This post got lots of great comments and I appreciate everybody’s time! I Don’t want to say there are winners and losers but we have to tip our hats to people who got closest to the question I posed.
To cut to the chase, my answer is:
The Kennedy’s working for and with the global elite were the perpetrators not the victims here, and Dealey Plaza was a movie set. There is no evidence JFK was killed and more logic to say he went underground as part of a shadow govt structure. The victims were and are the Americans who paid, were maimed, and died for the result of this: The Vietnam War and destruction of SE Asia. This scammed death by our "beloved" JFK allowed 50k Americans and 2 million Vietnamese (not including Cambodians and others) to die in the coming years. A little depopulation game anyone?
They, and their backers/handlers set up a deception theater so simple but yet with such impact. Were JFK and his SS such buffoons as not to know what security to have for a motorcade? No bullet proof glass on the car, no SS riding on the car? No control of building windows and grassy knolls? Proton Magic says, “you don’t need to go on a motorcade to win an election”.
But that isn’t the issue. The Business Coup in 1933 failed due to Smedley Butler’s testimony to congress, great. He got his Karmic retribution a few years later (but may have done and Epstein, IDK). Do you think the Duponts, Morgans, Kennedys, and Rockefellers who are both part of and managers for the Global Elite, would just give up on controlling the US (you could substitute their names now to Gates, Musk, Besos, Zuckerberg, same idea). Dupont et al. went underground. I suppose they function as a committee, each family overseeing a specific sector of govt (mil, mob, domestic, econ, etc.) getting their orders from the central planners in the larger global power structure (the Committee of 300), and giving simple instructions to their stooge LBJ on what to sign. It’s the “onion structure” to the real gov’t that has to stay in the shadows.
This is the deeper issue behind the cinema:
“The US is run by a crime syndicate of such size it is unfathomable for most people. It hides in the shadows, deceives us to the hilt to be slaves, to obey, and to pay homage to the gods of statism that will make us willingly pay for and sacrifice our own people in wars, injections, and perpetual servitude to the elite.”
Kennedy’s presidency itself was a hopium deception. His family basically owned and ran all of the US mafia’s activities (and RKO Pictures!) , he was groomed to be the savior of the people but was just acting a role he had to play, because the Kennedy’s also had to follow the direction of the larger groups of families in their global network of Black Nobility (very similar play-game to Trump, just Trump isn’t as likable as JFK). JFK’s faked death served a few purposes, but to simplify, it put the populace in such despair and confusion it numbed their ability to protest the Vietnam war for a while. Similar to 9.11 which numbed protest to the sudden war in the Mid-East, and a fake pandemic that numbed protest to the control that is now building on us.
Look at all the Kennedys that were just stupid enough to get knocked-off, or did they just go into the shadows to do their jobs for the syndicate? Joe Jr, JFK, Bobby (and their concubines), JFK Jr, they’re all so unlucky! Why is “going underground" so hard for the population to accept? JFK couldn’t be the one seen openly going to war.
What about our car jumper? Imagine you are being shot at, IT’S FUCKIN’ SCARY! Who in their right mind doesn’t duck under the seats and pull their hubby down? Only an actress told to jump on the trunk! The jumping to grab a skull fragment makes the death more realistic to the viewer, and also serves as a reason the car can’t speed away. No idiot driver shot JFK, no idiots crouching in the road side drain pits shot JFK, no idiot guys on the grassy knoll shot JFK (no SS to cordon off the Knoll but we can fight a nuclear war? Cool stuff).
Most of the comments were still a bit fixated on the details (that is what they want us to do). A few comments though were correct about the details and are valid whether one is looking at the top recreation photo, or the Zapruder photo at the bottom of the post which gives the same basic story.
But one guy knew where the full answer was! The winner of the day is.....
Because he read the same 80+ page document called the “THE HIDDEN KING(S)” that Proton Magic read to make this post and which makes it clear that the Kennedy’s were part of the perp group, not victims, a typical occult Illuminati set-up. So hat’s off the Kevin whose lesson is to put in the time to find to read long docs which make sense. Miles’ entire set of writings is one of the most impressive analyses of fakery you can find on-line:
The closest answers were choices 4 and 6:
4. She’s Isis and JFK is Osiris reincarnated, it’s just a ritual these Gods do.
The Kennedys were one of the elite blood lines whose creed is based on pagan mythology (the Washington monument is Osiris’ “thing” and the Capitol bldg. is Isis’s womb facing the water which Isis’ “thing”). At the time JFK and Jackie were like gods to the American public and would be reincarnated after the event into new roles, making the fake death and reincarnation of JFK and Jackie into new roles as “gods in hiding” so to speak. Read all of this to get it.
6. It’s a movie audition and she’s going for star lady and stunt lady all-in-one.
From what I wrote above, the Mathis pdf link, and Sun’s YT link below, it will be clear the JFK event was a movie set.
Runners up:
“No blood, no brains on the car trunk and the people are still standing calmly in the background - I would expect them to be crouching down, lying down or in the process of running.”
-Right, every one should have hit the deck if real bullets were raining down, even just fake bullet sounds (which is what I think the police recorded).
Amaterasu Solar
I find it interesting that I can see zero blood. I already give good probability that He was not killed
-Right, no blood. Anyone ever work in an ER with gunshot victims and see no blood?
Sun Sioux
Jackie was reaching for the hollywood style blood squid that went awry. the JFK “ assassination” was a Hollywood movie.
-Didn’t think of this one. Not sure if this is your induction or there was evidence on the squid, but I put you on the podium because you answered it was a movie set. Correct!
Smoke&mirrors ops were/are SO easy to pull off. Just control the immediate surroundings and have plenty of actors available.
- JFK could be considered the permanently dead substitute king and the real peasant king at the same time. A one-man ritual. You barely made it but your on the podium!
Sorry I didn't see this when you put this up! What you are seeing with the photos of photographers not ducking and just taking pictures is EXACTLY what occurred in Vegas as well. I spent weeks in 2017 going over video and audio of all that. Most people in Vegas weren't in on any of it. They had mixed in a few hundred crisis actors with exploding blood packs and piped the shots through the sound system. There were people whose job it was to just stand and keep shooting video and that's exactly what they did. They knew they were in no danger. It was the same for people whose job it was to scream at the concert goers to leave the venue, roust them out of hiding places and keep them moving. There was clear audio of people saying they initially believed the shots were coming through the concert sound system. And they were. The moulage work, done by army personel from the moulage trucks that were actually parked in a lot just across the street, was beyond terrible but that never matters. Nor did it matter that some of the dead began to actually resurrect when they thought the camera was gone........So JFK was likely a smaller, earlier version of this kind of thing.
Thanks for that info, I hope you make a post of your finding some day. I think few people know that but it makes sense, I wonder if the band(s) were in on it?
For JFK, I wonder if there were real shot sounds or if they were from speakers, or just added to audio tapes later...My focus here was mainly Jumpin Jackie Flash.
I'll tell you what else. I bet they had Jackie climb onto the back of the car to make an even bigger DISTRACTION show out of it. Everything these bastards do is no different than the misdirection used in cheap magic acts. Just a bigger budget and audience to fool. If there were things THEY wanted it to be less likely that bystanders noticed while this was happening, having Jackie crawl around on the back of the car would have kept all eyes glued on the target and not noticing other things going on around them.
Proton, Jason Aldean had the exact imagery of the Las Vegas, Illuminati Card tattooed on his left arm years before the actual event. THEY even had him respell and rearrange his name at the beginning of his career so that it would have 91 gematria encoded in it! I will put up a new post with a link to my old vid about all of this soon. Am working feverishly now on the next alien installment.
They eventually want ALL the guns. Like Australia. It may have been some kind of specific ritual but it's lost on me what it might be. They had been using the number 91 for months before this and THEY used it afterward as well. There was a 91 themed train crash the following February. Had a mother load of numbers and symbolism coded in it. It was actually TRAIN 91.
Relieved to know you’re well. No articles for 4 mos. Seriously wondered if you had been taken out as you stated in one of your last posts that you were working on a very important article that you planned to soon publish. I took your words at face value & kept periodically checking your account.
You have a loyal fan base I’m sure. Perhaps the next time you go dormant for several months — atypical in view of the history of your articles — you can write a brief post alerting your followers that you’ve decided to take some time off for personal reasons or whatever. I don’t know all the accounts you follow. Maybe many of your subscribers knew you were fine because you were still posting comments on other articles such as this one by PM.
I now feel stupid for wasting any mental energy or concern on you. You don’t know me but I took a genuine interest in your work & have made a couple of comments on your account. You’re certainly not obligated to keep your subscribers informed but how taxing would it have been to write a very short article that you were taking a break? I reached out to you recently in 2 brief direct messages & got nary a response.
If you did write a post about taking a break & I missed it, then I apologize but I did thoroughly peruse your account & saw nothing of the sort.
People who reveal certain Truths & challenge the prevailing narrative such as yourself live at risk. Many truths-tellers have been off’d over course of time — this is a brutal fact. We who are fighting agst. the forces of darkness need to be mindful of one another . That’s all I was doing.
Please be sensitive & considerate of those who value & look forward to your work. A short communication in the future can dispel any unnecessary concern or angst one might feel on your behalf.
Thats nice of you to check up on ET. His comment here was 10 months ago and I havn't seen him on line much either, I also hope he is ok because he does have great articles and is very kind to me even when we disagree. Great guy.
"'I find it interesting that I can see zero blood. I already give good probability that He was not killed.' -Right, no blood. Anyone ever work in an ER with gunshot victims and see no blood?"
Yes, in the re-enactment photo, of course there's no blood. It's a re-enactment. The Zapruder film, by contrast, shows a quarter of the man's head blown off, complete with blood. And that film is the confirmed footage (and thus the actual visual evidence) of the event. Yes, the Zapruder film had frames removed, but it still shows what actually happened on that day. And it would appear to show an actual assassination.
The picture you supplied is NOT of the real event. It's an obvious re-enactment and the re-enacters who posted that photo never said it wasn't. So to use that as evidence of anything that happened or didn't happen on Nov. 22, 1963 is not valid.
Finally, I too know of Miles' research on all this. I've been reading Miles for years. Miles says that literally EVERYTHING we are presented by the mainstream press is fake, while also throwing in his standard caveat of everybody is "gay" (the latter always with minimal to no proof, which is just hilarious). I agree for the most part that MOST THINGS have been manufactured or are otherwise false flags -- from the sinkings of the USS Maine and Titanic to the fakeries of the Gulf of Tonkin, 9-11, Covid. But I'm not convinced -- and I've been studying it for years, even visited Dealey Plaza for several hours in 2012 -- that the JFK assassination was faked. If it was, the Zapruder film is some hell of a production. Tomato splat, as some have suggested? Don't think so. A body double or dummy or corpse as a stand-in for JFK? The Zapruder film clearly shows the actual man known as JFK sitting in the limo as it comes down Elm. (What they did to the body afterwards is irrelevant.)
And watch Jackie's reaction in the Zapruder film. That is as genuine as it gets. She has all of sudden had her husband's brains spilled into her lap. Who wouldn't immediately have an out-of-body experience and proceed to try to get out of the vehicle as quickly and in whatever way possible?
I have trouble with Miles on occasion. This is one case where I disagree with his hypothesis that the assassination was faked. He says, for example, "the wounds of the corpse do not match the Zapruder film." Well so what? What happens AFTER the assassination does not disprove the assassination itself. It simply means the body (or bodies, as the case may be) were altered to make it appear that a lone assassin killed JFK with shots from behind. Miles would have to disprove the authenticity of the Zapruder film to convince me the entire event was faked. Sorry.
Rob thanks for your time! I love the challenges because that's how I learn. My take is that 1. the film editing ability of the CIA labs was far ahead of what we thought, and 2. Props can look very realistic, described here
In 1963 I went to the NY Worlds Fair, and I personally experienced video chatting-I still remember that very clearly. The elites must have had an even better version. Can you believe the elites using video chat in the 60s maybe even 50s? Directed energy was started in the 50s and that evil EM scope in the 30s.
Anyway, to me its all the points taken together, though car jumping, I'm sorry I can't stop laughing every time I see those photos I just had to make a post. I hope you saw the Vegas link I put in: EVERYONE DUCKED, like quack quack ducked, not JUMPED like Jackie (or her sunt girl) the Oscar winning froggie.
Let me remind you of our favorite word, "incongruent", which is a perfect match for everything about JFK and his friends. I really hope you will continue to help me in future posts, appreciate it.
Part 4: Next is JFK (and Jackie, and Connolly, and others in the car). All these people, JFK with military training (supposedly) and being head of state for a few yrs dealing with SS every day on an intimate basis and senator before and in CHARGE OF A HUGE ARMY AND ALL THE (FAKE) NUKES, and having all those enemies and he doesn't know security and protection of himself? If he's a narcissist he definitely wants to live. HE AGREED TO GET IN AN OPEN CAR with no SS on the car sides in the middle of a city very difficult to secure all of it. This is nonsense and requires acrobatics of logic that does not make sense.
Finally we have the photo of the Newmanns, see the bottom of the post. They duck for cover but keep those cameramen employed and they don't need to duck? Weren’t they filming when JFK was shot or looking at the bushes in the Plaza? Where’s their footage? The Newmann family was officially said to be the closest witnesses to the shooting, just one of many links:
So if that’s true then the camera crew didn’t film the shooting as the leader of the free world JFK came by (with that obviously very professional camera) but they film the nobody Newmanns?
Mr Newman doesn't protect his son's head, but the camera crew can stand though. Oh and whadaya know, the Newmann's DUCKED! But the guy with the sunglasses under the no standing pole in the back (hard to see) is just sitting around.
If it was filmed another time after the shooting, then that means the official narrative could lie about anything including the death of JFK, and why would a camera crew need to go there and do that just to prove JFK died? Isn't the body and the Zapruder film and the stains on Jackie and the skull chip enough?
It's all a movie location set and propaganda, there is no other conclusion.
Part 2: So on the blood, the Zapruder film doesn't show anything clearly. Zapruder was said to be edited by many documentaries-trying to get the shot to come from the depository but they couldn't-this is paradoxical propaganda trying to make you believe it came from the knoll. Regardless, the shot to the top of the head in the version for public consumption neither looks like it came from the Depository nor the Knoll. It looks like it's from directly above, like from a drone, maybe a UFO! This means Zapruder has little meaning as a record of events. <b>Shockingly</b> where is the MSM at Dealey, the easiest place to film him? Both the clearly edited shot and the provenance of supposed blood and scalp/brain frags can not be ascertained. Doesn't this sound like an E-M photo of a virus? (the html is just for emphasis).
So Zapruder mainly tells us we are in the Twilight zone. However we do have the official narrative, and can prove that is the official narrative because they say so in writing (doesn't mean truth however). Now there is a photo of Jackie's coat and legs showing "blood stains". But what is the stain really besides splatter of something. She refused to take it off (strange as it's crime evidence-she gets special treatment because of???), and it's off limits to public inspection for 90 yrs! WTF.
So we are still left with no blood or scalp/brain we can examine and prove the provenance of. Next is Jackie in the swearing in of LBJ, still blood stained. Wow she has nerves of steel, or is she playing a role? I'd have changed into sweat pants, taken a shower, and gone to bed in tears. Well this reply box neither proves or disproves my ideas nor yours. We are partners walking thru the Twilight Zone on Zapruder, the blood, and Jackie's bloody behavior. On to part 3...
What we see in the Zapruder film is a mini-explosion of blood upon bullet impact. Yes, there’s a strange, large white spot that suddenly appears, which I can only assume was added by the PTB to immediately cover the basic evidence of a shot from the front (even though it’s bloody OBVIOUS the shot came from the front). I’ve studied the Zapruder film for years and, although I didn’t look at it again this time around (because, forgive me, I’m a bit taxed on the topic), I do recall at one time looking very closely to observe the actual brains of JFK come out of his head as he falls onto Jackie.
Certainly the key thing in all this is whether the man was actually shot and killed. The question of where the shot came from can come only AFTER we’ve established the first. (Kinda like determining where a certain “virus” came from before establishing that there’s an actual virus.) I agree with you that a key feature of the PTB playbook is to get you OFF the initial question. Just like Covid, they get the masses via their gullibility in just accepting the premise of the argument as an established “fact," never to be questioned. I have also wondered whether JFK really was assassinated and I appreciate people like you and Miles for opening the possibility of him NOT having been. It should remain a question...until we solve it.
However, for me, since the Zapruder film is, you could argue, THE only true “witness” to the actual event itself, it becomes the sine qua non for determining whether the event is real or fake. And my question to anybody, myself included when I find myself siding with Miles, is: in what way does that film show a FAKE rifle shot to the head of a man? Since this is 1963, to say that it’s fake gives the filmmakers too much credit, imo. In other words, that the shot we see in the film is NOT real (advanced video technology was used to insert that line of fire), that the “actor” of “JFK” is PRETENDING to be shot (great acting), and that Jackie is ACTING the part of a traumatized wife who’s just witnessed the murder of her husband (great acting x 2) is all simply amazing! How, in 1963, do you fake all that? Did they cordon off Dealey Plaza on some day, run the whole theatrical production of a fake assassination, and produce a film that PERFECTLY captures a rifle shot and hit that it has fooled even me? ;) Am I so gullible?
Where did they acquire such logistical and acting skills to pull off something so realistic? We know that, unlike with 911, they couldn’t do CGI in 1963. So only reactions by brilliant thespians posing as a president and first lady and a ballistics crew capable of firing a fake rifleshot, along with whatever advanced video technology was available to make the thing look "real," seems all too much....for 1963. If Stanley Kubrick was recruited to make that film, then maybe. But faking moon landings is clearly easier than faking a guy having his head blown off in an open limo moving down a public street.
Part 1: Thanks as always Rob for your thorough notes and helping to fix my info! REALLY appreciate it. I do this volunteer in my spare time and admit to being rushed at times wanting to get to that [Publish] button. I rely on people like you to help me, you noticed I edited the post based on your prior point.
Your points are also well taken and here I will give my ideas on the blood and Jackie (none of these are proof, but neither are yours I hope you admit), then two further points that to me indicate clear intent at fakery, and desire to show JFK was shot but they have to be lying.
I'll split this reply so the reply box into 4 so it doesn't get cut off.
On Miles, one could say he only publishes on fakery he can clearly delineate and avoids writing on events he can't. So we see him as a fakery buff, but that could be his selection bias and our interpretation bias. Doesn't prove he is right or wrong about an event. Researchers also usually only report when they get findings, doesn't mean they don't look into things with no results, but they probably don't bother to try to publish these studies (though they really should). On to part 2...
I agree, I ultimately know nothing or, at least, very little. This discussion and what Miles has produced help us to dissect these events, which is all we can do in getting us closer to the truth. However, I tend to think that basic things sometimes get overlooked. In this case, I would ask someone like Miles to prove to me that the one seemingly solid and incontrovertible visual evidence we have of Nov. 22, 1963 of a rifle fake. If that singular critical piece of evidence is not disproven, then the rest (all 88 pages of it, in Miles' case) is more or less negligible, it would seem. Unlike with Covid, we can't say in this case that the "burden of proof" is wanting. The "proof" is there in the form of the Zapruder film. And until it is "disproven" -- proven "fake" -- then it's hard not to consider everything else as more or less "circumstantial."
Miles would say, that it is not our job to prove anything fake, it is the claimers of an event to prove it is true which in the case of a murder is quite easy, though it was not done on the most important human on the planet at that moment. There is no proof of a C-19 virus, and no proof any planes hit a building or the ground on 9.11. Notice these are the very points they will not touch and brush aside.
It's true, the onus is on the claimers, however, my approach is more that they always use Revelation of the Method so they're always TELLING us they're faking it: the base narrative generally lacks credibility from the getgo but they will always overegg the omelette with gratuitous anomalies ... and you've pointed out both the anomalies in the base narrative and the gratuitous ones. Of course, when you have a base narrative lacking credibility from the getgo the two kinds of anomalies are more on a continuum rather than a clear divide of:
1. Anomalies in the base narrative
2. Gratuitous anomalies
... but vaguely we can divide the anomalies into these two groups, eg, I'd class JFK riding in an exposed open vehicle as a base narrative anomaly and the camera people not ducking for cover as a gratuitous one.
I also like to look at simple irrefutable facts that are very difficult to reconcile with opposing hypotheses and I only just thought of one now:
1. The magic bullet penetrating both JFK and John Connally as described has zero credibility.
2. For John Connally to go along with a bullet penetrating him as described he must be in on it.
3. It is hard to credit that John Connally would agree to be sitting in front of JFK and trust that a sharpshooter would not hit him accidentally and that he would be asked to do that.
It doesn't matter which angle you look at the event from, there is zero that favours real killing.
PS, I think the word "supporting anomalies" is slightly better than gratuitous. In context gratuitous is ok but it might be a complex word for lots of Americans. "Secondary" or "collateral" anomalies are also good terms.
But about the Newmanns, there were 3-4 anomalies in the one photo:
1. Son's head not protected.
2. If it was during the shooting, the camera crew photoed the Newmanns but not JFK (if they did where is it?), and they were ok to stand.
3. Zapruder isn't standing where he should be, guy with sunglasses relaxing under tree, under the no standing sign (in distance). The photo wasn't cropped properly it seems.
4. Seems this was photo done another day or time. Why would they do that to make photos to sell or to make propaganda? The Newmanns were said to be the closest witnesses to the shooting, but weren't called to testify. If it wasn't at the time of the shooting but they said it was, then they could lie about anything.
It's still not the base as you say, I would call it a "Super Supporting Anomaly"!
Part 3: Now lets get to some more serious points that require acrobatics of logic to reconcile. Oh, one point, and this one isn't proof but sorry, I think it very close to a proof. Lets say Zapruder is realistic and someone 30 inches away from you gets shot in the throat and then shot in the head, and the shots are loud bangs, you would instinctively duck under the seat and try to drag hubby down there. Anyone who wants to argue this, well, we will never agree.
Here in the first few seconds of the LV shooting raw cell phone vid of.....people ducking as initial instinct. Hundreds of them. They only begin to run when they get their wits and see that lying down isn't a good idea. Jackie had seats to duck into and there was NO TIME to get her wits, sorry car jumping is ACTING and the whole point of the photo in the post, orig nor not it was also in the official story, you don't expose yourself where the shots are period. She's got her wits on to think you can paste a brain back on? Shes a tough cookie. This logic is more baloney than virology.
Yes, he gets your trust with good and probably true info on past and finished events, then leads you into the dark lagoon on the current event: Covid, he nearly completely ignored it in 2020-24, and in the little he said he was pro-virus existed.
Anyway, for me the squib answered most of the questions and is the final nail in this fake coffin. I don't know when, if ever, the masses learn cause the entire intent of it is to induce generational trauma, and they are gunning for another round this year.
Thanks for the comment. You can see Sun Sioux and Christian Thomas did comment about a Squib so it was in our sights, but I did not see the newest film until yesterday thanks. My main point on this post that no one would jump on the trunk and expose themselves to real shooters, they would duck, and the movie also said as such. BTW, I rented it $3.99 from Vimeo as the neither Amazon nor the free link would let me get it from Japan even using a US VPN.
Looking forward to seeing your take on the film if you write about this topic further. I found it exhilarating to see through all the lies around this induced trauma, but with less hope than ever that the masses hit on this truth, but who knows for sure.
To reply about 5g, there are a number of articles showing correlation of 5g to illness in 2020, it takes some time to really digest these. I think 5g is one of a number of ways of making SOME people a bit sick in 2020 IN SOME PLACES leading them to go to the hospital where they got deadly meds and vents.
"5G is a protocol that will use high frequency bands and extensive bandwidths of the electromagnetic spectrum in the vast radiofrequency range from 600 MHz to nearly 100 GHz, which includes millimeter waves (>20 GHz), in addition to the currently used third generation (3G) and fourth generation (4G) long-term evolution (LTE) microwave bands."
Is the expansion into the MMW spectrum, in combination with Sat-Device, Disease X? I think so. Unknown ramifications and unintended consequences abound.
"Approximately 100,000 emitting satellites are planned to be launched into orbit.'
Thanks, I left a comment on your post. The purpose of that vid is to make us think JFK wanted to get away from the mob that his family runs, not that he is part of the elite and that this was to put the country in mourning to more easily get into Nam.
Here, I also wrote about squibs in the assn of the Japan PM where you can see the photos at the bottom of the squib on him-it also malfunctioned:
To me there are 2 parts, the death trick mechanism (squib) part, and the narrative part, that he was getting away from the mob-which is a diversion-probably purposeful by the intensity of their push on it, but I can't prove that.
I have been reading Mathis all morning, thanks, haha. He gets a lot right, but is stunningly ignorant of the "5g causes covid" argument, with this:
"Cowan claims 5G is to blame for the pandemic, which is obvious misdirection. There was no pandemic, it being just a renamed flu. The whole thing was totally manufactured to sell vaccines, as we now know. There may have been some new strains released to boost flu season in 2020 a bit, but
by and large the whole thing was manufactured to create fear. Plus, Cowan's arguments are contradictory: was the 1918 Spanish flu also caused by 5G? 5G is bad, but we don't need it to explain anything here. "
He obv needs to read Invisible Rainbow (2020). Not that this is proof of terrain, I largely agree with him about it being a psyop like flat earth (not that what they are saying is truth but that they have offered up the controlled debate). I am pretty sure there are some psyops I too am still sustaining, we all have our blind spots. But overall, he's a great read.
Mathis though gives good analysis on past events, is a covid pusher showing his real colors, and Terrain is an idea not a psyop because of many reasons but one is there is no virus ever found. Yes bacteria can overgrow and cause trouble (acne is a good example) but that is not the same thing as an "infection". Regards.
Jay Weidner - who I'm pretty certain is not on our side - did a quite revealing piece on it being a movie squib that Jackie was applying to his face and then trying to set off. It's worth watching.
I don't know if that Miles Mathis piece is the one I've read - if it's more than a few years old it will be - but I really don't buy into JFK taking up his place in an underground government. Nah, he was tucked out of the way for a while and went to live on the isle of Skorpios, which is why Jackie was later set up to be "married" to Onassis. It explained her perpetual presence there.
You'll have to put in the effort to read Mathis, takes a few days. JFK was gay it seems. The Duponts, Rockefellers, and Kennedy's are VERY HIGH up in the global bloodlines, near the top 13 families for Rockies and Kennedy, running the US govt and their underworlds. JFK had to take over for bro Joe, but JFK had Addision's it seems, then RFK had to take his place, then JFK Jr (it all makes sense). "But they look like such nice guys" you say....surprise😲
I've read a ton of Miles's stuff, including the 80 odd page Tate.pdf, plus all the ones on Lincoln, OJ and dozens of others. I just don't agree with him that JFK spent years sitting round an underground table running the USA. Nor do I buy into the idea that 3rd Generation Irish is somehow "bloodline". If you were English you'd find that idea very hard to digest. And while we're at it, nor would I count the Roquefeuilles as bloodline either - and they seem to me to be pure agents of Rothschilds - in just the same way as JP Morgan or the Schiffs at Kuhn Loeb.
I agree with you that he definitely didn't die - and I would add to that first of all the bit from Miles about the car stopping and JFK getting out (or taking a leak) a few streets before Dealy Plaza. My other concern is what happened to Officer Tippett. From your reaction you obviously haven't read the 160 page paper by Tyrone McCloskey pointing out where he did go. And if I'm right in my belief that I met him in Italy in the late 70s, that would square with McCloskey's conclusion. Personally I think these are all intelligence people, not families with either money or breeding. They are put on a managed stage and the ones that are most palatable or suitable go forward. They are very much the system, but I don't believe they are the real controllers or the actual elite; also I think there's every chance they are kept in the dark to some extent - though obviously not as badly in the dark as us.
FWIW, I very much doubt JFK was gay. He's older than people think (and almost certainly dead now) and it was very uncommon back in his generation. I'm pretty certain he predates most of the well known closeted gays. I think that's just helping the gay/non-breeding agenda along. Why wouldn't they tag him with something useful to their plans?
OK we agree on lots but we dont have to agree on everything. The bloodlines are said to be Phoenician at base, I can't prove that but I do believe they interbreed and fake marriages, family ties, who has what kids, etc. Just because they use the name Kennedy doesn't mean that's their base and these criminals do not care how many generations they've been someplace, their alliegence is with their blood line and the groups they swear partnership with. The Rothchilds were Bauers before becoming Rothchild, they want you to think they are Jewish, if they were Jewish, they would hide that from you. These people can take on and even interbreed a with a blood line they want us to think they are to throw us off scent. Don't get caught up with what you think about an ethnicity or religion. The Kennedys were clearly running all of the US underworld, and other things.
Here you can see Kennedy is indeed in the top 13 on most all lists. Sure you can deny the lists. Even if it is a distraction list, they are still quite high up.
Thanks Dawn, you know I'm a Miles fan as you are! Yes, I've thought about Smedley being a propaganda piece like Miles says. Still Smedley and the Business Plot makes an important point, the Duponts, Morgans, Kennedys, Rockies, etc are (were) indeed the local masters (controlled by their overlords the Black Nobility which is always hidden further). And I suppose JFK did indeed go to run the country with them from their Committee in the shadows. I appreciate what you do for Miles. BTW, do you and Miles discuss what you do for his stuff?
Its tied to his work because that is the proximal source of the planners, not the CIA or the Jews or other Intel. Maybe he gets to it someplace but not in the 10 I've read: JFK, Lincoln, Nukes, Manson, Enola Gay, a few others...
That alone would not have been my reason to ban you Dawn. You were probably unnecessarily combative or rude. Those are the only reasons I ban people. However, as it inconveniences you somewhat, I shall unban you immediately.
There is something about Miles though I love his posts. I'll just give you some: he writes and investigates more than one could expect of a single even Harvard graduate. He is a poly math, poly art, poly history, and poly science genius. Sure these people exist, but getting info like he does from original sources takes A LOT of time, ergo he seems like more than one person. I can give you David Martin, 2nd Smartest Guy, James Corbett-all operatives. Also, did you notice Miles leads us to beautiful detail to the fakery of events and the agencies and persons directly related, but does he ever go to who really runs things, you know the kernel (not colonel)? Those descendants of Romans etc. Blood lines going back mostly to mid 1800s and sometimes to the 1700s are great "they're all related", but he stops there, yeah Geni and Ancestry stops there, but, it's a vacuum that is seeming like that's as far as they want us to go like there's nothing before that, and Peerage isn't the end-all, the central core planners don't care about Peerage. So while Miles has some red flags, I do like the extent he can give us.
Yes, I've heard a few people suggest that he is a "committee" and one person can't possibly output as much as he does. I can't say definitely one way or the other as I don't know him personally, but after reading as much of his work as I have I do notice that he has a distinctive "voice," and it's different from when he has guest authors, but all the papers he's signed his name to I do believe one person wrote them all.
And I would agree that any of his papers in isolation don't give the full story. But as I've catalogued his work, I've read dozens of them. And he does go into some of the deeper past. As examples, check out some of these:
Hi Dawn, havn't seen you around lately. Just reviewing these comments because this post has exploded in the last couple of months and is now my top rated post of all 142 posts, I think it got linked on some external site. Well, on your comment, it is possible that the main MM gets info from his staff and then writes the posts in his way. That way there are a bunch of staff and he/she is the editor of the MM "magazine". It's still a group, there's no way it can be one person. Don't you think Intel has a large media division?
I’ve shared my TOC with him and we’ve traded a few emails, but nothing extensive.
What I’d love to have is an index but that’s going to be a whole lot of work! I’m not sure anyone else has yet volunteered for that job so I guess I’ll have to get started.
Well, gosh, the photo is from a re-enactment of the event, circa 1970s. I knew that the first time I saw it some 20 years ago without having to do any research to confirm it. Do people honestly think that was taken on Nov. 22, 1963? A perfectly framed photo that shows everything (!), captured right in front of the limo before it speeds away? But then look at the "JFK" guy lying there, for crying out loud. Head perfectly intact with nary a wound or blood splatter anywhere! How about the bystanders on the sidewalk? Did people wear bell-bottom jeans and have mop-style haircuts in 1963? I'm surprised. Thought literally everybody knew this was a fake.
Thanks, I put the Zapruder film frame near the bottom of the post. The analysis I'm requesting doesn’t really change, though I know Zapruder was also tampered.
PSS I fixed up the post re the fact that the top photo was recreation and put in 2 short vids showing ducking when shot at (there are many more on line), and the Newmanns photo and explanation. Virology is straight forward fraud, easy to get the posts right the first time. These "event" posts seem to require help from my friends as getting all the angles right the first time is much harder. VR
The videos show her trying to push his brains back in and whatever escape she did was in panic like you or I would face if someone was shot right next to us!
Later on, she did odd things, but that day I contend she was acting normal.
Sorry Jim never got back to you, dont know about your family's situation, Jackie was supposedly in a flying bullets situation, in those you duck and pull hubby on top of you and hopefully help him and you together.
The truth for the Kennedys though, if there was no plan to get Jack to go into hiding, they shouldn't and didn't need to be in a motorcade with no bullet proof cover and SS on the sides to begin with. If my pres is dumb enough to do this I wouldn't want him as my pres. Well LBJ was worse of course but....that was the plan! JFK needed to go so the people were miserable and less able to stop LBJ from going to Nam for his handlers.
Is it important this is a fake? The truth of the photo is this happened 60 years ago, an obstacle was brutally removed, a false flag operation in the Gulf of Tonkin followed and a country was destroyed while the corporates and banks pocketed the tax money - sound familiar? The script never changes.
And it’s relative as DJT and crüe attempt to take the head off of the $nake (the War Conglomerate).
It lets Americans who previously believed that we lived in a Democracy, a Republic, with rules and laws that everyone obeyed… that all of it always was a myth.
Kennedy in Dallas in 1963 was Trump in PA in 2025—except the take-out failed in the latter event. Hint: They won’t let that stop them.
We’ve never lived in “the land of the free.” Certainly never anywhere near Camelot.
Intrigue, deception, murder, and finger pointing go all the way back to the garden of Eden.
I have a color photo of Jackie reaching for his scalp section but she is clearly climbing over John's head being that he is still propped up and not laying in a supine position in the backseat. Something is amiss between the two photos. The photo I have appears to reveal that the man she is climbing over is an imposter.
There actually was a body double used in the coffin that was buried witnessed by the public and millions on TV because doctors couldn't reconstruct his face well enough to support the one bullet kill shot coming from Oswald's rifle. This would mean that JFK was never buried?
Thanks. I added another photo from Zapruder. Jackie's actions are the same and say something important. More importantly, why are they ostensibly in that situation?
they sold it on ebay.....they wanted to hide the fact that most of it was missing; they wanted to prove that there was only one bullet hole....they were building a frankenkennedy and need a brain....
No one knows or so they say. It is still a mystery as of this day. There has been a good deal written about it and much speculation as to who and why...
I'm late to this party, but I chose #4 and #9. They're all bloodliners and/or crisis actors. Everything we are shown by the official media (and much of what is considered the "alt-media") is a full-scale Hollywood production.
#4 is correct an while #9 is close but it wasn't a coup nor against JFK who didn't die which #9 suggests, it was to shock an demoralize the country so they would be more willing to go to war with LBJ and to make the country think things could go well and give them false hope (similar to Trump before he did Warp Speed). #6 is better because it was a movie set.
Thanks for clarifying, it makes sense! I'm goIng to read your full comment later tonight after music rehearsal. I love your thinking and your writing. Your humor makes me LOL. I almost snorted red wine out of my nose last night reading one of your jokes!
You are doing some great research and follow-through here on Subsy. I read your expanded reply on this topic. Thank you for your thorough comments. There are a few of us who appreciate it.
FYI: I got sidetracked by watching "The Old World Order" video on Bitchute. I had seen a few other similar research videos over the last several years.
It's very impressive what you do. I've read about 10 of his posts, they take a long time but are engrossing. My only Q on him is why is he so obsessed with the Jewish thing but never mentions the penchant these bloodlines have to hide behind being a fake Jew. It almost makes me wonder if he is there, or they leave him alone, because he pushes the "perps are the Jew" narrative which is a diversion from their pagan origins and practices. Honestly when he gets into that I just don't pay attention to those parts.
No blood, no brains on the car trunk and the people are still standing calmly in the background - I would expect them to be crouching down, lying down or in the process of running.
Jackie and LBJ Saturday, December 7,1963, 5:20 P.M. less than a month after the "assassination". They treat us like total idiots and we respond like total idiots (most of us anyway).
President Johnson: I just wanted you to know you were loved and by so many and so much and-
JBK: Oh, Mr. President!
LBJ: -I'm one of them.
JBK: I tried. I didn't dare bother you again, but I got Kenny O'Donnell over here to give you a message if he ever saw you. Did he give it to you yet?
LBJ: No.
JBK: About my letter? That was waiting for me last night?
LBJ: Listen, sweetie. Now, first thing you've got to learn-you've got some things to learn, and one of them is that you don't bother me. You give me strength.
LBJ: My mother and my wife and my sisters and you females got a lot of courage that we men don't have. And so we have to rely on you and depend on you, and you've got something to do. You've got the President relying on you. And this is not the first one you've had! So there're not many women, you know, running around with a good many Presidents. So you just bear that in mind. You've got the biggest job of your life!
JBK: [laughs] "She ran around with two Presidents." That's what they'll say about me!
Very suggestive, well Jack was gay and wasn't giving her much fun I suppose...and she sounds quite upbeat for just having jumped out on the trunk to grab hubby's brains. I guess they wanted to celebrate the closing of all the tiring practice for stunt day.
Actually I wonder if they were doing a send up of Marilyn singing Happy Birthday to JFK?
I'm afraid I don't necessarily think Jack was gay. Sure he had a gay friend and he could have been gay but he certainly attracted women. I don't think having a very close gay friend means he was gay. Also could have been bi.
he has gay mannerisms to me and you know these Illuminati people in high places are usually bi or gay (like Obama and his wife-husband) as that has been a way for the organization to keep them in line.
Hilarious. I'd only heard about the magic bullet and knew it followed a ludicrous trajectory but just a few weeks ago when I saw it actually written down ... seriously. I do find it astonishing how they know they can just get away with absolutely anything.
From ChatGPT
"John Connally, the Texas Governor who was seated in front of President John F. Kennedy in the same car during the assassination, was hit by a bullet during the event. The bullet that hit Connally is believed to be the same one that also struck Kennedy. According to the official investigation by the Warren Commission, the single bullet that hit both Kennedy and Connally is known as the "magic bullet." This bullet entered Kennedy's upper back, exited through his throat, and then went on to strike Connally, causing multiple injuries. It entered Connally's back, shattered a rib, exited his chest, struck his wrist, and finally embedded itself in his thigh. The trajectory of the bullet and the injuries sustained by Connally were the subject of much analysis and debate, as they were central to the Warren Commission's conclusion about the sequence of events during the assassination."
Even more astonishing...... is a picture of the magic bullet a.k.a. WC #399 (search it)
There is some damage on the bullet but the tip of that bullet did not cause the injuries as described. In testing the FBI damaged the bullet. They also have a bullet that was fired at a cadavers that looks damaged.
and recently a 88 year old Secret Service Agent Paul Landis has apparently broken his silence and said that he found the magic bullet in the car and it was he who put it on the presidents stretcher in the corridor of Parkland Memorial. The magic bullet was testified to by a Secret Service Agent as being found on Connolly's much b/s I can only conclude it is all fake, a production, a play.........
Hilarious. Don't know why it's taken me so long to get a sense of how ludicrous the story is ... and then there's the start of the magical journey ... the mail order Carcano and the full foliage tree it was sighted through. I'll say more on that. The magic bullet - could anything be more hidden in plain sight?
The other day, in 2025, we were shown a pic of the driver turning and drilling JFK. It seems that, if that occurred, then Jackie would have had a reason to attempt to flee the scene.
showing the corpse was Tippit. Still Jackie was jumping at something, doesn't matter what, no one would do that in a shooting, one would duck, and all the info in this post we are commenting on that makes the situation and the shooting all a fake movie set.
The top photo was a recreation, not Jackie, and Jackie was likely a MTF elite gender inversion, like Michelle Obama and Melania Trump, so not a PAWG no matter what. It's too much to get into here.
This post got lots of great comments and I appreciate everybody’s time! I Don’t want to say there are winners and losers but we have to tip our hats to people who got closest to the question I posed.
To cut to the chase, my answer is:
The Kennedy’s working for and with the global elite were the perpetrators not the victims here, and Dealey Plaza was a movie set. There is no evidence JFK was killed and more logic to say he went underground as part of a shadow govt structure. The victims were and are the Americans who paid, were maimed, and died for the result of this: The Vietnam War and destruction of SE Asia. This scammed death by our "beloved" JFK allowed 50k Americans and 2 million Vietnamese (not including Cambodians and others) to die in the coming years. A little depopulation game anyone?
They, and their backers/handlers set up a deception theater so simple but yet with such impact. Were JFK and his SS such buffoons as not to know what security to have for a motorcade? No bullet proof glass on the car, no SS riding on the car? No control of building windows and grassy knolls? Proton Magic says, “you don’t need to go on a motorcade to win an election”.
But that isn’t the issue. The Business Coup in 1933 failed due to Smedley Butler’s testimony to congress, great. He got his Karmic retribution a few years later (but may have done and Epstein, IDK). Do you think the Duponts, Morgans, Kennedys, and Rockefellers who are both part of and managers for the Global Elite, would just give up on controlling the US (you could substitute their names now to Gates, Musk, Besos, Zuckerberg, same idea). Dupont et al. went underground. I suppose they function as a committee, each family overseeing a specific sector of govt (mil, mob, domestic, econ, etc.) getting their orders from the central planners in the larger global power structure (the Committee of 300), and giving simple instructions to their stooge LBJ on what to sign. It’s the “onion structure” to the real gov’t that has to stay in the shadows.
This is the deeper issue behind the cinema:
“The US is run by a crime syndicate of such size it is unfathomable for most people. It hides in the shadows, deceives us to the hilt to be slaves, to obey, and to pay homage to the gods of statism that will make us willingly pay for and sacrifice our own people in wars, injections, and perpetual servitude to the elite.”
Kennedy’s presidency itself was a hopium deception. His family basically owned and ran all of the US mafia’s activities (and RKO Pictures!) , he was groomed to be the savior of the people but was just acting a role he had to play, because the Kennedy’s also had to follow the direction of the larger groups of families in their global network of Black Nobility (very similar play-game to Trump, just Trump isn’t as likable as JFK). JFK’s faked death served a few purposes, but to simplify, it put the populace in such despair and confusion it numbed their ability to protest the Vietnam war for a while. Similar to 9.11 which numbed protest to the sudden war in the Mid-East, and a fake pandemic that numbed protest to the control that is now building on us.
Look at all the Kennedys that were just stupid enough to get knocked-off, or did they just go into the shadows to do their jobs for the syndicate? Joe Jr, JFK, Bobby (and their concubines), JFK Jr, they’re all so unlucky! Why is “going underground" so hard for the population to accept? JFK couldn’t be the one seen openly going to war.
What about our car jumper? Imagine you are being shot at, IT’S FUCKIN’ SCARY! Who in their right mind doesn’t duck under the seats and pull their hubby down? Only an actress told to jump on the trunk! The jumping to grab a skull fragment makes the death more realistic to the viewer, and also serves as a reason the car can’t speed away. No idiot driver shot JFK, no idiots crouching in the road side drain pits shot JFK, no idiot guys on the grassy knoll shot JFK (no SS to cordon off the Knoll but we can fight a nuclear war? Cool stuff).
Most of the comments were still a bit fixated on the details (that is what they want us to do). A few comments though were correct about the details and are valid whether one is looking at the top recreation photo, or the Zapruder photo at the bottom of the post which gives the same basic story.
But one guy knew where the full answer was! The winner of the day is.....
Kevin Johnson with his simple answer, “Behind door number three: ”
Because he read the same 80+ page document called the “THE HIDDEN KING(S)” that Proton Magic read to make this post and which makes it clear that the Kennedy’s were part of the perp group, not victims, a typical occult Illuminati set-up. So hat’s off the Kevin whose lesson is to put in the time to find to read long docs which make sense. Miles’ entire set of writings is one of the most impressive analyses of fakery you can find on-line:
The closest answers were choices 4 and 6:
4. She’s Isis and JFK is Osiris reincarnated, it’s just a ritual these Gods do.
The Kennedys were one of the elite blood lines whose creed is based on pagan mythology (the Washington monument is Osiris’ “thing” and the Capitol bldg. is Isis’s womb facing the water which Isis’ “thing”). At the time JFK and Jackie were like gods to the American public and would be reincarnated after the event into new roles, making the fake death and reincarnation of JFK and Jackie into new roles as “gods in hiding” so to speak. Read all of this to get it.
6. It’s a movie audition and she’s going for star lady and stunt lady all-in-one.
From what I wrote above, the Mathis pdf link, and Sun’s YT link below, it will be clear the JFK event was a movie set.
Runners up:
“No blood, no brains on the car trunk and the people are still standing calmly in the background - I would expect them to be crouching down, lying down or in the process of running.”
-Right, every one should have hit the deck if real bullets were raining down, even just fake bullet sounds (which is what I think the police recorded).
Amaterasu Solar
I find it interesting that I can see zero blood. I already give good probability that He was not killed
-Right, no blood. Anyone ever work in an ER with gunshot victims and see no blood?
Sun Sioux
Jackie was reaching for the hollywood style blood squid that went awry. the JFK “ assassination” was a Hollywood movie.
-Didn’t think of this one. Not sure if this is your induction or there was evidence on the squid, but I put you on the podium because you answered it was a movie set. Correct!
Smoke&mirrors ops were/are SO easy to pull off. Just control the immediate surroundings and have plenty of actors available.
-Simple and correct answer.
Scipio Eruditus
Man if only there was some sort of historic precedence for killing a body double of the nation’s ruler for ritualistic purposes. Oh wait, there is:
- JFK could be considered the permanently dead substitute king and the real peasant king at the same time. A one-man ritual. You barely made it but your on the podium!
Sun Sioux
No one shot JFK:
-On target with the nonsense details good find!
1. No brains/blood.
3. Notice that all bystanders are looking in the opposite direction, away from the vehicle and do not appear perturbed or aware?
-Another on-target wrt details!
Sorry I didn't see this when you put this up! What you are seeing with the photos of photographers not ducking and just taking pictures is EXACTLY what occurred in Vegas as well. I spent weeks in 2017 going over video and audio of all that. Most people in Vegas weren't in on any of it. They had mixed in a few hundred crisis actors with exploding blood packs and piped the shots through the sound system. There were people whose job it was to just stand and keep shooting video and that's exactly what they did. They knew they were in no danger. It was the same for people whose job it was to scream at the concert goers to leave the venue, roust them out of hiding places and keep them moving. There was clear audio of people saying they initially believed the shots were coming through the concert sound system. And they were. The moulage work, done by army personel from the moulage trucks that were actually parked in a lot just across the street, was beyond terrible but that never matters. Nor did it matter that some of the dead began to actually resurrect when they thought the camera was gone........So JFK was likely a smaller, earlier version of this kind of thing.
Thanks for that info, I hope you make a post of your finding some day. I think few people know that but it makes sense, I wonder if the band(s) were in on it?
For JFK, I wonder if there were real shot sounds or if they were from speakers, or just added to audio tapes later...My focus here was mainly Jumpin Jackie Flash.
I'll tell you what else. I bet they had Jackie climb onto the back of the car to make an even bigger DISTRACTION show out of it. Everything these bastards do is no different than the misdirection used in cheap magic acts. Just a bigger budget and audience to fool. If there were things THEY wanted it to be less likely that bystanders noticed while this was happening, having Jackie crawl around on the back of the car would have kept all eyes glued on the target and not noticing other things going on around them.
Proton, Jason Aldean had the exact imagery of the Las Vegas, Illuminati Card tattooed on his left arm years before the actual event. THEY even had him respell and rearrange his name at the beginning of his career so that it would have 91 gematria encoded in it! I will put up a new post with a link to my old vid about all of this soon. Am working feverishly now on the next alien installment.
I see! His label, "Broken Bow Records" sounds like a weapon that doesn't really fire...maybe just my imagination.
So LV was a ritual, or making a reason to repeal 2nd Amend, or both or something else?
They eventually want ALL the guns. Like Australia. It may have been some kind of specific ritual but it's lost on me what it might be. They had been using the number 91 for months before this and THEY used it afterward as well. There was a 91 themed train crash the following February. Had a mother load of numbers and symbolism coded in it. It was actually TRAIN 91.
Are you ok Et's? I've seen some people in comments who are fond of your writing worried about your silence for a while.
Hey ET!
Relieved to know you’re well. No articles for 4 mos. Seriously wondered if you had been taken out as you stated in one of your last posts that you were working on a very important article that you planned to soon publish. I took your words at face value & kept periodically checking your account.
You have a loyal fan base I’m sure. Perhaps the next time you go dormant for several months — atypical in view of the history of your articles — you can write a brief post alerting your followers that you’ve decided to take some time off for personal reasons or whatever. I don’t know all the accounts you follow. Maybe many of your subscribers knew you were fine because you were still posting comments on other articles such as this one by PM.
I now feel stupid for wasting any mental energy or concern on you. You don’t know me but I took a genuine interest in your work & have made a couple of comments on your account. You’re certainly not obligated to keep your subscribers informed but how taxing would it have been to write a very short article that you were taking a break? I reached out to you recently in 2 brief direct messages & got nary a response.
If you did write a post about taking a break & I missed it, then I apologize but I did thoroughly peruse your account & saw nothing of the sort.
People who reveal certain Truths & challenge the prevailing narrative such as yourself live at risk. Many truths-tellers have been off’d over course of time — this is a brutal fact. We who are fighting agst. the forces of darkness need to be mindful of one another . That’s all I was doing.
Please be sensitive & considerate of those who value & look forward to your work. A short communication in the future can dispel any unnecessary concern or angst one might feel on your behalf.
Looking forward to your next post.
Sincerely, V.E.
Thats nice of you to check up on ET. His comment here was 10 months ago and I havn't seen him on line much either, I also hope he is ok because he does have great articles and is very kind to me even when we disagree. Great guy.
"'I find it interesting that I can see zero blood. I already give good probability that He was not killed.' -Right, no blood. Anyone ever work in an ER with gunshot victims and see no blood?"
Yes, in the re-enactment photo, of course there's no blood. It's a re-enactment. The Zapruder film, by contrast, shows a quarter of the man's head blown off, complete with blood. And that film is the confirmed footage (and thus the actual visual evidence) of the event. Yes, the Zapruder film had frames removed, but it still shows what actually happened on that day. And it would appear to show an actual assassination.
The picture you supplied is NOT of the real event. It's an obvious re-enactment and the re-enacters who posted that photo never said it wasn't. So to use that as evidence of anything that happened or didn't happen on Nov. 22, 1963 is not valid.
Finally, I too know of Miles' research on all this. I've been reading Miles for years. Miles says that literally EVERYTHING we are presented by the mainstream press is fake, while also throwing in his standard caveat of everybody is "gay" (the latter always with minimal to no proof, which is just hilarious). I agree for the most part that MOST THINGS have been manufactured or are otherwise false flags -- from the sinkings of the USS Maine and Titanic to the fakeries of the Gulf of Tonkin, 9-11, Covid. But I'm not convinced -- and I've been studying it for years, even visited Dealey Plaza for several hours in 2012 -- that the JFK assassination was faked. If it was, the Zapruder film is some hell of a production. Tomato splat, as some have suggested? Don't think so. A body double or dummy or corpse as a stand-in for JFK? The Zapruder film clearly shows the actual man known as JFK sitting in the limo as it comes down Elm. (What they did to the body afterwards is irrelevant.)
And watch Jackie's reaction in the Zapruder film. That is as genuine as it gets. She has all of sudden had her husband's brains spilled into her lap. Who wouldn't immediately have an out-of-body experience and proceed to try to get out of the vehicle as quickly and in whatever way possible?
I have trouble with Miles on occasion. This is one case where I disagree with his hypothesis that the assassination was faked. He says, for example, "the wounds of the corpse do not match the Zapruder film." Well so what? What happens AFTER the assassination does not disprove the assassination itself. It simply means the body (or bodies, as the case may be) were altered to make it appear that a lone assassin killed JFK with shots from behind. Miles would have to disprove the authenticity of the Zapruder film to convince me the entire event was faked. Sorry.
Keep up the good work, though, PM. :)
Rob thanks for your time! I love the challenges because that's how I learn. My take is that 1. the film editing ability of the CIA labs was far ahead of what we thought, and 2. Props can look very realistic, described here
In 1963 I went to the NY Worlds Fair, and I personally experienced video chatting-I still remember that very clearly. The elites must have had an even better version. Can you believe the elites using video chat in the 60s maybe even 50s? Directed energy was started in the 50s and that evil EM scope in the 30s.
Anyway, to me its all the points taken together, though car jumping, I'm sorry I can't stop laughing every time I see those photos I just had to make a post. I hope you saw the Vegas link I put in: EVERYONE DUCKED, like quack quack ducked, not JUMPED like Jackie (or her sunt girl) the Oscar winning froggie.
Let me remind you of our favorite word, "incongruent", which is a perfect match for everything about JFK and his friends. I really hope you will continue to help me in future posts, appreciate it.
Part 4: Next is JFK (and Jackie, and Connolly, and others in the car). All these people, JFK with military training (supposedly) and being head of state for a few yrs dealing with SS every day on an intimate basis and senator before and in CHARGE OF A HUGE ARMY AND ALL THE (FAKE) NUKES, and having all those enemies and he doesn't know security and protection of himself? If he's a narcissist he definitely wants to live. HE AGREED TO GET IN AN OPEN CAR with no SS on the car sides in the middle of a city very difficult to secure all of it. This is nonsense and requires acrobatics of logic that does not make sense.
Finally we have the photo of the Newmanns, see the bottom of the post. They duck for cover but keep those cameramen employed and they don't need to duck? Weren’t they filming when JFK was shot or looking at the bushes in the Plaza? Where’s their footage? The Newmann family was officially said to be the closest witnesses to the shooting, just one of many links:
So if that’s true then the camera crew didn’t film the shooting as the leader of the free world JFK came by (with that obviously very professional camera) but they film the nobody Newmanns?
Mr Newman doesn't protect his son's head, but the camera crew can stand though. Oh and whadaya know, the Newmann's DUCKED! But the guy with the sunglasses under the no standing pole in the back (hard to see) is just sitting around.
If it was filmed another time after the shooting, then that means the official narrative could lie about anything including the death of JFK, and why would a camera crew need to go there and do that just to prove JFK died? Isn't the body and the Zapruder film and the stains on Jackie and the skull chip enough?
It's all a movie location set and propaganda, there is no other conclusion.
Part 2: So on the blood, the Zapruder film doesn't show anything clearly. Zapruder was said to be edited by many documentaries-trying to get the shot to come from the depository but they couldn't-this is paradoxical propaganda trying to make you believe it came from the knoll. Regardless, the shot to the top of the head in the version for public consumption neither looks like it came from the Depository nor the Knoll. It looks like it's from directly above, like from a drone, maybe a UFO! This means Zapruder has little meaning as a record of events. <b>Shockingly</b> where is the MSM at Dealey, the easiest place to film him? Both the clearly edited shot and the provenance of supposed blood and scalp/brain frags can not be ascertained. Doesn't this sound like an E-M photo of a virus? (the html is just for emphasis).
So Zapruder mainly tells us we are in the Twilight zone. However we do have the official narrative, and can prove that is the official narrative because they say so in writing (doesn't mean truth however). Now there is a photo of Jackie's coat and legs showing "blood stains". But what is the stain really besides splatter of something. She refused to take it off (strange as it's crime evidence-she gets special treatment because of???), and it's off limits to public inspection for 90 yrs! WTF.
So we are still left with no blood or scalp/brain we can examine and prove the provenance of. Next is Jackie in the swearing in of LBJ, still blood stained. Wow she has nerves of steel, or is she playing a role? I'd have changed into sweat pants, taken a shower, and gone to bed in tears. Well this reply box neither proves or disproves my ideas nor yours. We are partners walking thru the Twilight Zone on Zapruder, the blood, and Jackie's bloody behavior. On to part 3...
Thanks for your comments, PM.
What we see in the Zapruder film is a mini-explosion of blood upon bullet impact. Yes, there’s a strange, large white spot that suddenly appears, which I can only assume was added by the PTB to immediately cover the basic evidence of a shot from the front (even though it’s bloody OBVIOUS the shot came from the front). I’ve studied the Zapruder film for years and, although I didn’t look at it again this time around (because, forgive me, I’m a bit taxed on the topic), I do recall at one time looking very closely to observe the actual brains of JFK come out of his head as he falls onto Jackie.
Certainly the key thing in all this is whether the man was actually shot and killed. The question of where the shot came from can come only AFTER we’ve established the first. (Kinda like determining where a certain “virus” came from before establishing that there’s an actual virus.) I agree with you that a key feature of the PTB playbook is to get you OFF the initial question. Just like Covid, they get the masses via their gullibility in just accepting the premise of the argument as an established “fact," never to be questioned. I have also wondered whether JFK really was assassinated and I appreciate people like you and Miles for opening the possibility of him NOT having been. It should remain a question...until we solve it.
However, for me, since the Zapruder film is, you could argue, THE only true “witness” to the actual event itself, it becomes the sine qua non for determining whether the event is real or fake. And my question to anybody, myself included when I find myself siding with Miles, is: in what way does that film show a FAKE rifle shot to the head of a man? Since this is 1963, to say that it’s fake gives the filmmakers too much credit, imo. In other words, that the shot we see in the film is NOT real (advanced video technology was used to insert that line of fire), that the “actor” of “JFK” is PRETENDING to be shot (great acting), and that Jackie is ACTING the part of a traumatized wife who’s just witnessed the murder of her husband (great acting x 2) is all simply amazing! How, in 1963, do you fake all that? Did they cordon off Dealey Plaza on some day, run the whole theatrical production of a fake assassination, and produce a film that PERFECTLY captures a rifle shot and hit that it has fooled even me? ;) Am I so gullible?
Where did they acquire such logistical and acting skills to pull off something so realistic? We know that, unlike with 911, they couldn’t do CGI in 1963. So only reactions by brilliant thespians posing as a president and first lady and a ballistics crew capable of firing a fake rifleshot, along with whatever advanced video technology was available to make the thing look "real," seems all too much....for 1963. If Stanley Kubrick was recruited to make that film, then maybe. But faking moon landings is clearly easier than faking a guy having his head blown off in an open limo moving down a public street.
Isn’t it? Or am I wrong?
Part 1: Thanks as always Rob for your thorough notes and helping to fix my info! REALLY appreciate it. I do this volunteer in my spare time and admit to being rushed at times wanting to get to that [Publish] button. I rely on people like you to help me, you noticed I edited the post based on your prior point.
Your points are also well taken and here I will give my ideas on the blood and Jackie (none of these are proof, but neither are yours I hope you admit), then two further points that to me indicate clear intent at fakery, and desire to show JFK was shot but they have to be lying.
I'll split this reply so the reply box into 4 so it doesn't get cut off.
On Miles, one could say he only publishes on fakery he can clearly delineate and avoids writing on events he can't. So we see him as a fakery buff, but that could be his selection bias and our interpretation bias. Doesn't prove he is right or wrong about an event. Researchers also usually only report when they get findings, doesn't mean they don't look into things with no results, but they probably don't bother to try to publish these studies (though they really should). On to part 2...
I agree, I ultimately know nothing or, at least, very little. This discussion and what Miles has produced help us to dissect these events, which is all we can do in getting us closer to the truth. However, I tend to think that basic things sometimes get overlooked. In this case, I would ask someone like Miles to prove to me that the one seemingly solid and incontrovertible visual evidence we have of Nov. 22, 1963 of a rifle fake. If that singular critical piece of evidence is not disproven, then the rest (all 88 pages of it, in Miles' case) is more or less negligible, it would seem. Unlike with Covid, we can't say in this case that the "burden of proof" is wanting. The "proof" is there in the form of the Zapruder film. And until it is "disproven" -- proven "fake" -- then it's hard not to consider everything else as more or less "circumstantial."
Miles would say, that it is not our job to prove anything fake, it is the claimers of an event to prove it is true which in the case of a murder is quite easy, though it was not done on the most important human on the planet at that moment. There is no proof of a C-19 virus, and no proof any planes hit a building or the ground on 9.11. Notice these are the very points they will not touch and brush aside.
It's true, the onus is on the claimers, however, my approach is more that they always use Revelation of the Method so they're always TELLING us they're faking it: the base narrative generally lacks credibility from the getgo but they will always overegg the omelette with gratuitous anomalies ... and you've pointed out both the anomalies in the base narrative and the gratuitous ones. Of course, when you have a base narrative lacking credibility from the getgo the two kinds of anomalies are more on a continuum rather than a clear divide of:
1. Anomalies in the base narrative
2. Gratuitous anomalies
... but vaguely we can divide the anomalies into these two groups, eg, I'd class JFK riding in an exposed open vehicle as a base narrative anomaly and the camera people not ducking for cover as a gratuitous one.
I also like to look at simple irrefutable facts that are very difficult to reconcile with opposing hypotheses and I only just thought of one now:
1. The magic bullet penetrating both JFK and John Connally as described has zero credibility.
2. For John Connally to go along with a bullet penetrating him as described he must be in on it.
3. It is hard to credit that John Connally would agree to be sitting in front of JFK and trust that a sharpshooter would not hit him accidentally and that he would be asked to do that.
It doesn't matter which angle you look at the event from, there is zero that favours real killing.
PS, I think the word "supporting anomalies" is slightly better than gratuitous. In context gratuitous is ok but it might be a complex word for lots of Americans. "Secondary" or "collateral" anomalies are also good terms.
But about the Newmanns, there were 3-4 anomalies in the one photo:
1. Son's head not protected.
2. If it was during the shooting, the camera crew photoed the Newmanns but not JFK (if they did where is it?), and they were ok to stand.
3. Zapruder isn't standing where he should be, guy with sunglasses relaxing under tree, under the no standing sign (in distance). The photo wasn't cropped properly it seems.
4. Seems this was photo done another day or time. Why would they do that to make photos to sell or to make propaganda? The Newmanns were said to be the closest witnesses to the shooting, but weren't called to testify. If it wasn't at the time of the shooting but they said it was, then they could lie about anything.
It's still not the base as you say, I would call it a "Super Supporting Anomaly"!
Thanks I will use that anomaly categorization best I can!
Part 3: Now lets get to some more serious points that require acrobatics of logic to reconcile. Oh, one point, and this one isn't proof but sorry, I think it very close to a proof. Lets say Zapruder is realistic and someone 30 inches away from you gets shot in the throat and then shot in the head, and the shots are loud bangs, you would instinctively duck under the seat and try to drag hubby down there. Anyone who wants to argue this, well, we will never agree.
Here in the first few seconds of the LV shooting raw cell phone vid of.....people ducking as initial instinct. Hundreds of them. They only begin to run when they get their wits and see that lying down isn't a good idea. Jackie had seats to duck into and there was NO TIME to get her wits, sorry car jumping is ACTING and the whole point of the photo in the post, orig nor not it was also in the official story, you don't expose yourself where the shots are period. She's got her wits on to think you can paste a brain back on? Shes a tough cookie. This logic is more baloney than virology.
Here, people duck Period:
That's why it's acting and there was no assassination.
On to part 4...
I too have trouble with Miles… feels like one that mixes truth with decoy/fiction…
Yes, he gets your trust with good and probably true info on past and finished events, then leads you into the dark lagoon on the current event: Covid, he nearly completely ignored it in 2020-24, and in the little he said he was pro-virus existed.
These links led me into the pre-2020 era, where nothing is yet happening but everyone is suspicious!
Anyway, for me the squib answered most of the questions and is the final nail in this fake coffin. I don't know when, if ever, the masses learn cause the entire intent of it is to induce generational trauma, and they are gunning for another round this year.
Thanks for the comment. You can see Sun Sioux and Christian Thomas did comment about a Squib so it was in our sights, but I did not see the newest film until yesterday thanks. My main point on this post that no one would jump on the trunk and expose themselves to real shooters, they would duck, and the movie also said as such. BTW, I rented it $3.99 from Vimeo as the neither Amazon nor the free link would let me get it from Japan even using a US VPN.
Looking forward to seeing your take on the film if you write about this topic further. I found it exhilarating to see through all the lies around this induced trauma, but with less hope than ever that the masses hit on this truth, but who knows for sure.
To reply about 5g, there are a number of articles showing correlation of 5g to illness in 2020, it takes some time to really digest these. I think 5g is one of a number of ways of making SOME people a bit sick in 2020 IN SOME PLACES leading them to go to the hospital where they got deadly meds and vents.
"5G is a protocol that will use high frequency bands and extensive bandwidths of the electromagnetic spectrum in the vast radiofrequency range from 600 MHz to nearly 100 GHz, which includes millimeter waves (>20 GHz), in addition to the currently used third generation (3G) and fourth generation (4G) long-term evolution (LTE) microwave bands."
Is the expansion into the MMW spectrum, in combination with Sat-Device, Disease X? I think so. Unknown ramifications and unintended consequences abound.
"Approximately 100,000 emitting satellites are planned to be launched into orbit.'
I think they are around 5000 right now total.
"But Starlink is only in its beta phase and there are hopes to increase that total to 42,000 satellites!"
Everything they do is for the purposes of control of the population numbers and activities. Thanks.
Thanks, I left a comment on your post. The purpose of that vid is to make us think JFK wanted to get away from the mob that his family runs, not that he is part of the elite and that this was to put the country in mourning to more easily get into Nam.
Here, I also wrote about squibs in the assn of the Japan PM where you can see the photos at the bottom of the squib on him-it also malfunctioned:
I did a followup on the movie. The main point of the movie is that what Jackie is reaching for are squib parts!
To me there are 2 parts, the death trick mechanism (squib) part, and the narrative part, that he was getting away from the mob-which is a diversion-probably purposeful by the intensity of their push on it, but I can't prove that.
I have been reading Mathis all morning, thanks, haha. He gets a lot right, but is stunningly ignorant of the "5g causes covid" argument, with this:
"Cowan claims 5G is to blame for the pandemic, which is obvious misdirection. There was no pandemic, it being just a renamed flu. The whole thing was totally manufactured to sell vaccines, as we now know. There may have been some new strains released to boost flu season in 2020 a bit, but
by and large the whole thing was manufactured to create fear. Plus, Cowan's arguments are contradictory: was the 1918 Spanish flu also caused by 5G? 5G is bad, but we don't need it to explain anything here. "
He obv needs to read Invisible Rainbow (2020). Not that this is proof of terrain, I largely agree with him about it being a psyop like flat earth (not that what they are saying is truth but that they have offered up the controlled debate). I am pretty sure there are some psyops I too am still sustaining, we all have our blind spots. But overall, he's a great read.
Hi Jerome, no virus has ever been purified isolated, including the flu.
there are no strains as there is no virus ever found. If you're new to this pls read this very carefully
Mathis though gives good analysis on past events, is a covid pusher showing his real colors, and Terrain is an idea not a psyop because of many reasons but one is there is no virus ever found. Yes bacteria can overgrow and cause trouble (acne is a good example) but that is not the same thing as an "infection". Regards.
Jay Weidner - who I'm pretty certain is not on our side - did a quite revealing piece on it being a movie squib that Jackie was applying to his face and then trying to set off. It's worth watching.
I don't know if that Miles Mathis piece is the one I've read - if it's more than a few years old it will be - but I really don't buy into JFK taking up his place in an underground government. Nah, he was tucked out of the way for a while and went to live on the isle of Skorpios, which is why Jackie was later set up to be "married" to Onassis. It explained her perpetual presence there.
You'll have to put in the effort to read Mathis, takes a few days. JFK was gay it seems. The Duponts, Rockefellers, and Kennedy's are VERY HIGH up in the global bloodlines, near the top 13 families for Rockies and Kennedy, running the US govt and their underworlds. JFK had to take over for bro Joe, but JFK had Addision's it seems, then RFK had to take his place, then JFK Jr (it all makes sense). "But they look like such nice guys" you say....surprise😲
I've read a ton of Miles's stuff, including the 80 odd page Tate.pdf, plus all the ones on Lincoln, OJ and dozens of others. I just don't agree with him that JFK spent years sitting round an underground table running the USA. Nor do I buy into the idea that 3rd Generation Irish is somehow "bloodline". If you were English you'd find that idea very hard to digest. And while we're at it, nor would I count the Roquefeuilles as bloodline either - and they seem to me to be pure agents of Rothschilds - in just the same way as JP Morgan or the Schiffs at Kuhn Loeb.
I agree with you that he definitely didn't die - and I would add to that first of all the bit from Miles about the car stopping and JFK getting out (or taking a leak) a few streets before Dealy Plaza. My other concern is what happened to Officer Tippett. From your reaction you obviously haven't read the 160 page paper by Tyrone McCloskey pointing out where he did go. And if I'm right in my belief that I met him in Italy in the late 70s, that would square with McCloskey's conclusion. Personally I think these are all intelligence people, not families with either money or breeding. They are put on a managed stage and the ones that are most palatable or suitable go forward. They are very much the system, but I don't believe they are the real controllers or the actual elite; also I think there's every chance they are kept in the dark to some extent - though obviously not as badly in the dark as us.
FWIW, I very much doubt JFK was gay. He's older than people think (and almost certainly dead now) and it was very uncommon back in his generation. I'm pretty certain he predates most of the well known closeted gays. I think that's just helping the gay/non-breeding agenda along. Why wouldn't they tag him with something useful to their plans?
OK we agree on lots but we dont have to agree on everything. The bloodlines are said to be Phoenician at base, I can't prove that but I do believe they interbreed and fake marriages, family ties, who has what kids, etc. Just because they use the name Kennedy doesn't mean that's their base and these criminals do not care how many generations they've been someplace, their alliegence is with their blood line and the groups they swear partnership with. The Rothchilds were Bauers before becoming Rothchild, they want you to think they are Jewish, if they were Jewish, they would hide that from you. These people can take on and even interbreed a with a blood line they want us to think they are to throw us off scent. Don't get caught up with what you think about an ethnicity or religion. The Kennedys were clearly running all of the US underworld, and other things.
Here you can see Kennedy is indeed in the top 13 on most all lists. Sure you can deny the lists. Even if it is a distraction list, they are still quite high up.
You brought up ‘ol Smedley, have you read Josh G’s breakdown?
Thanks Dawn, you know I'm a Miles fan as you are! Yes, I've thought about Smedley being a propaganda piece like Miles says. Still Smedley and the Business Plot makes an important point, the Duponts, Morgans, Kennedys, Rockies, etc are (were) indeed the local masters (controlled by their overlords the Black Nobility which is always hidden further). And I suppose JFK did indeed go to run the country with them from their Committee in the shadows. I appreciate what you do for Miles. BTW, do you and Miles discuss what you do for his stuff?
Btw: I’m not sure I’ve seen Mathis reference the “Black Nobility.” What’s your source for that and how have you tied it to Mathis’ work?
Its tied to his work because that is the proximal source of the planners, not the CIA or the Jews or other Intel. Maybe he gets to it someplace but not in the 10 I've read: JFK, Lincoln, Nukes, Manson, Enola Gay, a few others...
Just one source
Ah okay. I'm banned by Frances as I challenged some of her conclusions and she doesn't like to be challenged.
Sorry to hear that, there are other sources. Maybe here
That alone would not have been my reason to ban you Dawn. You were probably unnecessarily combative or rude. Those are the only reasons I ban people. However, as it inconveniences you somewhat, I shall unban you immediately.
I made this comment to someone else just now.
There is something about Miles though I love his posts. I'll just give you some: he writes and investigates more than one could expect of a single even Harvard graduate. He is a poly math, poly art, poly history, and poly science genius. Sure these people exist, but getting info like he does from original sources takes A LOT of time, ergo he seems like more than one person. I can give you David Martin, 2nd Smartest Guy, James Corbett-all operatives. Also, did you notice Miles leads us to beautiful detail to the fakery of events and the agencies and persons directly related, but does he ever go to who really runs things, you know the kernel (not colonel)? Those descendants of Romans etc. Blood lines going back mostly to mid 1800s and sometimes to the 1700s are great "they're all related", but he stops there, yeah Geni and Ancestry stops there, but, it's a vacuum that is seeming like that's as far as they want us to go like there's nothing before that, and Peerage isn't the end-all, the central core planners don't care about Peerage. So while Miles has some red flags, I do like the extent he can give us.
Yes, I've heard a few people suggest that he is a "committee" and one person can't possibly output as much as he does. I can't say definitely one way or the other as I don't know him personally, but after reading as much of his work as I have I do notice that he has a distinctive "voice," and it's different from when he has guest authors, but all the papers he's signed his name to I do believe one person wrote them all.
And I would agree that any of his papers in isolation don't give the full story. But as I've catalogued his work, I've read dozens of them. And he does go into some of the deeper past. As examples, check out some of these:
The more I read it does help to provide a glimpse of the bigger picture.
Hi Dawn, havn't seen you around lately. Just reviewing these comments because this post has exploded in the last couple of months and is now my top rated post of all 142 posts, I think it got linked on some external site. Well, on your comment, it is possible that the main MM gets info from his staff and then writes the posts in his way. That way there are a bunch of staff and he/she is the editor of the MM "magazine". It's still a group, there's no way it can be one person. Don't you think Intel has a large media division?
I’ve shared my TOC with him and we’ve traded a few emails, but nothing extensive.
What I’d love to have is an index but that’s going to be a whole lot of work! I’m not sure anyone else has yet volunteered for that job so I guess I’ll have to get started.
Well, gosh, the photo is from a re-enactment of the event, circa 1970s. I knew that the first time I saw it some 20 years ago without having to do any research to confirm it. Do people honestly think that was taken on Nov. 22, 1963? A perfectly framed photo that shows everything (!), captured right in front of the limo before it speeds away? But then look at the "JFK" guy lying there, for crying out loud. Head perfectly intact with nary a wound or blood splatter anywhere! How about the bystanders on the sidewalk? Did people wear bell-bottom jeans and have mop-style haircuts in 1963? I'm surprised. Thought literally everybody knew this was a fake.
Thanks, I put the Zapruder film frame near the bottom of the post. The analysis I'm requesting doesn’t really change, though I know Zapruder was also tampered.
Thanks for the zapruder photo clarifying what happened in 63.
All I can think is that this was showing that she was escaping in the direction of the claimed shooter, Oswald at the book depository.
Perhaps this was the easiest way out of the car though in fleeting panic.
Who knows?
PSS I fixed up the post re the fact that the top photo was recreation and put in 2 short vids showing ducking when shot at (there are many more on line), and the Newmanns photo and explanation. Virology is straight forward fraud, easy to get the posts right the first time. These "event" posts seem to require help from my friends as getting all the angles right the first time is much harder. VR
This image builds a fake dichotomy to push a mislead assumption that something is hidden... 😂
I was also confused at this image not having blood, because there's video of her holding his head trying to push his brain back together...
60 years old photo gave it fake credibility as you stated it was from the 70s which fits the math.
source of the photo used here, a made for TV reenactment movie being filmed in Dallas. (UPI Photo/Files) -
Thanks very much!
Agree !!!!
What did she do that you and I wouldn't do?
The videos show her trying to push his brains back in and whatever escape she did was in panic like you or I would face if someone was shot right next to us!
Later on, she did odd things, but that day I contend she was acting normal.
Rob, see the thread above from yesterday Parts 1-4, your questions should be answered.
Same , I’ve had cases where family members did exactly that,,, try to scoop up brain matter and piece the cranium back together…..
Sorry Jim never got back to you, dont know about your family's situation, Jackie was supposedly in a flying bullets situation, in those you duck and pull hubby on top of you and hopefully help him and you together.
The truth for the Kennedys though, if there was no plan to get Jack to go into hiding, they shouldn't and didn't need to be in a motorcade with no bullet proof cover and SS on the sides to begin with. If my pres is dumb enough to do this I wouldn't want him as my pres. Well LBJ was worse of course but....that was the plan! JFK needed to go so the people were miserable and less able to stop LBJ from going to Nam for his handlers.
Is it important this is a fake? The truth of the photo is this happened 60 years ago, an obstacle was brutally removed, a false flag operation in the Gulf of Tonkin followed and a country was destroyed while the corporates and banks pocketed the tax money - sound familiar? The script never changes.
This is it.
And it’s relative as DJT and crüe attempt to take the head off of the $nake (the War Conglomerate).
It lets Americans who previously believed that we lived in a Democracy, a Republic, with rules and laws that everyone obeyed… that all of it always was a myth.
Kennedy in Dallas in 1963 was Trump in PA in 2025—except the take-out failed in the latter event. Hint: They won’t let that stop them.
We’ve never lived in “the land of the free.” Certainly never anywhere near Camelot.
Intrigue, deception, murder, and finger pointing go all the way back to the garden of Eden.
I have a color photo of Jackie reaching for his scalp section but she is clearly climbing over John's head being that he is still propped up and not laying in a supine position in the backseat. Something is amiss between the two photos. The photo I have appears to reveal that the man she is climbing over is an imposter.
There actually was a body double used in the coffin that was buried witnessed by the public and millions on TV because doctors couldn't reconstruct his face well enough to support the one bullet kill shot coming from Oswald's rifle. This would mean that JFK was never buried?
Thanks. I added another photo from Zapruder. Jackie's actions are the same and say something important. More importantly, why are they ostensibly in that situation?
all i see apart from the obvious shitfuckery of photography time manipulation is: 'yall can kiss my big ass!
Could be a number of reasons why. Not sure what the real reason is though.
His (supposed) brain was stolen (some say "taken") from the National Archives (supposedly) in 1966.
That story would support the "he was shot and died" narrative, wouldn't it?
I've never believed the story. It's a weird one though.
For what reason, pray tell?
they sold it on ebay.....they wanted to hide the fact that most of it was missing; they wanted to prove that there was only one bullet hole....they were building a frankenkennedy and need a brain....
No one knows or so they say. It is still a mystery as of this day. There has been a good deal written about it and much speculation as to who and why...
really? this is what you want to run with?
how this answers any questions about the photo must only be obvious to you.
I'm late to this party, but I chose #4 and #9. They're all bloodliners and/or crisis actors. Everything we are shown by the official media (and much of what is considered the "alt-media") is a full-scale Hollywood production.
Hi Sharine, thanks for reading so many posts!
See this
#4 is correct an while #9 is close but it wasn't a coup nor against JFK who didn't die which #9 suggests, it was to shock an demoralize the country so they would be more willing to go to war with LBJ and to make the country think things could go well and give them false hope (similar to Trump before he did Warp Speed). #6 is better because it was a movie set.
Hope to speak again-PM
Thanks for clarifying, it makes sense! I'm goIng to read your full comment later tonight after music rehearsal. I love your thinking and your writing. Your humor makes me LOL. I almost snorted red wine out of my nose last night reading one of your jokes!
You are doing some great research and follow-through here on Subsy. I read your expanded reply on this topic. Thank you for your thorough comments. There are a few of us who appreciate it.
FYI: I got sidetracked by watching "The Old World Order" video on Bitchute. I had seen a few other similar research videos over the last several years.
It's very impressive what you do. I've read about 10 of his posts, they take a long time but are engrossing. My only Q on him is why is he so obsessed with the Jewish thing but never mentions the penchant these bloodlines have to hide behind being a fake Jew. It almost makes me wonder if he is there, or they leave him alone, because he pushes the "perps are the Jew" narrative which is a diversion from their pagan origins and practices. Honestly when he gets into that I just don't pay attention to those parts.
No blood, no brains on the car trunk and the people are still standing calmly in the background - I would expect them to be crouching down, lying down or in the process of running.
Me when I’m being shot at from outside my car: “Driver, hit the gas,” as I hit the floor!
Me when I’m being shot at from inside my car: “Driver, I’m out,” as I jump from a moving vehicle.
Jackie when being shot at from outside her vehicle: “Driver, I’m jumping out where they can have a better shot.”
Jackie when not being shot at: “And, ACTION!!” 🎬
Well said!
Hey PM, Have you seen/HEARD this?
Jackie and LBJ Saturday, December 7,1963, 5:20 P.M. less than a month after the "assassination". They treat us like total idiots and we respond like total idiots (most of us anyway).
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy: Mr. President?
President Johnson: I just wanted you to know you were loved and by so many and so much and-
JBK: Oh, Mr. President!
LBJ: -I'm one of them.
JBK: I tried. I didn't dare bother you again, but I got Kenny O'Donnell over here to give you a message if he ever saw you. Did he give it to you yet?
LBJ: No.
JBK: About my letter? That was waiting for me last night?
LBJ: Listen, sweetie. Now, first thing you've got to learn-you've got some things to learn, and one of them is that you don't bother me. You give me strength.
LBJ: My mother and my wife and my sisters and you females got a lot of courage that we men don't have. And so we have to rely on you and depend on you, and you've got something to do. You've got the President relying on you. And this is not the first one you've had! So there're not many women, you know, running around with a good many Presidents. So you just bear that in mind. You've got the biggest job of your life!
JBK: [laughs] "She ran around with two Presidents." That's what they'll say about me!
LBJ: [quietly chortles]
Very suggestive, well Jack was gay and wasn't giving her much fun I suppose...and she sounds quite upbeat for just having jumped out on the trunk to grab hubby's brains. I guess they wanted to celebrate the closing of all the tiring practice for stunt day.
Actually I wonder if they were doing a send up of Marilyn singing Happy Birthday to JFK?
I'm afraid I don't necessarily think Jack was gay. Sure he had a gay friend and he could have been gay but he certainly attracted women. I don't think having a very close gay friend means he was gay. Also could have been bi.
You mean they wanted to send Marilyn up to see JFK in his hideout?
See this about the gay part there's a bit to it,
he has gay mannerisms to me and you know these Illuminati people in high places are usually bi or gay (like Obama and his wife-husband) as that has been a way for the organization to keep them in line.
Hilarious. I'd only heard about the magic bullet and knew it followed a ludicrous trajectory but just a few weeks ago when I saw it actually written down ... seriously. I do find it astonishing how they know they can just get away with absolutely anything.
From ChatGPT
"John Connally, the Texas Governor who was seated in front of President John F. Kennedy in the same car during the assassination, was hit by a bullet during the event. The bullet that hit Connally is believed to be the same one that also struck Kennedy. According to the official investigation by the Warren Commission, the single bullet that hit both Kennedy and Connally is known as the "magic bullet." This bullet entered Kennedy's upper back, exited through his throat, and then went on to strike Connally, causing multiple injuries. It entered Connally's back, shattered a rib, exited his chest, struck his wrist, and finally embedded itself in his thigh. The trajectory of the bullet and the injuries sustained by Connally were the subject of much analysis and debate, as they were central to the Warren Commission's conclusion about the sequence of events during the assassination."
Even more astonishing...... is a picture of the magic bullet a.k.a. WC #399 (search it)
There is some damage on the bullet but the tip of that bullet did not cause the injuries as described. In testing the FBI damaged the bullet. They also have a bullet that was fired at a cadavers that looks damaged.
and recently a 88 year old Secret Service Agent Paul Landis has apparently broken his silence and said that he found the magic bullet in the car and it was he who put it on the presidents stretcher in the corridor of Parkland Memorial. The magic bullet was testified to by a Secret Service Agent as being found on Connolly's much b/s I can only conclude it is all fake, a production, a play.........
Hilarious. Don't know why it's taken me so long to get a sense of how ludicrous the story is ... and then there's the start of the magical journey ... the mail order Carcano and the full foliage tree it was sighted through. I'll say more on that. The magic bullet - could anything be more hidden in plain sight?
The other day, in 2025, we were shown a pic of the driver turning and drilling JFK. It seems that, if that occurred, then Jackie would have had a reason to attempt to flee the scene.
Thanks. Can you give a link to that pic?
Still, I think they want to hide this:
See this post, the corpse said to be JFK near the top and this section here
JFK & Jumpin’ Jackie- Royal Fake Heroes
in this post
showing the corpse was Tippit. Still Jackie was jumping at something, doesn't matter what, no one would do that in a shooting, one would duck, and all the info in this post we are commenting on that makes the situation and the shooting all a fake movie set.
Geez, I’m sorry, I don’t recall who presented that pic. I saw it within the last two weeks.
Who knew Jackie was a PAWG
The top photo was a recreation, not Jackie, and Jackie was likely a MTF elite gender inversion, like Michelle Obama and Melania Trump, so not a PAWG no matter what. It's too much to get into here.
lol a PAWM? No thanks
its all fake theatre and they are pissing themselves laughing at us. time and again they do it, time and again most fall for it.
Oh God this is so obvious I can't believe nobody's getting this.
She is crawling at top speed over the trunk to get to the back to meet the guy that's crawling towards her they can kiss.
Did you really need me to tell you that?
I actually had no idea the official narrative, slowly getting on board with all that needs my attention for my unpaying first 30+ years ;-)
A man would cover his wife when the bullets fly. It seems the women have other ideas….
Correct, the reason is because this was a movie.