain Stoner for trusting this little proton
Yours Truly, Proton Magic & Co.
Here, Jamie is clear PCR test swabs make people ill:
*Star Trek images are used for satire, and educational purposes (basically). All images are linked to their source, are placed in this essay under the fair-use doctrine, and the parody herein has no relationship to any actual part of the Star Trek productions. All characters in the Star Trek written essay are fictional and any resemblance to real persons is coincidence.
Let me pin this by Virginia Stoner as it is a good point to drive home. The causes of these spikes is crucial for us to contemplate and elucidate to prevent them from happening again:
"I think the key to "what really happened" is the worldwide death spikes that occurred right after the WHO declared a pandemic--not many things can cause deaths to suddenly triple, quadruple or more, then just as suddenly return to normal 8-11 weeks later. And, be limited to a small geographic area, rather than affecting all major cities in a country where the same 'treatments' are being employed".
This is a really great post by Stoner: "propaganda about propaganda"
👉If you are ‘mainstream,’ you’re left with a paper that was retracted because it tricked people into believing The Deadly Virus wasn’t all that deadly.
👉 If you are ‘alternative,’ you’re left with a paper that was retracted to censor The Truth—that The Deadly Virus wasn’t all that deadly.
→ Notice how nothing we are left with has anything to do with reality? It’s all about a deadly virus that doesn’t even exist.
→ Meanwhile, no one is talking about the SOMETHING ELSE that has killed so many people over the last few years.