Apr 22, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Pinned

Osselbaard claims in Part 18 that a virus develops in nature over decades and decades. huh???

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Author

That's a good pick up Gram, I have seen an occasional mistake by her but they are rare, and I remember that one. Since part 18 is otherwise clearly no-virus, I took it to mean "EVEN IF THERE WAS A VIRUS, it would develop over time...so there must be no virus" Just to apologize for her, 1. English isn't her 1st language she might have missed the word "EVEN", 2. She's not a viro or bio specialist. I still think she is a great place for info. I also make lots of mistakes even though I check all the boxes to be able to write about this stuff. It would be embarrassing if I had to put a list of all the simple words I often look up how to spell when writing these things. My advice is to let that one pass and enjoy her energy and content, and of course get info from many sources, including the original research papers themselves!

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Great job once again, PM!!

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

You're an inspiration Christine! Millions appreciate your work and your commitment to the truth! Thank you! 🙏

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

I'm a virus skeptic. My triple-vaxxed father recently went on a cruise where he supposedly got COVID and developed congestive heart failure. So he's even more convinced COVID is real and very dangerous. I blame his condition on the vax, of course, and likely the high-EMF environment on the ship. I warned him repeatedly about taking the shots back in 2021- but he didn't believe me. It's simply inconceivable to the vast majority of people that the government and MSM would lie to them.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Author

My heart is with you, you can try to have him avoid further vaxes, show him openvaers.com Covid red box summaries, but many persons I know are also "gonzo" and even reading them Proton Magic News bedtime stories will not help. Give support and focus on young persons who have many viable years left. Print out this post or graphs herein and make copies to give to people who are young or willing to listen. I have whole folders with all these graphs copied and hand them out. This is very effective, but can occasionally get you a black eye. Take care.

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How to recognise a skeptic.

You can see it in their eyes.


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deletedApr 22, 2023Liked by Proton Magic
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I call this "pinball thinking". The pinball of your thoughts gets in a hole and can't get out unless you break the entire machine.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

All this is important information, as quite a few more people are now interested in facts now than when they should have been, when they were herded cattle and were muzzled in order to keep up the appearance of a "pandemic" and instill a bit more of compliance into them than the amount they had been forced to accept during a span of a 100 years:


From 2020, I remember NYC hospital nurses publishing their images and videos on the net during the plandemic, searching for company, because they were deadly bored. Their wards were nearly empty. On the other hand, freezer trucks were accumulating, because the dead were not allowed to be buried.

Here are my itemized notes, contributing to the article:

1. Isolating the "virus" was critical, and called any thinking person's attention to the fake science of Virology. It certainly gathered my attention. I even fantasized that by disproving Germ Theory, the whole circus would end. That was certainly overly optimistic of me, and it still would be, if I didn't know better.

2. Statistics have always been an efficacious method of misleading people, because it was the party who paid for them that was asking the questions that, by their implications, were impossible to answer without the question incriminating the subject (e.g. "How many people have you killed?" insinuates your have killed people. People will remember that even after your answer is "None.") and the results not justifying the investment.

To make matters worse, even the "real" statistics in VAERS started to be doctored retroactively every Friday after November, 2021, when they showed regularities in the types of injuries and deaths due to the injections, irrespective of manufacturers:


Yes, that means, no publicized figures are true. Mortality rates, for one, based on the proportion of VAERS underreporting, must have been changed for the public, because the real number must well exceed 10 million only in the US by now, if you include cancers, autoimmune diseases, miscarriages, and still births.

3. The Remdesivir/ventilator protocol killed a high number of patients, many of whom went for "medical" help after massive 5G installations that produced "covid" symptoms, and after a fraudulent PCR test, they were sedated in order to put up with the ventilator turned up to 90 RPM that blew up their lungs...

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Author

Everything you say is true Ray thanks. I would add about VAERS, that even though it was corrupted, the numbers were so explosive, that anyone with 2 brain cells (I guess not so many people) should note that something was fukuckled up. This is true of the various vax patents claiming various things not really in the vax or planned to be, BUT the fact they are in the patent, deception or not, is another note that something was fukuckled up. Unfortunately, for many people I spoke with in-person, they began to even speak like fact checkers in abject denial, with no ability to think about anything.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Apparently, "human intelligence" is becoming an oxymoron (it seems to me, that I am affected, too, by goodness-knows-what in the air, in food, and in water, but my luck is that my IQ is dropping from a much higher level than average :) . Unsure though, how much longer this can deteriorate without spectacular changes for the worse), replacing my previous favorite, "military intelligence."

Already about a year ago, a Princeton study estimated the number of deaths by "vaccine" at 470 thousand, which was a fantastic understatement, but even these day, people are falling for ridiculously low figures...

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Great article!

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Mar 3Liked by Proton Magic

You may find this investigative report by Julius Ruechel at www.JuliusRuechel.com - The Lies Exposed by the Numbers: Fears, misdirection, & Institutional Deaths (An Investigative Report) very informative

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the vape masking one is a classic

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Wonderfully cohesive article, PM. Love the masked guy!

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