The ā€œrace to 5Gā€ towers are line of sight directed energy weapons - their precision can target you and you alone inside a crowd of people. In 2020, there was a study in a major journal - now scrubbed from the internet - that found that 5G can induce cold symptoms. As many of you know, Wuhan China was the first city to install 5G and was also ground zero for COVID.

What they were doing to make the pandemic seem real - and this is why these death towers are now installed all over the place - is they were following people around via their cell signature through the 5G grid and zapping them with microwaves to induce COVID symptoms.

This way most people ā€œknewā€ someone diagnosed with COVID and it made the pandemic feel real (and in a way I guess it was, just from a different attack vector).

They would pick a person from a family, give them ā€œCOVIDā€, and then a week later they would pick someone that person came in contact with and give it to them as well. This occurred with families/friends all over the world, and made the transmission chain plausible.

The 2020 pandemic was all a contagion illusion created with 5G technology, assaulted victims, backstabbing journalists, false positive factory PCR tests, and word of mouth.

https://old.bitchute.com/video/LY6dTOr8PW7s [10:37mins]

And many lives will be lost because of it:

https://old.bitchute.com/video/y4ecuAj2w6Jc [2:57mins]

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Great info, and pinned!

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COVID Operation Executive Summary

The virus held little danger so to fix this flaw the script was flipped to ensure that all of the preventative measures were overflowing with harm:

The masks were designed to devitalize you mentally, physically, & spiritually.

The propaganda was programmed to wreck your mind and install the ā€œvirusā€.

The lockdowns were enforced to eviscerate your economies, education, and autonomy.

The injections are intended to erase you.

All of this damage is by design: death by a thousand cuts.

More on this here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-gathering-darkness

We're rats in a maze, you know this as well as anyone PM. Best to you and yours.

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Thanks, and many illnesses that labeled as Covid in 2020 were due to 5G:


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I would be interested in seeing a list of the causes of death you would expect to increase, if 5G was a primary cause. Then they could be correlated with the deaths that actually occurred. Establishing this correlation is the first step to proving causation, since causation always includes correlation.

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I think the key question is, what could cause deaths to surge in a limited geographic region, then return to normal, then the cycle repeats in other locations in the US.

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I lean to 5G as in this study


It would be more hidden then time/place roll-out of hospital protocols.

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That article addresses "corona virus outbreaks" or "cases" rather than excess deaths, and they are very different, since excess deaths generally exceeded so-called Covid deaths.

What is needed is research identifying how 5g causes death, and then matching up those means of death with the causes of death and other mortality data. That is to test the hypothesis that 5g was a primary cause of excess deaths, by seeing if the deaths are correlated with the hypothesized cause. We need to know what characteristics of the deaths at least suggest that 5G was involved. Until then all we have is speculation. Speculation is fine, but the mortality data is freely available online to establish whether it is correlated or not with with any given cause.

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I understand your point, yes. I would assume the illnesses labeled "Covid" are a surrogate marker for people going to a hospital and getting a protocoled exit from the planet or just dying at home. I would also assume that many persons ill from the same cause (like 5G or pcr swabs) also did not get a Covid diagnosis because either the pcr did not light up or their Dr gave them another diagnosis like cold, flu, malaise, etc. Just floating ideas. I think this is very difficult to study, and the planners would want it this way.

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One option may be to focus on the cause of death data, and see what it points to. From what I've seen I think radiation damage is a distinct possibility--and there is a lot more to see. Although that does not point directly to 5g, seems like it could.

Or, a dirty bomb. I came across an interesting fact: some radiation damage is delayed for several weeks (the delay depends on exposure)--about the same amount of time it took each death wave to peak. 5 peaks, 5 coincidences, seems like a stretch.

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A dirty bomb should affect kids and animals, I donā€™t think that happened. 5G had clear borderlines and provable research papers:


This one is clearer


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From what I hear over here (The Netherlands), many deaths occurred in public care homes. The elderly were locked up for 1.5 years. Not allowed outside, given meals by nurses in protective gear, all their social events cancelled, and sharp limits on visits. Elderly are vulnerable to change, so this could be expected to have substantial consequences.

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Also, the meals are garbage food and they limit water, so they don't have to bring in the pee jugs for the old people. Seeing people constantly in hazmat suits would make anyone want to give up hope, especially when locked up.

Barbara O'Neill did a talk on how dementia was turned around in old people, when they started giving them water, which caused their brains to function properly.

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Most deaths by far always occur among the elderly. The question is, did deaths increase MORE in care homes than in other places, and if so, how much more? In the US, care home deaths were high--but so were deaths at home, in the ER, and etc. And in the US deaths increased the most among younger and middle-aged adults, percentage-wise.

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There were no or few excess deaths in my country Ireland in 2020. But many in later years following roll out of wonder drugs.

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Oath of allegiance: this is the most important overlooked point which could change EVERYTHING !!!


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