Oh my goodness! You have to be kidding me. I thought perhaps there was some occult meaning. Just googled and this is what turned up. CanNOT believe it.
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation. According to Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz, "fifth columns" are "domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state."[1] The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, espionage, and/or terrorism executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
Exactly....but I follow dr. Delgado videos when they came out....
And something was not right .
Example we were never told how they acquired the samples. The name of course was a red flag for me.
Little by little I realized that while they surely were saying the truth, it was one of those truth between two slices of lies.
The list of the controlled opposition actors is long. I fell for many of them....listening to HOURS of video testimonials of experts including some of them we speak abput in this substack.
Some have completely disappeared.
Then I noticed many hidden symbols in the background....or foreground.
You need to interpret "LQC" in the context of the Spanish civil war, not what it came to mean later! I think they were a populist traditionalist movement who defended Madrid against the communists or something like that. As if the Quinta Columna would call themselves that if it meant to the Spanish "domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state"! I think it means quite the opposite to the Spanish.
Couldn't get your comment out of my mind so pinned it and added it to the top of the post after the reference. Kitten has a great nose for the good stuff!
Also note the carbon atomic structure; 6 protons & 6 neutrons surrounded by 6 electrons, as well as the geometry of the hexagonal honeycomb lattice.
As carbon is THE elemental hub for physical life or biology as we know it, I see the 'fallen angel' archetype as the entrancement of identity within image, form & structure. But that's another dive.
Interesting article quoting (& supporting) Scoglio's paper: "How Fake Graphene Morphed into a COVID Vaccine Mania. The social construction of graphene"
I've searched for reactions to SS's paper on LQC's website but have found nothing. I think SS needs to debate this openly with someone who knows what he's talking about.
If Scog said graphene hasn't been found that is nearly true, if he said it doesn' exist, or if he said there is no electronic device in the shots, no that can't be proven as of yet.
Ionic suspension is a factor of zeta potential - ie below a certain level we see clumping of particles. This might also account for blood sludge and loss of function as result from toxins (which are cationic or anionic extremity - as I understand) - ie hydrogel with NLPs.
Some assume this is the 'spike' I dont accept that assumption - but see it as part of the payload of operation covid.
As we have seen with ALL of the attempted virologist vs 'where's the proof' team, debates are useless and descend into ad hominem attacks and arguments about tangential issues like 'the golgi appartus' and other specious cellular components and the main point never gets addressed and that is the methodology for the discovery of every last virus that is nothing but a cell culture full of foreign dna and antibiotics lethal to the foreign dna and other chemicals. When the toxic soup of the culture starts 'killing' the vero cells champagne bottles are uncapped and the crowd roars 'touchdown' . . . we have the 'virus'!!!! It's in the textbooks, folks, said Dr Baltimore of the hive mind Johns Hopkins think tank fame.
Live from the freedom to ask, open and discover anew.
No one can 'tell' another what they don't want to hear - which is to say we protect our investments unless brought to question their 'cost to benefit- in terms that we understand directly.
Agree but no-graphene & no-virus analogy can only be stretched so far. We are clearly seeing particles assembling in the cv19 vials & blood under microscope, particularly when subjected to emfs, as shown here by Dr David Nixon - https://davidnixon.substack.com/p/construction-video-revised Scoglio has claimed this is CGI It also seems that Scoglio is not interested in a debate.
Okay. So I know a microbiologist who Cultures "viruses" for work to do gene expressions on eye tissue etc. Since we have been lied too, by gov et al. for so long; I tried to bring up the idea of 'no virus' -- and he freaked out. He said he SEES Viruses EVERYDAY, and that premise would be like the car I drive doesn't exist. Options?
And I'd ask him how looking at a picture tells him what that thing does and where it came from. I often ask ppl if a picture of them proves they're a serial killer.
Yes nano particles are part of life Universe & everything.
Like I said above decreased zeta potential leads to clumping.
The weaponising and marketising of fear from a claim to insider knowledge works the dream of special powers just as it does the nightmare of powerlessness.
Debates for a subject like this are worthless. I haven't spoken to Stefano but instead of debating I ask this question. These doctors and researchers who claim they see graphene in vial liquid could extract the material they think is "graphene" and then test it. Has this been done? I don't know. The scientists who won the Nobel Prize according to their paper say it's a few atoms thick. Might be a tough extraction job. Many unanswered questions and too many photos of microscopic particles claiming all sorts of provenance. Surely there must be a materials physicist who knows how to confirm the identity of these particles. Maybe someone reading these claims will step forward.
"By 2021, two purportedly independent scientists in Spain announced to the world by TV podcast they had alarmingly found graphene oxide nanoparticles (very tiny particles of graphene bound with oxygen) in many COVID vaccines. Their research group, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) showed photos of dark material in human blood through a microscope. They relied on a light spectrum test of the material to verify it was graphene. This was all expensively staged in a backdrop to look like a research laboratory on a news broadcast set. The Columna academic presenters cleverly all dressed in working class clothes to appeal to a blue-collar audience. But their research is suspicious because they never did a simple chemical test to determine if it was graphene or not. Antivaxxers particularly in the U.S. have uncritically seized on these fake, but apparently convincing, podcasts to send out alarms to discourage people from taking COVID vaccines."
Oh my goodness! You have to be kidding me. I thought perhaps there was some occult meaning. Just googled and this is what turned up. CanNOT believe it.
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation. According to Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz, "fifth columns" are "domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state."[1] The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, espionage, and/or terrorism executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
Ah, I thought they were trying to subvert the official state, now I realize they want to subvert those AGAINST the official state...(tried to pin it but it's part of a thread too long to pin-I will try to copy into a new comment and pin).
Exactly....but I follow dr. Delgado videos when they came out....
And something was not right .
Example we were never told how they acquired the samples. The name of course was a red flag for me.
Little by little I realized that while they surely were saying the truth, it was one of those truth between two slices of lies.
The list of the controlled opposition actors is long. I fell for many of them....listening to HOURS of video testimonials of experts including some of them we speak abput in this substack.
Some have completely disappeared.
Then I noticed many hidden symbols in the background....or foreground.
Excellent follow up to Petra. What I would like to add though is that whether it is the fake opposition or fake patents etc, what they do should still make it clear to the rational minded is that the official pandemic story is not right. Unfortunately many people are not rational minded.
The original story is created then the opposition is created as a decoy so our minds focus on that but not to on the main target.
At the same time the original event has several purposes, the controlled opposition is there to help the original target to be completed. Confusion is a military tactics.
That is exactly what is happening.
Right now the main objective is digitalizing every moving thing on earth. This is over the head of everyone….or most.
They are doing a great job and will achieve the goal thanks to the lack of foresight of most human beings.
Example, obsessive focus on COVID19 shots….
Obsessive focus and speculation on shots content. IMPOSSIBLE because unless you made it you will NEVER KNOW WHAT IS INSIDE.
While ya’ll still fighting about these differences ….currency will be gone in 5 years or less.
"The intention was from get go to split us." Yep, always and from the getgo I predicted that. They've done a superb job with 9/11 so why would this be any different - and so very much scope to have people chasing their tails, oh my goodness, but it's as if people want to go down silly rabbit-holes, they seem drawn to them.
This is a pretty comprehensive list from DPL. Have suggested to him that he add the Fifth Column. I strongly suspected Whitney Webb being CO - first time I've seen her mentioned as such.
Very nice list write up of DPL (I subscribed). They all use the same technique but they cannot stay away from signing every single piece as well….for some of those who had esoteric roots.
Why would anyone take false "vaccines?" Especially if they have already been sick with this bioweapon? A vaccine actually protects the consumer...at least longer than a few weeks. That's not "antivax," that's simple common sense.
Do you know the 1998 book "Fashionable Nonsense / Impostures Intellektuelles" by Alan Soak and Jean Bricmont?
They submitted nonsensical papers that were written in a sophisticated sounding style and respected the text form of postmodernist essays and articles. Helen Pluckrose et al also did something of the kind some time ago. Then there is (was) Kary Mullis Nobel laureate inventor of PCR who once insisted with several scientists to receive so to say the "founding research paper" that proved AIDS, and to his astonishment no one could give it to him and no one had felt a lack in their scientific lives for never having seen that founding proof. He also submitted a nonsense paper once and was shocked to see it published. I don't know if I got all aspects right but these things were related in his autobiography which is really worth reading. In any case it seems Mullis was the first (that I know of, and in the mentioned 'group' of 'subversive' academics) to publish a fake paper with the purpose of revealing the quality of peer review and scientific publishing.
While the most recent post of Mihalcea started to interest me due to a new take and topic -to me it seems slightly new/different from her previous postings-, I still think it is very well possible that we are being fed 'preposterous nonsende' with the multiple intents of 1) overloading our critical thinking; 2) feeding us contrasting narratives including fake later to be debunked factoids, so we lose credibility with the peers that we are trying to inform, and generally sowing dissent - because I notice that the different offered narratives are psychologically tailored to please different personality types; 3) murking the waters so that we don't discern the in reality quitesimple means of harming us: plain poisoning with totally old and unspectacular, maybe easy to detect of looked for substances; 4) playing pseudo sophisticated, vain pranks on us because they seem to have a psychological need for their cunning AND supposed humanist erudition to be displayed. Think the brand name Veklury = Valkyrie for the Run death is near substance that poisons selected people's detox organs and sends them to Walhalla, also more in general the malthusian deep Ecology eugenicists arethe typeswho would appreciate Wagner. Think also of the fire in Paradise California that obliterated that community on the exact anniversary of the death of John Milton, Author of paradise lost. I find that so cringy this pseudo erudition. So I think they are pranking, confusing, showing off their belief that they are so smart and we are so gullible unsuspecting and swallow anything hook line and sinker. Therefore your posts have an important grounding function whenever the tendency in me to become gullible, which in part is just an I'll advised and not well placed appreciation for intricate narratives, threatens to take me over. Thanks!
Very much liking the breadth and depth of your reference points and analysis, including especially your hypothetical speculations as to the taste for Wagner of those who so love to esoterically taunt us to achieve exoteric results. The concept of the Golem is alive and well and no longer confined to being formed from the mud of some Bohemian river bank by a crazed adept of the Zohar, but from far more "modern" materials!
100% agreed! Also, pay attention to the post vax therapy business. It is MUCH more profitable if people are scared shitless. Shedding is another thing that could be a complete lie that has the same goal behind it.
Interesting. rGO/GO appear to possess quite well described lethal properties. Graphene itself appears to remain a theoretical construct?
"GO and rGO are often defined as bidimensional materials but only pristine graphene (the freely suspended single-atom-thick sheet of hexagonally arranged, sp2-bonded carbon atoms3) can be considered a true 2D material."
Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of bio-coronated 2D materials
V. Palmieri et al. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018; Nanoscale Horiz. (2018)
Now pay particular attention to, "Blood protein interactions with GO and rGO," and the formation of a coagulum of blood proteins in a lethal choking 'biomolecular corona'.
We have to be careful we are not slipping into viro-graphenology. The viros also say viruses do this and that but where are they? Seeing phenomena as you mention may be due to something, but how do we know what and where is it? I'm happy to see a paper that describes "it" not just properties of it from which we assume an it. But pls help because today is my first day as a material scientist!
Study the MSDS for rGO/GO...you will find those compounds well described. As for unadulterated graphene itself, I agree, it seems far trickier. I will look about.
PS. And everything these days is, "in time learning!"
The graphene has been synthesized using chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbon on transition metal surfaces [22,23,24,25], thermal decomposition of silicon carbide wafer under ultrahigh vacuum [26,27], and chemical and thermal reduction of graphene oxide [28,29]. Among the methods listed above, reduction of graphene oxide is the most economical method [30]. Thus, for electrochemical analysis, graphene has been prepared using this method. In chemical vapor deposition method, there may be impurities of transition metals (Ni or Cu) but the reduction method provides graphene with high purity. Furthermore, this method provides an effective way of studying electrocatalytic effects.
This is great info and thanks for your time in getting it. As a layman, it seems quite thorough and that graphene exists. Some Caveats, if I was a layman and read about viruses I would think they exist, and the discovery paper said it was a hypothetical substance based on electronic properties, and some people say you can't make or confirm that a one atom substance had been made, so the jury in my head is still out on it, and asking a graphene researcher all he said was, "the Nobel Prize was given for it, isn't that enough"- well that actually makes me MORE skeptical. I just have to admit that I don't know but really appreciate your time on everything, you're a great contributor to our understanding of things!
For what its worth (I will live and die by them) my sense checks tell me that Scoglio has high credibility. I first came across him in this interview with Torsten Englebrecht which majors on spike protein as a fraudulent concept.
He touches on GO at 26 minutes and expresses skepticism which his recent paper is evidently designed to enlarge on. For me his credibility emerges from laying open the factual evidence that informs his opinions, expressed in a rational and common sense manner. Admittedly I have not read the papers he references (though as a birds-eye perspective is my preference) I recall secondary commentary that provides confirmation rather than contradiction.
Overall I'm increasingly convinced that TPTB are baffling us with bullshit. The explanation that passes Occams Razor (which I do not imbue with total explanatory power) is that they are simply poisoning us whilst weaving an occult web of misdirections which assume a Golem-like life of their own. Bear in mind what occurs to me whilst I write this, that the concept of Golem mocks God (who breathed life into Adam, formed from the dust of the Earth) by attributing to the occult adept, god-like abilities. Their "abilities" in truth amount to psychological effects, but to credulous folk, the bonepointer's curse can be fatal by autosuggestion. Perhaps this is the perennial appeal of the zombie. Its all in the mind (except the poisoning).
Wasn't that guy Dr Andres Noack who was allegedly killed, an expert in GO? Surely he has some papers published proving its existence? 🤔 I havent investigated this, but can't help but think of that whole drama sequence that unfolded 1-2 years ago.
Perhaps worth diving into his research since he is the self-proclaimed "expert"...... did anyone else reporting on his death bother to confirm that he was, in fact, as highly regarded as he said? 🤔
So many questions. Excellent article. I was also intrigued by Scoglio's statement that graphene does not exist (or hasn't been found).
Noack video looked staged to me, but we can't be sure of that. Maybe take a listen to Prof Ian F. Akyildiz at ARCC Seminar, March 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAtQFkEg5-w
~ minute 13: "Then we have ... bionano things ...for the health applications...bio-nanoscale machines ..for injecting into the body and always monitoring the health problems and that is going really well, like with these covid vaccines...These mRNAs are nothing [more] than small scale, nanoscale machines. They are programmed and injected into the body.."
He talks in more detail about graphene composition in section on "Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano Antennas" beginning ~minute 20.
What is mRNA narrative but a man-made (injected) viral model.
Hack hijack and control.
What is the GO narrative but a man made remote controlled viral model.
Hack hijack and control.
Both spin out of dark research (military spawning corporates) under stealth attack via psyop. Belief in viral model - succumbs to being hacked hijacked and controlled - BY the defences or solutions pushed, sold or dictated.
The no-virus secret is one among many terror symbols by which to set bounds on thought and consciousness.
Much of what we take to be our own think turns out to be 'hacked hijack and control'. So I also see our world reflecting significance or signs that can be read at a deeper level of discernment. They can also be misread by fear to render psychotic, broken minded or to dispirited despair.
But to my mind all the 'choices' of a lie are of the same father - but an identity of vacillating between their apparent conflict - or seeking neutrality- is itself an ingenious means to stay undecided so as to hide in an illusion of choices - none of which are real. hence the choice to hide (from) reality - and take the ride that delivers.
Another very insightful comment. My observations about Golem mirror this - if people believe and act accordingly, AS DIRECTED, then the unreal can indeed become real, through real secondary effects triggered by a false or "spiritual" primary cause.
I would say the vast majority of those who believe there's nanotech in the jabs are also in the no virus camp, or at least the no sars2 camp so Scoglio is throwing a cat amongst a fairly united flock of pigeons here. Anyway, what do you think about Akyildiz' statements?
Thanks, its 1am now and tomorrow Ive a big day but on mRNA, see my post, "Proton's Last Theorem" on RNA. Mainly I think it's the quantum dots in the hydrogel. Sorry gotta go zzzzZZZZZ.
If they COULD hack and hijack biology by 'viruses' by mRNA or by GO - they would invest in the attempt - and even if they couldn't succeed - seek a return on their investment.
The ability of victimiser and victim to 'find each other' and live out roles is part of a co-creation of experiences that are lived - yet not grounded in truth. This is the nature of split minds - and is part of our human condition - ing.
His "study" migh be JUST to downplay the existence and presence of GO.
SO many things connect into it. And if people are now scared to use it then the industry will have issues with further implementation. So they order few studies to show how GO is nice and safe, or even NOT THERE.
I'm definitely not saying I believe him 😉 it just reminded me of that [seemingly] dramatized story of him talking about GO on livestream, police busting in, his partner telling his story after his death, etc.
I'm also just mentioning it because I would be curious if anyone has truly looked into him and his research to see if its more hypothetical nonsense.
The police attack looks staged, that is not the way to neutralize a guy who might have a gun. An say he is live streaming 1-2 hours on occasion, maybe his room is booby trapped, the odds are slim that is the time to get him. Just wait for him to leave his house.
I gave a few hours to checking for support for him, his background & story.
Not least because everything in the videos smelt a rat.
I didn't push my conclusions as I don't care to invest a counter claim.
People see what they want to see - and defend their investments.
The Graphene Flagship - and other global parallels exist - with a section for 'bio-medical applications'. I looked into some of that. It felt like PR for attracting investors.
So without being able to verify its claims - I also recall Theranos - and the gold rush of scams milking the gullible for the Next New Thing.
My bad. I meant obviously not written by a "non-native speaker" and I've corrected my comment. I'm guessing PM means he had a hand in it but I'm not good at decoding PM's crypticity.
About Scog's doc? I don't know enough, or didn't know enough about graphene and how to find or not find it. I think, it seems to me as a newbie to material science that you can't find it, nor debunk it, because it is a hypothetical model of a material assumed to exist based on electronic findings. La Quint didn't try to isolate it and do electronic testing on it so they make some guesses, Scog says those guesses don't prove anything (no shit they are only guesses), but Scog can't say something like graphene isn't in the shots just by debunking La Quint's guesses. Now PM says that the inventors say it's a guess but have some electronics of "it", but they havn't found "it". Oh, it's on third? Ok but whose on first? no whose on third. But I wanna know whose on first? I just told you he's on third....no graphene is on third. But graphene may or may not be on the field we can't get confirmation. No Confirmation isn't playing today. WTF?
Not sure, I read the papers but didn't digest every point, but the "ballistic" word caught my eye, "electronic transport is ballistic", like a ballistic missile or to go ballistic?
This definitely raises suspicion, and perhaps like "viruses", what we are calling graphene or GO is some other material or substance entirely (there were wayyy too many 6's in those "discovery" papers to not raise my hackles). Without a more in depth chemical analysis, all I can say confidently about the structures I have found in the vials and blood is that they look like what others' have called GO. (see https://dfreality.substack.com/p/moderna-too-boosters-show-signs-of) Whatever it is, that we continue to find it in our blood, in our drugs, and in these damnable potions is of the utmost importance.
My big concern with Dr. Scoglio's "expose" and his work is that he has also claimed that all the microscopy and activity seen on the slides are entirely CGI fabrications. I am more than willing to provide all my raw data files for analysis, and a video analysis to find CGI and alteration to film are trivially easy to do.
There is something going on within our blood, something that only appeared within the last few years. If anyone disagrees with that, I'd be happy to show them the tech running through their veins too, free of charge.
Here is my translation of some of the slides and commentary presented by Stefano Scoglio, published on March 18th. The first four minutes are about a personal dispute between Scoglio and a man named Marcianò. Scoglio says graphene does not exist. Marcianò says it does exist because a document (from 2020) of "Pfizer" says so...
..... In the next slide, Scoglio argues that the graphene oxide mentioned in the 2020 Pfizer document comes from the method used to purify the lab spike protein. This graphene here has nothing to do with being a contaminant or an ingredient present in the final product "vaccine mRNA." This mention of graphene oxide is limited only to the purposes of the cited document from Pfizer.
In order to use a microscopy technique (Cryo-EM, electron microscopy) to analyze the structure of the synthetic lab spike (not the natural one!) they used gold "Quantifoil 300" mesh grids, which happen to be lined with graphene oxide (which is merely graphite, but that is from another video.)
Let me repeat: this method of analysis has nothing to do with the Pfizer vaccine.
08:15 in this slide Scoglio explains that the document cannot be used to support the claim that there is graphene in the vaccines.
Then Scoglio explains that this is a fear-based manipulation, by people not in power but by those who want to take power.
Then, sarcastic comments in response to his rival.
In the final slide, Scoglio repeats that graphene is a fraud, a hoax. It's only graphite. And he recommends his article which proves that graphene is a fraud. [THE ITALIAN VERSION OF HIS GRAPHENE PDF]
Scoglio is saying that the inventors arbitrarily called it GRAPHENE but it is just graphite basically. It goes around the whole 2D vs 3D reasoning. The inventors have shaved Graphite to one thin sheet.
-Do you think he makes a valid point about the vials content distribution of "graphite” ? I am not sure I agree with that because I know that with microscope blood testing, I was asked to provide 4 samples to detect pathogens for consistency issues or not to miss any. So is it possible the graphene (or graphite) was not mixed evenly in the vials>>
The fact that a lab wants 4 samples may have more to do with their own quality control measures. Regardless, people asking for 4 samples doesn't tell us how graphite or alleged "graphene" should logically be distributed.
well there is a stock market value to graphene as a compound “the new plastic”. Allison Mc Dowell talks extensively about this from an economic stand. I have to read the PDF of dottor Scoglio.
No doubt, but stock market values don't tell us what a substance actually is. If they did, we'd know for sure that "viruses" exist because there are "anti-viral" drugs.
"For us does it matter if it is one layer of poison or 5 layers of poison?" -- the authors referred to even "few-layer graphene" (not just "single layer graphene") as hypothetical/a model.
And the issue is not just how many layers there are. "Graphene" is said to be the same thing as graphite except that supposedly when there is only 1 layer of atoms (or "a few" for FLG, or up to 9 layers according to 1 author) it suddenly becomes "graphene" and takes on remarkable new properties.
Since "graphene" and graphite are said to be very different in nature and "graphene" may be unproven, the distinction matters, imho. Not that anyone needs to be injected with either of course. But inaccurate claims can be used as ammo to paint the quackcine-hesitant in a negative light, plus there may be additional fear generated by the properties ascribed to "graphene".
I hope that some people take the time to read and consider Stefano Scoglio's 20 page pdf.
PS For my part the 'Graphene' idea and its associates is of electromagnetic properties that can be utilised to hack, block, override natural bio-field function (the root of physical biology in my opinion).
The theme or archetype of blocking communication to operate an override or locally priority of focus is in our current 'consciousness' as a means of giving an exclusive focus to whatever serves the development of an exclusive - but collectivised or socially masking identity.
The reason for my 'deep dive' is it offer context for why we imitate or replicate our mythic back-story or archetypal patterns. But the Bio-field represents a model for the release of closed-system thinking - can you resonate with that? Then we share in 'communication' without distance.
That our focus in a wilful self-image carries an overhead in death and taxes (or toxic debt) is the basis for ingenious ways to limit awareness by re-framing and repackaging fear or pain of loss to 'solutions' that not only buy time but lockdown into a timeline or linear experience of a past stamped on the face of the present for ever into a future like itself.
Can we 'take up thy bed' walk out of an invested self-illusion of sin, sickness & death?
Not from a mind set by the attempt to engage in its terms as a means of overcoming or escaping.
I became interested in GO because of the "falling down dead" videos from March of 2020. It connected to the claims and research on 5G that was leaked. My theory was that they switched on hidden 5G freqs (in China and north Italy) and had excellent results which they filmed and shared with the world. That stuff did not look staged to me. But I agree that it could well have been.
So what it will be? Or is this an attempt to downplay the connection btween GO and 5G/6G.
Previously Harald Krautz Vella raised ENOUGH alarms about the dangers of Graphene and the Black Goo. He offered evidence how Black Goo is trying to hack our biological reality. Was that ALL a psyop?
Also, to me it seems that LQC managed to warn a LOT of people about the extra danger in accepting the mandated vaccination. Which is good, right?
And by downplaying the existence of GO in vaccines a WHOLE LOT of nefarious possibilities go out the window, not just the connect w 5G and remote medical systems.
So I'm sceptical about this Scog guy on the first impression.
I agree to not dismiss potentials for evils to run unseen, but I also note the worship of evil that runs as 'uncovering truth' of evils.
Scoglio could be mistaken in his current understandings - but I don't see the signature characteristics of making or boosting an identity from evils, but a love of truth that wont go along with 'thescience' of invested self-interest.
If he becomes attached to countering lies, he may become shaped by them. We can observe all the above in our self readily enough.
I assign crisis actors or videos taken out of context - such as drills to those videos that I ignored as they were so clearly imaged manipulation.
I also keep in mind that high level scams can run as disparate parts that only a very select few know as a back door delivery system.
And also that unexpected variable or synergies can boost or scupper the best laid plans.
Nano particles seem to be added to lots of things and don't have any regulatory oversight - for whatever that's worth! So even apart from the spiking shots, there is a call to seek awareness - through the fog of insider 'sell' to investors or the setting into 'application' as marketised or weaponised 'solutions'.
My sense is that we can very easily disregard and downplay the influence of our own purpose of thought & emotion - much of which is heavily invested in masking habit-patterns of reaction that aren't given conscious acceptance but run in our name.
I'm pasting a combo comment from below so I can pin it here:
Oh my goodness! You have to be kidding me. I thought perhaps there was some occult meaning. Just googled and this is what turned up. CanNOT believe it.
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation. According to Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz, "fifth columns" are "domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state."[1] The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, espionage, and/or terrorism executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
Exactly....but I follow dr. Delgado videos when they came out....
And something was not right .
Example we were never told how they acquired the samples. The name of course was a red flag for me.
Little by little I realized that while they surely were saying the truth, it was one of those truth between two slices of lies.
The list of the controlled opposition actors is long. I fell for many of them....listening to HOURS of video testimonials of experts including some of them we speak abput in this substack.
Some have completely disappeared.
Then I noticed many hidden symbols in the background....or foreground.
The intention was from get go to split us.
You need to interpret "LQC" in the context of the Spanish civil war, not what it came to mean later! I think they were a populist traditionalist movement who defended Madrid against the communists or something like that. As if the Quinta Columna would call themselves that if it meant to the Spanish "domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state"! I think it means quite the opposite to the Spanish.
starts on page 666, really?!
Couldn't get your comment out of my mind so pinned it and added it to the top of the post after the reference. Kitten has a great nose for the good stuff!
Also note the carbon atomic structure; 6 protons & 6 neutrons surrounded by 6 electrons, as well as the geometry of the hexagonal honeycomb lattice.
As carbon is THE elemental hub for physical life or biology as we know it, I see the 'fallen angel' archetype as the entrancement of identity within image, form & structure. But that's another dive.
That's a red flag for sure.
Or as any academic would say: Oh, Im sure that is just a funny cohenincidence.
Interesting article quoting (& supporting) Scoglio's paper: "How Fake Graphene Morphed into a COVID Vaccine Mania. The social construction of graphene"
https://waynelusvardi.substack.com/p/how-fake-graphene-morphed-into-a Many other interesting article's on Machiavellian Man's substack.
I've searched for reactions to SS's paper on LQC's website but have found nothing. I think SS needs to debate this openly with someone who knows what he's talking about.
If Scog said graphene hasn't been found that is nearly true, if he said it doesn' exist, or if he said there is no electronic device in the shots, no that can't be proven as of yet.
Would a finding of no graphene be the equivalent of there being no "nano" as well ?
You mean no physical/bio processes at nano scale?
Ionic suspension is a factor of zeta potential - ie below a certain level we see clumping of particles. This might also account for blood sludge and loss of function as result from toxins (which are cationic or anionic extremity - as I understand) - ie hydrogel with NLPs.
Some assume this is the 'spike' I dont accept that assumption - but see it as part of the payload of operation covid.
I meant to say nanotech. In other words, if GO is not present, does it collapse the nanotech (electronic device) component thesis.
According to SS, yes.
Is there a nanotechnology that can operate any of the functions assigned to its investors and purported in its applications?
There are digital implants - but I mean any of this nano-tech - such as the drugs that 'phone home' to report being actually taken.
The people that say there is graphine and self assembling nano say there is no mRNA or anything living.
As we have seen with ALL of the attempted virologist vs 'where's the proof' team, debates are useless and descend into ad hominem attacks and arguments about tangential issues like 'the golgi appartus' and other specious cellular components and the main point never gets addressed and that is the methodology for the discovery of every last virus that is nothing but a cell culture full of foreign dna and antibiotics lethal to the foreign dna and other chemicals. When the toxic soup of the culture starts 'killing' the vero cells champagne bottles are uncapped and the crowd roars 'touchdown' . . . we have the 'virus'!!!! It's in the textbooks, folks, said Dr Baltimore of the hive mind Johns Hopkins think tank fame.
Debate is the wrong format. Open dialogue is the basis for a relationship. Debates have winners and losers for the argument or proposition as framed.
There has to be some willingness to question the current basis of one's identity, worldview or accepted reality.
Live from the freedom to ask, open and discover anew.
No one can 'tell' another what they don't want to hear - which is to say we protect our investments unless brought to question their 'cost to benefit- in terms that we understand directly.
Agree but no-graphene & no-virus analogy can only be stretched so far. We are clearly seeing particles assembling in the cv19 vials & blood under microscope, particularly when subjected to emfs, as shown here by Dr David Nixon - https://davidnixon.substack.com/p/construction-video-revised Scoglio has claimed this is CGI It also seems that Scoglio is not interested in a debate.
We also see particles in cell cultures, it doesn't make them "viruses".
Okay. So I know a microbiologist who Cultures "viruses" for work to do gene expressions on eye tissue etc. Since we have been lied too, by gov et al. for so long; I tried to bring up the idea of 'no virus' -- and he freaked out. He said he SEES Viruses EVERYDAY, and that premise would be like the car I drive doesn't exist. Options?
- Show him Dr.(s) Bailey "Virus Mania"
- PM's Link about any/no virus isolated (edit: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/cold-virus-on-ice)
- Massey's -- "https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/a-response-to-dr-vernon-coleman
- Other?
Offer to give him 10k if he can show you a paper proving purified isolated replication competent particles with protein coat and genetic material.
he sent me this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4178822/ (2014)
Characterization of the Mode of Action of a Potent Dengue Virus Capsid Inhibitor
All of the above :)
And I'd ask him how looking at a picture tells him what that thing does and where it came from. I often ask ppl if a picture of them proves they're a serial killer.
He can still see exosomes and EVs. Doesn’t mean they are exogenous contagious disease creating agents
Yes nano particles are part of life Universe & everything.
Like I said above decreased zeta potential leads to clumping.
The weaponising and marketising of fear from a claim to insider knowledge works the dream of special powers just as it does the nightmare of powerlessness.
Debates for a subject like this are worthless. I haven't spoken to Stefano but instead of debating I ask this question. These doctors and researchers who claim they see graphene in vial liquid could extract the material they think is "graphene" and then test it. Has this been done? I don't know. The scientists who won the Nobel Prize according to their paper say it's a few atoms thick. Might be a tough extraction job. Many unanswered questions and too many photos of microscopic particles claiming all sorts of provenance. Surely there must be a materials physicist who knows how to confirm the identity of these particles. Maybe someone reading these claims will step forward.
Interesting. I have to say that from start I thought La Quinta may well be controlled opposition.
"By 2021, two purportedly independent scientists in Spain announced to the world by TV podcast they had alarmingly found graphene oxide nanoparticles (very tiny particles of graphene bound with oxygen) in many COVID vaccines. Their research group, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) showed photos of dark material in human blood through a microscope. They relied on a light spectrum test of the material to verify it was graphene. This was all expensively staged in a backdrop to look like a research laboratory on a news broadcast set. The Columna academic presenters cleverly all dressed in working class clothes to appeal to a blue-collar audience. But their research is suspicious because they never did a simple chemical test to determine if it was graphene or not. Antivaxxers particularly in the U.S. have uncritically seized on these fake, but apparently convincing, podcasts to send out alarms to discourage people from taking COVID vaccines."
not to mention the meaning of "Quinta Columna” (Fifth Column).
Oh my goodness! You have to be kidding me. I thought perhaps there was some occult meaning. Just googled and this is what turned up. CanNOT believe it.
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation. According to Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz, "fifth columns" are "domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state."[1] The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, espionage, and/or terrorism executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
Ah, I thought they were trying to subvert the official state, now I realize they want to subvert those AGAINST the official state...(tried to pin it but it's part of a thread too long to pin-I will try to copy into a new comment and pin).
Exactly....but I follow dr. Delgado videos when they came out....
And something was not right .
Example we were never told how they acquired the samples. The name of course was a red flag for me.
Little by little I realized that while they surely were saying the truth, it was one of those truth between two slices of lies.
The list of the controlled opposition actors is long. I fell for many of them....listening to HOURS of video testimonials of experts including some of them we speak abput in this substack.
Some have completely disappeared.
Then I noticed many hidden symbols in the background....or foreground.
The intention was from get go to split us.
Excellent follow up to Petra. What I would like to add though is that whether it is the fake opposition or fake patents etc, what they do should still make it clear to the rational minded is that the official pandemic story is not right. Unfortunately many people are not rational minded.
The original story is created then the opposition is created as a decoy so our minds focus on that but not to on the main target.
At the same time the original event has several purposes, the controlled opposition is there to help the original target to be completed. Confusion is a military tactics.
That is exactly what is happening.
Right now the main objective is digitalizing every moving thing on earth. This is over the head of everyone….or most.
They are doing a great job and will achieve the goal thanks to the lack of foresight of most human beings.
Example, obsessive focus on COVID19 shots….
Obsessive focus and speculation on shots content. IMPOSSIBLE because unless you made it you will NEVER KNOW WHAT IS INSIDE.
While ya’ll still fighting about these differences ….currency will be gone in 5 years or less.
"The intention was from get go to split us." Yep, always and from the getgo I predicted that. They've done a superb job with 9/11 so why would this be any different - and so very much scope to have people chasing their tails, oh my goodness, but it's as if people want to go down silly rabbit-holes, they seem drawn to them.
This is a pretty comprehensive list from DPL. Have suggested to him that he add the Fifth Column. I strongly suspected Whitney Webb being CO - first time I've seen her mentioned as such.
Whitney mentioned here in 2021 not necessarily as CO but being debunked.
Very nice list write up of DPL (I subscribed). They all use the same technique but they cannot stay away from signing every single piece as well….for some of those who had esoteric roots.
No Not Whitney! Anyone in-side CHD, makes me go hmmm. (disclaimer: I like Couey)
That's quite a rude oversimplification of what LQC said that they did.
Why would anyone take false "vaccines?" Especially if they have already been sick with this bioweapon? A vaccine actually protects the consumer...at least longer than a few weeks. That's not "antivax," that's simple common sense.
Vaccine does not protect anyone except the portfolio of big pHARMa execs.
she's quoting Scoglio
Link? Or just what is above?
On 2nd thoughts, probably not quoting herself either! Sorry Petra!
Sorry - I thought that came from SS's paper. Just checked - it doesn't, nor from anywhere else. I think she's quoting herself!
It's from Wayne Lusvardi's post that you cited!
Very interesting approach!
Do you know the 1998 book "Fashionable Nonsense / Impostures Intellektuelles" by Alan Soak and Jean Bricmont?
They submitted nonsensical papers that were written in a sophisticated sounding style and respected the text form of postmodernist essays and articles. Helen Pluckrose et al also did something of the kind some time ago. Then there is (was) Kary Mullis Nobel laureate inventor of PCR who once insisted with several scientists to receive so to say the "founding research paper" that proved AIDS, and to his astonishment no one could give it to him and no one had felt a lack in their scientific lives for never having seen that founding proof. He also submitted a nonsense paper once and was shocked to see it published. I don't know if I got all aspects right but these things were related in his autobiography which is really worth reading. In any case it seems Mullis was the first (that I know of, and in the mentioned 'group' of 'subversive' academics) to publish a fake paper with the purpose of revealing the quality of peer review and scientific publishing.
While the most recent post of Mihalcea started to interest me due to a new take and topic -to me it seems slightly new/different from her previous postings-, I still think it is very well possible that we are being fed 'preposterous nonsende' with the multiple intents of 1) overloading our critical thinking; 2) feeding us contrasting narratives including fake later to be debunked factoids, so we lose credibility with the peers that we are trying to inform, and generally sowing dissent - because I notice that the different offered narratives are psychologically tailored to please different personality types; 3) murking the waters so that we don't discern the in reality quitesimple means of harming us: plain poisoning with totally old and unspectacular, maybe easy to detect of looked for substances; 4) playing pseudo sophisticated, vain pranks on us because they seem to have a psychological need for their cunning AND supposed humanist erudition to be displayed. Think the brand name Veklury = Valkyrie for the Run death is near substance that poisons selected people's detox organs and sends them to Walhalla, also more in general the malthusian deep Ecology eugenicists arethe typeswho would appreciate Wagner. Think also of the fire in Paradise California that obliterated that community on the exact anniversary of the death of John Milton, Author of paradise lost. I find that so cringy this pseudo erudition. So I think they are pranking, confusing, showing off their belief that they are so smart and we are so gullible unsuspecting and swallow anything hook line and sinker. Therefore your posts have an important grounding function whenever the tendency in me to become gullible, which in part is just an I'll advised and not well placed appreciation for intricate narratives, threatens to take me over. Thanks!
Mullis isn't the first, whose on first.
Very much liking the breadth and depth of your reference points and analysis, including especially your hypothetical speculations as to the taste for Wagner of those who so love to esoterically taunt us to achieve exoteric results. The concept of the Golem is alive and well and no longer confined to being formed from the mud of some Bohemian river bank by a crazed adept of the Zohar, but from far more "modern" materials!
100% agreed! Also, pay attention to the post vax therapy business. It is MUCH more profitable if people are scared shitless. Shedding is another thing that could be a complete lie that has the same goal behind it.
Alan Sokal. Impostures Intellectuelles.
Interesting. rGO/GO appear to possess quite well described lethal properties. Graphene itself appears to remain a theoretical construct?
"GO and rGO are often defined as bidimensional materials but only pristine graphene (the freely suspended single-atom-thick sheet of hexagonally arranged, sp2-bonded carbon atoms3) can be considered a true 2D material."
Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of bio-coronated 2D materials
V. Palmieri et al. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018; Nanoscale Horiz. (2018)
Now pay particular attention to, "Blood protein interactions with GO and rGO," and the formation of a coagulum of blood proteins in a lethal choking 'biomolecular corona'.
Nothing "good" there.
We have to be careful we are not slipping into viro-graphenology. The viros also say viruses do this and that but where are they? Seeing phenomena as you mention may be due to something, but how do we know what and where is it? I'm happy to see a paper that describes "it" not just properties of it from which we assume an it. But pls help because today is my first day as a material scientist!
Study the MSDS for rGO/GO...you will find those compounds well described. As for unadulterated graphene itself, I agree, it seems far trickier. I will look about.
PS. And everything these days is, "in time learning!"
Ok thanks, pls share a paper that delineates how to find these objects and PROVE what they are, I wish to learn yes.
The graphene has been synthesized using chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbon on transition metal surfaces [22,23,24,25], thermal decomposition of silicon carbide wafer under ultrahigh vacuum [26,27], and chemical and thermal reduction of graphene oxide [28,29]. Among the methods listed above, reduction of graphene oxide is the most economical method [30]. Thus, for electrochemical analysis, graphene has been prepared using this method. In chemical vapor deposition method, there may be impurities of transition metals (Ni or Cu) but the reduction method provides graphene with high purity. Furthermore, this method provides an effective way of studying electrocatalytic effects.
leading to:
Graphene synthesis: a Review: https://sciendo.com/downloadpdf/journals/msp/33/3/article-p566.pdf
This is great info and thanks for your time in getting it. As a layman, it seems quite thorough and that graphene exists. Some Caveats, if I was a layman and read about viruses I would think they exist, and the discovery paper said it was a hypothetical substance based on electronic properties, and some people say you can't make or confirm that a one atom substance had been made, so the jury in my head is still out on it, and asking a graphene researcher all he said was, "the Nobel Prize was given for it, isn't that enough"- well that actually makes me MORE skeptical. I just have to admit that I don't know but really appreciate your time on everything, you're a great contributor to our understanding of things!
I learned that “things” under Royal Society label are often part of the scientific global marketing as well.... if you want to promote credibility.
For what its worth (I will live and die by them) my sense checks tell me that Scoglio has high credibility. I first came across him in this interview with Torsten Englebrecht which majors on spike protein as a fraudulent concept.
He touches on GO at 26 minutes and expresses skepticism which his recent paper is evidently designed to enlarge on. For me his credibility emerges from laying open the factual evidence that informs his opinions, expressed in a rational and common sense manner. Admittedly I have not read the papers he references (though as a birds-eye perspective is my preference) I recall secondary commentary that provides confirmation rather than contradiction.
Overall I'm increasingly convinced that TPTB are baffling us with bullshit. The explanation that passes Occams Razor (which I do not imbue with total explanatory power) is that they are simply poisoning us whilst weaving an occult web of misdirections which assume a Golem-like life of their own. Bear in mind what occurs to me whilst I write this, that the concept of Golem mocks God (who breathed life into Adam, formed from the dust of the Earth) by attributing to the occult adept, god-like abilities. Their "abilities" in truth amount to psychological effects, but to credulous folk, the bonepointer's curse can be fatal by autosuggestion. Perhaps this is the perennial appeal of the zombie. Its all in the mind (except the poisoning).
Wasn't that guy Dr Andres Noack who was allegedly killed, an expert in GO? Surely he has some papers published proving its existence? 🤔 I havent investigated this, but can't help but think of that whole drama sequence that unfolded 1-2 years ago.
Perhaps worth diving into his research since he is the self-proclaimed "expert"...... did anyone else reporting on his death bother to confirm that he was, in fact, as highly regarded as he said? 🤔
So many questions. Excellent article. I was also intrigued by Scoglio's statement that graphene does not exist (or hasn't been found).
How do we Know Noack wasn't giving us a BS story and that he really died? It's a bit suspicious.
Noack video looked staged to me, but we can't be sure of that. Maybe take a listen to Prof Ian F. Akyildiz at ARCC Seminar, March 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAtQFkEg5-w
~ minute 13: "Then we have ... bionano things ...for the health applications...bio-nanoscale machines ..for injecting into the body and always monitoring the health problems and that is going really well, like with these covid vaccines...These mRNAs are nothing [more] than small scale, nanoscale machines. They are programmed and injected into the body.."
He talks in more detail about graphene composition in section on "Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano Antennas" beginning ~minute 20.
Prof. Akyildiz' bio is in show notes.
What all this brouhaha did was distract many from the no-virus secret.
What is mRNA narrative but a man-made (injected) viral model.
Hack hijack and control.
What is the GO narrative but a man made remote controlled viral model.
Hack hijack and control.
Both spin out of dark research (military spawning corporates) under stealth attack via psyop. Belief in viral model - succumbs to being hacked hijacked and controlled - BY the defences or solutions pushed, sold or dictated.
The no-virus secret is one among many terror symbols by which to set bounds on thought and consciousness.
Much of what we take to be our own think turns out to be 'hacked hijack and control'. So I also see our world reflecting significance or signs that can be read at a deeper level of discernment. They can also be misread by fear to render psychotic, broken minded or to dispirited despair.
But to my mind all the 'choices' of a lie are of the same father - but an identity of vacillating between their apparent conflict - or seeking neutrality- is itself an ingenious means to stay undecided so as to hide in an illusion of choices - none of which are real. hence the choice to hide (from) reality - and take the ride that delivers.
Another very insightful comment. My observations about Golem mirror this - if people believe and act accordingly, AS DIRECTED, then the unreal can indeed become real, through real secondary effects triggered by a false or "spiritual" primary cause.
I would say the vast majority of those who believe there's nanotech in the jabs are also in the no virus camp, or at least the no sars2 camp so Scoglio is throwing a cat amongst a fairly united flock of pigeons here. Anyway, what do you think about Akyildiz' statements?
Thanks, its 1am now and tomorrow Ive a big day but on mRNA, see my post, "Proton's Last Theorem" on RNA. Mainly I think it's the quantum dots in the hydrogel. Sorry gotta go zzzzZZZZZ.
2:53 am in Hobart ... but I can sleep in!
If they COULD hack and hijack biology by 'viruses' by mRNA or by GO - they would invest in the attempt - and even if they couldn't succeed - seek a return on their investment.
The ability of victimiser and victim to 'find each other' and live out roles is part of a co-creation of experiences that are lived - yet not grounded in truth. This is the nature of split minds - and is part of our human condition - ing.
His "study" migh be JUST to downplay the existence and presence of GO.
SO many things connect into it. And if people are now scared to use it then the industry will have issues with further implementation. So they order few studies to show how GO is nice and safe, or even NOT THERE.
I'm definitely not saying I believe him 😉 it just reminded me of that [seemingly] dramatized story of him talking about GO on livestream, police busting in, his partner telling his story after his death, etc.
I'm also just mentioning it because I would be curious if anyone has truly looked into him and his research to see if its more hypothetical nonsense.
The police attack looks staged, that is not the way to neutralize a guy who might have a gun. An say he is live streaming 1-2 hours on occasion, maybe his room is booby trapped, the odds are slim that is the time to get him. Just wait for him to leave his house.
Do you believe he really died?
I don't know, only with all the fake deaths they do and my points above it seems suspicious. Anything to distract from no-virus.
I gave a few hours to checking for support for him, his background & story.
Not least because everything in the videos smelt a rat.
I didn't push my conclusions as I don't care to invest a counter claim.
People see what they want to see - and defend their investments.
The Graphene Flagship - and other global parallels exist - with a section for 'bio-medical applications'. I looked into some of that. It felt like PR for attracting investors.
So without being able to verify its claims - I also recall Theranos - and the gold rush of scams milking the gullible for the Next New Thing.
Course he got help. Them aren't the words of a non-native English speaker. I wonder who it could be?
keep in mind the paper was translated from Italian & possibly by an Italian
Ok but I can easily write it doesn't exist in Japanese: 存在なし🏯!
now try "[it's like] wanting the barrel full and the wife drunk at the same time"
My bad. I meant obviously not written by a "non-native speaker" and I've corrected my comment. I'm guessing PM means he had a hand in it but I'm not good at decoding PM's crypticity.
I doubt PM means he had a hand in it! PM: pls clarify!
Oh dear, have I got it totally wrong, is PM suggesting there's something underhand about this document? I'm confused ... as usual.
About Scog's doc? I don't know enough, or didn't know enough about graphene and how to find or not find it. I think, it seems to me as a newbie to material science that you can't find it, nor debunk it, because it is a hypothetical model of a material assumed to exist based on electronic findings. La Quint didn't try to isolate it and do electronic testing on it so they make some guesses, Scog says those guesses don't prove anything (no shit they are only guesses), but Scog can't say something like graphene isn't in the shots just by debunking La Quint's guesses. Now PM says that the inventors say it's a guess but have some electronics of "it", but they havn't found "it". Oh, it's on third? Ok but whose on first? no whose on third. But I wanna know whose on first? I just told you he's on third....no graphene is on third. But graphene may or may not be on the field we can't get confirmation. No Confirmation isn't playing today. WTF?
Challenge accepted:
Does it say that the graphene respond to electrical current? Am I reading that right? Or, that electrical current kills the graphene like a virus?
Not sure, I read the papers but didn't digest every point, but the "ballistic" word caught my eye, "electronic transport is ballistic", like a ballistic missile or to go ballistic?
Idk how anyone, outside of someone in the industry, could digest this article. Thanks anyway, all the best.
Side note, with all the EMF pollution we take in, it’s only a matter of time.
This definitely raises suspicion, and perhaps like "viruses", what we are calling graphene or GO is some other material or substance entirely (there were wayyy too many 6's in those "discovery" papers to not raise my hackles). Without a more in depth chemical analysis, all I can say confidently about the structures I have found in the vials and blood is that they look like what others' have called GO. (see https://dfreality.substack.com/p/moderna-too-boosters-show-signs-of) Whatever it is, that we continue to find it in our blood, in our drugs, and in these damnable potions is of the utmost importance.
My big concern with Dr. Scoglio's "expose" and his work is that he has also claimed that all the microscopy and activity seen on the slides are entirely CGI fabrications. I am more than willing to provide all my raw data files for analysis, and a video analysis to find CGI and alteration to film are trivially easy to do.
There is something going on within our blood, something that only appeared within the last few years. If anyone disagrees with that, I'd be happy to show them the tech running through their veins too, free of charge.
From a colleague:
"Stefano Scogio Italian interview on the topic of graphene:
Here is my translation of some of the slides and commentary presented by Stefano Scoglio, published on March 18th. The first four minutes are about a personal dispute between Scoglio and a man named Marcianò. Scoglio says graphene does not exist. Marcianò says it does exist because a document (from 2020) of "Pfizer" says so...
..... In the next slide, Scoglio argues that the graphene oxide mentioned in the 2020 Pfizer document comes from the method used to purify the lab spike protein. This graphene here has nothing to do with being a contaminant or an ingredient present in the final product "vaccine mRNA." This mention of graphene oxide is limited only to the purposes of the cited document from Pfizer.
In order to use a microscopy technique (Cryo-EM, electron microscopy) to analyze the structure of the synthetic lab spike (not the natural one!) they used gold "Quantifoil 300" mesh grids, which happen to be lined with graphene oxide (which is merely graphite, but that is from another video.)
Let me repeat: this method of analysis has nothing to do with the Pfizer vaccine.
08:15 in this slide Scoglio explains that the document cannot be used to support the claim that there is graphene in the vaccines.
Then Scoglio explains that this is a fear-based manipulation, by people not in power but by those who want to take power.
Then, sarcastic comments in response to his rival.
In the final slide, Scoglio repeats that graphene is a fraud, a hoax. It's only graphite. And he recommends his article which proves that graphene is a fraud. [THE ITALIAN VERSION OF HIS GRAPHENE PDF]
Scoglio is saying that the inventors arbitrarily called it GRAPHENE but it is just graphite basically. It goes around the whole 2D vs 3D reasoning. The inventors have shaved Graphite to one thin sheet.
-Do you think he makes a valid point about the vials content distribution of "graphite” ? I am not sure I agree with that because I know that with microscope blood testing, I was asked to provide 4 samples to detect pathogens for consistency issues or not to miss any. So is it possible the graphene (or graphite) was not mixed evenly in the vials>>
I think he makes a valid point, yes.
The fact that a lab wants 4 samples may have more to do with their own quality control measures. Regardless, people asking for 4 samples doesn't tell us how graphite or alleged "graphene" should logically be distributed.
well there is a stock market value to graphene as a compound “the new plastic”. Allison Mc Dowell talks extensively about this from an economic stand. I have to read the PDF of dottor Scoglio.
No doubt, but stock market values don't tell us what a substance actually is. If they did, we'd know for sure that "viruses" exist because there are "anti-viral" drugs.
"For us does it matter if it is one layer of poison or 5 layers of poison?" -- the authors referred to even "few-layer graphene" (not just "single layer graphene") as hypothetical/a model.
And the issue is not just how many layers there are. "Graphene" is said to be the same thing as graphite except that supposedly when there is only 1 layer of atoms (or "a few" for FLG, or up to 9 layers according to 1 author) it suddenly becomes "graphene" and takes on remarkable new properties.
Since "graphene" and graphite are said to be very different in nature and "graphene" may be unproven, the distinction matters, imho. Not that anyone needs to be injected with either of course. But inaccurate claims can be used as ammo to paint the quackcine-hesitant in a negative light, plus there may be additional fear generated by the properties ascribed to "graphene".
I hope that some people take the time to read and consider Stefano Scoglio's 20 page pdf.
PS For my part the 'Graphene' idea and its associates is of electromagnetic properties that can be utilised to hack, block, override natural bio-field function (the root of physical biology in my opinion).
The theme or archetype of blocking communication to operate an override or locally priority of focus is in our current 'consciousness' as a means of giving an exclusive focus to whatever serves the development of an exclusive - but collectivised or socially masking identity.
The reason for my 'deep dive' is it offer context for why we imitate or replicate our mythic back-story or archetypal patterns. But the Bio-field represents a model for the release of closed-system thinking - can you resonate with that? Then we share in 'communication' without distance.
That our focus in a wilful self-image carries an overhead in death and taxes (or toxic debt) is the basis for ingenious ways to limit awareness by re-framing and repackaging fear or pain of loss to 'solutions' that not only buy time but lockdown into a timeline or linear experience of a past stamped on the face of the present for ever into a future like itself.
Can we 'take up thy bed' walk out of an invested self-illusion of sin, sickness & death?
Not from a mind set by the attempt to engage in its terms as a means of overcoming or escaping.
I am sorry I read your post now after I left one above.
I became interested in GO because of the "falling down dead" videos from March of 2020. It connected to the claims and research on 5G that was leaked. My theory was that they switched on hidden 5G freqs (in China and north Italy) and had excellent results which they filmed and shared with the world. That stuff did not look staged to me. But I agree that it could well have been.
So what it will be? Or is this an attempt to downplay the connection btween GO and 5G/6G.
Previously Harald Krautz Vella raised ENOUGH alarms about the dangers of Graphene and the Black Goo. He offered evidence how Black Goo is trying to hack our biological reality. Was that ALL a psyop?
Also, to me it seems that LQC managed to warn a LOT of people about the extra danger in accepting the mandated vaccination. Which is good, right?
And by downplaying the existence of GO in vaccines a WHOLE LOT of nefarious possibilities go out the window, not just the connect w 5G and remote medical systems.
So I'm sceptical about this Scog guy on the first impression.
I agree to not dismiss potentials for evils to run unseen, but I also note the worship of evil that runs as 'uncovering truth' of evils.
Scoglio could be mistaken in his current understandings - but I don't see the signature characteristics of making or boosting an identity from evils, but a love of truth that wont go along with 'thescience' of invested self-interest.
If he becomes attached to countering lies, he may become shaped by them. We can observe all the above in our self readily enough.
I assign crisis actors or videos taken out of context - such as drills to those videos that I ignored as they were so clearly imaged manipulation.
Understood. I will be happy if he turns out to be the one who is correct.
In any case, the topic of 5G/vaccines/graphene and their connection is still very much on the table!
I also keep in mind that high level scams can run as disparate parts that only a very select few know as a back door delivery system.
And also that unexpected variable or synergies can boost or scupper the best laid plans.
Nano particles seem to be added to lots of things and don't have any regulatory oversight - for whatever that's worth! So even apart from the spiking shots, there is a call to seek awareness - through the fog of insider 'sell' to investors or the setting into 'application' as marketised or weaponised 'solutions'.
My sense is that we can very easily disregard and downplay the influence of our own purpose of thought & emotion - much of which is heavily invested in masking habit-patterns of reaction that aren't given conscious acceptance but run in our name.
Stefano Scoglio speaks better English than most "native speakers" . . . here is the link to an interview with Eric Coppolino of Chiron Return whose orgaization published the paper in question. https://planetwaves.fm/stefano-scoglio-graphene-does-not-exist-rapo-predatory-game/
Your article Proton, complimented by this comment section is a freaking GOLD MINE! Love it!
Your'e too nice!