Let me pin this by Virginia Stoner as it is a good point to drive home. The causes of these spikes is crucial for us to contemplate and elucidate to prevent them from happening again:

"I think the key to "what really happened" is the worldwide death spikes that occurred right after the WHO declared a pandemic--not many things can cause deaths to suddenly triple, quadruple or more, then just as suddenly return to normal 8-11 weeks later. And, be limited to a small geographic area, rather than affecting all major cities in a country where the same 'treatments' are being employed".

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OK, let me understand, please:

There were xs deaths before and after the "vaccines":

Before, in 2020, because 5g and / or other similar technologies (at least in some regions), in addition to iatrogenic "measures".

After, in 2021 and beyond, because the "vaccines".

And there will be probably a new Plandemic by combining 5G and/ or other similar technologies with "medical treatments" ("vaccines" or not) in the next future.

Am I right? Thanks in advance for your answer.

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Here are the characteristics of deaths at the peaks of the US death waves in 2020 & 2021. You tell me--does it look they have different causes? IMO no, but it looks like the vax may have contributed, esp to deaths among younger and mid-age adults. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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Thank you. I will read your article.

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I say no, no xs deaths in 2020. AFTER that, yes, from the vaxxes. And vaxx damage, too. The co-morbidity thing was because most of the people who supposedly died from "Covid" in 2020 were a) very elderly, with other troubles as well, such as obesity, Congestive Heart Failure, and other serious ailments... AND interestingly, near most senior living facilities, and SCHOOLS, are the 5G towers, some of which were already up and running in 2020...

Remember the first two weeks of the "plandemic"? We were told to stay home, don't go out, sterilize every inch of your body and your home, spray your mail with lysol, etc etc etc? We had to stay home so we wouldn't see the workers PUTTING UP A SHITLOAD OF 5G towers.

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The numbers are a matter of official record, not a matter of opinion. For a table of the death numbers for Canada and the US for 2000-2023, scroll about a third of the way down at this link. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/13/democide-in-canada-2020-2022

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"official record" that's funny... great quote, I think from Churchill: "don't believe any statistic you didn't make up yourself", or something like that. And billy gates' favorite book: how to lie with statistics. :)


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Well the other choice is to look at "no records" and make a decision based on no data. Seems to be a popular option.

The mortality database is the most comprehensive record of US deaths available to the public--it is also redundant, since death records are also stored at the county and state level. And it's open to the public 24/7. It's been around for decades, but now all of a sudden when the data there points to democide, everyone wants to call it fake. Go figure.

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The point is that that debate is nothing more than a distraction, since viruses have never been proven to exist. Does your book mention that?

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Ahhh, you again.

It's not my fault you wrote a book with the wrong data, and it's not YOUR FAULT that you GOT the wrong data, because that data was CHANGED.

It's not a thing about you, or me, it's about fuckery by the govt. and censorship. I know what I saw. You don't have to believe me, it changes nothing, the truth is the truth. If you can't deal with it, don't deal with it.

I KNOW WHAT I SAW. It was early 2021, before there was data for jabs. Maybe Feb. or March.

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Did you get a screenshot of the data that you say was posted?

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I think Word Herder may be talking about the 2nd image in this article, which was making rounds as an alleged CDC prediction of 2020 deaths from Sept 2020. I was never able to track down the source of this alleged prediction, and was able to show that the official mortality data did not show those numbers in Sept 2020. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/5/9/have-us-deaths-been-fabricated

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I don't think so. I have saved COPIOUS things, but at the time I didn't think about it being falsified. Sigh. I'm overwhelmed with OTHER things right now, in a legal battle to save my parents from HELL, and this is just not something I need! SORRY, everybody.

When people simply cannot accept what someone else says, and the one doesn't have proof, and it's during a time of EXTREME fuckery, lies, distortions, and so on, as in what we're currently living in, I don't feel that insults and insisting by one about what another says is helpful, nor is it PROOF, either.

She is INSISTING she is right, and I know what I saw, I have a picture of it in my mind. Photographic memory. Sorry, she simply won't accept what I'm saying and this is the last thing I'm going to say about, I have enough hell in life right now to argue with someone who refuses to even consider that she's incorrect, and expect me to read all her stuff. I don't have time nor the inclination to continue a fruitless conversation with someone who insults me. So I'm OUTTA THIS. I don't CARE what's true right now. Fuck it. No offense, max, or anyone else.

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Your claim that my book contains "the wrong data" is baseless, false, and defamatory, and if you think you can support it with evidence, this would be a good time to do it. All the evidence I have so far shows you were either duped and unwilling to admit it, or are trying to deceive.

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I'm not claiming anything about your book, sweetheart.

YOU TOLD ME THIS, remember? Remember our prolonged back & forth about this a couple of weeks ago?

You just can't deal with the possibility that you published a book with inaccurate data in it, unknowingly. NOT MY FAULT.

I'm simply telling you what I know. This is the same response you have before... NOT MY PROBLEM.

I've got a FAR worse HELL to deal with than listening to you whining and blaming ME just for telling you what I know. If you understood my life, you would stop now and just deal with this yourself. I don't need this. OK. I am about TRUTH. You seem to be about YOUR BOOK. Deal with it, and please leave me be. Insulting me and making up reasons why I'm wrong is NOT SCIENCE or even RIGOR in finding fact. Take care, I have no issue with you as a person. You just fucked up, by accident, and anybody could have done that. Because of other people's fuckery.


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This is a really great post by Stoner: "propaganda about propaganda"


👉If you are ‘mainstream,’ you’re left with a paper that was retracted because it tricked people into believing The Deadly Virus wasn’t all that deadly.

👉 If you are ‘alternative,’ you’re left with a paper that was retracted to censor The Truth—that The Deadly Virus wasn’t all that deadly.

→ Notice how nothing we are left with has anything to do with reality? It’s all about a deadly virus that doesn’t even exist.

→ Meanwhile, no one is talking about the SOMETHING ELSE that has killed so many people over the last few years.

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Yeah, the thinktanks did a great job again, distracting all attention away from the fact that there was no virus...


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Hi Ibrybor, look back over this year, you can count many posts I made on no-virus. 3 of the 5 top pinned posts on this SS HP are on or related to no virus.

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The most important thing to guard against is democide, not lies, because the lies to cover it up are endless. If virology is exposed as a fraud, then they can start claiming some new kind of scary microbe from outer space, or a dangerous invisible gas, or whatever. The lies are endless--but the result is always democide by some means as yet to be determined.

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Massive democide has occurred via the false virus/contagion paradigm. People believed the narrative and so they lined up for jabs, etc. Exposing the pseudoscience empowers them and makes them far less gullible and less vulnerable to future scams, whether re "pathogens"/contagion or any other sort. Once you realize that "covid" was a complete hoax, you don't blindly trust government and media anymore. No-virus people explain the importance of reading the Methods section in any "scientific" publication and encourage logical, critical thinking - which guards against all sorts of hoaxes including democidal ones. I'd think this was obvious but apparently it somehow isn't to you.

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Covid was the cover for a democide, not a "complete hoax". A hoax did not kill 529k extra people in the US in 2020.

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Just so I'm clear on this--you think the mass-murder of millions is a distraction from the fact that viruses are fictions. But, wasn't a fictional virus used to distract us from a democide happening right under our noses?

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"wasn't a fictional virus used to distract us from a democide happening right under our noses" - no-virus people point out on a regular basis that "viruses" are used as a cover story to distract from real causes of disease. Entire books have been written about this. Am I to believe that you are somehow not aware of "What Really Makes You Ill" by Lester and Parker, or "Virus Mania", or the work of Jon Rappoport, Michael Bryant and others on this exact topic, yet feel qualified to make such ridiculous accusations about no-virus people?

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As far as I am aware, none of the people you mentioned have ever said anything about a possible democide in the US or worldwide in 2020, and in the case of Bryant, he has actively concealed it. Simply talking about coverups generally does nothing to expose the democide that just happened under our noses. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/17/us-democide-coverup-sneaks-into-lab-leak-discussion-with-tom-cowan-and-michael-bryant

I am really only qualified to document the official mortality data, which fortunately is 100% objective, in the sense that everyone who does the same search will get exactly the same results.

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I have never taken an interest in "excessive mortality" data, for various reasons:

-can't know if the raw data is accurate

-it would take tons of time/effort to double-check people's calculations of excess mortality... and since I'm not willing to do that, would have to take the results on faith

-such an analysis has the potential to suggest that a "virus" was not spreading, but isn't scientific - and the perps can simply insist that it was their awesome counter-measures that kept things in check and many will eat this up

-one cannot control for all the potential confounding variables both known and unknown

-my focus has been on debunking virology and I find it so much easier and infinitely more solid to simply show that the methods of virologists are idiotic... plus doing so arms one against all manner of "virus" nonsense, not just the "covid pandemic" baloney

-waiting for enough time to pass, data to be collected and for someone to do an analysis of mortality data every time they roll out a fake pandemic is not efficient or empowering... much better to demand valid scientific evidence of the "pathogen" claim and point out that there is none

Do you continually miss my points on purpose?

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Why don’t you tell Rancourt he needs to blindly outsource his 500 page paper to a stats company for review otherwise put a big disclaimer at the top on the accuracy?

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I'd suggest purchasing my new reference book, which makes it fast and easy to understand US mortality, even for people who don't like dealing with numbers, or don't have much time for it. Maybe one problem is that you just don't appreciate the magnitude of the mass die-off that just occurred. Why don't you recommend my book to all your mortality data-challenged colleagues, too. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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This was a very interesting interchange, Proton. I greatly appreciate your call for civil discourse. It is very commendable.

One thing bothers me greatly. Some people seem heavily biased against considering certain issues/explanations for what happened during the period of roughly February and March of 2020 up through November, 2020 (prior to the jab roll-out beginning), and from December 2020 through the present (the period after the jab roll-out commenced).

It seems to me that theoretically, the causes of death in each time period might be multifactorial, at least until proven otherwise. I would be interested in having those who doubt it, seriously address that point. In other words, from a theoretical perspective, why is that not a reasonable assumption?

There appears to be solid evidence of medical malfeasance that began in early 2020 due to totally inappropriate medical protocols and inducements that stem from the Cares Act and other disease-producing practices which were pushed on people through the government and media propaganda, e.g., mask wearing, physical isolation, delay in obtaining necessary medical care for non-emergent problems such as suspected cancer etc.

Given what is available in the literature with respect to the dangers of RF technology which includes many different types, it is very reasonable and logical to consider whether the roll-out of 5G (which appears to correlate very well with the 2020 time period) is a contributing factor to the deaths and illnesses that occurred. I'm not sure people are well-served by what seem to be unserious attempts to malign the two publications you mentioned without discussing the materials, methods, results and conclusions in detail.

I have encountered this before when attempting (unsuccessfully) to engage certain luminaries in a detailed analysis of papers which, beginning in 2021, began reporting GFN's in CV19 vials. We are now almost 3 years since the initial publications appeared and have yet to do so, which is a moral outrage.

I think there are 3 topics which are being very heavily censored by the perpetrators: 1) the presence of advanced (nano and micro) technology in injectables, food, water and air, 2) the fact that the entire paradigm of viral-induced contagion/pandemics is scientifically untenable and 3) the fact that EMF's are highly deleterious to all life on earth and may in fact be related to many of the negative health events which have transpired since early 2020. If one attempts to engage in discourse on any of these 3 topics publicly, one encounters either silence or censorship.

Over many decades I have found that falsehoods are not in need of being censored since they fall of their own weight, but truth, if considered unpalatable, must constantly be undermined lest it resurface and win the day.

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Thanks aka, you said anything I could say even better than I could. I can only add, whatever they do or don't do, publish or censure, etc is all related to its effect on the end goal-One World Government with a slimmed down population living in determined land tracts under constant internal and outward surveillance, and being put on limited wealth and longevity grids.

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Entirely agree. The end goal is "the prize". How the prize is obtained, while the methods may be reprehensible like Tonya Harding kneecapping Nancy Kerrigan, is of less importance than the end goal if one wishes to obstruct Tonya from winning.

I entirely agree with your concise description of the future they envision for humanity. I would only add they are also attempting to create fleshbots from biological humans for personal use. Though the vast majority will be nothing more than cattle broken into manageable units in feed lots for processing into a variety of end products. Steaks, ground meat, lunch meat, etc.

We have to keep our eyes and ears and thoughts on their methods to their goals to short circuit or throw a monkey wrench in their works to sabotage if we wish to defeat them.

Though I do see the logic in breaking down past methods, at some point the focus needs to shift to current methods if we wish to deweaponize the enemy. They have moved on and so must we or we stay stuck in hashing the details of what has already been while the next piano is being jettisoned from ten floors up.

Thank you for this article. So funny and enlightening simultaneously and I really appreciate both. God Bless, you, Proton. And us all. Keep it coming...

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Thanks for the insights and reading my posts!

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Zackly. And they've also told us, besides what you just wrote, that they want to DESTROY the world and then bring it back with THEIR OWN systems, withOUT any of us, and they will be "gods" in the New World. Sounds like a bunch of psychotic fux to moi.

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I think the key to "what really happened" is the worldwide death spikes that occurred right after the WHO declared a pandemic--not many things can cause deaths to suddenly triple, quadruple or more, then just as suddenly return to normal 8-11 weeks later. And, be limited to a small geographic area, rather than affecting all major cities in a country where the same 'treatments' are being employed.

I don't make claims about cause, just eliminate possibilities, and see what possibilities remain. My amateur opinion-- is was either a chemical weapon, or electromagnetic radiation like 5g, or possibly some other form of radiation being covertly used as a weapon, or even something very low-tech and cheap like infrasound.

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It could be all of these.

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And more.....like simply the fear of any or all of the above scenarios. Belief is more powerful than most anything else and TPTB are well aware of this.

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Yes belief is important but fear would not include a sudden stop to the death numbers so it doesn't seem to only be fear. Now fear leading to the stupid decision to take jabs, that is clearly real.

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The point is to keep us discussing about futile details, and to keep distracting away from the fact that viruses don't exist. We will never know the truth. It is not important, we know that what we're told is not true - and that's enough. We should focus on letting people see there are no viruses, then the whole circus will fall down.


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Really? How do you think people will react when they discover key people in the "no virus" movement have been hiding a democide? Seems like it would have the potential to take the entire no-virus movement down. But the silence does help the people doing the depopulating.

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There was nothing big in 2020, even with the medical procedures. I was following all cause death numbers from the summer of 2020 until January. In December it was looking to end up very close to 2019 numbers. Same with October etc, if extrapolated to add November and December.

Then the final 2020 numbers came out.

I was expecting a bit above 2019, but they threw in an extra 200-300k saying late reports. Yeah right, how is it that 2021 and 2022 are lower despite the numerous deaths from the 💉?

Sometimes I get people saying that all cause is not the way to measure it. Really? All cause is the least manipulated stat because it's not interpretation of the cause of death but a mere number that everyone has to report.

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I'm sure Captain Stoner will reply to you on the US data.

Here in Japan, you can see all-cause XS deaths sky-rocketed after shots in 2021, the graphs near the bottom of this post.


There was little 5G in Japan in 2020, not saying this was the cause of low deaths then, but "Covid" cases mainly seemed to be relabeling in 2020.

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I previously investigated the clam that 400,000 deaths for the year 2020 were added to WONDER in late 2020 or early 2021. I was able to show that deaths in the official database for the period mid-March to mid-September 2020 were about the same in November 2020 as they were in May 2023--so there was no bulk addition of death in the interim--it was propaganda. Details here--https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/5/9/have-us-deaths-been-fabricated

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Numbers, numbers... there's lies, damn lies, and statistics.


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For the all-cause death numbers for US and Canada, scroll about a third of the way down in this link, you will see 2 tables with deaths, and change in deaths each year, from 2000-2023. Sources are in Notes, and source for both is the official mortality data. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/13/democide-in-canada-2020-2022

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Where were you following all-cause death numbers?

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Looks like the same one you were looking at and you also extrapolated from a similar time in sept 2020 where the data looked to lead to around 2.9 million by the end of the year.

Thanks for the articles, I never documented it and was going by memory.

I gave up trying to explain it as people were acting like I was making it up. They kept saying that total deaths is not a good measure of the pandemic. They were convinced that the advertised data on TV and social media was correct.

"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.

To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."

(From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )

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The propaganda created to cover up the excess deaths is really sophisticated, like the "retracted Johns-Hopkins paper" operation--if someone doesn't know the actual death numbers--which most people do not--they have no way of seeing how they being deceived.

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With regard to StarLink and 5G, during an interview with Musk the question was posed regarding the point of concern raised by many related to EM expose. What was so telling was Musk's brusque and immediate retort that categorically shut down the line of questioning.

So we have, Strength, Consistency, Specificity, Temporality, Plausibility, Coherence, Experiment, Analogy and Reversibility, all appearing very nicely associated with EM, leading to the establishment of a causal relationship. (www.thelancet.com/planetary-health Vol 2 December 2018 ~ Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess its impact). In vivo and animal in vitro physiological studies highlight deleterious biological consequences. Arthur Firstenberg, is all over 'the most ignored threat to life on Earth, electromagnetic radiation', see Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life. https://substack.com/@arthurfirstenberg.

Is there any argument?

Not really.

There is only silence and deflection, and a duplication of the same tactics being employed to detract from any suggestion of a dire causal relationship with toxic 'shots'.

The not so slow sickening continues apace, the absence of ethics to the fore.

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There is silence about the WIDESPREAD DEATH--if it was caused by EMF, it is not just harmful to health--it is being employed specifically to KILL.

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I agree. There appear several 'vehicles' in use. The silence is damning as are the tiresome and relentless accusations of conspiracy ideation that simultaneously refuse to examine any evidence or deviate from a constructed and rigidly enforced narrative.

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If I may ask, maybe you can answer; why would Firstenberg say that geoengineering/chemtrails do not exist?

He lost all credibility when he put this claim out in his newsletter...at least in my book.

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I dont know much about him. Read him once and he was promoting climate change, I didn't want to listen to him after that because he is not trustworthy anymore.

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I agree that his trust quotient may have declined under such circumstances.

Nevertheless, it appears his EM work is really what he is held in regard for? /rhet

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People often seem to forget that having one or two issues that one is not in agreement with themselves on, most often because of lack of study for various reasons, does not make the person's other work invalid or untrustworthy. Let's say a doctor, (ye gads, what a choice of example), has a specialty in cardiovascular health. He, being more ignorant of conditions such as gastrointestinal symptoms, makes a comment that such-and-such is not or is caused by or does or does not exist as claimed or any other statement you want to insert. Does that mean his cardiovascular knowledge is also suspect? Now, that is regardless of the normal conditions of schooling in Rockefellar medicine, so ignore that part. Or perhaps a modern computerized auto mechanic makes a ridiculous statement about carburetors......does that disqualify his knowledge and/or experience repairing certain computerized auto systems? Just top of the head examples, but you get the point I'm sure. I've known many brilliant people whose knowledge and experiences on one or two topics to be extensive and spot on, but who lack immensely in other areas and make nonsensical or less-than-credible statements. This does not negate everything they say. In fact, I'd say most of us can go back 20 or 30 years and see some of what we thought and said that now is laughable. Just as Tom Cowan has said many times, he now regrets some of what he wrote, (and obviously believed to be true at the time), in some of his books. That's learning and growing and maturity. I would never discount Firstenberg because of a climate change belief. I know a good many otherwise quite intelligent people that believe in pathogenic contagious viruses.......

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I agree. A most valid point.

'It appears his EM work is really what he is held in regard for?'

My question above was rhetorical. It is conceivable that his trust quotient may have been degraded, but this is not and should not be relevant to his EM work. A /rhet would have helped clarify. Comment amended.

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Well said Latus!

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RE: "Regardless, 5g is not on or off, it depends on the Ghz and this is nearly impossible to study where and when it is high."

Thanks for mentioning that 5G operates in more than one band. Not being a researcher, I made an attempt to understand the deployment patterns for the very short wavelengths, which failed. I agree with "nearly impossible", though I haven't tried again lately. But then my time is mostly taken up with other matters, something called "working in retirement".

I did get the sense that very short wavelength deployments ("mmWave" or whatever) would only make sense in large cities like those that were hardest hit with "covid". And then I went back to my regular work, head still spinning from trying to understand it. I guess I wouldn't make a good proton.

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Hey thanks for the interesting comment! It all means that you might be able to measure some towers for some short period of time but unless you had a huge number of all the correct RF meter types stationed in front of nearly all the towers in a location like a city where cases and death data were collated with telemetry taking in the RFs to a central data base, well this kind of study is nearly impossible for the people to do. The best one can do is correlation of cases and deaths with the roll-out which was done by 2 studies noted in the links in the thread with Strahl.

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Whaaaaaaaaat? No video showing 5G effects on human blood? PM get on it?!

Have you noticed how they are playing us with the issue of 5G? Installing it but then no one knows if it is being used; 5G wifi for commercial use is different than 5G for military use; and all the 5G phones not having the 5G chip??

I also wonder what we will se in the aftermath of the UK riots, supposedly there is a swarm of military technology already installed there for the purpose of "better traffic managment"... alongside 5G there is LED as well.

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Great catch!! Thank You PM!

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Sorry Sirius, I pray one of the links has some pics at least.

Yeah, the UK riots seem ginned up to usher in more restrictions and crack downs. That's the SOP isn't it?

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Staged riots to fortify the new hate-speech laws. Preparing for ushering of Noahide laws...

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Proud of you, Proton! To keep raising the neglected issues and maintain your humour? That is highly admirable! Thank you! xx

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Much thanks Frances

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Lolol! Are you my middle school English teacher? That's like my creative writing assignment I got my only A+ on. A parody of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Except the ship in the center of the energy cloud was a sentient bagel instead of V'ger. The Enterprise crew included a rabbi. They disarmed it with lox and cream cheese that the rabbi offered as he merged with the previously rampaging bagel. It was a good enough paper for me to remember all this time! Thanks for the memory-inspiring Star Trek parody!

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This from my notes of November 2020;.......

The following statistics are from the Office of National Statistics https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths

In 2017 there were 533,253; deaths registered in England and Wales (44,438 per month) this is the highest annual number of deaths since 1999.

In 2018, there were 541,589 deaths registered in England and Wales (45,133 per month), an increase of 1.6% compared with 2017

In 2019 England & Wales had 480,941 deaths or 40,754 per month

In 2020 England & Wales so far Jan=40,582 Feb=43,587 Mar=43,700 Apr=79251 May=67295 Jun=39003 Jul=44490 Aug=37,940 Sep=36,707. In October 2020, there were 43,265 deaths registered (in England only). This was similar to the number in October 2019 (eight more deaths), but it was 2,713 more than the five-year average (2015 to 2019) for October.

The following months Jun. Jul. & Aug. deaths were however below average.

So removing two average months from 2019's total leaves 400,000 dead

total dead in 2020 up to October is aproximately ............... 480,000 dead

subtract the smaller figure gives an excess death total of......80.000 dead

2015-529,655 2016-525,048 2017-533,253 2018-541,589 2019-530,841 2020-614,114 2020 is a disproportionate year for deaths in England and Wales up almost 16% up from 2019 which is 0.14% of the population.

The peak deaths ocurred during "lockdown" so by definition are lockdown deaths whether this is due to "covid" protocols or due to hospitals been emptied of elderly patients who were sent back to their care homes (to die) where they couldn't get access to proper medical care, or due the cancer patients who didn't receive treatment, or due to members of the public who didn't go to A & E after trauma & what about depression & suicides?

And W0W! did I get slaughtered in a Vintage M/cycle Forum for that, (ad-hominems of amateur epidemiologist) & I didn't even mention the two nurses who had said early on in lockdown one that the "covid protocols" of intubation would kill.

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Thanks Andy. I think the data you suggest is not mutually exclusive with illness due to 5G. Pls see this carefully https://stateofthenation.co/?p=12846 there is some info on the UK too.

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Hey there Proton, the state of the nation link didn't fully load for me, luckily I was able to click on the original;


I REMEMBER THAT!! I remember been intrigued by it during lockdown one, then (as now) I can see the study shows a link between illness (I refuse to use the authors covid/coronavirus designation) & 5G rollout, however I would like to see the sources of the author; Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre, a microbiologist(!) who has worked on and researched "smallpox" bacteria.

I'm going to presume his research is correct and agree with the study's findings, quote;... "The results obtained demonstrate a clear and close relationship between the rate of (CV word deleted) infections and 5G antenna location, [although] this study does not analyse the beneficial or harmful effects on humans of 5G electromagnetic radiation, it does however indicate a possible cause-effect in the current pandemic."

I can't see any reference to deaths in the study (am I missing something?) just references to "infections".

So, I must still conclude that spikes in deaths were due to "covid" protocols used by medical staff treating a made-up disease, diagnosed by a fake "test".

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Thanks Andy, I can chime in that 5g effects are not easy to study because we dont know the Ghz level at place and time, we only know tower or not and in operation or not. The medical deaths are less fuzzy but still not crystal clear. Neither of these are a physics experiment or even a clinical trial. There was also another study, here at the top of this list. I myself hate people that paste in a dozen links so you can hate me for this one, at the same time copy them for your archive and take, care.

👉2 research articles on 5g association with getting ill and a Covid label



👉Articles noting 60GHz effect on O2:




👉EMFs cause symptoms that overlap with respiratory illness. 5g phones, FCC approved frequencies, body penetration:


👉Harms caused by electromagnetic fields & mechanisms


👉 Adverse-health-effects-of-wireless?


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Cheers, all C & P'd into my notes, plenty of stuff to get my teeth into & stuff I can show to the "well if there's no virus, what made me ill?" people.

BTW, hated mobile (cell) phones since the late eighties, they were forced on me by whomever I was working for, they always lived in the vans glove box, worked on 3G upgrade 2003, was aware of danger of being in close proximity to the "towers" & around the same time saw a fellow "P.A.Testing electrical equipment, he had to check that the microwave ovens weren't "leaking" microwaves!!

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Thanks for the data. It shows the huge death spike in Spring 2020 that occurred simultaneously with similar death spikes in the US and Canada and elsewhere around the world. IMO, a death spike of that magnitude could not have been caused by Covid prevention and treatment protocols (Rancourt's theory) for the reasons I stated in the attached article. Of course, that doesn't mean these things did not cause deaths--just that given the characteristics and patterns of death, Covid prevention and treatment protocols could not have been a primary cause, IMO. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/28/researchers-discover-reason-for-31-million-excess-deaths-worldwide-mistakes-were-made-l2any-j8egn

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There's a problem with the 0NS data I provided in that it's simply just total deaths for an area approximately 300 miles east to west & 400 miles north to south, there isn't any specific ages or geographical "hotspots" ie Birmingham, London. I would like some one to dig deeper into the information, perhaps corelating it with midazolam use to locate any "hotspots". I think it's worth noting that 2019 had low deaths (any reason is pure speculation on my part) & immediately after the "spike" deaths were lower than average.

Anything else I've got regarding what I call "lockdown deaths" is purely anecdotal.

In early 2021 UK care home deaths increased, the Govt. were aware of it, here is a SAGE quote from 21/1/21; "The numbers of deaths in care homes continues to grow but should start to fall in the coming weeks if vaccination is successful". Next Quote from 4/2/21; "The impact of vaccination is not yet being seen in data for care home deaths as they have significant lag, though this impact should be seen in the data in the coming weeks" The coming weeks 11 & 18/2/21 did not provide any data! I wonder why? There was however a telling question asked by SAGE on the 11/2/21 & I quote ; "SAGE remains concerned by reports of low vaccine uptake amongst staff in some care homes." One possible answer would be that care home staff witnessed first hand post vaccination death.

SAGE = Scientific Advisery Group for Emergency's (or secret agenda gradualy enforced)

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Why did the excess deaths stop after the initial huge spike? The vaccines are irrelevant to excess deaths in 2020.

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0h, I put the vaccine stuff in because in your article you referenced "the covid years"

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Do you have an answer to the question? These deaths spikes all over the world in Spring 2020 each lasted about 8-11 weeks then disappeared. Why?

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LOL I love the star ship spoofage, hilarious.

MY own version, and I'm not able to spend the time searching up all my data right now, as my life is up-to-the-neck in wolverine poo, THIS: Forcing everyone to stay home and go through all the BULLSHIT of "Contagion" and so on may well have caused excess death, PLUS the fact that people in hospitals apparently were actually PUT DOWN with morphine and remdesivir in several countries, notably the UK, and likely the US as well... BUT!

The death count in the US for 2020 was slightly BELOW the usual, "within the norm" numbers, as PM's graph above clearly shows.

I don't really CARE what other people say. I remember stuff like that, as opposed to names, and I very clearly remember the death rate for 2020 was SLIGHTLY BELOW NORMAL FOR THE US, and then for 2021 jumped WAY UP. And I have a pretty good grip on what seems to be the case, after four and a half years of reading all kinds of info and medical stuff and military stuff and bullshit, I think I've got a pretty good overall handle on this "pandemic" and so forth.

If you want a really good source, full of a SHITLOAD of other sources, try "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg (he can't quite get the aerosol spraying into his brain pan, but radiation is his forte, and the book is amazing).

That there is a case for killing us (perhaps very slowly) with 5G seems entirely likely, even VERY likely, and since not everyone succumbs the same way, in the same time, and so on, it's the perfect weapon, not to mention the fact that it makes GRAPHENE react within the body, and GRAPHENE is in the jabs (along with a ton of aluminum, and some mercury, and formaldehyde, and DOG ALMIGHTY knows what all (Ricardo Delgado knows)!!!! But graphene is sprayed out of airplanes along with all the rest of the chemicals they use, it's in ALL the "vaccines" now, it's in those MASKS, it's on the SWABS used for a FAKE "test" with a PCR, not even a diagnostic tool, FFS.

So: Radiation poisoning appears to be the FLU, and the Common Cold, and certainly not some fantasy killer pathogen called a "virus." The Spanish Flu was RADAR. Hello. No contagion could be proven then (WWI), and never since then, either.

LIE LIE LIE, LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE, sang Paul Simon, and he was right on. "Lasers in the jungle somewhere..." NO, it's NOT about mRNA, it's about TOXINS in the jabs, in the sky, in the water, on our food, maybe IN our food... TOXINS make us sick, not fricken "germs." Bollocks to "germs," it's a lot of bullshit. FOLLOW THE MONAY, my peeps, that's where the truth is found.

Wake up, Amurka, and everbuddy else, WE ARE BEING CULLED. Still. ONgoing, and more to come, as they are gearing up to financially rape us all and subjugate whomever wants to continue to EAT... COVID fraud was the "softening" of us. Thankfully, some of us are actually harder than we were before, and I don't mean sexy, I mean truthy!

Okay, bye.

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Spanish flu may have partially been radar but more likely the injections given by Frederick Gates and friends, both during and after the war.

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They were sick BEFORE the injections.

If you look up the symptoms of radiation poisoning, they cover all the symptoms of the "flu." It's not my theory, it's been talked about for a while now. Anyway, I'm SURE the vaccines caused problems as well! No vaccine is a "good vaccine." ;)

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I think it will be very difficult to prove what and when there was radiation poisoning because data is nearly impossible to get, though I think some of that could be true in circumscribed locations. The "Meningitis" shots from Gates should have a clearer start date. If you wanted to hide illness from the shots then, you would have "cases" before giving the shots. This same deception is what happens in Covid times between 5G, Shots, and "Covid" illness due to pcr swabs and relabeling. The fuzzier the story the easier it is to hid the truths. Honestly I have no proofs on Spanish Flu, and we are still struggling to clarify 2020-2021 aren't we?

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Given the massive coverup of the very existence of Spanish Flu vaccines, I'd say the likelihood they played a major role is pretty high--or anyway, their existence interferes with the narrative in a big way, somehow. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2022/8/1/vaccine-trolls-true-believers-and-other-lying-liars

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Right, avoidance of a topic is coverup. Oh, what a coincidence! 5g and PCR illness fits the bill here.

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The big advantage administering some poison through a PCR test would have is it would be very controllable, as to how many people it was administered to, and when and where.

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Exactly. That's why it's such a great weapon.

Remember, they've had DECADES to plan this whole "Covid" thing.

There's a fair amount of material about the Spanish Flu, but I just don't have time right now to dig it up for you. I don't think it's that hard to find.

But if you can get your hands on "The Invisible Rainbow," there's a SHITLOAD of citation in that book, and the book itself is extremely compelling.

I'm not struggling to clarify 2020 et al... I feel pretty secure in what I think happened. But that subject has COPIOUS data to illuminate us. What is troublesome, due to all the fuckery around it, is figuring out what is truth and what is distraction and lies.

Me, I don't worry too much because my BS Detector is pretty damn good. I do a lot of reading and I have a pretty solid general sense of the science, so I'm more interested in what's coming NEXT... which will likely be Financial. Unless you think MONKEY POX is a real thing. ;)

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Aug 13
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Thanks Allen, the only thing is that vaxes continued to be given to many non mil after the war and many of these died. Either the mustard gas was part of deaths or it was part of the cover up or both, the planners love to have multiple causalities because they can hide the inconvenient ones, exactly what they did and do on the Covid democide of 2020.

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Aug 13
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Allen, you are listed by Strahl as part of, "Stoner is fucking off the wall". Right or wrong she is polite and doesn't curse or call people names. If you will not call out Strahl's wordage I prefer you do not write on this substack anymore and to me, cursing berating people are always wrong and/or have ulterior motives.

And here you are cursing again, which is against the rules of commentary engagement in the About section.

"anyone who puts down the mass murder event called "Covid" as attributable to 5G or "chemical dispersal" or any single thing has their head up their ass."

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I totally believe you heard deaths were on track in 2020 to be close to 2019 numbers--because I know of propaganda designed to make people think that. Most people point to the "Retracted Johns Hopkins" paper as evidence, which was actually propaganda that I broke down at this link. But I do think there was another simultaneous operation that involved alleged CDC projections of 2020 deaths, made in September that year. I wrote about both at this link, and you can see one of the images that was circulating about it at the time. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/5/9/have-us-deaths-been-fabricated

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Just as I totally believe that you believe you're right.

I believe I'm right. ^_^ What can we do?

I know what I saw. I didn't HEAR this, I SAW the chart. They were not "on track," they were the official count, which was slightly LESS than what the past EIGHT YEARS had been. You see, I remember numbers. I don't remember names so well, but NUMBERS, yes.

I'm not going to be MAD, not at you, not in general. I'm sticking by what I've said, because I am CERTAIN. I have a photographic memory. I know what I saw.

I'm really sorry this causes you any problems, I get how it would be a real drag! I AM sorry about that, but we're living in Very Interesting TImes. Not your fault, not my fault, it's the fault of the Nasties.

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What you think you remember can be proven wrong by the numbers in Johns Hopkins paper that was published in November 2020, which I wrote about at the link above. They could not have added mass casualties to the database after November 2020, and the numbers were published at the time.

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And the DATA for the DEATH RATE of 2020 COULD NOT POSSIBLY HAVE COME OUT IN NOVEMBER OF 2020. Can you understand WHY NOT?

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Death rate for the year-no, since the formula is yearly deaths divided by the size of the population. I have no idea why you think I don't understand that, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I proved, via a published mortality number, that deaths were not added in bulk to the database between Nov. 2020 and May 2023.

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Do you understand we are being LIED TO???????????????????

You can't trust these people, GET IT?

Geezuz. Leave it.

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Well my article is about how Johns Hopkins is compromised, so I guess you don't read links. (Which supports the idea that door #2 was the correct choice.) We're never going to get anywhere if we're debating your false assumptions, instead of the actual facts presented.

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Hey Proton. You still on the beat mate ;) I had my moments with Strahl and Coppolino. Narcissists, that's all. Strahl is a real dog. I listened to a few interwiews with this old puppy. Dull as a plain full of evidences he takes for truth. This guy worth the trip man. He banned me from posting on his precious ratiocinations some years ago. Him and Coppolino make a strange pair of no balls. Anyways. I had a good laugh reading your post. You are patient as a stone. I have no time anymore for those data suckers/perverters. I don't get where they go and who they served if not themselves. 5g walks with graphene oxyde and metal particules, metal particules walks with geoengeneering, and all this shit is poored on our heads all day long not to speak about what we drink and eat. Stoner lookks like a good horse. I'll try to read her studies. Forget Strahl. He's a psycho and a FUCKHEAD. And by the way I always took Captain Rancourt for a dummy. (Yes! All of a sudden I remember why Strahl banned me forever from his sacro-saints thoughts: I called the Baileys the Beagles lololo No worries I love them. I love well mannered puppies)

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Well said Louis, long time no see, welcome back!

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I thought people were supposed to be polite and respectful on your substack. Guess not, when it suits your agenda.

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Even though JS is on board with the fraud of germs....as is Eric C...based on my interactions with both of them, something is off...does not add up for normal seekers of truth. The name calling is just one clue...the other is avoidance or demeaning of other major topics such as flat earth.

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I must ponder this. In 2020, I was watching the CDC data, and interestingly, through November of that year, deaths in the US were just under the 2019 numbers. (I would think They would have inflated those numbers, but I guess the section that put them out was not fully controlled at that time...)

It wasn't until mid-December that there was a spike.

But... Who knows what data went where. Thank You, little Proton! Your work is both amusing and enlightening!

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Please read this, which examines the claim that a bunch of deaths were added to the official database in late 2020-early 2021. It didn't happen--it was propaganda, and I break it down here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/5/9/have-us-deaths-been-fabricated

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I might point out that I was watching the CDC's data directly from Them, and of course, it may or may not have been correct, and it may or may not have been complete, and... Excess deaths may have been from intubation and other such if there were any... We can give high probability that They paid the medical establishment to off People...

I just have to give probability approaching 100% that it was not a virus involved. Seems no One has proof of viruses or contagion.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Well the ONLY reliable place to watch the US data is directly in the WONDER database--that is where everyone's data is coming from including the CDC. CDC lies like crazy whenever convenient--e.g., there are a lot of ways to manipulate "excess deaths" and "age-adjusted death rates" and they don't tell you how they calculate these numbers. My new book actually makes this really easy to learn how to do--https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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Fair enough. I do wish I was not targeted, elderly, disabled, destitute, and homeless. I would love to have some money to buy Your book!

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Well there is a lot of content at that link for free, and you can access the entire first chapter free on Amazon kindle version. Plenty to get you started.

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Thank You. Though the jabs rolled out in mid-December, so I ponder all data... LOL!

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The comments section is getting more and more interesting every day. I didn't even read the article. So much drama, so much pride. The freedom community should have its own Keemstar.

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Yes! 🎯

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