In early 2020 this little proton knew something was wrong when I couldn’t go for a run on the local college campus and asked why they don’t close the campus during flu season. The guard said, “because Corona is more dangerous than the flu”. Checking at Proton Magic Speed I found gov’t data that said there were more flu deaths than Corona deaths. Then the US ABC news was showing coffins going into the ground during prime time when any little kid could see this - I knew there was some bad particle spin going on.
While comments on-line said Sars-Cov-2 was found “in-silico” they never explained what that meant or left a link. In Mid 2020 I finally found our made man: Fan Wu et al. Nature, Feb 2020. MAKE NO MISTAKE, THIS IS THE DE FACTO PAPER DEFINING THE WORD “SARS-COV-2”.
Even though this little proton had traveled all over the universe I had never seen a black hole that matched the size of Fan Wu’s mendacious imagination. So today I lay bare what this nut-cake Dr. Wu (and more likely his handlers) is all about.
The Fan Wu Naked Centerfold you’ve all be waiting for:
Nice looking guy with the proverbial bow tie that symbolizes trust and humility.
Start with a fear zinger in the first line of the paper: “Emerging infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Zika virus disease, present a major threat to public health”.
Then a line to distract you from the no-virus exists truth: “The outbreak was associated with a seafood market in Wuhan”.
Invoke a magic method that makes the existence of “it” seem plausible: “Metagenomic RNA sequencing [means made from software not of finding a virus] of a sample of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from the patient identified a new RNA virus…designated here ‘WH-Human 1’ coronavirus (2019-nCoV).” Note the reification fallacy here: state there is a virus before it is proven to exist.
It must be true because it’s a continuation of our old virus friends from before: “Phylogenetic analysis of the complete viral genome…revealed that the virus was most closely related (89.1%...similarity) to SARS-like coronaviruses that had been found in bats in China.” Yep, bat coronaviruses whose only proof are again strings of letters called a “genome” made from a computer and/or unpurified cell cultures.
And you’d better not let your guard down!, “This outbreak highlights ability of viral spill-over from animals to cause severe disease in humans”.
The “Chinese Rolex Watch study”
I personally think this is a “Chinese Rolex Watch” study, meaning that none of the procedures described in this paper were actually done besides writing a story and printing out whatever Illumina and maybe other companies gave to them for the story. “Why would the study be pre-written?”, even my no-virus comrades ask me. It’s because this is a project planned many years in advance and on a warp speed timeline. NOTHING CAN BE LEFT TO CHANCE!
However, my no-virus friends love to dig-into the detailed nonsense, and well this is what the paper says so I will too. And if you think the details are too complex to understand let me summarize the conclusion for you simply, IT’S FRAUD.
From the top, a mix of many types of RNA was extracted from the lung fluid (BALF) of only one patient. Note, RNA was not taken from a viral object.
An RNA library was made by MiniSeq and a company called Illumina, a company with a suggestive name, a CEO from Microsoft and Disney, and a number of staff that previously worked for the criminal company Theranos (learn how to use LinkedIn to get this kind of info). The data was then trimmed by a company with the creative name Trimmomatic (sounds like a relative of the suspicious vote counting company called Smartmatic). This all means that zillions of nucleotide sequences are lined up for processing by the next set of software, Megahit & Trinity. They say they want to identify possible pathogens but how can a garbage pile of genetic material tell you which nano-monster is really the criminal if they have not actually caught a monster? Where is the original purified and isolated object to base a software-generated guess on?
We’ll just inject 8 billion people from this ONE PATIENT’S GUESSED GENOME FROM AN IMAGINED VIRUS, put on our bow tie and call it a day!
They go on to say some bat corona virus short fragments (contigs) were found “in high abundance”, but how can they say they are “corona” when there is no prior research paper showing ANY corona virus has ever existed? Well it’s in the past and said to be done so it must be true, don’t bother reading those older studies which you can see summarized near the top here that do not show finding any of the 7 human corona viruses EVER. And even if they did exist, many of one virus type doesn’t mean it is the pathogen, it could easily be there by chance, an opportunist, or the result of another cause of the illness (Nanotech Chinese flu shots made from 2018, or some Wuhan pollution, 5G turned on “deep-fry”, or “wet shit” from the wet market). Still, we got 8-bil to inject, no sense worrying about the small stuff!
Page 266 of the paper quietly says, “This virus strain was designated as WH-Human 1 coronavirus (and has also been referred to as ‘2019-nCoV’) and its whole genome sequence (29,903 nucleotides) has been assigned GenBank accession number MN908947.” This GenBank no is the definition of the original Sars-Cov-2. Every other Sars-Cov-2 said to exist must be related to this BY DEFINITION. Fan Wu says he got it from an infected human so it cannot only be “in a bioweapon injection and not infect humans” as pundits like Karen Kingston like to say. The truth though is that both Fan Wu and Kingston are BOTH lying, Sars-Cov-2 only exists as a name registered on paper, just like Godzilla only exists as a name in a screenplay.
The rest of the Methods just spouts more software BS and connections to a computer model of phylogeny of never-found nano-monsters etc. Well, this little proton is tired from typing, but will leave you with some nice figures from the paper to make your day.
※ Note, on about Feb 1, 2023 I have asked the Fan Wu paper for the raw patient and machine data but have received no reply.
Virus Incest Family Tree:
Virologist Sex Party In Graphic Form:
References Fan Wu wouldn’t much like:
Viroliegy on the genomic scam: Mike Stone
The Viral Delusion- Mega Documentary
Sam Bailey & Co Covid-19-Fraud: Sam Bailey
Freedom of Information: NO VIRUS!: Christine Massey
The Never-Found Virus: Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Irrefutable proof-of-virology: Katie Sugak
Space Busters End of Germ Theory: Steve Falconer
For Professionals (heavy reading):
Farewell to Virology: Mark Bailey
PCR Nonsense & No Corona Virus EVER Found: DSalud
HIV: A virus like no other: The Perth Group
Cold Virus On Ice: Proton Magic
The bowtie club...
This is another 'little one', Dr. Hotez, that deserves a bit more attention than he has received, along with this Dr. Wu.
Thanks for your time!
a synopsis of A Virus like no other by the Perth Group