Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Proton Magic

Well, I thought it worth taking a little gander at the literature PM. Why not? For entertainment then, a early paper in 'Blood' Jul;68(1):281-4. Human T lymphotropic virus type III infection of human alveolar macrophages. Salahuddin et al. (1986).

Let us concede that the authors deserve some credit? /rhet

How did they achieve getting their paper published when they candidly acknowledged doubting the mysteries to which they allude in the title of their paper?

They write: "Despite this suggestion of viral infection, HTLV-III (or other viruses) could not be visualized by electron-microscopy, and attempts to transmit HTLV-III from these cells to normal T cells were unsuccessful."

Tricky to see and tricky to transmit, now that would be a paper worth publishing.

Wait a mo, it was.

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If the word "virus" is in the title, then the ship has sailed as they say.

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Quite extraordinary, really.

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Sep 15·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Proton Magic

You delight Me, little proton! With Your keen examination and Your wit! Thank You for this piece showing the BS They spew to "explain" thing that make no sense from the get-go!

"They" being the Ones that aim for...

The Dividing of Humanity to Maintain Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-dividing-of-humanity-to-maintain

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Sep 15Liked by Proton Magic

Ah..... needed that. xx

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Sep 16Liked by Proton Magic

Yes. And this is exactly what proves that so far all "vaccinations" have been prepared for deliberate genocide! The original Greek meaning of virus is poison. And these are nothing more than poison mixers! Ph.D.'s, white coats, government-mandated poisoners who kill people.

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Yes true but the majority of the PhDs etc are just as indoctrinated as the normies. They wouldn't do it if they knew.

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Sep 16Liked by Proton Magic

I would like to believe this, but here in Hungary - and in other countries of the world - they still recommend "vaccines", even though they already know for sure that they are deadly, make you sick, etc.. They talk to each other, but they still vaccinate and lie to those who get sick from them their illness is not due to "vaccinations". So I hope you understand why I don't think they are just useful idiots! If in the first cases they would have stood up and said "sorry, we didn't know and didn't think", then maybe... Not even then, because they signed a confidentiality agreement regarding "covid", which means that even then they should have at least suspected! Or when they have already seen him die on ventilators and from the given drugs! Also, that dissection has been banned all over the world! And then right at the beginning it turned out that there is no isolated SARS-COV-2 virus! But they were tested for it, "vaccinated against it" etc... So I can't believe that even after 4 years they are just stupid!

Don't think I'm mean, I just can't believe they'd be that stupid. Not even if we classify them in the "slow thinking" group, like 95% of humanity!

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Sep 16·edited 3 hrs agoAuthor

Thanks for telling us what it it like in Hungary. In the US, many years ago I had many Dr. and Nurse friends, none suspected one bit that HIV and AIDS was made up-there was no internet to get info then. Here where I am in Japan, I have communicated with some Drs and other researchers, not only the Japanese Drs but also foreign Drs I know and PhDs even who work for Pharma or in a research lab, they all think Covid is as the govt says and if some know the shots have side effects, they think that's just the shots working. Of course there are always exceptions. I havn't heard of confidentiality or no-dissection agreements here in Japan. I really don't know much about Hungary and appreciate your insights.

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Sep 17Liked by Proton Magic

The day a doctor realizes that vaccinations are generally harmful, he can no longer look in the mirror. So they avoid digging.

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PM strikes again! This post would make for an excellent PSA broadcast all over the world to inform the useless eaters exactly what’s going on.

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My pleasure only the ability of the world to think critically is pretty much in the cesspool.

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Excellanto Proton!.

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Con gusto mi amigo!

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Sep 15Liked by Proton Magic

Fauci is still working on an HIV vaxxy in the Black House basement with Joey as his assistant. Any day now.

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Sep 17Liked by Proton Magic

I like the rainbow colored rendition myself. .

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This is absolute fun and the details are exquisite!

Thank you for recommending my articles; I hope, I'll keep deserving it, at least in your opinion! :)

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Thanks Ray, yes we try to have fun while our world is being turned upside🙃down!

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The day I quit believing in viruses (thanks to Tom Cowan and Company) is the day FEAR left and I no longer got sick. All I get now are detox symptoms and I aid my body for the process. AMAZING!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Slow- slow, quick-quick...

( What? Are we at cotillion?)


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