Downside Of The Alien UFO Psyop:

Interestingly, I lost 15 subscribers the day of posting this. I suspect many persons have fallen for the decades of UFO psyop bombardment (news, movies, articles, social media) and don't like hearing that UFOs are unproven and a psyop (which has nothing to do with life forms that likely exist on far away worlds). Telling people in 2020 that Covid was a psyop also led to numerous estrangements.

CONCLUSION: Psyops are very powerful ways to control the population and those buried in them will not let themselves get out of it.

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Likely exist?

Me...I have deduced we are it, there is nothing else.....

That is the most likely, logical conclusion especially when you consider the clown world we are immersed in with all of its lies, cons and deception.

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I agree, if the planet was just me and you we wouln't have clowns and deception. But just maybe some tiny blob of xeno protoplasm is crawling the bottom of a far away ocean. But no viruses, definitely no place.

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How about this?

'Mankind' has always existed, there is no beginning and no end.

This makes some tiny blob of xeno protoplasm crawling the bottom of a far away ocean" moot amongst other stuff.

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Ok got ya! We've got bigger fish to fry now, onward my good man🔜

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PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE is getting more powerful with each imaginary projection burned into the short term memory of everyone happy to be subjugated to THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN... which has been starting out with EVE and her LIE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN!

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What about the ‘alien viruses ‘ now, that is something to worry about...;)

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Me thinks the only UFOs that traveled to planet Earth were the ones that helped build modern civilization starting about 15,000 years ago with Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, then on to Egypt to instruct humans how to build the magnificent Giza Pyramids. How else did those super intelligent structures get built and why were they constructed at all? 🤔

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True some things are strange. I saw about river canals going up close to the pyramids so that heavy rocks were easy to get to the site, but hey you never know. It is clear that history has been erased a few times in prior "Great Resets" and hidden from common humanity. They are still hiding tech from us: quantum computing, free energy, antigravity and other Tesla inventions-and we know they had captured him (the Bushes whose real name was the Scherffs from Germany and Trump's uncle were handling him).

Then again, if you have the tech to travel many light years, you'd easily build much more complex structures and machinery than so far seen at these sites, IMO. Never stop investigating though!

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I totally agree with you about the fact that so much tech is hidden from us. In addition to the Bushes and Trump's uncle handling Tesla, the power mob who destroyed him were the billionaire Industrialists at that time and JP Morgan because they all would have lots their fortunes from Tesla's free and wireless energy/electricity.

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If we had a multiplicity of actual isolated and characterized object(s) available for full public inspection that clearly were from other worlds we would have an affirmative answer. Even extremely rapidly moving or cloaking objects doesn't prove they aren't human made objects OR PROJECTIONS. That's the same for a virus, so that these indirect and largely phony and easily CG'd and/or hologramed and unverifiable stories, images, reports, burnt grass and other types of claimed landing sites as well as the use of alien and virus narratives being used to control populations currently only leads to fakery on many levels. This is what today's post is about. We also have to remember even 1 light year is 5.88 trillion miles ONE WAY. Proxima Centauri is 4.2465LY away, round trip that's 50 Trillion miles away. Only 84 star systems are within 25ly of us, this is in the thousand trillions of miles away, no one is coming here to hit home runs anytime soon.

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What your comment brings to mind that "space & time" have to be "thought of" completely different. I have no recipe for it - as there cannot be any, as EVERYTHING IS MIND - and still I have a clear idea about it, just that it cannot be "touched"! Like you know what beauty in general is - not postmodernism faking it and trying to convince everyone about it - or beautiful music. It's not a particular note, or rhythm or harmony, but all of it at the same time at the right moment. Coherence and consistency is the best description I am able to come up with at the moment.

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Are you familiar with Ashton Forbes @ https://twitter.com/justxashton/status/1748345453576397126?s=46&t=Uo5cqFOle7BRdON-Co5jtg

He's got lots of evidence that the Malaysian flight that mysteriously "crashed" with all the most important people from Freestyle AI, the company from China that had top secret AI software ready for release, was captured by secret advanced US Naval technology in mid air. Check out his YT channel if you want to get your mind blown.

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Yes I do believe there is untold tech. But Dr Greer's associates give him away: Bob Lazar. Lazar claimed he was hovering UFOs in Nevada secret areas that have no controls and that have the "power of 2 atom bombs", found to be faking his education at MIT, then arrested for running a brothel. Greer just happens to have had a dinner with CIA Director James Woolsey and letter exchanges. All these guys are intel assets. They may tell some truths, the reason is to drum up belief and thus fear of alien invasion which is one plan in the works (Project Blue Beam). Orson Wells' War of the Worlds was a psychology test of the population sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation- and you know what that means.

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I have a friend who long ago put up a video He took from just outside Area 51 back in the '90's. He was eventually chased by police and managed to escape with the footage. He sat on it for a fair while, fearful of any repercussions, but finally released it. Another friend compared His footage to Lazar's footage:


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Thanks for your efforts. See my note on Bob Lazar in this thread. Be sure, photos are not isolated and characterized objects no matter what it seems the objects are doing. Neither being chased by police nor escaping with footage are proof of anything, only statements of unknown veracity. But be sure though, your comments and posts are high priority to this little proton.

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You're saying that Ashton Forbes is Intel? Do you have a good source where I can research Project Blue Beam?

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Sorry only know about Greer and Lazar. The whole official UFO story smells really rotten and made up. I'm not fully denying the possibility of physics I don't know about and visits from other worlds. But the plan in our face to scare us and do x,y,z, to us, and they already are doing, being much more likely than visitors from hundreds of trillions of miles away for which there is really no evidence. At least viruses are said to be made up of materials that we know about, but viruses are abjectly fake. My advice, all public facing persons at important agencies are FMs or other related persons, there is really no such thing as a whistleblower still alive, you know what happened to Karen Silkwood I hope. As Pike and others have told us honestly is that their credo is to lie (that's an oxymoron I guess). I was never like this before the last 5-6 years but now best to assume most everything is planned and faked until proven otherwise not vice versa. Anyway, great comments and info. I gotta hit the sack soon....

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Good advice to follow, PM. I'm in line with your thinking concerning this topic. Get some rest. Cheers

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Here are some random bookmarks I have. Greer is talking truths and subtly letting you know the govt has the tech to get you from space to scare you when the fake invasion happens you won't know what it's from but you will remember they warned you, he's not saying to ignore the fakery, he is a propaganda agent.



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Not only would They have "lost Their fortunes," with free energy, They would lose Their power tool (money) completely.

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Yes exactly I don’t think anyone is travelling light years, more like coming closer distance than we think.

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Alien does not mean from out of space. Just Alien to this earth place (a crater).

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And what did that crater bring with it.

Goo? Black smokers at the ocean depths?

Is that alien? The universe is vast. The great mystery reveals itself as a speculation to be scientifically understood.

Please no donations from the blood lines..

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Even alien UFO's can't fight city hall. This is why their spacecraft, er, atmosphere craft have exterior lights that conform to FAA regulations.

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I started following the UFO stuff lately since it's being pushed so much by the MSM and the (largely controlled) alt-media. Even if UFOs are "real" that doesn't mean they're extraterrestrial. The PTB may simply have hidden technology or there may be a NHI (non-human intelligence) hidden away in the oceans or within the earth. It could also be that this NHI is the real PTB.

Vallee who was the inspiration for the French guy in the Close Encounters film also has a non-extraterrestrial interpretation of UFOs:


William Cooper who initially did believe in extraterrestrials later claimed UFOs were a PSYOP as part of Project BlueBeam. Some claim Cooper was really controlled opposition- so who knows.


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Mkultra psychology in play! Be suspicious with Every thought. Is it your organic thought? Is that possible? Hehe...

The enemy of your enemy could the the mark.. see the mirror for reference.

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Hi Little Proton,

It sounds to me that you throw the parties that I would love to go to.

Trixty Hobbits and Munchkins ,you havecstolen my heart. ❤️

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"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."~Mark Twain. 'The Pentacle Memorandum' speaks of just such a UFO deception. I believe there are actual 'unknowns' in several categories, as well as human agencies that exploit the belief in them for their own purposes.

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Excellent Proton Magic

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I love this. Michael Shermer had an article on conspiraciy theories and used the idea of an invisible alien spacecraft in his garage as his example of an unfalsifiable claim. This takes that idea exactly where I wanted to see it taken by applying it to Virology. Awesome sauce.

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It's not there until it is found there! We don't care if it is falsifiable or not. Shermer is appealing to the not so sparkling slice of the pie.

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UFOs and aliens have been on my radar since I was a young kid living in Florida from 1969-1975. It seems like I've always been aware of them. The Holographic Universe theory is something I find fascinating along with the fact that we only see and hear a teeny tiny band of the electromagnetic and acoustic spectrum. We interpret the forms and frequencies of energy through our five senses and our brain computer and this creates our reality. In the matrix or hologram or simulation, everything and anything is created out of those frequencies. I would like to know what's outside of the hologram.

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Interesting info


"According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there have been 8,068 UFO sightings in the Sunshine State, with the first one in 1944. That makes Florida second only to California, with 15,849 sightings. It should be noted that Florida also has the third most Air Force bases in the U.S. (56) after California (123) and Texas (59), which also has a large number of UFO sightings."

👉 Just like Polio came from places that sprayed DDT, Maybe the UFOs COME FROM the air force bases? If you can travel the galaxy surely you can make your craft look blue in the daytime and black at night or make it transparent altogether? I can make my task bar transparent but my PC only flies when I drop it.

👉 UFO sightings started in 1944 when humans were getting deep into aerial craft, and polio started when humans was getting deep into insecticides (well yes, polio was proven to be caused by DDT and other pesticides-mabye WE are the pest). Where were the #s of UFOs in the last centuries or the # pf polio cases before the late 1800s? Until proven otherwise, looking for simple direct answers is the best logic.

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Hey P, I meet Dr. Mkultra everywhere every day minute and second! He/she is isolated, present but only detected when other they speak, “think” and act out thoughts not there own. Imagine that conspiracy, not theory...

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Insert whenever for when other, predictive text- lol.

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There's a book with good points on why the phenomena of UFOs is not real yet observed by many. It's no different than seeing gods etc


"Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur examines UFOs and a wide variety of “paranormal” phenomena from a rather unique angle. Although Harpur never fully defines the daimonic—“the daimonic that can be defined is not the true daimonic,” as Lao-Tse would say—it seems to exist both inside us and outside us. Like the Greek daemon and unlike the Christian demon, it takes both good/healing and bad/terrifying forms, depending on our commitment to rationalistic ego states.

In a sense, the daimonic is like the collective unconscious of Carl Jung, inside us as a part of our total self that the ego wishes to deny, outside us in all the other humans who ever existed and in the dreams, myths, and arts of all the world. But Harpur follows Irish poet (and Golden Dawn alumnus) W. B. Yeats as often as he follows Jung, and traces some of his ideas back to Giordano Bruno and the alchemical/hermetic mystics of the Renaissance. The daimonic is just a bit more personalized and individualized than Jung’s species unconscious.

Harpur’s major thesis is that unless we recognize the daimonic (make friends with it, Jung would say) it takes increasingly malignant and terrifying forms. For instance, the Greys of UFO abduction lore, he says, are deliberately mirroring our ego-centered and “scientistic” age—showing no emotions of the humans they experiment upon, just as the ideal science student feels no emotion and has no concern with the emotions of the animal being tortured in his laboratory."

Despite dealing with many subjects common to conspiracy theories, this book does not quite fit into that category. We are the conspirators, so to speak. We have repressed the most creative part of ourselves and now it is escaping in terrifying forms."

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I am unsure about UFO's - I must ponder the "Black Knight" satellite - could have been from a previous civilization brought down by the cyclical micronovas of the sun every 12,000 years... Or ET... I don't know where to place the probabilities on that.

But I have given the probability there are infectious things called "viruses" at approaching zero. 🙏🏻

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Star Trek Online, my guilty pleasure.

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" I’m registered as a billionaire now!" what need do you have to be registered - in the vault of LIES OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN? - as ANYTHING, let alone as a "billionaire" of THE FIAT CURRENCY PONZI SCHEME OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN ... you voluntarily want to subjugate yourself to THE LEGALESE OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN .... be careful what you are wishing for.

You will have EVERYTHING you NEED subjugating yourself to THE TRUTH ALONE - all else being the wicked mindgames of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!

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Take it easy, it's satire....

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I know, and still.... but everyone to his own liking!

It's not what goes into the mouth but what comes OUT of the mouth that defiles man!

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Top material. Huge Thanks!! Do you have the same kind of great one stop destinations for anyone who asks, "Wot is the flu?/Measles?/STDs/ etc.?

That will invariably come up in an exchange. It's OK to refute something but peeps want an alternative to what they see as a plausible Germ Theory Model of transmission, which is a crock of SHIT!! My sister would need a plausible alternative set of evidence. She believed 2 planes took down 3 buildings on 9/11/........ actuallly she didnt know about the 3rd building

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Under my banner post Intrigue... in the virus a to z section there are my typical semi-funny posts I made on 6-7 viruses

Easiest one stop full search is viroliegy.com

Easiest info to take in is Dr. Sam Bailey on Odysee.com

I think 7 bldgs came down on 9.11 not 3. 9.11 revisionist on substack is the most logical explanation but is not easy for first timers to get it. I also had a post on 9.11 "Secrets of the Orbs"

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