Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023Pinned


A recent post:


stimulated a maelstrom of acerbic comments and as they grew it became clear this was an intentional attack using the, "Discredit by Making a Cesspool Strategy".

As a counter strategy I decided to :

1. Let the comments stand to show the attack was happening and their content.

2. Make this sibling post focusing on the specific issue brought up in that post of a chemical mimicking "Sars virus" symptoms.

3. Have a hard rule of "NET ZERO" insults and foul language on this new post.

4. Include an analysis of the attack and the background thereof as you have read in this post.

Letting you know just to be transparent to readers on the bigger picture behind this post.

Yours truly, Proton Magic

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"To me, mentioning chemical poisoning without being clear that no virus has been found is leading the average person away from considering there is no virus to a focus on chemicals."

Agreed. Enviromental poisoning is the cause of all disease = food poisoning, water poisoning, air poisoning. I believe that when we get poisoned (poisons can be administered in trillion ways) we develop symptoms which are then thought to be caused by "viruses" and "pathogens".

Terrain theory is key! Teach it to as many poeple as possible!

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The fabrication of a controversy over "early treatments" from the start of the operation is intended to invent parallel narratives and stop all other narratives from getting out of the gate.

Installing the controversy on how to "treat" this alleged "new disease" served to concretize the narrative that a "novel disease" existed and that the "novel pathogen" which caused this disease was in fact a real problem requiring political and medical measures rather than an invented control narrative.

This phony world of Potemkin logic assured that no one would bother to check the "truth of the fact"- had a new disease in fact appeared and was there proof of this novel pathogen?

This leads us to two competing thesis:

1) A serious new disease has arrived against which we have no medical defense until the savior vaccine arrives;

2) A serious new disease has arrived that one could, and could have, treat(ed) were it not for the underhanded efforts by the authorities who brought us thesis #1.

That thesis #2 has been seized upon and catapulted by individuals who are then portrayed as "rogue anti-establishment doctors" and administrative types who quickly become the face of the "health freedom movement" seems to be more than an unlikely coincidence.

This dynamic serves to disallow and/or marginalize alternative theories and mutes the abundant evidence that there was in fact no new pathogen of any sort.

A quote:

"It was a question of making the idea of the imaginary disease exist even in the mind of the recalcitrant portion of the population, by providing them with the protest rattles that they could wave at their leisure - the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, the effectiveness of ivermectin, the ineffectiveness of masks, the ineffectiveness of "vaccines."

We thus showed that we were treating the imaginary disease with exactly the same method as that which had made it possible to establish its existence, making the posthumous pride of Monsieur de Münchhausen.to have been able to inspire so much beautiful science."

The accepted medical science of "early treatments" of a non-existent disease rests on the same foundation as the invention of this non-existent disease. Therefore it too is invalid.

The authors of the "official" government narrative- thesis #1- and those of the alternative "health freedom" narrative- thesis #2- are, in the end, likely to become "strange bedfellows" and not real adversaries under these conditions, as both validate the imaginary disease by different means.

Thus it is hard to imagine that we arrive at a place much different, if these are to be the "accepted" and "hotly contested" narratives, regardless of which of the 2 theses "wins the day."

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You have to be totally mentally asleep to be a covid lover. It's like believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Whenever you are sick, diseased or ill in some way, it is your body telling you that it is overburdened with toxins and under performing. There is no virus or disease to catch. The world is becoming a toxic cesspool and it is the human hating cowards creating it.

It is harder to escape the carnage resulting from earth being re-engineered by these psychos.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

I greatly appreciate your call for civility in discourse. I have been very disappointed recently in the lack of it on many ss's. Why is this happening now in your opinion?

I am not willing to either accept or deny your above hypothesis at this time, but I am very interested in trying to determine if it is true. Along those lines, is there any person who writes under their own name on the COVID pandemic issue, that you think is not CO or LHO? If there are any, I would like to know their names (from your perspective of course).

It seems that some of the statements you make about specific people do not square with public remarks they have made. For instance, hasn't Yeadon said he no longer believes there was a pandemic and that he does not think a novel respiratory virus was circulating in 2019/2020 (putting aside for the moment the question of whether viruses exist at all)? It's possible what you say about him is true. I just want to be precise about what his position is now and has been. We could discuss lots of examples from what you wrote above. My interest is in determining what is verifiably true irrespective of what that may mean for certain luminaries' credibility.

On other ss's, I have indicated that given the past almost 4 years, it is wise to trust no one but God, (myself included of course). At the very least, every person must now be continually vetted to see if their assertions, pronouncements, predictions can be independently verified. In that regard, I have stopped actively following many people I originally did when, over time, they began to be suspect.

There is another problem that has developed over time. Some people who were very credible on a very specific issue, have branched out into speaking about things that have nothing directly to do with that issue, and in so doing, appear to be venturing into areas where they lack expertise/a proper knowledge base. I'm sure it's tempting to do that, given that people repeatedly ask them for opinions on a wide variety of issues. It would be better to simply admit to not knowing for sure. One could even say, 'my educated opinion is such and such, but I can't prove it' or something along those lines. I have many educated opinions which are really educated guesses after considering what I think are all or most of the relevant pieces of evidence, including that from sacred scripture but I do not claim infallibility or even the ability to prove them. Some I hold to a moral certainty but not scientifically high probability.

I hope you read these comments and respond in the way you called for above (without rancor and with civility). Thank you.

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What I don’t understand is why both David Martin and Sasha Latypova keep saying that no-virus is not relevant to the particular aspect of the plandemic that each is focusing on--for Martin, the patent trail of bioweapons and for Latypova, the evidence of war crimes. I don’t see how saying clearly that viruses don’t exist is incompatible with either of those purposes--in fact, for Latypova especially, it only enhances the magnitude of the war crimes if it’s understood that Fauci et al. knew from the start that viruses are a hoax. That just makes everything they did even more egregious! Same with the bioweapons patents. They knew they were patenting genomes that were not viral but could be used to scare the public even more deeply when they came to light only because the public believed that viruses are real and could be patented and produced in a lab.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

Omar is right. The entire 4IR Utopian Future drive is built upon widespread belief in viruses, a belief sustained by fear of the unknown / fear of contagion - irrational anxieties...Remove *the virus* and the whole 4IR deck of cards should collapse...Should - but reason and rationality have very little purchase when we're overwhelmed by anxieties...

I'm no scientist so i cant assert we're now post-peak oil, but i'm sure that our 0verlords believe we're post-peak oil - and their belief is the reason for the *global warming* (aka *climate change*) psyop, and the fantasy of oil & coal dependent transport & industry being replaced by EVs etc...Maintaining Control over Us is required to keep their Nightmares at bay...

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I am certain that there was a toxin/pathogen aspect to the whole thing. The new idea you have given me is that potentially, even the putting of furin cleavage sites into products and then pseudo-secretly discussing those furin cleavage sites' existence, for later theatrical Foia unveiling of those discussions to lend credibility to virus angle and distract from mere pathogen spread, can be another of those red herrings. - Proton Magic, what do you think about Karen Kingston? I would hate to assume this but the fact that she is detailing how and why she is persecuted, and how this is supposedly to make everyone afraid of doing something - either she is right, or she is not being persecuted, but is herself trying to make everyone afraid of doing something because "look at me and see what will happen to you too". I would hate that, but if this is an information war, then people are not identifiable by their uniform.

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OMG, you are hilarious. Thanks for the homage. I hope your engagement numbers go up after this, after all a famous celebrity like me noticed something you wrote! LOL. By the way, that document you link "investigating" Team Enigma, I have not read all of it yet (22 pages, oh my!), the picture they have for Craig Paardekooper - that's not Craig. Some investigator, what a sherlock! All he had to do is look at videos I posted or Craig posted and see that. The garbage he spins is pricelessly funny. Craig built a website that got 100M+ visitors and credited as the best redpilling material around. He did it with no money living in poverty in Africa. Write more, friend.

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This article is well worth revisiting every once in a while.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

I knew straight away that there was nothing out there (no virus/no pathogen/no contagion) when it was reported that this ‘virus’ did not affect children. As a mother I know that children get sick (many parents I know would agree with me) not just once, but many times, especially the young ones and those that follow the normal child vaccination programs and use normal allopathic treatments including antibiotics to suppress symptoms. The virus believers use this fact (children get sick and it can be life threatening) to promote their solutions - vaccines, apparently ‘children need to build their immunity’. So to theorize that a biochemical was released/dispersed that doesn’t affect children because of their bacteria levels/diversity doesn’t make any sense.

The PCR/RA tests were just a mechanism to get people into hospitals to accept the treatments/the vaccine that would then result in injury or death. They simply re-classified normal colds/flu/pneumonia symptoms - the statistics clearly show this. There was no release, there was no contagion, but there was/is clear evidence of poisoning via injection or other medications/protocols that were implemented after the pandemic was declared.

Many people will not be able to go there (no virus) as they have based their whole life’s work/their existence on a belief that has been their foundation for their education/career and medical choices. People that choose to avoid the subject or promote the viral pathogen fallacy to save face will in my opinion eventually lead to their own demise both mentally and physically, they shouldn’t be attacking/disparaging an alternate theory without any real evidence because it doesn’t align with their narrative. As soon as that happens, the person loses all credibility, best to move on and let them deal with their own conscience.

More and more evidence is coming to light …there was no virus…

Proton Magic have you seen Jonathan Englar’s substack:


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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

The hapless tenants’ troubled dreams

In the house that’s built on lies-

Are they as the landlords deem ?

(whose fevered minds contrived) …


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Very interested in this:

"2. Similar to David Martin, her C-V in Omar’s link lists more things than could be possible for most people unless they were more loosely attached to the projects than is suggested. I can tell you for sure that even talented Pharma persons will very rarely have these kinds of multiple opportunities unless they have some special backing/connections."

what in my CV indicates that? I only ever held 1 job at a time, and they are all listed there. maybe you never held a job and so that makes you think that this is an unachievable feat? Just curious.

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Scientific 'knowledge' is like the banking system - full of toxic debts packaged as IF appreciable assets in complex instruments devised to obfuscate while packaged and sold in narrative persuasions for private manipulation seeking covert gain of believed fiction. So the need as i see is to seek logical consistency while also identifying the assumptions or assertions on which logics are based.

There is another innate approach to any offer or engagement that discerns gaslighting, neediness, manipulation, persuasion, as fundamentally false - even if using truths to mask a-tempt to gain covert boost of identity by the manipulation or use of the other. BUT if we are already engaged in such patterns we will not want to see, but instead seek our own boosting reinforcement within the framing narratives for self-specialness - or 'being right' over others wrong, or enlightened over others ignorance - including first to know and 'we told you so!'.

Narrative coercions result the struggle of minds in conflict to redistribute blame & penalty away from self - and by extension group - that holds the position & means to define & dictate terms of engagement - such as insider-elitism in banking, science, and ideological construct (I wont call it philosophy).

The root of conflict is in wanting or needing to believe true, what is not so, or of course wanting or needing to ignore or deny what is true as a means to escape or evade conflicts that hold inner patterns of self-division as masking relational conflict. The mind set in judgement from which all else proceeds in like kind.

I don't accept coronovirus, covid, pandemic, SARS Cov2, 'tests', 'vaccines', 'gene-therapy', spike protein' as valid definitions from which to respond.

I do accept that the mode of attack is the principle means of defence for a covert masking identity of conflict set for getting, instead of giving & receiving. So the body is used as both means of defence - as masking and distancing a 'special private judging mind' , and as a means for attack with, and upon both self and others, for the true function of body is Communication. Attempts to use communication as a means of attack is to 'attack our own functional joy of being' under a sense of lack-driven override or control.

So the signature of such a dissociating 'self-conscious' conflict is of hacking, hijacking and replicating itself as the determiner of meanings, taken out of context as a mis-taken inheritance, set on getting, by an unconscious underlying fear of lack, invalidity, untruth or lie set in place of a life we 'attack' by a mode of thinking that knows not what it does - for that is its raison d'etre - to defend against what we do not want to see, know or face and own.

The physical cannot really disconnect from its psyche or psychic context, but insofar as we see its patterning or structural order, we see charged domains of flux - an electromagnetic binding and transmuting transformation interactive exchange of molecular to galactic order that is 'in motion' as a balanced disequilibrium. Our current maps & definitions of reality reflect the nature of predictive control as an automata or asserted rule or dictate to which reality conforms.

But the logical outcome of attempts to control life (Reality) is to be controlled by our own judgement unwittingly. The fragmenting dissociations of conflict do not really 'control' but operate as an externalised systemic experience of subjection - no matter how intense the fantasies acted out on the body as 'freedom' to be what we are not.

Toxic thinking underlies our engagement in a toxic 'reality'. But release of the false is the gift of the truly shared - not the machinations of thought-control set as 'inclusion' by which to exclude the love of freedom to be all that we are, for an 'ideal' gaslit projection against which life is held unreal, unworthy, sick, weak, and shameful - to be stamped out or replaced by vengeance as a 'self-vindicating' 'death' set over life.

Rinse & repeat - or Reset "New Game!" ?

Living thought joins across space and time.

True resonance receives to give all to all. (Meaning)

Playing in the dissonance sets up a complex of 'meanings' by which we can be phished.

"Come into my framing" said the spider to the fly.

Thanks - for your offer - but, No thanks!

How deep is your love? (the love that you are?)

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It appears that neither you, Proton Magic, or this gentleman Omar have addressed the extraordinary work, findings, & analyses of Katherine Watt (“Bailiwick News” Substack). Out of all the presentations made by various “freedom fighters”, hers are the most solid. Unlike many other individuals, she is not tainted by ego, bias, or self-aggrandisement. I challenge you to assail her or her work if you can. I don’t believe you’ll be able to.

I understand the “no virus” camp but none of its advocates (at times, militants) have presented a solid, alternate theory as to what is causing virus like symptoms (eg. why measles causes a certain symptomology compared to that of Hepatitis, etc.) other than proffering the Terrain theory. If the “no virus” camp were to claim that all viruses are actually caused by bacteria & could prove their theory then there would be no more argument & the public would finally let go

of their fear of “viruses”. People will cling to an idea or theory, even though it’s wrong/inaccurate unless they are provided with a viable alternate explanation/theory - something has to fill the void; it’s not enough to claim that there are no viruses.

It’s not wrong to question someone’s stance on an issue, their statements, their background and history, and/or their actions. Those who we look to as leaders in this fight against the globalist-elites should not be put on a pedestal, they need to be called if necessary. Once, I admonished Christine Massey & Sasha Latypova because they engaged in a very puerile & unprofessional exchange on Substack. I also challenged Joseph Sansone & Karen Kingston regarding their paywalls. All of the these people have done good work and have brought the public closer to the Truth. I respect/admire them all. Yet, like the rest of us “normies”, they make mistakes and suffer errors in judgment.

I would disagree at this time with your and Omar’s assessment regarding Yeadon, Latypova, Team Enigma, & Mikovits. As regards Robert Malone, a former CIA employee who has never disavowed this agency, the likelihood that he’s controlled opposition is quite substantial. My gut impression of Malone after watching an interview of him in April/May of 2021 was that he was a liar and untrustworthy.

I came to realize that Steve Kirsch is most likely controlled opposition as well when he interviewed Sasha earlier this year. He referred to his friend Bill Gates as “Billy” and seemed hard-pressed to believe that Billy would want to harm people and depopulate the world via vaccines. This kind of naivety is not possible for someone like Kirsch. More recently, I’ve begun to question RFK, Jr. & Edward Dowd because of their continuing association with Malone. Del Bigtree has also sparked suspicion.

And as of this moment, I begin to question what your game is, Proton Magic. I responded earlier today to a posting you made about HCQ and IVM. I find it ironic that in this present article you criticize Sasha for not substantiating her claims yet I could equally accuse you of the same in regards to your statement that HCQ and IVM are harmful. Please don’t expect me to take your word for it. Show me & the public your evidence please. Sasha has in fact provided a good deal of documentation in her videos and articles regarding certain claims she has made So, where’s yours?

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It’s that Sasha refuses to entertain this science that is extremely frustrating for those who have been loyal followers from the beginning

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