I would do a search on natural cavity removal. I think Chlorine Dioxide use and coconut oil swishing (oil pulling) and then spit after words. I use a tooth paste for brushing my teeth that is wonderful. I feel like I had a dental cleaning every time. Love it.
I think (i haven't done for myself, but heard of it) it will just heal itself. Our teeth are organs. Not many know this, but they are connected to all things in our body.
There are many results out in the web (not alopathic) ways and things pertaining to every piece of our body being part of every ailment. Eastern medicine is also very helpful. But Dr. Yoho who wrote the book I mentioned knows quite a bit about dentistry and ailments pertaining to things done by dental workings. Not just nanobot stuff. I will not & won't ever go to a non-natureapath dentist again.
I saw my dentist, the other day and she said I needed two fillings. I explained my concern about having anaesthetic and she was oblivious. I’ve therefore arranged another appointment for next year to think through, what to do.
I think I’ll just leave it, the risk of injected nanotech, far outweighs, the risk of my teeth deteriorating. Tooth pain is unbearable, though!
I did a simple ice to the gum anesthesia the other day, a bit painful but not too bad really, and my dentist is willing to help even though not red-pilled. You can try that, maybe some topical lido (but that may not be so great), but clearly do scoping on a local source diphenhydramine as I just added at the post bottom. It may cost a few hundred buckies, well over $2,000 if you do LM, EM, and EDS. Loosing all your teeth may not be worth it if you can confirm. Well, you can wait until my and other groups report to you on our findings.
Try clove oil for tooth pain. If you eat well (the right way) your cavities will stop and enamel heal - won't grown back, but won't be a cavity any longer and won't deteriorate.
I stopped going to the dentist a decade ago once I realized I could anticipate and solve any looming cavity just by being stricter with my diet and lifestyle. For me I can't seem to get any dental issue whatsoever as long as I eat only fresh juicy fruit, raw meat, raw eggs, raw dairy, and raw honeycomb. I don't even brush anymore, haven't for years. (I do floss every few days.)
I edited the comment to add some diet info. Outside that, I get sun and exercise, and take trips to the tropics in winter, but these actually haven't been necessary to avoid dental issues at all, just to feel my best.
I should add that I had about 16 fillings and two crowns, and most of them have fallen out/off, so you'd think I'd be super vulnerable, but other than stuff getting stuck in the holes I have no issues at all. No sensitivity to hot/cold, no gumline recession, nothing whatsoever. The teeth are robust and feel good all the time, albeit with some reduced chewing power due to all the holes. My upper teeth grew to help balance the bite of my missing lower crowns.
For a couple years I kept getting the fillings/crowns put back in with zirconia, but it was expensive and the shaping process used toxic plastics, so I just stopped. I think my teeth are slowly remineralizing and that's why the fillings/crowns keep getting pushed out/off. My gumlines de-receded during a 27-day fast on only water while lying in bed, which was an immense help, but all the results I mention besides that had been ongoing for years before the fast.
I got this idea from Loren Lockman, who is an unfailingly honest fellow and said his fillings all fell out and filled back in with natural tooth over 10 years of extensive fasting and fruit eating (he's a fruitarian + lettuce, where I eat 80% fruit and 20% the other things I mentioned; the bonobo diet basically). So far my teeth have not filled back in in a major way yet, but he fasted a full three years of his life in total, so...not there yet.
Thanks for this post! This is a serious source of grave danger today. Dentists cause a great many serious health problems in people. And the injections are probably the worst thing in their tool-kit right now.
I don't trust dentists, either (as I don't trust doctors). Generally speaking.
They want an X-ray of your head every fricken time you go in... Notice they cover your heart, but not your BRAIN, with a lead cover...
Arrrrrrgh. They pay soooooo much for dental school, and then take it out of their patients... I donut like them, Sam-I-Am, not in a chair, not with a bear.
After being zapped by a microwave weapon most of my teeth fell out, one after the other. Eventually, I went to the dentist to get the last few removed and he had to use loads of anaesthetic to complete the task. I have felt a lot more comfortable without them and suffered no noticeable effects from the anaesthetic. I am glad to have seen the back of the mercury fillings too.
No. I had the last few teeth removed during 2022. I am doubtful about the claims about ‘tech’ in anaesthetics or even in the vaccines. Basically, PM, I am not convinced that the ‘crystals’ seen when residues are dried out on microscope slides are anything more than simple salts. I wrote about my misgivings here:
Ok, you could be right. I have heard of a number of folks feeling bad after lido for many weeks, but true the cause is unknown, many are ok. Batch or Maker issue? IDK. But having some tested by high resolution LM, SEM, and EDS soon. Samples from the same package I sent to Dr. Nixon who found tech-looking things in them. There is no final proof for all samples in all places and at all times of course, same as the shots.
I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow and I’m going to see what kind of anesthesia he’s using to numb my gums. Thanks for this useful article PM, and congrats to you on your award. 🥇👍
Oh, I fear your only choice is ice (you better bring a bag of cubes) and a glass of whisky in the tummy and maybe 100% ETOH as topical, or nothing. Nothing they inject or give topically is ok. Their meds have been completely infiltrated by the blob.
I don’t need to fear my dentist using Articaine to numb my gums today. It’s made in Germany and most likely doesn’t have any of the toxic crap that American made numbing medicine has in it.
IDK, but I think the raw materials they all source from China etc. is where the devil lies. My stuff is all from Japanese companies, but the raw mats must be from China or other East Asian country, they are only put together in a factory in Japan. For all I know the whole shebang may be made in China and they put a Japanese label on it. The nanos/metals are not found from normal QC checks.
I canceled my last dental appointment in November, 2021, because I figured that all injectables can contain the nanotech. At that time, there was no direct evidence, but later (well before Nixonlab) nanotech was found in dental lidocaine already from 2019...
Looking forward to results of the experimentation with DPH.
Allegedly, there is a method to rebuild tooth enamel, but I suspect it's just another nanotech application. Dental fillings are also suspect...
Slew of questions if I may. How widespread is this? How is it flying under the radar? This is surely a way to get this into a lot of people. Everybody goes to the dentist. There wouldn't be any need for this in lidocaine other than to inject the unsuspecting. HOW is that legal? Is it widespread across the country or maybe just in 'red' states. Circumstance dictates I change dentists next year and I know of a MAGA dentist where I can at least broach the topic.
I suspect any nasty particles or elements are in some raw ingredient probably sourced from China etc. where the rules are lax (or even planned), and because you have to do some complex investigations (SEM and EDS-spectroscopy) this is how the planners get this in many things without being caught.
Ice cubes and whiskey sound great for a filling, but someone like me who has genetic bone loss and is need of gum "flap surgery"? I'm basically fkd. I get the surgery and suffer the nano consequences or I forego the surgery and lose all my teeth in a slow, painful way. 😭
Maybe the Benadryl injection? But I've also forgone the cortisone injections in my wrist for DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis since learning about all the tech in (probably) all the injectables.
Jeez. Good thing I quit shooting coke years ago eh? 🤣💉❄️
Ice works better on gums than tooth nerves because the cold gets thru the gums easier. I suspect the chemical construction of Benadryl is not so complex, with some creativity, cash, and chemists you can make your own lab.
I’m in the same boat as you. My upper jaw is turning to liquid at an alarming rate and the decay is fast approaching my sinus cavity. At this point, I don’t know what is holding the tooth in anymore. $10K for surgery. Even if I had that kind of cash I wouldn’t risk the poison in the injections or the toxicity of what they’d rebuild my mouth with. I made it to 60. I guess I’ll just make the best of what I have left. 🤷🏻♂️
Get some diphenhydramine with prescription from and MD and do Spectroscopy on it. Don't give up. Though sounds like your kind of surg requires full anesthesia?
Yeah, he needs to yank the tooth, clean out the upper jaw bone decay, do some bone grafting to rebuild the jaw, and when (if?) it all heals I'd have to decide on an implant or bridge. The whole ordeal sounds too risky to me. Even if I had that kind of money, what would stop the jaw from failing again when they can't even tell me why it's failing now? Would suck to strap my wife and kids with a $10K loan after losing all that pretty jackhammer work on my face and possibly lose me too. Dentist said it took 9 years to progress this badly. Unless I can figure out why it's decaying and how to stop it naturally, I'll just have to bide my time. I don't use ANY pharmaceuticals, Rx or OTC. Nothing. It's so far gone at this point, I don't even feel pain anymore. I just bust open the absess every few days and drain it. Oh well. Such is life.
Sorry to hear this, I would check all your foods and water for Vit D3 and fluoride and avoid all of them. For the water you may need to test it somehow, IDK how.
That's good advice. Thanks, friend. Actually, I've been distilling my water personally for 4 years now. I don't take any vitamin supplements because they're all poison or useless outside of their natural state as far as I'm concerned, not to mention wallet busting. I appreciate your care and decency. That's the stuff that makes this realm worth the trip.
I'm in the same predicament. My research has led me to believe that carnivore/zero carb diet + a lot of fasting can reverse this. Somewhere on this thread I read a testimony of a reversal of receding gums brought about by fasting. Our Creator designed us to self-heal, and fasting from food is the BEST way to accomplish this! Digestion is an energy-demanding task and keeps us in the lower dimensions filled with the vice of "gluttony".
Debt. Dental equipment is horrendously expensive, and you need a large staff to do business. If your arse is not in the chair, you ain’t making any money.
Rinsing with 3% hydrogen peroxide helps stop the cavity formation nicely, and can help with cavity pain u til one can see the dentist. I used to have a cavity every 6 months, at every dental visit, for decades, despite faithful brushing and flossing each day.
In 2015, I lost my insurance, and didn’t see the dentist any more until I was insured again in 2019. But in 2015 I also began using hydrogen peroxide as a rinse upon a stranger’s internet recommendation 😃. I kept and used it in the shower, because I have a hyper-sensitive gag reflex: take a small swig (it expands quickly), step in and shower, spit it out after a couple minutes. If it got overwhelming, I could just spit it out down the drain and start again.
When I went back in 2019, my dentist was raving about the appearance and health of my teeth. He kept commenting on how great they looked, and how healthy the enamel was. I’ve lived all over the country and one had ever done that before. Also, I haven’t had a cavity since 2015. Remember, before that, I had new one every 6 months for decades. I have always maintained a healthy diet, the only thing that changed was the use of the peroxide.
People like to assure me that peroxide damages my enamel, but my dentist, in his blind study of one, has no idea he totally refuted that notion.
However, as of last year,I do have trigeminal neuralgia, and of course, that hurts. I can tell when I’m about to have another attack when four certain teeth (upper and lower, bilaterally) become very sensitive to everything, including thoughts. I tried oil pulling first, and I think it helped a little bit, but rinsing with Tony Pantalescero’s (sp?) remineralization recipe has brought me a great deal of relief from that hypersensitivity:
6 TBSP baking soda
2 tsp sodium triphosphate (DON’T DRINK THIS STUFF FOR GOD’S SAKE)
I add 1 tsp borax laundry powder—it contributes more Na ions, and nearly 500 mg boron
Mix into 24 oz filtered water. Shake before each use, as baking soda doesn’t dissolve. Rinse with it like you’re oil pulling.
Since starting the peroxide, I never wake up with fuzzy teeth, anymore, either. They feel clean longer.
And since starting Tony P’s rinse as well, if I do have a very bad TN attack, I can heat the rinse to body temperature and use it in lieu of brushing the few days until the TN stops electrocuting my face and all my teeth. They stay clean.
I always wonder if I’m being honest with myself and if I’m just believing what I want to believe; I see conformational bias around me so much, how can I know I don’t do the same? So an outside challenge can maybe help me answer that question once and for all too.
ATM, I don’t think it did. I saw a chiropractor to address it, and his manipulations helped a little; the source of both my migraines and the TN appear to be in the atlas for me. I do not see the chiropractor often; I have other Helen issues and chiropractic adjustments are not good for me overall. I bring that up bc I may be way off in left field on this one, but I have had so many types of migraines since I hit age 15, (e.g. classic, vestibular, etc) that I have earned the right to insist that to me, the TN pain behaves just like the migraines did/do. (I say “did” and “do” because I have tried everything everyone recommends, to reduce their occurrences. Magnesium and niacin are helping, but not nearly as much as learning not to give so many fucks about things I can’t change. Conflicted feelings about conflicts trigger mine, but as an SRA survivor and highly programmed,, so do certain lights, catch phrases and some facial expressions. Also, as one somewhat sensitive to EMT assaults on the general public, I get it from all sides. We all do.
What I mean about the TN pain and the migraines being similar, is they have the same triggers, and the same symptoms, for me.
To be intellectually honest, though, to test the theory that peroxide isn’t the problem, all one has to do is use any other cold liquid. I don’t get the same warning as soon with cold water or milk on my teeth; so it’s irresponsible to say the peroxide doesn’t have some property they don’t have, to give me the warning that I need to stop whatever is triggering the nerve pressure. Does peroxide make it through pores or cracks better than water or milk? I think it does. Why? I don’t know.
The only thing I know is I have TN even when I’m not able to use peroxide a while.
That’s a lot of information; maybe more than anyone wants. But I welcome feedback from anyone who was interested enough in those finer details to stay with me.
If you aren't concerned with the possible impacts of dementia, yours sounds like a good place to start. But you know the creative industrialists. They can put nanotech in anything. We need to get rid of the "trust problems" - outside of pretending that trust and verification are the issues.
I would do a search on natural cavity removal. I think Chlorine Dioxide use and coconut oil swishing (oil pulling) and then spit after words. I use a tooth paste for brushing my teeth that is wonderful. I feel like I had a dental cleaning every time. Love it.
The place I get it is https://frontierpharm.com/. Also this SS (https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/314-freaking-finally-judas-dentistry?utm_source=publication-search) has good information on dental. Read the bottom stuff, not so much listen to podcast.
You do not need to be in pain nor have to deal with fillings.
Personally, I tolerate the extreme drill pain for 10 minutes. I hate numbing,,, period.
I do lamaz, like when you have labor and delivery. Works like a charm for me.
Hope this was any help.
[Thank you for helping to implode “orthodox” Dentistry too, Proton!]
Deeper dives? A Whale courtesy:
Another solution-oriented article:
WOW that is what I'm talking about. Amen, thank you Leo.
Thank you, can you give more details on what cavity “removal” means and how to do it.
I think (i haven't done for myself, but heard of it) it will just heal itself. Our teeth are organs. Not many know this, but they are connected to all things in our body.
There are many results out in the web (not alopathic) ways and things pertaining to every piece of our body being part of every ailment. Eastern medicine is also very helpful. But Dr. Yoho who wrote the book I mentioned knows quite a bit about dentistry and ailments pertaining to things done by dental workings. Not just nanobot stuff. I will not & won't ever go to a non-natureapath dentist again.
There are some out there, but harder to find.
Chlorine Dioxide is amazing stuff.
The cranial nerves in the skull are intricately connected to the teeth with an elaborate web of nerves.
Good stuff! Thanks, Loretta.
I saw my dentist, the other day and she said I needed two fillings. I explained my concern about having anaesthetic and she was oblivious. I’ve therefore arranged another appointment for next year to think through, what to do.
I think I’ll just leave it, the risk of injected nanotech, far outweighs, the risk of my teeth deteriorating. Tooth pain is unbearable, though!
I did a simple ice to the gum anesthesia the other day, a bit painful but not too bad really, and my dentist is willing to help even though not red-pilled. You can try that, maybe some topical lido (but that may not be so great), but clearly do scoping on a local source diphenhydramine as I just added at the post bottom. It may cost a few hundred buckies, well over $2,000 if you do LM, EM, and EDS. Loosing all your teeth may not be worth it if you can confirm. Well, you can wait until my and other groups report to you on our findings.
Read up on Magnesium, D3, zinc combo...
Also rinse with diluted H2O2...
Rinse mouth with Celtic salt and water..
Teeth can heal themselves..
-lots of research on it....
I am too lazy to look it up for you, honestly. But this has worked for me, whiter, stronger teeth.
Thanks Vinnie, I will do the research.
Try clove oil for tooth pain. If you eat well (the right way) your cavities will stop and enamel heal - won't grown back, but won't be a cavity any longer and won't deteriorate.
Alternatively, look for a biological dentist.
Coupla things. Xylitol gum, DMSO, clove oil. Lots of natural things to try
How I Healed My Child's Cavity
check my comment above you for information.
I stopped going to the dentist a decade ago once I realized I could anticipate and solve any looming cavity just by being stricter with my diet and lifestyle. For me I can't seem to get any dental issue whatsoever as long as I eat only fresh juicy fruit, raw meat, raw eggs, raw dairy, and raw honeycomb. I don't even brush anymore, haven't for years. (I do floss every few days.)
Could you kindly elaborate?
I edited the comment to add some diet info. Outside that, I get sun and exercise, and take trips to the tropics in winter, but these actually haven't been necessary to avoid dental issues at all, just to feel my best.
I should add that I had about 16 fillings and two crowns, and most of them have fallen out/off, so you'd think I'd be super vulnerable, but other than stuff getting stuck in the holes I have no issues at all. No sensitivity to hot/cold, no gumline recession, nothing whatsoever. The teeth are robust and feel good all the time, albeit with some reduced chewing power due to all the holes. My upper teeth grew to help balance the bite of my missing lower crowns.
For a couple years I kept getting the fillings/crowns put back in with zirconia, but it was expensive and the shaping process used toxic plastics, so I just stopped. I think my teeth are slowly remineralizing and that's why the fillings/crowns keep getting pushed out/off. My gumlines de-receded during a 27-day fast on only water while lying in bed, which was an immense help, but all the results I mention besides that had been ongoing for years before the fast.
I got this idea from Loren Lockman, who is an unfailingly honest fellow and said his fillings all fell out and filled back in with natural tooth over 10 years of extensive fasting and fruit eating (he's a fruitarian + lettuce, where I eat 80% fruit and 20% the other things I mentioned; the bonobo diet basically). So far my teeth have not filled back in in a major way yet, but he fasted a full three years of his life in total, so...not there yet.
Thanl you very much.
Thanks for this post! This is a serious source of grave danger today. Dentists cause a great many serious health problems in people. And the injections are probably the worst thing in their tool-kit right now.
I don't trust dentists, either (as I don't trust doctors). Generally speaking.
They want an X-ray of your head every fricken time you go in... Notice they cover your heart, but not your BRAIN, with a lead cover...
Arrrrrrgh. They pay soooooo much for dental school, and then take it out of their patients... I donut like them, Sam-I-Am, not in a chair, not with a bear.
After being zapped by a microwave weapon most of my teeth fell out, one after the other. Eventually, I went to the dentist to get the last few removed and he had to use loads of anaesthetic to complete the task. I have felt a lot more comfortable without them and suffered no noticeable effects from the anaesthetic. I am glad to have seen the back of the mercury fillings too.
Supposedly the tech in dental anesthesia started in 2019, your injections were before that?
No. I had the last few teeth removed during 2022. I am doubtful about the claims about ‘tech’ in anaesthetics or even in the vaccines. Basically, PM, I am not convinced that the ‘crystals’ seen when residues are dried out on microscope slides are anything more than simple salts. I wrote about my misgivings here:
Ok, you could be right. I have heard of a number of folks feeling bad after lido for many weeks, but true the cause is unknown, many are ok. Batch or Maker issue? IDK. But having some tested by high resolution LM, SEM, and EDS soon. Samples from the same package I sent to Dr. Nixon who found tech-looking things in them. There is no final proof for all samples in all places and at all times of course, same as the shots.
I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow and I’m going to see what kind of anesthesia he’s using to numb my gums. Thanks for this useful article PM, and congrats to you on your award. 🥇👍
Oh, I fear your only choice is ice (you better bring a bag of cubes) and a glass of whisky in the tummy and maybe 100% ETOH as topical, or nothing. Nothing they inject or give topically is ok. Their meds have been completely infiltrated by the blob.
I don’t need to fear my dentist using Articaine to numb my gums today. It’s made in Germany and most likely doesn’t have any of the toxic crap that American made numbing medicine has in it.
IDK, but I think the raw materials they all source from China etc. is where the devil lies. My stuff is all from Japanese companies, but the raw mats must be from China or other East Asian country, they are only put together in a factory in Japan. For all I know the whole shebang may be made in China and they put a Japanese label on it. The nanos/metals are not found from normal QC checks.
I canceled my last dental appointment in November, 2021, because I figured that all injectables can contain the nanotech. At that time, there was no direct evidence, but later (well before Nixonlab) nanotech was found in dental lidocaine already from 2019...
Looking forward to results of the experimentation with DPH.
Allegedly, there is a method to rebuild tooth enamel, but I suspect it's just another nanotech application. Dental fillings are also suspect...
Slew of questions if I may. How widespread is this? How is it flying under the radar? This is surely a way to get this into a lot of people. Everybody goes to the dentist. There wouldn't be any need for this in lidocaine other than to inject the unsuspecting. HOW is that legal? Is it widespread across the country or maybe just in 'red' states. Circumstance dictates I change dentists next year and I know of a MAGA dentist where I can at least broach the topic.
I suspect any nasty particles or elements are in some raw ingredient probably sourced from China etc. where the rules are lax (or even planned), and because you have to do some complex investigations (SEM and EDS-spectroscopy) this is how the planners get this in many things without being caught.
Ice cubes and whiskey sound great for a filling, but someone like me who has genetic bone loss and is need of gum "flap surgery"? I'm basically fkd. I get the surgery and suffer the nano consequences or I forego the surgery and lose all my teeth in a slow, painful way. 😭
Maybe the Benadryl injection? But I've also forgone the cortisone injections in my wrist for DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis since learning about all the tech in (probably) all the injectables.
Jeez. Good thing I quit shooting coke years ago eh? 🤣💉❄️
Ice works better on gums than tooth nerves because the cold gets thru the gums easier. I suspect the chemical construction of Benadryl is not so complex, with some creativity, cash, and chemists you can make your own lab.
I’m in the same boat as you. My upper jaw is turning to liquid at an alarming rate and the decay is fast approaching my sinus cavity. At this point, I don’t know what is holding the tooth in anymore. $10K for surgery. Even if I had that kind of cash I wouldn’t risk the poison in the injections or the toxicity of what they’d rebuild my mouth with. I made it to 60. I guess I’ll just make the best of what I have left. 🤷🏻♂️
Get some diphenhydramine with prescription from and MD and do Spectroscopy on it. Don't give up. Though sounds like your kind of surg requires full anesthesia?
Yeah, he needs to yank the tooth, clean out the upper jaw bone decay, do some bone grafting to rebuild the jaw, and when (if?) it all heals I'd have to decide on an implant or bridge. The whole ordeal sounds too risky to me. Even if I had that kind of money, what would stop the jaw from failing again when they can't even tell me why it's failing now? Would suck to strap my wife and kids with a $10K loan after losing all that pretty jackhammer work on my face and possibly lose me too. Dentist said it took 9 years to progress this badly. Unless I can figure out why it's decaying and how to stop it naturally, I'll just have to bide my time. I don't use ANY pharmaceuticals, Rx or OTC. Nothing. It's so far gone at this point, I don't even feel pain anymore. I just bust open the absess every few days and drain it. Oh well. Such is life.
Sorry to hear this, I would check all your foods and water for Vit D3 and fluoride and avoid all of them. For the water you may need to test it somehow, IDK how.
That's good advice. Thanks, friend. Actually, I've been distilling my water personally for 4 years now. I don't take any vitamin supplements because they're all poison or useless outside of their natural state as far as I'm concerned, not to mention wallet busting. I appreciate your care and decency. That's the stuff that makes this realm worth the trip.
Can you provide links to the 'stacks that ellucidate the need to avoid Vit D3? Not sure why that's an issue.
The surgery can take hours. Ice? I dunno....
Just takes longer to press ice-surg--ice--surg maybe do in many sittings with a patient dentist.
I'm in the same predicament. My research has led me to believe that carnivore/zero carb diet + a lot of fasting can reverse this. Somewhere on this thread I read a testimony of a reversal of receding gums brought about by fasting. Our Creator designed us to self-heal, and fasting from food is the BEST way to accomplish this! Digestion is an energy-demanding task and keeps us in the lower dimensions filled with the vice of "gluttony".
I wonder why?
Debt. Dental equipment is horrendously expensive, and you need a large staff to do business. If your arse is not in the chair, you ain’t making any money.
Seems that there are a LOT of unEthical things going 'round in the pHARMa/mediKILL/"health" industries. Congratulations on Your win, little proton!!!
Rinsing with 3% hydrogen peroxide helps stop the cavity formation nicely, and can help with cavity pain u til one can see the dentist. I used to have a cavity every 6 months, at every dental visit, for decades, despite faithful brushing and flossing each day.
In 2015, I lost my insurance, and didn’t see the dentist any more until I was insured again in 2019. But in 2015 I also began using hydrogen peroxide as a rinse upon a stranger’s internet recommendation 😃. I kept and used it in the shower, because I have a hyper-sensitive gag reflex: take a small swig (it expands quickly), step in and shower, spit it out after a couple minutes. If it got overwhelming, I could just spit it out down the drain and start again.
When I went back in 2019, my dentist was raving about the appearance and health of my teeth. He kept commenting on how great they looked, and how healthy the enamel was. I’ve lived all over the country and one had ever done that before. Also, I haven’t had a cavity since 2015. Remember, before that, I had new one every 6 months for decades. I have always maintained a healthy diet, the only thing that changed was the use of the peroxide.
People like to assure me that peroxide damages my enamel, but my dentist, in his blind study of one, has no idea he totally refuted that notion.
However, as of last year,I do have trigeminal neuralgia, and of course, that hurts. I can tell when I’m about to have another attack when four certain teeth (upper and lower, bilaterally) become very sensitive to everything, including thoughts. I tried oil pulling first, and I think it helped a little bit, but rinsing with Tony Pantalescero’s (sp?) remineralization recipe has brought me a great deal of relief from that hypersensitivity:
6 TBSP baking soda
2 tsp sodium triphosphate (DON’T DRINK THIS STUFF FOR GOD’S SAKE)
I add 1 tsp borax laundry powder—it contributes more Na ions, and nearly 500 mg boron
Mix into 24 oz filtered water. Shake before each use, as baking soda doesn’t dissolve. Rinse with it like you’re oil pulling.
Since starting the peroxide, I never wake up with fuzzy teeth, anymore, either. They feel clean longer.
And since starting Tony P’s rinse as well, if I do have a very bad TN attack, I can heat the rinse to body temperature and use it in lieu of brushing the few days until the TN stops electrocuting my face and all my teeth. They stay clean.
I hope this helps someone.
Do you think the h2o2 caused the neuralgia?
Sorry for the delay responding.
That’s a perfectly fair question.
I always wonder if I’m being honest with myself and if I’m just believing what I want to believe; I see conformational bias around me so much, how can I know I don’t do the same? So an outside challenge can maybe help me answer that question once and for all too.
ATM, I don’t think it did. I saw a chiropractor to address it, and his manipulations helped a little; the source of both my migraines and the TN appear to be in the atlas for me. I do not see the chiropractor often; I have other Helen issues and chiropractic adjustments are not good for me overall. I bring that up bc I may be way off in left field on this one, but I have had so many types of migraines since I hit age 15, (e.g. classic, vestibular, etc) that I have earned the right to insist that to me, the TN pain behaves just like the migraines did/do. (I say “did” and “do” because I have tried everything everyone recommends, to reduce their occurrences. Magnesium and niacin are helping, but not nearly as much as learning not to give so many fucks about things I can’t change. Conflicted feelings about conflicts trigger mine, but as an SRA survivor and highly programmed,, so do certain lights, catch phrases and some facial expressions. Also, as one somewhat sensitive to EMT assaults on the general public, I get it from all sides. We all do.
What I mean about the TN pain and the migraines being similar, is they have the same triggers, and the same symptoms, for me.
To be intellectually honest, though, to test the theory that peroxide isn’t the problem, all one has to do is use any other cold liquid. I don’t get the same warning as soon with cold water or milk on my teeth; so it’s irresponsible to say the peroxide doesn’t have some property they don’t have, to give me the warning that I need to stop whatever is triggering the nerve pressure. Does peroxide make it through pores or cracks better than water or milk? I think it does. Why? I don’t know.
The only thing I know is I have TN even when I’m not able to use peroxide a while.
That’s a lot of information; maybe more than anyone wants. But I welcome feedback from anyone who was interested enough in those finer details to stay with me.
Thanks for the info, TN=Trigeminal Neuralgia right?
Yes. “The suicide disease”. I intend to beat it.
Was thinking the same. Would it oxidize some components in fillings and crowns?
Maybe, see if there’s info out there.
If you aren't concerned with the possible impacts of dementia, yours sounds like a good place to start. But you know the creative industrialists. They can put nanotech in anything. We need to get rid of the "trust problems" - outside of pretending that trust and verification are the issues.
1st hand experience... nothing can beat it. You are a champ PM
Thanks, do you mean you had experience with diphenhydramine?
Incredibly helpful information. Thank you incredibly much.