On a small-fry’s budget I was stuck doing a shoe-string Lidocaine elemental study of 10 elements recommended to me personally by the authors of this paper:
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
☞ These elements included: Sodium, Chromium, Boron, Gallium, Arsenic, Vanadium, Barium, Copper, Nickel and Cerium.
And for the exciting conclusion, NOTHING WAS FOUND.
We used Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Proton Magic Getting a plasma jolt out of making spectroscopy posts (5 sec vid).
ICP-MS is an elemental analysis technique. It uses an argon (Ar) plasma – the ICP – to convert the sample into ions that are then measured using a mass spectrometer – the MS. ICP-MS provides much lower detection limits so it’s a better choice for trace element analysis.
An ICP-MS instrument consists of the ion source (the ICP), a mass spectrometer (MS) – usually a scanning quadrupole mass filter, and a detector. The ICP is at atmospheric pressure, while the MS and detector operate in a vacuum chamber.
Disappointing for all of you who went out of your way to make demonstration placards to protest in front of the FDA, but please, don’t have a bonfire just yet. I know persons who felt sick after getting lidocaine shots and the 10-suspect element study alone isn’t the full deal, there could still be something lurking in there.
I know, I know, it’s a boring post, and you may want to unsubscribe with all these negative results.
★★ Don’t trust what I post as meaning lidocaine is safe ★★
…..★!!!I’m just groping in the dark to see what I can and can’t find!!!★…..
I’m off to dig-up something more eye catching for next time: politics? Sex? War? Horror? I know what sells and spectroscopy ain’t it.
My most popular post had it all: Jackie in car jumping glory trying to scoop up brain bits in sexy elite intrigue. Who could have possibly written a better screen play to get the masses’ attention? I guess that was the purpose.
👉Jumpin’ Jackie is a much more interesting character than the ICP machine!
NEXT, I’m gonna look into a full elemental analysis for Benadryl (no LM or SEM because the finding or not of tech-looking stuff is not confirmatory), but these things have been taking a lot of Proton Moolah. I’m thinking of how we can crowd fund this together, but do not want to receive any $ myself. I’ll come up with something.
PM, I finally had that dental procedure which definitely required Lidocaine. Even though I was pretty sure, based on your earlier post about your research, that it didn't contain the dreaded nano-tech, I know that all pharmaceuticals are poisons.
So I mentally said a lot of mantras prior to the injection. These were centered around the fact that, since I am a direct emanation of The Divine, I must be far more powerful than the death-cultists and all the harmful things they conjure up. I survived the Lidocaine application and the drilling. It has been a week now, and I feel fine.
Actually, I feel better than ever, knowing that one more mercury amalgam filling is out of my head. (My childhood dentist took full advantage of my father's excellent dental "insurance" and by the time I was 10 years old, all of my molars and pre-molars had deep fillings. A few years later, he was charged with multiple charges of medical fraud and he committed suicide, or maybe he just set up practice under another name in another little town in another state.)
Good(ish) to know about Lidocaine because I've had to undergo a lot of dental treatments recently - I'm convinced my childhood dentist was on a job creation scheme because all my teeth have had some form of restoration or whatever - and Lidocaine seems to be the drug of choice for dentists. I find it curious though that every time I have to argue with the dentist about how much to use. For about 10 minutes of drilling I am usually numb for over 5 hours with the usual amount of pain relief given and so I ask for the least amount of Lidocaine possible, which usually amounts to a sixth of the recommended amount and that lasts about 2-3 hours - more than enough time for the work the dentist has to do. So why are they overdosing the stuff?? Also, when I do ask for less, the look on the dentist's face is one of shock - like, why would anyone want less pain relief? And so I have to explain every time that I want to limit the amount of poisons going into my body......and I can just tell that the dentist thinks I am a complete nutter........hey ho, I might also add that the dentist is also shocked when they ask if I am on any medication or have any illnesses and I say no - I think I must be a rarity at my age in these unhealthy times, but these medical people cannot seem to put two and two together and come up with four, like the reason I am fit and healthy at my age is BECAUSE I refuse to have so much crap going into my system!