Since your posts are important, and will be seen by (and will open the eyes of!) more people as time passes, here are two suggestions...(Although time consuming, it will be well worth the time and effort)

Suggestion 1: Since YouTube and other Big Tech platforms are known for censorship, sooner or later the videos posted might get the ax. Anticipating that, you may want to make copies of, and upload all videos on to (comparatively less censorship??) platforms like Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, etc., and provide links in your posts to those platforms. For an example of where I am coming from, see the links to different platforms under the video at https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-communication/

Suggestion 2: Since websites/webpages keep getting updated/scrubbed, (at times to hide incriminating evidence too!), going forward, whenever you give a hyperlink to a source, link it to the archived version of the relevant webpage. If nothing is currently available, create one via https://web.archive.org/ and hyperlink to that using the 'Save Page Now' option.

Eg.: in the above article, instead of linking the word 'lock step' to https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf

link it to an archived page like https://web.archive.org/web/20160409094639/https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf

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Thanks JN, I assume you mean some of the vids I link to not to make vids from my posts (which I dont plan to do). Well I'm just a real one person show doing other things when I'm not Proton Magic and sometimes I make posts like this one which only took 15 min. So sometimes little time. That being said, you have good points, one I can take like linking to WayBack more often, though there is no guarantee WayBack may some day itself be WayBack.

Now, I have copies of all my posts which contain all the images and on back ups not connected to a cloud. I could redo them if needed. The posts are meant to stand alone even if links didnt work, but if those links dont work I suppose neither will Substack, and I thingk Substack is made to be destroyed like the WTC was. So I really dont have the time to do too much and I make the posts to live by themselves (text + images), but yes they would lose something if the links dont work. I have an IPFS server and could use that if the web goes down.

About Corbett, you may have seen he's been smoked out recently as spinning narratives. He also makes many long and complex posts and vids. I've heard people say he has some help from someplace else and now leaning to think so. Not just Brock West. But I dont have any help except good commenters and you are one of them. Now I have a great business idea, you make software that would take a post like mine and back up all the vids and images on a server and give post makers a file to copy to the end of their posts! See the good ideas comments can bring out!

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I understand where you're coming from re time.

As long as 'heretical' 'dogma'-challengers like you remain on the peripheries, the powers-that-shouldn't-be can be trusted to permit free rein. But if the likes of you start gaining traction, they are not going to take too kindly to the prospect of the apple cart being upset.

Howsoever you proceed and deem fit to act, have a plan for the worst case scenario too including Wayback becoming Wayback, and Substack being taken down like the WTC.

Re Corbett, after all, even a dead clock is right twice in a day. :)

Had I been a techie, I could have considered that bit about the software, but alas. :/

But yeah, it is a good business idea, so long as whoever works on it tries to make it in such a way that it can't be 'nuked' by the Ingsoc cultists.

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You're good with words! I really write these posts just to let off steam and share info. Hopefully some people will save and print out some of the more useful posts that I purposely make compact so that the info can be handed out (I also do this but not sure I'm getting thru to anyone that way). Besides my Clark Kent day job, I am doing some prepping projects, how to shoot Zombies, etc though some days it seems hard to get off all that's flying around substack and other important channels. Take care.

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Re getting thru to anyone, it may seem fruitless, but rest assured, even the tiniest move toward truth and justice does not go unnoticed or unrewarded in the long run.

Stay the course and play your part.


Fire tries gold.

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Big Pharma was one of the few guaranteed stock investments in the last few decades. The mergers you are calling out, however, are new to me. They surely suggest a trend of finalizing the process in a single company under a "One-World Government" or as early as there is no more need for the Stock Market to hide the globalists' dirty laundry.

As you well know, the globalist bankers' octopus has many arms, and Big Pharma is "only" one of them. I used to say it's an elegant stroke by them to make the man to be hanged pay for the rope, but on second thought, that's the only money they can use...

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That's funny. Duck shooting season starts in New Zealand on May 6. Shooters are out sharpening their skills as I write this.

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Duckmeat...loaded with nutrients!

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Apr 16, 2023
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Hello, appreciate you wish to engage in any logical discussion on the Proton Magic News page and I welcome any angle and any opinion, even welcome opinions against mine as those help me learn. I am against banning anyone for opinion, and I'm not against yours, only your reply above, "bullshit" is not a clear nor polite discussion. The word "bullshit" itself is not offensive to me if used in a non-offensive discussion. In fact I've never banned anyone in hundreds of comments. Ad hominem attacks or really offensive discussion would make me ask the person to please edit their comment, I would only consider banning those that don't edit out something really nasty. I'm not against you nor your opinions about topics, if you will edit or delete your "bullshit" comment then I'm happy to have discourse of course. Regards.

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Apr 14, 2023
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Yes RFK says some good things so it is easy to be fooled by him. He has not been honest about the no-virus issue until he suddenly wants to run for pres, now it's too late as the injection push is over. See Sam Bailey channel on Odysee vid on RFK.

On the vid you sent me, notice he plugs "pandemics" that have no germ as the cause at the 4-min mark.

His family is an elite blood line (not at the top obviously) and yes they will out their own members if they are out of line. RFK runs an "I'll take care of the gov't" deception organization.

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Apr 14, 2023Edited
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Apr 16, 2023Edited
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Thank you, I see where you are coming from. I do not think you are wrong about your ideas, but I do suggest you develop some different angles on some concepts.

1. Germ theory may have honestly been one way to make sense of illness, but the ideas of germs have mainly been coopted to make money for drug companies, hide effects of toxic insecticides chemicals, and life in squalor, and control us with fake infections. Viruses have never been found and bacteria only clean up diseased tissue and can emit toxins when they have a chance to grow too much. I suggest you plow thru Sam Bailey’s Bitchute channel, viroliegy.com, and theviraldelusion.com

2. Considering many lay people now understand that Covid was only a computer-generated theoretical genome, and that no other Corona virus or any other virus has been found as an actual replication competent transmissible particle, and that RFK has been deep into vaxes FOR VIRUSES for decades, not knowing this is very concerning. More telling was his 3 years of virus-pushing, never saying to many people that gave him the info like a cupcake to a baby, “ok show me the data, let me know why you say there is no virus, let me look into this” etc. as most normally inquisitive people without an agenda would say. All he did was wiggle out of the discussion saying, “I’m not sure you know but I really think viruses do exist”. Well if your not sure, ask questions, and if you think you are sure, from what data?

The seminal paper by Fan Wu only took me 5 min to find and 15 min to read to know sars-c-2 was fraud, https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/fan-wu-naked-centerfold. Ok, I had some understanding of these kinds of papers but I don’t run a multimillion $ large organization doing only this for decades.

3. About running for president, candidates who are puppeted by the corporatocracy that runs the US and most of the world are put up to run and then selected, not elected. You can see the Corbett Report: search for “Hopium” and see that vid but is now common knowledge once you get into the rabbit hole just a little.

4. About the 5g vids you posted, these are very concerning and I lean to believe they are truthful and this research supports this connection: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/

Please don't not take my reply badly if it doesn't fit with your info exactly and take care

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Apr 17, 2023Edited
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Apr 4, 2023
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I think it's hard to infer anything from these purchases. And most of the purchases seem to have occurred well before the "Lockstep" publication.

If you follow the money in companies like Pfizer and Merck, you'll find the two largest shareholders are Vanguard and BlackRock, which have an 8% and 5% stake (13% total). And Vanguard is funded by its members, so if you trace the transactions in vanguard they will lead to individual and corporate investors. BlackRock, on the other hand, is owned by institutional investors: namely, pension funds, mutual funds (Vanguard mutual funds are one of them), state funds, who in turn get their money from individuals and corporations.

These two companies also have a combined twenty trillion in assets under management, and so it's not surprising they are represented across industries.

Does that mean they have undue influence over the companies they invest in? Maybe. But I think you'll will have a hard time making that claim when, together, they only hold 13% of the shares.

It's also not uncommon. One can see the same pattern of investment when they look at the largest Mutual Funds like Fidelity ContraFund, or investment companies like Berkshire Hathaway, so it's not abnormal for companies with large amounts of cash on hand to make investments in blue chip equities, or buy other companies to gain access to their patents and products.

I would also want to argue that it's important to draw a distinction between dark money groups like Arabella advisors -- where "following the money" might tell you something about the agenda of certain individuals, groups and organizations -- and the open market transactions of pharmaceutical companies which, in and of itself, is not that revealing. One can only infer they had the cash on hand, and they thought the transaction was a good investment. Anything else is mere speculation.

I'm aware that Pharma provides kickbacks to politicians, physicians and academics, and that the board of Pfizer seems to be quite cozy with the lunatic Schwab; not to mention, they've been found guilty in the past of withholding negative research data; and of course none of that gives anyone any confidence, but this type of petty corruption and influence in media and academy doesn't mean purchases of companies on the open market are nefarious. It's also nothing we haven't seen before. The mega companies (oil barons) in the neoclassical era had as much influence over media (although slower in delivery), if not more influence than the mega corporations of today.

In summary, if our only piece of evidence is: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck," then our inferences will be thrown out; and the judge -- even if he sympathizes with our views -- will laugh at our attempt to rest a case on what we "think" is probable or "believe" is going on.

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You are somewhat correct, this isn’t a slam-dunk post. Lock Step was in 2010, yes in the middle of mergers, but the Lock Step idea has been around a long time (the UN for example), that's just a good reference to see that Global control is their idea, I didn't make it up.

That being said there seems more to it but I don’t want to get in heated discussion over this one. So here's some info in my head to share with readers:

1. The graph is only a small part of MANY mergers on Pharma from about 1995 to 2020. There is clear consolidation-yes mature industries consolidate, but PHARMA has been around a long time and is way past maturity. This post is to make people ponder with 2 pictures, it’s not one of my “I have the documented proof” posts, or my usual Satire posts. Of course my direction is that Pharma needs to be under strict command and control since 2019 (they needed to seem independent before so as not to arouse suspicion of being in a program) because they are working together on a special project related to Corona, but not only the Corona phase. Most any larger pharma was made by or co-opted by the elite bloodlines. Lets skip that though.

2. Some info on Blackrock

-It's fused at the hip with the Federal Reserve.

- Its software Aladdin has taken over much of the planet’s wealth. Where Blackrock and Larry Fink come from and what they are all about isn’t the thrust of my post though (see some stuff on John Titus and maybe Corbett about Larry).

On Aladdin, readers should see this easy few minutes:


3. On Vanguard, about who owns it, if you can show the individuals who own it not just the investors, I’d be very interested.

Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Berkshire, and other companies form a deep intertwining web. They seem to be independent at first blush, but that’s not how they act (the POTUSs, and other heads of state, also seem different but they are not, they are on the same team, and it’s not our’s). Does FB, MS, Amazon, Apple, Twitter act and do the same or different things? When it comes down to the brass tacks of manipulating us its all the same with different logos, and they were all started by DARPA, CIAlicon Valley etc. All the Central Banks are under one roof, the Swiss Financial Stability Board and the BIS. Every sector is together under central control.

THIS IS MUST SEE for anyone who wants to see the straight jacket tightening around us with all these investment companies that are actually part of the same group.


So you are not wrong in your comment, I'm just going over that horizon to an extended view.

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