A particularly appealing article and absolutely true, because starting from the so-called "Zikavirus" about all the others is all lies and fraud and virologists are, in my opinion, the auxiliary workers of the pharmaceutical industry, which year after year through these clowns make billions in business and bring disease and death to peoples through poisons - I will bring this wonderful article to my page - thank you!!!
"Zikavirus" is a FAKE - here you can read the so called "sequences" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-34147-7 and again enter every single one of them back into the BLAST search https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&BLAST_SPEC=OGP__9606__9558&LINK_LOC=blasthome - it will not surprise you, I think.... Mosquitoes mostly live in marshes, or tall grasses - in these habitats there is over accumulation of environmental toxins(free radicals) or putrid remains etc. - These insects take this into themselves and when they bite a human, they release these environmental toxins minimally, but this has absolutely nothing to do with a "virus"!
I've written a few posts on the virus issue at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/archive. I reviewed Dr. Andrew Kaufman's video from early 2020 and concluded that there's a strong possibility that viruses are exosomes. He stated that exosomes are expelled into the environment when we cough etc, so I figure many creatures similarly expel exosomes into the air. An article last year or so said thousands of viruses were found in a study of the air on a mountaintop in SW Europe, I think, i.e. there were thousands or more per cubic meter of air. I suppose they may well have been exosomes. So what I want to find out is if exosomes from one species can be toxic to another species and whether it's possible for foreign exosomes to replicate in a host.
Yes exosomes look like what viruses are said (but never found) to look like. Exosomes are not replication competent pathogenic particles that have genetic material to remake themselves. I don't think exosomes would be stable in the air and sun for long and this sounds like fear mongering that viruses are dangerous and even in the air. If exosomes could replicate they would be viruses. Since no virus infecting a human has ever been found.... Well how did they "find" these exosomes in the air? Show us the paper and methods. Not just a pcr test.
The paper is from 2018. From my memory I estimated that I saw the article like a year ago, so that proves that time flies. But it wasn't hard to find it. It's called Viruses - lots of them - are falling from the sky at https://science.ubc.ca/news/viruses-lots-them-are-falling-sky. It doesn't say how the viruses were detected, but I assume they used standard methods. But I haven't looked into them much yet. I did check out how PCR is done. Kaufman mentioned in his video that PCR can only read 20 to 26 base pairs at a time. I think the Covid "virus" is said to have c. 30,000 base pairs. So it would have to read at least 1500 segments. But actually they would probably need at least twice that many reads in order to match them up correctly. They use computer programs to do the matching. The matching process seems potentially reliable, but I don't know how they insure that a "virus" is the only thing being sequenced. I also don't know yet how they know what the DNA/RNA base pairs consist of, since I read that that process also seems fishy. So I have some work to do, before I can give a solid answer. And I'm not sure I'll do the work, but I hope so.
Bacteria maybe but since hamless bacteria are everywhere (every bacteria is harmless unless you are ill and vulnerable), so what?, but not viruses, no virus infecting a human has ever been found, pcr tests do not find biologic objects and certainly dont even suggest there was an object if the original object had never been purified and characterized. This is a virus/climate change fear mongering (and possibly cover story for nanoparticulates put into the air) all in one propaganda.
What I learned in these last years reading all kind of things, studies and scientists ( i am not part of any team) is that nobody ever have seen a virus virus, because the damn thing can not be seen, or isolated, purified and can not be linked to a desease...is kind of "I see something, I see what I am looking for, a part of something, cultured in something, I call it how I want, you call it how I call it and you can not say I didn't see something because it looks exactely like in a man made book and you don't have any proof that something is not something". As more many fancy academical words, pictures and formulas they use for these unfinding "findings" as much cool they are and people who want to be cool just say "woooow, that's logical, we are superior, gratitude to our intelligence, we got it all, science is our party, we can not want more, let's fight for this, only some can understand this, the others are stupid and not cool, the scientists already counted one by one the invisible viruses and they know that there are trillions but just few are insisting to be bad, to be the cause of our health problems"... anyway, for sure the modern medicine at a point has stopped its normal progress and took it on a wrong way for wrong purposes. What more proof that medicine, the medical care, the medical research is totally f***d up we need than the way of how the people are treated in these days, more killed with a lot of pleasure instead of taking care of (even this is nothing new, but now we all paid more attention to this) . If this situation would be different, they wouldn't be so many questions with/ without answers all at once. The most trust in pharma political medical fairytale about science, population health and well being is done, finished, gone, it was replaced with the certainty that they are just the humanity's enemies.
The religious "science" of the viruses is very useful. If they are in the way they are presented, we have cures, pharma industries become richer and richer and can be named the Gods of the health on the earth. If they exist they can be used as manipulation, indoctrination, propaganda, hidding the use of bioweapons or not, depends on the wanted purpouses. If they exist they can be "found" anytime they want to bring something new on the market. If they exist, the governments can laundry more public money, they can write more idiotic absurd rules and policies in the name of the good, they can have reasons for wars and changes of people's lives, the way of thinking and starting with a virus now we see the entire world and civilization becoming upside down, going to nowhere but in the dark age.
Thanks Bill. The only real "fragments" NIST every studied were the 911 bldgs and they fudged and fukucckeld that up that big time. I would say NIST full of "fragmented humanoids".
I remember your brilliant comments, critical of Kirsch on Kirsch's substack (a while ago, as I no longer read or even check Kirsch's garbage). "Virus real-estate agent" - I appreciate the humor, this made me laugh. A quick question, though - why do you recommend that fraud? I mean, many people have no sense to see the difference, and blindly trust when someone they like endorses someone, even when that endorsement is conditional (again, they will not recognize the difference...).
Thanks Dissi for the note. If you look at the "Why you recommend", about Steve's site, I have, "Annoying master of spin & deception operative." You see this, and my post about his banning me allows me to say something about him in this forum (I'm not sure if many people see these "Why you recommend" statements or how exactly to see them for someone else's substack), and I've called out Karen Kingston in the same way. I'm still new at Substack, I can see it these on my recommendation settings under "manage". Hope that explains it!
OK....I'm slowly coming around to the plausibility the virology is a house of cards but I still can't get there. Kirsch asked how it is his wife, then he, got sick with antigen testing or pcr testing to match. And I had that happen in my house too. So how does the antigen and PCR parts work? Or seem to work? I believe Kirsh's biologist guy was able to take the synthetic sample that ATCC provides and had a sample match it. I appreciate whatever links you got to walk me through more of this to understand.
Simple, 1. they are just making up stories here, and 2. you are believing they aren't making up stories, and 3. Antigen test OR pcr, well which is it? And it doesnt matter, these things are non specific and ARE MADE to be positive at anything so you will get a treatment (poison), and what does a "synthetic sample" mean, I don't think ATCC has a synthetic sample of anything just mixes of cell cultures with zillions of things in them, and what are you matching what to?
Thanks for asnwering. I've been watching more of Dr Bailey's odysssey videos and I"ll be wachting more. And I just finished watching 'the final refutal of virology video' before posting this comment. I'll be watching more.
I'd like to focus more on the antigen test ATM. It seemed effective when my wife, then me, then a month later my son got it. It about took the time people said it would for it to clear. So it gave a strong appearance of matching the theory that there was an infectious agent that they could test for called Covid. My understanding of that is the same way the body has antibodies these tests likewise react to the 'pathogen'...so the virus. I've had these be negative a ton of times. So they don't seem to be positive by default.
I was still getting used to being a closeted anti-vaxxer. This is one more level still.
Dennis, since there is no virus there is no antigen for a virus. Antibodies are not specific. If you have a cold from seasonal cleaning your body out, or pollution, or working with toxic stuff like paint or saw dust, you can cell signal your family to get it. Is that a virus? Then you take an antigen test that relates to a sign of inflammation.
You are believing-not knowing- in a unicorn, I mean virus, then trying to prove these things are from it. FIRST prove a virus exists, any virus by finding research that shows a purified replication able and disease causing particle then you can try to match phenomena.
Here, no sars-c-2 virus that people are convinced was found, was ever found
After having spent some time to clarify and expose my view in written, I thought it would be a nice idea to take the time to review other comments including your answers ! May seem like a loss of energy but I like to think that my now-deleted post was part of the mental/emotional process.
Thanks for your great work and your quick answers.
When you get ill your cells break down and crap is coughed or sneezed out. Others around you can have a REACTION to that crap. That is not transmission of a germ but a reaction to toxc material.
So this is a way of explaining the phenomenon of contamination (transmission between individuals).
What level of proof do you consider having regarding this model ? Any academic research ?
Lately my curiosity made me take a look at statistics analysis that conclude that the contamination itself is a fantasy (Denis Rancourt, Pierre Chaillot in France) : I must say that I found them very interesting.
Coming back to my personal, every-day experience, I can't see any proof that what I explained by contamination could not rather be explained by "reaction to a common environmental factor".
Makes me remember of this famous quote :
"The Matrix is everywhere : when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes..." . We could add : "when you're sick, when you go to the doctor..."
A particularly appealing article and absolutely true, because starting from the so-called "Zikavirus" about all the others is all lies and fraud and virologists are, in my opinion, the auxiliary workers of the pharmaceutical industry, which year after year through these clowns make billions in business and bring disease and death to peoples through poisons - I will bring this wonderful article to my page - thank you!!!
"Zikavirus" is a FAKE - here you can read the so called "sequences" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-34147-7 and again enter every single one of them back into the BLAST search https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&BLAST_SPEC=OGP__9606__9558&LINK_LOC=blasthome - it will not surprise you, I think.... Mosquitoes mostly live in marshes, or tall grasses - in these habitats there is over accumulation of environmental toxins(free radicals) or putrid remains etc. - These insects take this into themselves and when they bite a human, they release these environmental toxins minimally, but this has absolutely nothing to do with a "virus"!
The same for the so-called "Influenza A virus" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2748056/
also the same for the so-called "Influenza B virus" https://journals.asm.org/doi/pdf/10.1128/jcm.03265-13
also for the RSVes https://www.protocols.io/view/whole-genome-sequencing-of-respiratory-syncytial-r-e6nvwwdwvmkj/v1?step=5
or here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2045289/
or here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2897623/
Amazing comment, will copy and keep on my HD. Much thanks!
I've written a few posts on the virus issue at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/archive. I reviewed Dr. Andrew Kaufman's video from early 2020 and concluded that there's a strong possibility that viruses are exosomes. He stated that exosomes are expelled into the environment when we cough etc, so I figure many creatures similarly expel exosomes into the air. An article last year or so said thousands of viruses were found in a study of the air on a mountaintop in SW Europe, I think, i.e. there were thousands or more per cubic meter of air. I suppose they may well have been exosomes. So what I want to find out is if exosomes from one species can be toxic to another species and whether it's possible for foreign exosomes to replicate in a host.
Yes exosomes look like what viruses are said (but never found) to look like. Exosomes are not replication competent pathogenic particles that have genetic material to remake themselves. I don't think exosomes would be stable in the air and sun for long and this sounds like fear mongering that viruses are dangerous and even in the air. If exosomes could replicate they would be viruses. Since no virus infecting a human has ever been found.... Well how did they "find" these exosomes in the air? Show us the paper and methods. Not just a pcr test.
The paper is from 2018. From my memory I estimated that I saw the article like a year ago, so that proves that time flies. But it wasn't hard to find it. It's called Viruses - lots of them - are falling from the sky at https://science.ubc.ca/news/viruses-lots-them-are-falling-sky. It doesn't say how the viruses were detected, but I assume they used standard methods. But I haven't looked into them much yet. I did check out how PCR is done. Kaufman mentioned in his video that PCR can only read 20 to 26 base pairs at a time. I think the Covid "virus" is said to have c. 30,000 base pairs. So it would have to read at least 1500 segments. But actually they would probably need at least twice that many reads in order to match them up correctly. They use computer programs to do the matching. The matching process seems potentially reliable, but I don't know how they insure that a "virus" is the only thing being sequenced. I also don't know yet how they know what the DNA/RNA base pairs consist of, since I read that that process also seems fishy. So I have some work to do, before I can give a solid answer. And I'm not sure I'll do the work, but I hope so.
Bacteria maybe but since hamless bacteria are everywhere (every bacteria is harmless unless you are ill and vulnerable), so what?, but not viruses, no virus infecting a human has ever been found, pcr tests do not find biologic objects and certainly dont even suggest there was an object if the original object had never been purified and characterized. This is a virus/climate change fear mongering (and possibly cover story for nanoparticulates put into the air) all in one propaganda.
According to Patrick Jordan of vaccinefraud.com he talks about bacteriophages. Look into this to further your knowledge of this field
Not sure what you wish to say, the link isn't specific.
-Are you trying to say they exist? Yes agreed.
-Do they infect bacteria? No, there is no such proof/study of that.
-Do they seem to be spores of bacteria under serious stress? Yes.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/A3HtEDYsWTC9/ https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/virus-bacteriophage-and-single-virus
Nothing more to be added, but exosomes, that are themselves an artifact generated by the centrifugation process, oh my .
What I learned in these last years reading all kind of things, studies and scientists ( i am not part of any team) is that nobody ever have seen a virus virus, because the damn thing can not be seen, or isolated, purified and can not be linked to a desease...is kind of "I see something, I see what I am looking for, a part of something, cultured in something, I call it how I want, you call it how I call it and you can not say I didn't see something because it looks exactely like in a man made book and you don't have any proof that something is not something". As more many fancy academical words, pictures and formulas they use for these unfinding "findings" as much cool they are and people who want to be cool just say "woooow, that's logical, we are superior, gratitude to our intelligence, we got it all, science is our party, we can not want more, let's fight for this, only some can understand this, the others are stupid and not cool, the scientists already counted one by one the invisible viruses and they know that there are trillions but just few are insisting to be bad, to be the cause of our health problems"... anyway, for sure the modern medicine at a point has stopped its normal progress and took it on a wrong way for wrong purposes. What more proof that medicine, the medical care, the medical research is totally f***d up we need than the way of how the people are treated in these days, more killed with a lot of pleasure instead of taking care of (even this is nothing new, but now we all paid more attention to this) . If this situation would be different, they wouldn't be so many questions with/ without answers all at once. The most trust in pharma political medical fairytale about science, population health and well being is done, finished, gone, it was replaced with the certainty that they are just the humanity's enemies.
The religious "science" of the viruses is very useful. If they are in the way they are presented, we have cures, pharma industries become richer and richer and can be named the Gods of the health on the earth. If they exist they can be used as manipulation, indoctrination, propaganda, hidding the use of bioweapons or not, depends on the wanted purpouses. If they exist they can be "found" anytime they want to bring something new on the market. If they exist, the governments can laundry more public money, they can write more idiotic absurd rules and policies in the name of the good, they can have reasons for wars and changes of people's lives, the way of thinking and starting with a virus now we see the entire world and civilization becoming upside down, going to nowhere but in the dark age.
I really cannot add anything to your perfect comment.
I love the comic relief provided by the expression, "purified virus beauty pageant racket"!
Nice work, and oh such pretty colour pics they make.
A pure virus is hard to find. I hope your proton heart can come to terms with this.
Because they don't exist?
That would be the logical conclusion. Anything else is hand waving and proof that unicorns exist because we found a hoof.
what are you saying about unicorns??? Princess Candy Sparkles, Berry Sugar Cup and Periwinkle might have something to say about that https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/x-ray-crystallography-and-3d-computer !
Haha... I didn't catch your vibe at first! Now I 100% believe that unicorns and fairies exist. The nice pics were all I needed. Thanks.
Funny that you said fairies cos they are real ... https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/we-cant-find-them-therefore-they the new way of doing science proves it!
Yes, tone is very difficult to get from comments, I have thought people were saying the opposite of what they meant quite often.
Your'e welcome, thanks for the subscribe
That reminds me of one of my favorite short stories, A Good Man Is Hard To Find, by Flan O'Connor:
makes me think of punk sell out fergal sharky from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRYp93mxNOQ to this on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJLCETw8rlA top of the flops
Hey PM,
First watch this. The key section is 17:00 - 17:45
Then check this:
and this!
I have just filed 5x FOIAs on each of these materials....
Thanks Bill. The only real "fragments" NIST every studied were the 911 bldgs and they fudged and fukucckeld that up that big time. I would say NIST full of "fragmented humanoids".
All getting rekt, fraud actors being exposed, nothing gives me more pleasure brother.
I remember your brilliant comments, critical of Kirsch on Kirsch's substack (a while ago, as I no longer read or even check Kirsch's garbage). "Virus real-estate agent" - I appreciate the humor, this made me laugh. A quick question, though - why do you recommend that fraud? I mean, many people have no sense to see the difference, and blindly trust when someone they like endorses someone, even when that endorsement is conditional (again, they will not recognize the difference...).
Thanks Dissi for the note. If you look at the "Why you recommend", about Steve's site, I have, "Annoying master of spin & deception operative." You see this, and my post about his banning me allows me to say something about him in this forum (I'm not sure if many people see these "Why you recommend" statements or how exactly to see them for someone else's substack), and I've called out Karen Kingston in the same way. I'm still new at Substack, I can see it these on my recommendation settings under "manage". Hope that explains it!
I can confirm that when I was signing up and Substack offered your recommendations, I did not see any description.
Maybe see this, https://on.substack.com/p/recommendations
What did you call Karen Kingston out on? She seems legit to me. Curious 🤔
Yes she's a legit disinfo agent. Pls see this
I read that Stack and am now convinced that Karen is a Controlled Operative most likely working with Team Malone. Thanks for the revelation Proton. 👍
Kingston doesn't even allow comments from non-paying readers. :)
I concur on Steve.
Yes, the comment is phenomenal.
Kirsch is still useful, because he clearly follows the psyop's pattern of misdirection:
Also, quite a few of my subscribers are from Steve's site. :)
Great article! I am adding a link to it to my old article, What Is a Virus?
Great Stack, Little Proton. Thanks for the virology lesson. I'm now a new subscriber and looking forward to more useful information. Cheers!
Great, take it easy!
OK....I'm slowly coming around to the plausibility the virology is a house of cards but I still can't get there. Kirsch asked how it is his wife, then he, got sick with antigen testing or pcr testing to match. And I had that happen in my house too. So how does the antigen and PCR parts work? Or seem to work? I believe Kirsh's biologist guy was able to take the synthetic sample that ATCC provides and had a sample match it. I appreciate whatever links you got to walk me through more of this to understand.
Simple, 1. they are just making up stories here, and 2. you are believing they aren't making up stories, and 3. Antigen test OR pcr, well which is it? And it doesnt matter, these things are non specific and ARE MADE to be positive at anything so you will get a treatment (poison), and what does a "synthetic sample" mean, I don't think ATCC has a synthetic sample of anything just mixes of cell cultures with zillions of things in them, and what are you matching what to?
You can see www.theviraldelusion.com or Dr Sam Baileys Corona vids on Odysee, or all my posts.
Thanks for asnwering. I've been watching more of Dr Bailey's odysssey videos and I"ll be wachting more. And I just finished watching 'the final refutal of virology video' before posting this comment. I'll be watching more.
I'd like to focus more on the antigen test ATM. It seemed effective when my wife, then me, then a month later my son got it. It about took the time people said it would for it to clear. So it gave a strong appearance of matching the theory that there was an infectious agent that they could test for called Covid. My understanding of that is the same way the body has antibodies these tests likewise react to the 'pathogen'...so the virus. I've had these be negative a ton of times. So they don't seem to be positive by default.
I was still getting used to being a closeted anti-vaxxer. This is one more level still.
Dennis, since there is no virus there is no antigen for a virus. Antibodies are not specific. If you have a cold from seasonal cleaning your body out, or pollution, or working with toxic stuff like paint or saw dust, you can cell signal your family to get it. Is that a virus? Then you take an antigen test that relates to a sign of inflammation.
You are believing-not knowing- in a unicorn, I mean virus, then trying to prove these things are from it. FIRST prove a virus exists, any virus by finding research that shows a purified replication able and disease causing particle then you can try to match phenomena.
Here, no sars-c-2 virus that people are convinced was found, was ever found
Hi PM, and congratulation for this very rich-dense-acute substack
What do you mean by "you can cell signal your family to get it" ?
Your other comment,
"I feel a bit surprised by this article. I discovered Steve Kirsch's substack..."
you deleted it seems, I hope you realized the answers on your own, I'm a bit busy today to write complex replies! But no, Kirsch is not your friend.
Yes, i got it :)
After having spent some time to clarify and expose my view in written, I thought it would be a nice idea to take the time to review other comments including your answers ! May seem like a loss of energy but I like to think that my now-deleted post was part of the mental/emotional process.
Thanks for your great work and your quick answers.
When you get ill your cells break down and crap is coughed or sneezed out. Others around you can have a REACTION to that crap. That is not transmission of a germ but a reaction to toxc material.
Thanks for the clarification.
So this is a way of explaining the phenomenon of contamination (transmission between individuals).
What level of proof do you consider having regarding this model ? Any academic research ?
Lately my curiosity made me take a look at statistics analysis that conclude that the contamination itself is a fantasy (Denis Rancourt, Pierre Chaillot in France) : I must say that I found them very interesting.
Coming back to my personal, every-day experience, I can't see any proof that what I explained by contamination could not rather be explained by "reaction to a common environmental factor".
Makes me remember of this famous quote :
"The Matrix is everywhere : when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes..." . We could add : "when you're sick, when you go to the doctor..."
And we will have 80 years and not find a single one loooooool.
I see React-19 is an Amazon-Smile Affiliate now: