Final comments: withdrawal from terd swirl echo chambers. All we do is propagate our truths is a one percent vacuum. If any of you got off your ass and did boots on the ground research you would realize how fucked humans are. Nobody, I mean nobody in real walks of life have a fucking clue as to wtf is going on. This has wasted so much of my time. See the future and realize nothing will stop the ananarki infiltration. They are way the fuck superior and are even gaming our own ranks as gatekeepers to prevent the whole truth.
Withdrawal from stupid has become mandatory for mental health reasons.
The future is quasi fucking I honestly don’t know. Fwd views see this as the year for what will be earth changing. My take is agreed, but as soon as I react to the clues I get smacked(mentally). Hang loose. The invasion is nearly complete. The one question I continually ask myself is: am I being manipulated? Am I manipulating myself? It seems as though my crazy self is intact:)
Are we really as small a group as one percent ? My sister and brother had 4 shots each my two children 2 shots each. They all " seem " fine. I had none. My family would not listen to me . They still don't. My daughter wants to vaccinate a healthy baby , I don't know what to do ?
I'd really like to know how the divide works as background doesn't really seem to have much to do with it. My aunt had at least 2 ... but then sadly got Polymyalgia Rheumatica. She's not getting any more.
My mother had two in order to travel although she didn't believe the BS however she had undiagnosed Alzheimers at the time so I'm not sure if she would have had them if she hadn't had dementia. It seems the shots accelerated her Alzheimers and she died a year after diagnosis ... although to my mind that was a blessing as the last thing she would ever have wanted was to live a long time with dementia.
... is beyond all the chatter of man, whether Anunnaki or not. "They" might put a veil of invincibility around them but it is equally just self-deception! Once you believe THEIR DECEPTION you have fallen for THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!
Right, I noted that but wonder if putting pressure on his thumb to squeeze the blood out which took a couple of pushes could cause that. I guess it has to be repeated?
I still can't quite put my finger on why some people followed the bs and others didn't. Personally, I have a healthy distrust of everyone and have no desaire to control other people. The study of the history of virology and its utterly fraudulent pseudoscience is liberating. However, most people no longer think for themselves and acto in a hive mentality. Thanks.
I too know several people who got 4 shots and seem fine. My guess is the majority of shots are meant to quietly sterilize or at least reduce fertility. And some shots kill quickly/cause obvious adverse effects to distract us from that agenda.
Thanks! The problem is seem fine, looking fine on scope, and being fine over time, may not be the same. I wish we had a smoking gun test to confirm. I don't expect all the answers today.
The RBC in the first slide don't look all that healthy to me. RBC should be nice and round and smooth. Look at all those flat sides and geometric shapes. That ain't right. I can see some small spikey things on the exterior of the some cells as well.
Yes a bit suspicious, I didn't want to scare the man. We'll do a 6 month follow up in May. He knows we are in prayer mode but at least he's not growing obvious circuit boards.
True. But the blood cells are concerning. Carnicom has done a lot of studies into what CDB is doing to and with the RBCs and its not good. It's robbing them of the nutrients they carry around to feed all the other cells like oxygen and iron and more and then it looks like CDB is also using RBCs as some kind of incubator to make more things inside the RBCs before killing them. That's why they get those weird shapes. They are collapsing from being eaten up.
Anyway, I hope the guy is going to be okay, but I hope that for all of us. It's in everyone.
I am talking about CDB - Cross Domain Bacteria. Not CBD. It's confusing, but CDB is the name Carnicom coined for this crap because that's what it is - a cross btw animal/plant/mineral and why it's (so far) impossible to kill.
I'm glad your friend isn't doing any drugs. They won't help. I know a lot of people like him that got injected when they really didn't want to because of pressures from terrified family, etc.
Thankfully, I would have been shocked. I smelled it from further way than that...I had Fauci's number from the AIDS ruse...and the minute vaxxes became mandated I knew the culling, that I had anticipated for decades, was upon us...paranoia pays off...
I will make a more bio-nerd reply on the "placebo" issue. There can't be a placebo because there can't be an active drug because there is no germ to vaccinate against and thus no mechanism of action. So instead of "placebo" we can say "saline injection", that would be ok. The best placebo, would or should imitate all the non-active ingredients in the pharmaceutical formulation to maintain blind to the type of injection as much as possible, and to make the comparison truly vs the active pharmaceutical ingredient.
The vaxes in Japan do seem milder, but for the 200k or so dead and many more injured they wouldn't think so. Whether placebo or just no obvious effect is still unclear. If plasmids with DNA or a minor amount of nano particles are in there we may never know as people may get infertile, ill, or die over the long term. But good comment.
Ultimately people are individual so reactions to poisons in vaccines can vary enormously. Japaneses diet may be better than the west in general and would be a factor.
Thank you, anything can be true. But their are no obvious chemtrails and very few 5g here. BG said someplace "the vaxes in Japan won't be so bad", I think he can't keep his mouth shut, wonder what he puts in it. Also, I think Deagel has on their site the plan for Japan is to loose 20% of their population, the US 75%. There you have it, a PLAN as is the usual case....???
I think not just for divide and conquer. I saw this as a coordinated testing programme and there could have been anything in any of the shots. I suspect the entirety of the vaccine programme going back 60+ years has been to use us as lab rats and see what different poisons do. The worldwide, almost enforced, Covid vax was an opportunity for data gathering too enormous to possibly pass up and I expect the bad batch syndrome, stretched along a timeline, was actually deliberate testing of the various poisons on us - with enough time in between to be able to pin the outcomes on a set of batches. There is no way they didn't do that. Why wouldn't they sharpen one of their tools? One of their many vectors of death.
On a lighter note, I saw a deliciously sweet headline this morning: "Anti-vaxxers petition for Mercury to be removed from the Solar System".
PS. I completely agree with you saying they were also deliberately taking out ethnic and socio-economic groups. To me it looked very much like the Five Eyes were clearing New Zealand for full occupation by Intelligence personnel.
Thank you. I'm honoured already. :) It's quite a productive pathway to wander down. Once you see the experimenter's framework it it all looks timetabled and coordinated. And some of the loose ends become explicable too, like the shoddy manufacturing quality in some regions.
One of the things they had in their favour, too, is that it was to their benefit to kill people because - if you think as I do - the vaccine's purpose is to cover for the Kill Zone 5G (which will be another area of experimentation). The more people complain about the dangers of the vax (and there's no question it's dangerous) the less light falls on 5G. Frances just put up a post on the Year of the Dragon being about to start. It seems every year is the Year of the Lab Rat. :)
Yes, I did read that at the time, thanks to Harry Vox. (Haven't seen him for a very long while.) I'm sick to death of the philanthropaths (can't remember who to credit for that word) and, believe it or not, I'm trying not to look at too many conspiracies; in fact any at all. There are more than one person can cope with and I hardly need any more convincing they are everywhere. They're as much the atmosphere of this planet as Oxygen and Nitrogen. Also, another one of the things that took me rather too long to twig to, is that they LOVE using up your time. That counts as a success in their books. Probably not quite as much as flailing you and drinking your blood, but in the right direction. :) ;)
Interesting comment about NZ. I have a friend who lives there and will never take the jabs. He has told me for several years that the ultra wealthy were buying land and building bunkers there. It’s far away from any potential wars, but unlikely safe from natural disasters. Time will tell, I suppose.
I wrote this comment just after a massive incredibly ridiculous argument with a friend over how the twin towers came down - she recognises 9/11 as an inside job but still believed some propaganda nonsense about sagging steel and fire being the cause. As she knew it was an inside job I was taken by surprise that she wasn't aligned with controlled demolition.
I can see how I would surely have averted the argument by an intelligent response (so I guess I really am the idiot here) but somehow we wound up in a screaming match. It's not nice to look at friends and repeat to yourself, "Only idiots attempt to debate with idiots, only idiots attempt to debate with idiots, only idiots attempt to debate with idiots" ... but if it works I'll take it so thanks for this tip! Unfortunately, there are just so many situations where that mantra needs to be applied.
I think that would have riled me enough to take the bait, Petra. So much so that I'm almost frustrated on your behalf. These are the stupidest arguments in the world. There is a finite amount of energy in that jet fuel, (which is exactly the same as heating fuel so deliberately not explosive), most of which you don't get in yellow flame combustion or if you've spilled at least half of it down the front of the building! We know the specific heat capacity of the 120,000 tonnes (?) of steel in the building and, though it's well over a decade since I did the calculation, I think I remember the rise as possibly being a few 10s of degrees. Certainly nowhere near weakening steel. Then, what for me is the final coup de grace, all this connected steel acts as one huge heatsink, conducting the heat away! Of course there's a final set of numbskulls who will say that the office furnture did the rest. These guys should go and have a look at the energy consumption of furnaces in smelting and then tell me if they think they can keep one of those going by tossing in a few bits of IKEA furniture? The whole thing is beyond preposterous.
Deliciously, these are the very same people who, two decades later, will be saying "Follow the science!"
Thank you for your sympathy Christian. I think it was the combined fact that I really was taken by surprise and the fact that I haven't given a thought to how the buildings came down for years - it's ancient history to me now - and I'd kind of forgotten the argument. Yes, it's preposterous ... as is the rest of the narrative ... the beauty of the Emperor's New Clothes effect.
It doesn't matter how well people understand logic it's generally their biases and emotions that guide them unfortunately. It's weird, prior to "waking up" which didn't start till my early 50s a decade ago I didn't think of other people as being less rational than me generally speaking but over the years since I've learnt how incredibly people are guided by their biases and emotions. Understanding logic doesn't make people objective. Objectivity is very much an attitude.
The sudden death doses were created to cause extreme polarization in the public. Polarization is at the root of most of what THEY do. It has become the only thing produced by the entire political system in the West that has any value but that value is only worth anything to THEM.
That's an interesting take Et's, I always though they were just trying to get away with some early deaths that society could accept a small number of-but you have an interesting angle.
Every script is designed to polarize opposing sides and taunt the people who are aware of what's really going on. This is what fills all the news cycles 24/7. This has been the entire purpose of all the Trump versus Biden family narratives and all the Trump melodrama going back to 2015. America just can't get enough of this soap opera. It's ending is what is likely going to light the powder keg........ whatever that turns out to be or whatever form it takes. I have been saying this for 7 years.
"and "so what if some people died....I need to get it for my job.""
... a clear sign that MOST women and most man have been dumbed/ have actively participating in dumbing themselves down to three year olds. All the revelations looking like a concerted effort of sorts to achieve this or that are merely symptoms of aforementioned mental condition - including those looking like "perpetrators". In REALITY they are simply the symptom of the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!
It might not be perfectly clear what this gospel is all about. As far as I am concerned it comprises EACH AND EVERY attempt trying to fix the unfixable. Trying to improve GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION which came out of THE WORD ... and with every inch going down this road one gets more and more lost about THE TRUTH - LIFE!
THE TRUTH will reveal it whenever HIS TIME HAS COME!
Final comments: withdrawal from terd swirl echo chambers. All we do is propagate our truths is a one percent vacuum. If any of you got off your ass and did boots on the ground research you would realize how fucked humans are. Nobody, I mean nobody in real walks of life have a fucking clue as to wtf is going on. This has wasted so much of my time. See the future and realize nothing will stop the ananarki infiltration. They are way the fuck superior and are even gaming our own ranks as gatekeepers to prevent the whole truth.
Withdrawal from stupid has become mandatory for mental health reasons.
Be good...
Correct, it is very frustrating.
I Will always respect people like you!
May we meet on the other side.
The future is quasi fucking I honestly don’t know. Fwd views see this as the year for what will be earth changing. My take is agreed, but as soon as I react to the clues I get smacked(mentally). Hang loose. The invasion is nearly complete. The one question I continually ask myself is: am I being manipulated? Am I manipulating myself? It seems as though my crazy self is intact:)
Are we really as small a group as one percent ? My sister and brother had 4 shots each my two children 2 shots each. They all " seem " fine. I had none. My family would not listen to me . They still don't. My daughter wants to vaccinate a healthy baby , I don't know what to do ?
Send her this link showing 17mil dead world wide from the vaxes.
That was 7 months ago, it must be much higher now and probably this number is minimized to begin with.
Thank you
I'd really like to know how the divide works as background doesn't really seem to have much to do with it. My aunt had at least 2 ... but then sadly got Polymyalgia Rheumatica. She's not getting any more.
My mother had two in order to travel although she didn't believe the BS however she had undiagnosed Alzheimers at the time so I'm not sure if she would have had them if she hadn't had dementia. It seems the shots accelerated her Alzheimers and she died a year after diagnosis ... although to my mind that was a blessing as the last thing she would ever have wanted was to live a long time with dementia.
... is beyond all the chatter of man, whether Anunnaki or not. "They" might put a veil of invincibility around them but it is equally just self-deception! Once you believe THEIR DECEPTION you have fallen for THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!
First slide shows pentagon and oblong shaped cells not the regular doughnut shapes for red blood
Right, I noted that but wonder if putting pressure on his thumb to squeeze the blood out which took a couple of pushes could cause that. I guess it has to be repeated?
I doubt pushing on something that small with something that big (a thumb) would result in changing the shape. Blood is blood.
The RBCs in the first slide are almost all the wrong shape and many seem to have spiky points which are also not right.
I still can't quite put my finger on why some people followed the bs and others didn't. Personally, I have a healthy distrust of everyone and have no desaire to control other people. The study of the history of virology and its utterly fraudulent pseudoscience is liberating. However, most people no longer think for themselves and acto in a hive mentality. Thanks.
I too know several people who got 4 shots and seem fine. My guess is the majority of shots are meant to quietly sterilize or at least reduce fertility. And some shots kill quickly/cause obvious adverse effects to distract us from that agenda.
Thanks! The problem is seem fine, looking fine on scope, and being fine over time, may not be the same. I wish we had a smoking gun test to confirm. I don't expect all the answers today.
People are popping off all around. Seeming fine today means nothing. Proves nothing.
Correct, that is exactly what I said.
I was seconding your motion in response to CK.
The RBC in the first slide don't look all that healthy to me. RBC should be nice and round and smooth. Look at all those flat sides and geometric shapes. That ain't right. I can see some small spikey things on the exterior of the some cells as well.
Yes a bit suspicious, I didn't want to scare the man. We'll do a 6 month follow up in May. He knows we are in prayer mode but at least he's not growing obvious circuit boards.
True. But the blood cells are concerning. Carnicom has done a lot of studies into what CDB is doing to and with the RBCs and its not good. It's robbing them of the nutrients they carry around to feed all the other cells like oxygen and iron and more and then it looks like CDB is also using RBCs as some kind of incubator to make more things inside the RBCs before killing them. That's why they get those weird shapes. They are collapsing from being eaten up.
Anyway, I hope the guy is going to be okay, but I hope that for all of us. It's in everyone.
Prayers is right. Amen.
He doesn't do CBD or any drugs, his problem is passivity to his wife. The fake terror on the news made people lose all rational thought.
I am talking about CDB - Cross Domain Bacteria. Not CBD. It's confusing, but CDB is the name Carnicom coined for this crap because that's what it is - a cross btw animal/plant/mineral and why it's (so far) impossible to kill.
I'm glad your friend isn't doing any drugs. They won't help. I know a lot of people like him that got injected when they really didn't want to because of pressures from terrified family, etc.
It's tragic.
Sorry getting sleepy can't read properly, see you tomorrow!
Man, me, too. Sweet dreams...
There's no doubt nuclear weapons are a hoax.
-- A L L T R U E ••••• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People don’t think. Many still think we live on a spinning ball of water with oxygen being mysteriously held on earth against the “vacuum” of space.
No sorry Nukes have never been shown to exist, see all the links and those in the top comment
Now you know why the blob owns the movie theaters
That Tavistock stuff makes my head reel.
You might run this by Karl C. or matt j.o.a.b.
No worries, I'm ugly but not stupid. I smelled this a mile away in early 2020. I took and scoped the blood from the man.
Thankfully, I would have been shocked. I smelled it from further way than that...I had Fauci's number from the AIDS ruse...and the minute vaxxes became mandated I knew the culling, that I had anticipated for decades, was upon us...paranoia pays off...
I will make a more bio-nerd reply on the "placebo" issue. There can't be a placebo because there can't be an active drug because there is no germ to vaccinate against and thus no mechanism of action. So instead of "placebo" we can say "saline injection", that would be ok. The best placebo, would or should imitate all the non-active ingredients in the pharmaceutical formulation to maintain blind to the type of injection as much as possible, and to make the comparison truly vs the active pharmaceutical ingredient.
The vaxes in Japan do seem milder, but for the 200k or so dead and many more injured they wouldn't think so. Whether placebo or just no obvious effect is still unclear. If plasmids with DNA or a minor amount of nano particles are in there we may never know as people may get infertile, ill, or die over the long term. But good comment.
Ultimately people are individual so reactions to poisons in vaccines can vary enormously. Japaneses diet may be better than the west in general and would be a factor.
Thank you, anything can be true. But their are no obvious chemtrails and very few 5g here. BG said someplace "the vaxes in Japan won't be so bad", I think he can't keep his mouth shut, wonder what he puts in it. Also, I think Deagel has on their site the plan for Japan is to loose 20% of their population, the US 75%. There you have it, a PLAN as is the usual case....???
I think not just for divide and conquer. I saw this as a coordinated testing programme and there could have been anything in any of the shots. I suspect the entirety of the vaccine programme going back 60+ years has been to use us as lab rats and see what different poisons do. The worldwide, almost enforced, Covid vax was an opportunity for data gathering too enormous to possibly pass up and I expect the bad batch syndrome, stretched along a timeline, was actually deliberate testing of the various poisons on us - with enough time in between to be able to pin the outcomes on a set of batches. There is no way they didn't do that. Why wouldn't they sharpen one of their tools? One of their many vectors of death.
On a lighter note, I saw a deliciously sweet headline this morning: "Anti-vaxxers petition for Mercury to be removed from the Solar System".
PS. I completely agree with you saying they were also deliberately taking out ethnic and socio-economic groups. To me it looked very much like the Five Eyes were clearing New Zealand for full occupation by Intelligence personnel.
Ah, wanted to pin your comment but it's part of a thread so will give up, but excellent comment thanks!
Thank you. I'm honoured already. :) It's quite a productive pathway to wander down. Once you see the experimenter's framework it it all looks timetabled and coordinated. And some of the loose ends become explicable too, like the shoddy manufacturing quality in some regions.
One of the things they had in their favour, too, is that it was to their benefit to kill people because - if you think as I do - the vaccine's purpose is to cover for the Kill Zone 5G (which will be another area of experimentation). The more people complain about the dangers of the vax (and there's no question it's dangerous) the less light falls on 5G. Frances just put up a post on the Year of the Dragon being about to start. It seems every year is the Year of the Lab Rat. :)
I'll rea that when I come back from my walk.The light is going to go very soon.
Correct! See from p. 18
Yes, I did read that at the time, thanks to Harry Vox. (Haven't seen him for a very long while.) I'm sick to death of the philanthropaths (can't remember who to credit for that word) and, believe it or not, I'm trying not to look at too many conspiracies; in fact any at all. There are more than one person can cope with and I hardly need any more convincing they are everywhere. They're as much the atmosphere of this planet as Oxygen and Nitrogen. Also, another one of the things that took me rather too long to twig to, is that they LOVE using up your time. That counts as a success in their books. Probably not quite as much as flailing you and drinking your blood, but in the right direction. :) ;)
Exactly. All jabs have been experiments on Us!
Interesting comment about NZ. I have a friend who lives there and will never take the jabs. He has told me for several years that the ultra wealthy were buying land and building bunkers there. It’s far away from any potential wars, but unlikely safe from natural disasters. Time will tell, I suppose.
"What I learnt is that people who attempt to debate with idiots are idiots."
On that basis I'm the Queen of Idiots.
I wrote this comment just after a massive incredibly ridiculous argument with a friend over how the twin towers came down - she recognises 9/11 as an inside job but still believed some propaganda nonsense about sagging steel and fire being the cause. As she knew it was an inside job I was taken by surprise that she wasn't aligned with controlled demolition.
I can see how I would surely have averted the argument by an intelligent response (so I guess I really am the idiot here) but somehow we wound up in a screaming match. It's not nice to look at friends and repeat to yourself, "Only idiots attempt to debate with idiots, only idiots attempt to debate with idiots, only idiots attempt to debate with idiots" ... but if it works I'll take it so thanks for this tip! Unfortunately, there are just so many situations where that mantra needs to be applied.
I think that would have riled me enough to take the bait, Petra. So much so that I'm almost frustrated on your behalf. These are the stupidest arguments in the world. There is a finite amount of energy in that jet fuel, (which is exactly the same as heating fuel so deliberately not explosive), most of which you don't get in yellow flame combustion or if you've spilled at least half of it down the front of the building! We know the specific heat capacity of the 120,000 tonnes (?) of steel in the building and, though it's well over a decade since I did the calculation, I think I remember the rise as possibly being a few 10s of degrees. Certainly nowhere near weakening steel. Then, what for me is the final coup de grace, all this connected steel acts as one huge heatsink, conducting the heat away! Of course there's a final set of numbskulls who will say that the office furnture did the rest. These guys should go and have a look at the energy consumption of furnaces in smelting and then tell me if they think they can keep one of those going by tossing in a few bits of IKEA furniture? The whole thing is beyond preposterous.
Deliciously, these are the very same people who, two decades later, will be saying "Follow the science!"
Thank you for your sympathy Christian. I think it was the combined fact that I really was taken by surprise and the fact that I haven't given a thought to how the buildings came down for years - it's ancient history to me now - and I'd kind of forgotten the argument. Yes, it's preposterous ... as is the rest of the narrative ... the beauty of the Emperor's New Clothes effect.
It doesn't matter how well people understand logic it's generally their biases and emotions that guide them unfortunately. It's weird, prior to "waking up" which didn't start till my early 50s a decade ago I didn't think of other people as being less rational than me generally speaking but over the years since I've learnt how incredibly people are guided by their biases and emotions. Understanding logic doesn't make people objective. Objectivity is very much an attitude.
The sudden death doses were created to cause extreme polarization in the public. Polarization is at the root of most of what THEY do. It has become the only thing produced by the entire political system in the West that has any value but that value is only worth anything to THEM.
That's an interesting take Et's, I always though they were just trying to get away with some early deaths that society could accept a small number of-but you have an interesting angle.
Every script is designed to polarize opposing sides and taunt the people who are aware of what's really going on. This is what fills all the news cycles 24/7. This has been the entire purpose of all the Trump versus Biden family narratives and all the Trump melodrama going back to 2015. America just can't get enough of this soap opera. It's ending is what is likely going to light the powder keg........ whatever that turns out to be or whatever form it takes. I have been saying this for 7 years.
The sudden death batches may have been sent to take out specific socio-economic, or ethnic areas.
Anything to support this sentence? Just curious.
"and "so what if some people died....I need to get it for my job.""
... a clear sign that MOST women and most man have been dumbed/ have actively participating in dumbing themselves down to three year olds. All the revelations looking like a concerted effort of sorts to achieve this or that are merely symptoms of aforementioned mental condition - including those looking like "perpetrators". In REALITY they are simply the symptom of the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!
It might not be perfectly clear what this gospel is all about. As far as I am concerned it comprises EACH AND EVERY attempt trying to fix the unfixable. Trying to improve GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION which came out of THE WORD ... and with every inch going down this road one gets more and more lost about THE TRUTH - LIFE!
THE TRUTH will reveal it whenever HIS TIME HAS COME!