Bravo, mon ami.

PM, personally well aware of this paper, which I have peddled about as one alternative explanation of a contributing component of the current affliction. Guidelines around EMF exposure are in recognised and dire need of re-examination.





(the abstract is predictably conservative and not (oddly /sarc) propounding a precautionary principle)

And to think that by 2025, we'll all be basking beneath >4000 down-dwelling Musk micro-wave comm satellites, that Musk instantly dismisses as a potential biological threat of unknown magnitude.

Wonder what AI has to venture on this, although I have no intention of asking, preferentially leaving that to someone else.

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Thanks for adding those papers and I've pinned the comment! Bringing up 5g usually leads to rolling eyes and loss of credibility, I guess that's built into the cointelpro. To be clear to everyone, I'm not minimizing the importance of no-virus/no germ/no need for shots etc. But the 5g thing is lurking in a bad way...

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11 minutes - https://rumble.com/embed/v2nt0om/?pub=f3yqj this connects the dots to 5g

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Alternative explanation of what current affliction? Covid-19 is nothing but fraud.

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We're currently enduring en masse, a damnable coterie of manufactured 'afflictions'. One hardly needs reminding.

There are the afflictions of locale: pollution, EMF, depleted hospital resources, staff shortages, a veritable legion of shot injuries, psychotic nudges from GOV, policy afflictions from WHO, WEF et al., supply chain 'shortages', the list seems endless and include afflictions of pernicious ideology that wants to turn men into women, and slaughter 200,000 cows in Ireland, or stamp on food production in Holland.

Sadly, there appear numerous afflictions, some coincidental, some engineered, some consequential, some downright Satanic. I'm uncertain how we find our way out of this, or indeed if those that are perpetrating it can be set aside.

I pray that sufficient awaken.

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Putting it all together, fake virus to make you take a fake shot that has graphene in it and connects to an ethernet of 4g and 5g and making humans walking stupid phones. This all makes sense. You want to chip and send signals to all your animals on the ranch. My purpose is to spur-on the discussion and enlightenment.

Let me explain that the “Your Ambushed!” and “we’re guilty” part of the post is mainly a satiric mechanism to give the topic some zest. None of the real no-virus people are really guilty of anything except that lady “Poorn” something and James Corbett by twisted association. Personally, I want to know as much as I can about the anatomy of this fraud, and how to reply to all the people who ask me, “so what is making people sick?”. Besides relabeling, hospital protocols, and injections, we have PCR swabs up the nose near the brain, dirty masks, and it seems 5g is in the mix for some specific locations where people had low O2 but were not classically “sick”. 5G at 60 Ghz fits the role of O2-Hgb dissociation. The intensity of push for 5g to dovetail with the fake pandemic, the effects of EMFs, and the locations are too much to ignore. I hope this post will help us towards a comprehensive counterattack against the war on humanity.

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Sure, there are lots of manufactured afflictions. But which affliction were you referring to when you wrote "personally well aware of this paper, which I have peddled about as one alternative explanation of a contributing component of the current affliction". Because that paper wasn't about an affliction. It's about a bogus test.

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I was referring to the Rubik & Brown (exhibit 2) article that presents 5G as a significant biological stressor. Yes, I do realise it also peddles the 'virus' and 'pandemic' narratives, but those of us here understand those limitations, which you clearly do, too. Needless to say, the article (which I think is valuable) would never had seen the light of day had it not warbled on about "COVID." We get that too. The correlation is also bogus for the reasons you point out, but none the less it presents the implementation of an additional EMF challenge that requires consideration.

In presenting alternative hypotheses one prises open minds. It becomes a smaller and far easier step to falsify the monstrous scams?

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Christine brings up an important point, that 5g effects have not been operationally defined nor rigorously studied. The directionality, distance, strength, and geographic variables are not easily studied and maybe conveniently so. She also makes me think that this paper could also be used as a cover for 5g effects with all the Sars-Cov 2 this and that in the paper that you have to ignore. Nonetheless, there is some data presented in the paper that is suggestive enough that public policy should be reevaluated:

"COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China in December 2019, shortly after city-wide 5G had “gone live,” that is, become an operational system, on October 31, 2019. COVID-19 outbreaks soon followed in other areas where 5G had also been at least partially implemented, including South Korea, Northern Italy, New York City, Seattle, and Southern California. In May 2020, Mordachev [4] reported a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radiofrequency radiation and the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world. During the first pandemic wave in the United States, COVID-19 attributed cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure as compared with states and cities that did not yet have this technology [5]."

So, as ONE of the afflictions getting a LABEL of Covid-19 we have radiation poisoning (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33064832/) from 4g and 5g, and Sars-Cov-2 is a fake story that runs cover for 5G and Vax toxicity.

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The Lancet commentary linked above makes the crucial points well, while the literature is robust, re. EMF deleterious biological effects and duration of exposure.

Doubtless you are aware of the association between so called historical 'pandemics' and the strength of the heliosphere (sunspot activity/gamma radiation). ie. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8016555/



or this frightful one,


Granted, one makes a tacit 'allowance' for the explicit 'virus' narrative that is all pervasive. It is the EMF correlative that seems potentially important and worthy of close examination. Question: how does one undertake that?

By 2025, Musk will have >4000 downward beaming microwave satellites in orbit. I guess we're in a 'control' phase now. We have been warned that pandemics will become more frequent. We're in running situation without controls in which one toxic official narrative is imposed (virus). I can see them acknowledging and then using the EMF argument to bolster the viral/vaxx narrative. Dismissal of the viral narrative is crucial. It will prove as difficult as phlogiston

It's not at all easy being in Hell.

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""COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China in December 2019, shortly after city-wide 5G had “gone live,” that is, become an operational system, on October 31, 2019. COVID-19 outbreaks soon followed in other areas where 5G had also been at least partially implemented, including South Korea, Northern Italy, New York City, Seattle, and Southern California."

So my issue there is that the "covid-19 outbreaks" are nonexistent, and the tests used to define the "cases" is not validated for detecting any adverse health outcome. Plus, fake outbreaks happened all over the place, surely not just in places where 5g was turned on.

"correlation between the intensity of radiofrequency radiation and the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world".

you can get measure more "mortality from SARS-COV-2" simply by running more of the bogus "SARS-COV-2" tests, since there will always be a portion of the fraudulently-diagnosed people who die.

"During the first pandemic wave in the United States, COVID-19 attributed cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure as compared with states and cities that did not yet have this technology [5].""

Again, you can create this result simply by running more tests.

I'm not denying or even skeptical that there are health effects of 5G, just pointing out what sound like weaknesses in the paper. If I don't, someone else will. But I admit I haven't read the paper, so maybe it's better than it sounds.

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I just think we need to be very careful in framing these studies accurately so as not to mislead people and give the impression that there is evidence (fake-covid-related or otherwise) that isn't actually there.

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You are correct, it's a description like epidemiological data not an experiment or a clinical trial. Considering 5G parameters of gHz etc. can be modulated by a central control we may never really get hard evidence. If a tower seemed to be affecting me though I would be very concerned to say the least.

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Understand your well made point perfectly.

The reality is that there are myths (virology, 'germ theory' and COVID). They have to be deconstructed one small step and one person at a time. Erasing 'phlogiston' took a century. In the end, the scientific method stepped up. Truth will prevail. It finds a way.

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It's interesting you start with the 5G map. That's how I confirmed that my family (4 off us plus my son's girlfriend) all got sick in January of 2020 with what felt like a painful chest cold/upper respiratory thing. I live in the Commiefornia central valley and at that time AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon all fired up their 5G towers all around us. That was Dec 2019-Jan 2020. It started in Wuhan, then the west coast, then rolled across the country. None of us have been "sick" since. We've had issues with allergies and air pollution here but no "colds or flu". It was the 5G that made us sick. The timing of it can't be denied.

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Thanks PM. Excellent post indeed.

Never was covid. Just the cover for 5G.


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I agree 5G is dangerous and is making some people sick. There's also the possibility that natural EMF is a factor, though. The "Death by Diet" (1999) book cites Earth's weakening magnetic field as a factor in making us ill. Suspicious Observers on Youtube agrees with this and says it'll eventually result in a magnetic pole flip and then a pole-shift of the earth's outer crust. Some believe imminent cataclysm is the real motive for the Great Reset:




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Thanks, we are also said to be going into a solar minimum, starting in 2020 and things to get quite cold above the 33rd parallel in 20 yrs. We better put up a lot of solar panels before that happens.

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A solar minimum supposedly corresponds to a weaker solar magnetic field which means the Earth is exposed to more cosmic rays. Cosmic rays might seed clouds, cooling the Earth. (The Earth's weakening magnetic field has a similar effect.) I used to follow Henrik Svensmark and Niv Shaviv who promote this idea but they've been predicting drastically cooler weather for over a decade now, which hasn't happened. Perhaps the effect is real and it's been offset by chemtrails.😉

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I have been making the connection between 5G and the illness named Covid 19 since January 2020.


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Exhibit 2 is nonsensical - there is no valid test for "covid-19" since there is no "virus" and hence no "coronavirus disease". All they could possibly show is a correlation between a bogus test and exposure to radiation.

I am not controlled by anyone. I made a conscious decision years ago to focus (publicly) on 1 issue at a time, for the sake of my mental health and for the sake of maximizing my effectiveness (and I believe this has worked very well for me). Hence I rarely even mention fluoride anymore. This doesn't make me guilty of anything!

Lots of other people are investigating and sharing on other topics, including 5g. No need for me to try to cover it as well.

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I added this explainer under EXHIBIT 2:

Note: while this paper seems to support the notion of the never found Sars-Cov-2 virus, the point is the correlation of 5G temporally and geographically with radiation poisoning that can lead to getting the fake Covid test and be labeled as a Covid case (the “virus” story is essentially running cover for 5G). Reading the paper with this discernment that there is no actual virus still gives very valuable information.

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Ok well, does the paper actually address evidence of radiation poisoning? I don't mean to be a pain, but there is a difference between exposure and an adverse health outcome.

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The paper sites this huge study

[42] Sage C, Carpenter DO. BioInitiative Working Group. BioInitiative Report:A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Radiation. Updated 2014-2020. 2012. http://www.bioinitiative.org.

The reviewer section at the end is VERY long. I suggest you scan the paper and the reviews. Some examples:

-This review is a nice mix of very recent publications (last 5 years) and some classic papers mainly from Soviet Union and United States, showing, that knowledge about harmful effects of RFR (radio frequency radiation) have been extensively studied already few decades ago.

-There are perhaps 30,000 or even more scientific papers documenting the bioeffects of RFR on living systems.

I would also note, if you follow the money, there is no gain for these authors to take on the telecom giants.

I would call this "poisoning": Both 5G Network Frequency and Active Denial Crowd Control Systems Use Millimeter Wave Microwave Technology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System

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I'm not questioning whether 5G is harmful. Just pointing out the need to be very clear, so as not to cause more confusion, by citing studies that actually show what is being claimed or implied. Most people are not even going to look at the studies we cite, let alone look up the studies referenced in them.

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This "correlation between a bogus test and exposure to radiation" is exactly true and I hope that is all I'm trying to say, well, besides how to run away from, protect or block, or get rid of these towers that are acting as human bar code readers and writers.

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I hear you :)

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If you want to warn people about the health effects of 5G, much better to cite studies that show a correlation (or causation, if there are valid experiments) with actual health outcomes - not a bogus meaningless test for a non-existent "virus". Legitimizing fraudulent tests adds to the confusion.

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My noting in the caption of the abstract image to, "Take “Covid-19” in this paper just to mean “get sick” may not have been clear enough. It's not causation of course, but it's really all we have in terms of "cases" of said to be ill people vs 5G rollout. Personally I think there were some 5g caused cases on a patchy basis, but there were other possible causes.

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That was my point, the "covid" cases do not signify sickness, only a bogus test result.

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Jun 7, 2023
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Please elaborate on the mechanisms of what you describe to fake the fall out.

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