What do you surmise the crystals are?

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Glad you asked and I will pin your comment. I had the image of sodium chloride crystals somewhere in my head but didn't want to commit in the post. You made me reconfirm though, and these NaCl crystals look just like many of those in the vids


The vials I think are in saline solution as they are given to humans, so there is NaCl in them of course.

☞That doesn't mean that's all there is in the vials nor that these crystals are not a mix of NaCl and perhaps other elements. Elemental analysis is coming soon so stay tuned.

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Thanks. Salt and sugar would always be my first guess, even though I have no doubt that there are many more nefarious possibilities and probabilities.

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Lidocaine tastes bitter, I think is the best word, but could still have sugars in it.

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Did you do chemical analysis of the crystals?

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Noted in the post and in these comments that it is underway. Not Chemical but elemental.

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Much appreciation for all of your efforts, PM, and that of your lab personnel. Lidocaine is a huge issue, and the only one my friends and I haven’t been able to detour by finding alternatives. Dentist hesitancy is sadly a real ‘thing’ now, given the conflicting information about nanotech assembly. Dentists in our accessible area are decidedly pro-establishment, pro fluoride, root canal and amalgam friendly conspiracy crushers and not at all approachable with anything off the norm. As it stands, I have a non-negotiable appointment in less than 2 weeks and have been fretting, and your work has just taken the edge off. Thanks so much! Hopefully the rest of the investigation is also negative for contaminants.

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Depending, ice is a pretty good alternative. Tell the dentists you seem to have allergies (rashes) to lido and other cains. See this recent post


I really just did a simple search of "lidocaine alternatives" and wrote it up. It surprisingly got to be my 6th most popular post out of 140 posts-supporting the importance of and interest in dentistry.

I havn't gotten to diphen yet, I'm only one person and these things can cost alot. I'm thinking of only doing elemental analysis not scoping from now on. I'm in Japan where the USD is very strong but still it can cost $3k for 68 elements and $1200 just for 10 that we might suspect. Maybe sending to other countries could be cheaper, not sure of the logistics of sending injectables overseas. Crowd funding could take a long time and effort, so far I just pay myself. I encourage you to DIY and report to us, maybe get a few persons to chip in with you. Unfortunately, most people I know think I'm nutzo.

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Yes, it was an excellent post, thank you. This tooth is blowing up, so I doubt ice will do it. I live in the Canadian outback, so my options are limited. Our dentists are swamped with patients and are ruthlessly arrogant. Anyone who put things together in 2020 is now out of work and broke. Your tenacity is admirable. I do believe people would chip in if you set up a kofi link, Proton. The globalist plan is as smart as evil, and shockingly plays the human psyche like an accordion. LOL, the whole neighbourhood thinks I went off the deep end too.

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Be sure BRK, this LM study did not rule-out crap in the lido injection by any means. In fact, there are papers noting graphene (possibly ultra thin graphite) peppered in the kinds of salt crystals that my post shows. I would avoid Lido at all costs. See this comment


and others here


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Some sources claim that lido alternatives are just as harmful...

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PS By harmful, do you mean, the diphenhydramine the drug itself, or that it is tainted? Tainted is then the unknown and possibly dangerous.The drug itself is used in OTC cold meds, it is very safe, rarely if you take too much you can have dry mucous membranes. Allergy to it is very rare. Excipients in dipfen all depend on what they are and where they come from. Assuming there is no tainting-like if it was homemade, we would have to balance the danger of no dental treatment for some serious things vs the anesthesia assuming natural methods are not enough. Large gum abscesses can even be life threatening, it all depends on the individual situation.

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Could be. I have diphen samples and will analyze it in due time.

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Have you seen https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/graphene-full-scoglio.pdf on graphene? How do you know GO and all that hyped stuff is even real?

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Correct, that is why I noted the graphitic material. Graphite does exist. Did you see this post linked on the PM HP?


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Read Weston Price on tooth problems. It's your food/drinks and the chemicals you consume. Caffeine is a powerful antibiotic, it severely disrupts your mouth's biome.

I've used oregano oil as pain killer when I had an inflamed tooth. After three days of fasting and suppressing the pain with oregano oil the inflammation was gone. Look at nature, what do animals do when they're sick? They fast.

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Try shaming them (the dentists)?? Not sure exactly what I mean by that, either.

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I realize now why my body is so reluctant to get two broken teeth fixed. They don't HURT, now, but are a bit of a nuisance re food getting stuck up in there... But as a dog, I simply donut care. Ain't goin'.


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floss, brush with celtic and baking soda (occasionally) rinse after coffee/tea/sugary drinks (on second thought, can the sugary drinks) and food-

do a pull with unrefined coconut oil+ a smidgen of manuka honey-

food grade hydrogen peroxide swish, if necessary chlorophyl

kiss dentist goodbye...

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By "celtic" I guess you mean Irish people? I will brush mai teef wiff ANY people, except squirrels.

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No, celtic sea salt from France.

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What's even worse is that the contents can vary by the source and by the batch...

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I think you're nutz, and welcome you to the Squirrel's Club... ;)

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I yam not nutz, I yam a furren correspondent.

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BRK7_2, I myself am going to an essential dental appointment tomorrow. I posted a reply in this comment thread, sharing my own concerns. Best wishes to you.

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Fingers crossed all goes well for you tomorrow, Sharine!

And good riddens to the amalgam filling ! Load up on Vitamin C, NAC and maybe some clay for absorption.

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Is it something that eventually stops being a problem? I've had amalgam fillings for years. I also take C supplements and eat C foods...

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No, amalgam must be taken out using a certain kind of method (rubberdan or something).

"Vitamine C" supplements are big pharma poison. Just eat organ meat, drink raw goat milk and eat raw eggs and all your ailments will disappear eventually.

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And I'm saying I've HAD amalgam fillings, not that they're GOOD.

GEEEEZ, just slow down.

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No, Vitamin C is necessary. Where did you get that it's poison????

Ever hear of SCURVY? Plus, why do you think supplements come from Big Pharma?

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You are correct, the only point these folks are trying to make is that when you get something that is processed you don't know what else is in it. Supposedly, when you get a fruit (especially if you grew it yourself or from a farm you know), then there are no additives.

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Why do you go to a dentist? He will only poison you and cause trauma in your body.

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And best wishes to YOU. xo

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Lidocaine is also used for biopsies and minor surgeries...

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What exactly is a "non-negotiable appointment"???

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You should be able to figure that out? Pain would be a hint.

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Use oregano oil as painkiller. Stay away from dentists.

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I've learned not to assume I understand what everyone means.

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I love your work and if poor fish were not richer I'd help buy your bows. :). My curiosity has a sort of gallows wit. I love knowing sleuths are discovering the tools used for murder. Will knowing stop anything? In all seriousness it seems we are cursed by the triumph of La Technique. I do not think secularism- slavery to scientism then - is able to overcome it's evil inclination and in freedom smart people preach Idolatry and as Blake has it "Dark Satanic Mills." What then is being done to stop the murder if your discoveries and those of others are ignored? I do not say stop. I ask if any networking is done say with RICO experts. The hour is getting late.

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Will knowing stop anything?

Maybe not right away, but... PUBLISHING what particular dentists (NAME them) are doing would surely have an effect... If nothing else, a bit further down the road, yes, for sure.

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I’ve had fillings put in and/or replaced probably half a dozen times with no dental anaesthetic. It really is not a big deal.

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Same, it's for such a short time. I brace myself but don't really need to.

I don't seem to have a memory for pain.

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You could also take care of your body so that you don't need fillings. But I guess that's too hard, eh? ;)

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Thank You for Your research and presentation of findings! What the psychopaths in control are doing to Humanity is so ghastly and unEthical (putting Them beneath the beasts!).

Looking forward to future discoveries!

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Thank you Proton Magic. Well, your timing is excellent and your post is playing my fears like a concert violinist on crack.

Because, speaking of drugs, I cracked a tooth the other day — ironically, on the pit of a cherry, my favorite fruit — and I will be going to see the dentist tomorrow. I have been trying to keep from worrying that the dentist will recommend Lidocaine as a numbing agent to the drilling out a 50-year-old mercury filling, which is also ironic because I know that mercury is poisonous and I would love to *not* have it in my mouth.

Also, since I didn't get any of the CovAin't jabs, does this mean that in order to not suffer pain from dental drilling, a Lidocaine jab will essentially "pop my spiritual cherry"?

As if life isn't complicated enough these days, the layered irony and potential humor is far from amusing, and I am doing my best to remain at the highest level of awareness and discernment.

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Sorry to have to hear from you under these circumstances Sharine, however this could be the start of a no Hg and no Lido life. I'd probably bring a bag of ice and take 3 or more shots of my favorite liquor right before the dental work. You'd need to re-ice every few min of drilling. If the dentist doesn't agree to your icing your tooth up around the gums, I would run like hell and find another dentist. I sourced but unfortunately did not look at diphenhydramine yet, but there are some helpful comments in here:


Anyone can really do the studies I'm doing. You just need a little cash for the lab costs.

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Hey, I'm new here, was wondering, what is the significance of lidocaine? I love your writing, particularly the plug at the beginning. Should I just search your blog for lidocaine? Thanks for having me

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Lidocaine and other local skin/mucosa anesthetics are given to millions of people every day for dental, dermatological, and plastic surgery procedures. It is the perfect way to get things into people. Many on substack have found tech-looking things in them and I want to reconfirm as a low-profile regular guy on the street.

I have some recent prior posts on lidocaine electron microscopy-pls see them on my SS HP by clicking my name at the post top, and also you can look up David Nixon, Len Ber, and Ana Mihalcea on substack-but I can't vouch for the veracity of what others do. EM and elemental analysis takes lots of funds, and an expensive and complex lab set up if you get your own EM scope. I suppose that's why few others do them. They have their own light microscopes and make conclusions mainly from that which to me is not going the full 9 yards.

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Ah, understood perfectly. I think about this more than I ought to, that we alraady ingest whatever number of micro-organic species. And it's not difficult to imagine that nanomachines are further along than the public believes. I didn't get any Covid shots, and I've never had Covid. The only people I know get Covid, personally, are people who took the shots, ironically.

I'm rambling because I'm just thinking about her easy it would be to put these things in our body, and what is the scope of what it can do? Surely there's an end-goal, but goalposts are constantly moved. They don't even really need a reason further than, we tested it on some rats and humans, it did this, now what happens when it does it an entire group of people.

Gives me the creeps. I woke up one morning and in that half-awake brain space was thinking about micro plastics, and how many I must have ingested, I moved my body a bit and felt like I was "made out of plastic", until I finally kicked into full awareness. But I can still recall the sensation.

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Having attended some of the David Nixon zooms (a long time ago) I can vouch for watching phenomena in at least one session- strange proboscis, mawing jaws, wandering waving jointed strangeness - all appeared translucent and delicate and other worldly…sadly a demonstration that was not repeated. It was quite different in appearance from the bubbles and lamina and crystals. I did ask later for a replay but was turned down. I may have misunderstood but that demonstration and the recording was not for sharing. Is there anyone else here who attends or attended the zooms and could throw some light on that magical session?

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The best way to get light is to repeat and reconfirm with various labs in various places and with various tests, LM, SEM, spectroscopy, maybe others IDK about.

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Wow, this is some scary shit, PM. A two-part question that comes to my mind is, how long does this stuff last in the body for and what are the full effects of its power to affect the human body? I’m sure they’re putting this stuff in the water, food, drinks and of course, all injectables.

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Hi James, the sleuthing is ongoing, but you do ask the billion dollar questions. We just don't know yet what strange elements and/or compounds might be in lidocaine or other injectables and if this differs by location/batch/drug type.. Some people are skeptical of the "tech" reported in dental injectables from many of the more popular scopers on SS. I'm doing DIY to try to confirm what is true. Finding a lab to cooperate and coordinating with them is a project in and of itself so sorry it's coming in drips and drabs but I've got ongoing plans.

So far, in the SEM and evaporation LM studies I posted there is no smoking gun though other studies have said that "graphene" can be sprinkled onto salt crytals. The elemental analysis of 10 elements of interest found in covid shots I ordered is coming. Hopefully that willl give us some hints.

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Keep up the great work you’re doing, P.M. I’m looking forward to your next post.

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Thanks as always for your kind words, really appreciate it!

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The fact that you see self-assembly somewhere doesn't mean there is some nefarious new world order nanotech behind. You'll see these processes in many naturally occurring substances as well. Don't fall for the controlled altmedia psyop that everything contains nanotech to turn you into a robot. Heck, even the dna story is not true.


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Agreed, we don't know. It could go either way. There are studies showing graphene (or graphitic material) inside salt crystals-which sounds quite bad to me.


The DNA story I agree is VERY suspect, but that has nothing to do with crystals in Lido.

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Have another look at the graphene fear mongering: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/graphene-full-scoglio.pdf. Have you seen chemical analysis of these salts confirming graphene or GO in there? Or also just dark field microscopy... just do some random web searches for images of dark field pictures of crystals and you'll be amazed.

And the dna story has not directly to do with the crystals, but the supposed nanobots are supposedly changing our "dna"... so it is somewhat related, won't you say?

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I answered this on another comment in this thread.

-What is called graphene (likely thin graphitic sheets because that is how they say they make graphene, but IDK) can be/has been put on salt crystals


-I have not confirmed GO like substance in this sample on LM or SEM

-elemental analysis is ongoing

-See my post on the PM HP on Nature of Graphene denoting it is hypothetical.

-IDK if there are nano bots in the lido I am studying. See the PM post: Is DNA the Wizard of OZ, and it is not clear DNA exists as advertised


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Og Goodie! I get to comment: :-) Very good PM!! Thank you!

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Great to hear from you!

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Just like microplastics and "forever chemicals" are in everything, including the human blood, these thingies must be also all over the place (from chemtrails, food, water, or whatever else).

Of course, nobody has been able or willing to say what they actually contain.

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That would need to be shown with spectroscopy at least, and the shapes in your link are not the same as in the SEM studies shown in the recent posts I made. This is only LM. And my yet unpublished 10 elements anal showed Na to be massive (the other 9 were zero but did not look at Fe or O), so probably NaCL crystals, but could have other things peppered on them.

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All respect for what you do. Thank you. Gorazd.

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Thanks! Elemental anal be written now.

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Wow, wow, wow, and I ain't barkin'.

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Love the microscope! For one less informed, can you specify the opening-diameter of the objective lens?

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I'm probably less informed than you Bo. But searching "LV100ND Specs" I got this page,


sorry I don't have more info and the lab is really busy and not so responsive, probably because I'm not a deep-pocket corporate client.

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