Why do I need to make more of a mess some will ask? It is because readers need to be clear of the basis for exceptional accusations on others that permeate this space on medical truth.

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Dear Proton Magic, I appreciate your output as well as that of the other flies mentioned...please don’t die on this (dung)hill

Bigger fish to fry

& no- ‘one’ owns the space of truth ...

(IMO Japanese potato)

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I like 甘いも better of course.

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Thanks for compiling this post and for including my comments.

I see a number of people cannot understand why some people are adversely affected by 5G EMF radiation and others are not.

I would like to provide some insight here.

No two living beings are completely identical. This is a known fact, is it not? We each have our own unique strengths and weaknesses. When grannie is bathed 24/7 in electro-magnetic radiation she is likely to be far more impacted than a child, born into this level of environmental toxicity.

We also have a wide variety of recovery rates. Some of us heal very quickly while others struggle.

Over the recent century and a half since electrification there has been a shift in health. Not just human health, but all living things have had to adjust to changes in the electro-magnetic radiation. Those species which could not cope have been dramatically reduced in number. Some have gone extinct.

When did you last need to clean flying insects from your windscreen or headlights? (For example).

I have written hundreds of articles explaining that the symptoms attributed to influenza and, more recently, to Covid are identical to the symptoms recognised as microwave sickness or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS).

Since 2016 I have compiled a huge archive of all the studies, articles and posts I either wrote or found from other concerned writers. You will find the archive included in this post.


I recommend that readers closely study the chart included at the foot showing correlations between electro-magnetic changes and new illnesses over time.

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Hi Frances,

Yes some of us take a nanotech free regular dose of lugols iodine as we are aware from research like Barry Trowers and yours what is really going on. We wont be effected the same way because we are aware.

Matt, Just An Ordinary Bloke and not a Dr nor a supporter of McCullough or gain of function.

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Do you ingest the iodine? I have only ever used it topically.

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Yes I take 2 drops a day in a glass of water.

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Eat a Brazil nut or two each day to get the most from your iodine drops. Selenium is required for proper metabolization of iodine. Copper, zinc and iron are also involved; a reasonably good, clean diet should provide those 3.

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Thanks for the advice Robert, Appreciated.

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Hi Matt, is the iodine used for the same reason as to protect from radioactive iodine getting into your thyroid in a radioactivity emergency? If not pls advise on how it is protecting, and if so, is there a mechanism for 5G/EMFs to make radioactive iodine?

Usually I-131 it is made as a major fission product of uranium and plutonium, or neutron irradiation of a natural tellurium target in a nuclear reactor. How would/could 5G give tellurium a neutron?

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I agree with you. I believe that having a high cholesterol can help insulate nerves from the damages of EMF, that’s why there’s such a push for people to take statins.

Also there’s truth to your views on tobacco.

I’m a little surprised that Cowan has not pushed back on the Drs for not mentioning 5G. Cowan was the first to alert me to the dangers of EMFs (well before C19).

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Cowan is obviously controlled to hide some topics.

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5G (or other radiation) is possibly part of the cause(s), for some sensitive people.

(I am trying to scorecard the major writers, to see how fixed they are to a set number of ideas, as well as how they deal with ideas that are not part of their 'usual culprits' they write about). The first sentence is me trying to summarize that you are trying to say to others that radiation needs to be kept on the table.

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It is a shame that you are so late to this party! Here is a more recent article which may throw light on the correlation between 5G and C19: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-fifth-generation-weapon

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I agree, that radiation causes or contributes to health problems with people. I shut off my modem at night, and all my phones. I am getting a farm outside the city, and will only use wired internet.

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I have many autoimmune issues and very sensitive to it. & my detox pathways are not working well, mtfhr .

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Another outstanding SS post, PM. 👍👏

So compelling it is that I unfollowed Sam’s Substack channel today. It’s best to stay on the side of truth and avoid misinformation and disinformation at all costs. 👊

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Appreciate you've stuck with me thru thick and thin James. This post took about 40 hrs to make with the help of many others-usually I only write alone, this one was different. Regards.

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Your work is amazing and appreciated by many.

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I read the whole article. Yet I did so NOT to know the drama, but to understand the issues people are fighting about. I wish you wrote within, the idea that new readers would want to know why everyone is fighting about the issues. Examples: GOF, New York death black swan period, radiation as a possible alternative sole explanation or adjunct or to be ignored, control - why that is important (the petri dish had cells break apart, without any added calls ... oh this disproves that part of the experiment). In short, this article seems to be about the above issues (there should be a player graphic which shows each persons confidence level of each issue from 0 to 100), as well as their battle tactics with foes and with friends. TEAM no-virus 100% aggressively denigrates 5G as a possible adjunct - example.

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These are good ideas, the post is already very long so too much for the readership. If you read it carefully it will become clear, but it is also to document the issues, not to make a book about it (also I'm just a volunteer). Thanks!

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I am also a teacher (volunteer, out of the love of transmitting learning and ideas into the mind of others). That is why I suggested the major issues being highlighted for new readers, as though the new readers may want to ignore the drama and want to choose to learn the most important issues only.

We are the great evil, or the great good, depending on how we deal with our opponents of today.

If we dislike them name-calling us, do we name call them? If we do not like them doing personal attacks (ad hominem), do we do these, with phrases or even single words?

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The intro explained most everything. The post needed to focus on the issues at hand explained in lots of detail with many refs. The understanding for new readers has to be sacrificed to some degree, and I and the other writers only have so much time-I do have other things to do in life you can imagine. Why this group is not an organically grown coterie of truth seekers and humanity helpers should be clear, but you would need to understand more about how narratives are crafted and what Substack itself is about. That's not for this post or these comments.

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I fully agree. Since I am a new reader, I am asking for special treatment. Which is not fair to you. I am a vegan, and I have accepted that most food places can not cater to me, and I am polite when they state they do not have things I can eat.

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Oct 1
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Not sure what you are trying to say Smed. This post clearly notes the reason and logic to make it. None of us wanted to have to make it but we felt the situation required the issues to be archived in one place and my SS got the go sign (this post was written by many people, not just me), nor have any of us continued to discuss it in further posts (I have made 6 since) which have moved on. Your comment is just kicking up dust and verges on infringing on the Rules of Commentary Engagement noted in the About, "wasting your time on such dramatic catoonish post" (your writing seems drunken in a number of places Smed, did you want to spell "cartoonish?"). Unless you wish to edit your comment to be polite and logical please do not comment on Proton Magic again.

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Smedley Butler asked twice to stay polite and logical but did not

-banned for harassing comments against the commentary rules in the About page.


Since you didn't agree to my kindly asking you to stay polite and logical, I suggest you can put your points up on your own post. Oh I see, you've never made a post. Well, write back to me when you have made the number of posts I currently have, 127, ALL FOR FREE with no pledges allowed, then we can talk about being "legit".

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Most humble thanks for this piece! I am glad to have the data You offer here and am humbled to be included! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

I want to point out that it would seem, given that Christine Massey was snarking Me about My "anonymity" on Craig's initial post, that being anonymous upsets Them... They can't dox Me, I guess.

Not sure why They care about a targeted and homeless old lady. LOL!

Love always!

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I repeatedly experienced Christine Massey’s distinctive brand of bitchcraft and bullying last year. After arguing with her over the correlation of 5G =C19 (which she claims is a separate issue!) I finally drew a sobering conclusion. I realised that she was controlling the opposition. It was very disappointing.

I articulated my suspicion to her and haven’t heard from her since.

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It wasn't obvious for a while but now it is.

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I interacted with her a few times at the beginning in 2020, when she first began her letter writing ie before she became an evil old bitch. It was a great disappointment when she returned to twitter last year and I saw what a little internet fame had turned her into. I wish she’d move to NZ with her compatriots and just go away. She’s become a petty and awful person. Frankly I’d use the C word but don’t want to offend the decent women who might read this comment.

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Somehow I am not surprised. Sad so Many We thought were doing the good work are turning out to be such scum!

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Hi Frances.

I don't believe there were anything extraordinary respiratory illness wise in 2020, there were certain protocols implemented such as the Liverpool pathway and neglect, intubation, isolation.

It was said that the Convid virus became the dominant respiratory virus by week 13 globally in 2020, apparently able to neutralise other so called viruses such as colds and flu's

So if there are no such viruses and 5G made no real impact then why did people develop respiratory symptoms in clusters in 2020 as in any other year could it be that things people use to keep warm such as central heating or various heaters or fires are the culprits, stuffy rooms causing the lungs to dehydrate and unable to expel the particulates floating around?


Most certainly these things can and do produce respiratory ailments during the colder months every year

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Here you can see clearly countries with 5g and those without had vastly different illness rates in 2020, in fact stopping right at the borders of Portugal, Croatia, and San Marino. Viruses (which have never been found) don't show that pattern.


So yes 5G did make a big impact, you need to read all the links I put in this post, it took me 40 hrs to make and the links are all serious topics you need to be familiar with before making conclusions. Regards.

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A big impact on what?

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"here you can see clearly countries with 5g and those without had vastly different illness rates in 2020"

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People get symptoms every winter when the central goes on

That said Im not too concerned about illness so much as death, 2020 was pretty standard in that regard

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Stunningly hurtful comment, Pablum in Silico! Insensitive and ignorant in equal measure! Read this for a very VERY clear answer to your question.


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You sound like Sam Bailey, Frances

I think Ive put forward a fair proposal not lacking in substance

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No she fucken doesn't

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You did not read my article. You are only here to stab.

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Don’t be so melodramatic

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Made it my way through it eventually Frances, 😁bloody hell might take a few reads to sink even half of all that in

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Each of us has our own 'quiver' of ways of dealing with opposition. I recommend never becoming like those whom we dislike, by choosing words that are not personally denigratory and instead be factual if we wish to highlight others actions or behaviour we disagree with.

Christine Massey has done good work. She has her 'habitual' ways of dealing with opposition, and you suggest her ways are to use unpleasant methods. A new reader (such as myself) may remember words like "bitc*craft and bullying" and associate these words with YOU and with HER. You have also done great work. To suggest she is part of controlled opposition is to use 'other methods' to denigrate her. As I wrote in other comments, people likely get 'stuck' on their 'answers' and don't want to modify their own ideas, or add other possibilities. People crave certainty but if we go too far, we become willfully blind and create echo chambers in our own minds. We create our own reflection of the higher power nasties within our own community, unless we restrict our impulses and be willing to modify our own actions, and responses.

Thank you for your good work.

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Your written words have more power than your personal circumstances led you to expect.

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Seemingly so! 🙏🏻 🤗 💜 🤗 🙏🏻

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Thanks for the article Proton.

It would be one thing if the Bailey's just disagreed with the 5g stuff politely or said something along the lines of 'we haven't looked into it but it might be a worthwhile trail', but what they have done is extremely sus.

Why not address the 5g thing? Why censor people in their comments? Why disallow criticism? Why not discuss the Hutchinson's allegations with someone else on the space to clear things up before they made that video? Why preemptively block the people they are smearing? It shows, like you say, that there is something else behind their actions and accusations.

It also saddens me to see, and now I'm looking at Mike Stone and Massey, and wondering...

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Actually, the Bailey's have spoken on the dangers of 5G more than once. On another SS the interviews and videos were linked and I apologize for not having them handy. Baileys have not dismissed 5G dangers nor any EMF dangers, they just haven't made it THE focus of the contagion fraud information. This is just something that the 5G promoters say, maybe because they've not actually looked or maybe it's intentional. BTW, PM, DPL, and others censor as well. You, Charles, needs to look more deeply into this instead of assuming the PM is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

"and now I'm looking at Mike Stone and Massey, and wondering", ever consider that was the intent?

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Considering they write whole books on pandemics, and there are 2 large studies correlating 5G with illness in 2020, pls tell where they took this up. I'm happy you challenge us but you need to put hard data in your comments, not these vague accusations.

👉Now I NEVER CENSOR anyone who discusses topics politely. See the About section and I have rules of etiquitte. I have banned rude and nasty people, people who barrage the comments or chase, yes-usually give them a chance to edit, that is in the About.

☞ Now I like you but you need to stop making vague insinuations like I'm not telling the truth-meaning I am intentionally lying. You do not need to agree with anything, but you need to present actual links and examples to things when they are criticisms. You can see I spent many hours meticulously documenting the vast majority of my statements in this post. So please change your words and provide data.

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''So please change your words''

Wait, what?

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Censor means filter what someone wants to say. Requiring them to use polite wordage to say it is not filtering. I didn't delete that comment did I? But suggesting another doesn't "tell the truth" is just about an ad hominem and against the comment rules in About. That statement could be "verify what that person says" which is a completely different tone with the same point.

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Oh, Proton, does correlation imply causation?

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Where did I say it did? You are also punching me up against the ropes on a number of comments now which is "chasing around the comment section" as per the About, please make this your last punching round on my SS or I will have to follow my own rules and delete further comments or ban you. You can make your own posts and list up your concerns there, that is free speech.

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Pardon my confusion. I was looking for clarity on the correlation question and thought that you would know.

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You are right, I haven't looked deeply into the 5g stuff with the Baileys. I admit I don't ahve infinite time to look back on everything they said, to be fair. Maybe they have addressed it before, and this rift may have nothing to do with that (but then why is Proton mentioning it?).

But that doesn't explain what I find the most troubling of the whole thing: Why censor people in their comments? Why disallow criticism? Why not discuss the Hutchinson's allegations with someone else on the space to clear things up before they made that video? Why preemptively block the people they are smearing?

Can you address these questions? To me they are not the behaviors you expect from people who are just trying to get at the truth.

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I could address these questions but much is left to the imagination as who can know for sure why anyone does anything? Especially on SS? And why would PM mention it? Maybe the same reason Virginia hammers on and France Leader hammers on, censors and bans people that don't agree with her, trust me, Sam is not the only one that censors. And didn't PM just censor people from commenting on this article? Do you know if Baileys discussed Hutchinson's allegations with someone else? Do you think it CAN be cleared up or is it the intent that it is never

"cleared up"? One can either let the mud fly and not sling any back after explaining why the mud was slung in the first place, or one can sling it back, or one can totally ignore the entire situation, not address intentional misinformation and untruths, and let the people they've been trying to help muddle through the fraud and hopefully improve their lives, swim through it themselves and maybe make the wrong assumptions and come to the wrong conclusions, and thereby derail their learning. Which is it? How do you know which SS person is the one who is totally unbiased and truthful 100 percent of the time with no other motive than to "get at the truth"? You must watch, listen, and read everything of that person, and I mean everything, and watch for subtle clues that something is amiss. Yes, it takes a lot of time and the ones that hope to derail people count on the fact that most cannot or will not do that. One responsibility we have to ourselves and others is to not make judgments until that is done. You sure wouldn't want a court trial to conclude before you got to call all of your witnesses, would you?

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No, I did not censor anyone on this article. These people have violated the rules in the About way before this article and I told Massey a few weeks ago she would be banned on her next comment, and gave both of them notice in the post: Massey is argumentative and overloading comment sections and pasted screen shots, and Coppolino same, and accusing me of patently false things like posting nude photos of him- I also made screen shots and link to prove I did not post it, a commenter did and it wasn't nude.

👉Either you are not reading my post thoroughly, didn't understand it, or your are purposely looking for something to criticize.

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"Sam is not the only one that censors"

Ok... I don't trust anyone who censors others when they aren't being nasty/rude/offensive. If I see them do that then I won't trust them either.

So, that's a nonsense response. It doesn't absolve the Baileys from anything.

"Do you know if Baileys discussed Hutchinson's allegations with someone else? Do you think it CAN be cleared up or is it the intent that it is never "cleared up"?"

If they did, they didn't show it anywhere public where I would find it, because I did look. If they inteded to clear it up with the people they smeared, it is reasonable to believe that they would have done that *before* smearing them.

I don't know who's unbiased, but I can look at other people's behavior and judge it. I believe that is a reasonable thing to do. I'm looking at the Bailey's censor their comment sections heavily, even when there is polite disagreement and I think that's not sensible and I will judge them for it. I see the Bailey's showing Proton's email where it doesn't even show Proton being wrong/nasty/aggressive/deceitful? I was very confused when I read Proton's email Sam showed on the video. I could only discern that Proton was upset about something Sam may have done. How am I supposed to know what he was referring to exactly and why should I feel appaled that he sent that email? I will judge Sam for it: to me that behavior is very strange and suspect. It appears like she is poisoning the well without any arguments. I think it is unbecoming of someone with her reasoning skills.

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I, for one, am not sure about her reasoning skills.

The videos she makes are all scripted in advance, so one cannot make true inferences from there.

Yet, when you listen to her interviews (her as an interviewer - painful to listen as she behaves like a blossming adolescent, with poor questions, and poor listening skills) or when they are being interviewed, strikingly, she comes across inarticulate!

There is a very recent interview with both of them in response to Kiwi's allegations that illustrates this, IMO. Escapes me who was the interviewer, I shared it on my notes but bc they blocked me it does not show.

One would expect her to know their material in and out and be able to talk about it easily yet it does not seem to be the case. Mark, on the other hand yes.

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Yeah, and she herself admits it. Firstly, she worked as a TV presenter...that in itself is a red flag about her character.

Also, she remained an MD even after Mark, her husband, told her to quit.

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One thing everyone needs to remember, Sam has children, a husband, multiple responsibilities for her articles and videos and does answer people's pleas for information and help, has multiple responsibilities relating to gardening, food growing and preservation, and who knows what else. There is only so much time in a day and one has to make priorities. I'm not excusing anything here but reminding people she, nor most other SS writers, (certainly not all), doesn't devote 100% of her time to perfecting this. If her personality and method of delivery bothers someone, then only read or just ignore and get the information elsewhere. I can't understand her accent, but I have that problem with many accents and it's not her fault. Mark is so terribly dry and serious that it's hard for me to pay attention. Similarly, Tom Cowan is far more serious in his own weekly webinars than he is when being interviewed by others and I find him far easier to watch, although the information and his experiences is valuable either way.

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Agreed it was a most dubious overly defensive offering from the Baileys and could be the video they didn't need to make yet could be the video that redefines their public personas

It appears to be a rather ill conceived exercise in damage limitation

Nobody is perfect it takes all sorts to make the world go round but to put out this kind of low vibration content to a worldwide audience is a hell of a unnecessary punt there must be many who viewed it wondering why the Baileys would stoop to such a level they've made themselves look no better than the so called flies on shit crowd

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I didn't tell you others censored to absolve Sam of anything, just to let you know that if you read SS articles enough you will see that many others do censor as well, and many even totally block anyone that disagrees with their POV regardless of evidence.

Again, you don't have all the details and likely may never, so it's difficult to make a clear judgment call. Sadly, that's the world of the internet media.

You are totally free to judge however you wish and on whatever you wish and by whatever standards you choose to employ. Judgments can and often are overturned as new evidence appears.

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Most people never overturn their initial judgements. Unless of course one of their heroes tells them to

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I am not their subscriber on SS (never was). Yet, I recommend their work all the time - the videos to lay ppl, and Mark's Farewell my ex colleagues and ppl I know can read sci papers.

I read the comments under their new video (which I, as an external observer, found below their level; maybe they wanted to be funny, IDK), just to have a feel of their followership. There was a German commenter, a rare book seller, who made a very interesting comment on Virus Mania's authorship, 100% civil (maybe the comment is still there, maybe not, I could check but I value my time more than that). I made a short reply to this individual to share my surprise and observation. I have the first ed of Virus Mania (just like the commenter) with the original authors and I have the last ed too. And while it's great to have the SARS COV 2 story added to it; it does not fundamentally change the core message of the book.

I expressed surprise that Sam always refers to/speaks about Virus Mania as MY book. From as soon as this latest ed came out. And I wondered why not to say OUR book, since she's only one of the authors (the last to join a ready piece of complete work with one chapter, a rather minor contribution - I did not include this in my comment).

And guess what? They blocked me... lol. What do you make of this?

I will add that I am European and am a female ex academic researcher, and referring to VM as MY book is distasteful in my circle. Acknowledging collaborators' works and or the works of ppl before us shows integrity and part of scientific vigour. Plus, it adds to their credentials. All in all, it's a forte.

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I think its fair to say this video was not their finest hour its astounding they'd stoop that low but stoop they certainly did.

I don't know why they bothered for most of their worldwide audience would be unfamiliar with the people they made the video about it really was much ado about nothing their really was no threat to them or their brand, they have now presented themselves in a truly negative unethical light.

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You are completely correct, that is why this post is called, "Secrets of..."

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''interesting comment''

If you please, what was the comment?

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You need to check the comments under their video reply and see if it's still there. But they might have blocked that commenter as well. It was related to authorship regulations for older books (the original date of publication of Virus Mania is 2007).

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I would agree that repeatedly stating "my book" would be inappropriate and I wouldn't dare make an assumption as to the reason for that. Personally, I have never heard her say that, only "our" book. I also agree that deleting comments such as this wouldn't be the way I would do things, but it isn't my substack and we can only guess as to why any one writer does or says what they do. Sometimes its a matter, (so I've seen it stated), of determining what's really most relevant in order to keep the comment section shorter and more easily read. I do know that many people expect to get replies to all of their questions from SS writers and video creators, and that's really unreasonable for most. I don't even have time to reply to everything and I am not creating videos and articles, just living on the tiny farm and taking care of my animals and grandchildren, plants and enjoying life. Thank you for your reply.

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Would you mind sharing with me one instance where Sam says OUR book for virus mania? TYIA

As for a most recent example for MY book, please listen more carefully to their video in question. It's in there too.

"...determining what's really most relevant in order to keep the comment section shorter and more easily read."

>> Their comment section was already very long and tbh completely uninteresting and most importantly uninformative, unless you enjoy reading the same flattering and ingratiating comments over and over again.

Finally, I am not sure why you bring up 'expecting replies' or what it adds to the exchanges between you and I. It seems off topic to me as I was not questioning their lack of response as I have never addressed them and I had no questions. So it does not do much in here, does it? Or maybe you intend to reply to someone else? Anyway, again, the German commenter and I shared an observation. Theirs was rooted in legal requirements in Germany. That's all, no hard feeling from either of us. Censored out.

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yeah, let's kill the message by confusing it with the messengers...

this is a waste of time.

(leggo my ego)

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Don't wonder too much, Mike and Christine are simply defending their friends however the narcissists video is such a negative offering that it does not make the Bailey's look better than those they are complaining about.

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That is one choice, the other is that they are all mandated as a team to destroy this corner of the Covid truth movement even if it means sacrificing their own reputations and SS income. Which is a common COINTELPRO strategy and happened in HIV times. Why would history repeat itself?

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Just got kicked off Sam's substack subscription, after saying her reply with the flies-on-the-poop was unprofessional and childish and that there was noo need to put other authors like flies on a pile of poop. I think it took less than an hour.

Second time.

I wonder how much staff they have...

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Congratulations and thank you for proving what I have said here.

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Yes, it is somewhat grotesque that Dr Sam may put anyone on a pile of poop and a paying subscriber cannot say (respectfully) "I didn't like the way you handled that"?

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I have to say, I’ve been suss on the Baileys for a while now. Sam is so fake (narcissistic almost 🙄) in her presentation. It makes you remember that she was a highly popular TV doctor in NZ before she ‘woke up’ … ahem. And yes, I’ve noticed she goes over and over stuff that many of us have known for years. I’ve not learnt anything new or surprising from Sam’s videos in years. In fact, I’ve stopped watching them, primarily for the reason above and her grating NZ accent.

A couple of things surprise me about all this mess.

1. The Baileys have many times proclaimed their admiration of and indebtedness to Stefan Lanka (understandably), and yet it is his control studies that Jamie is refining, in order to dispel any doubts.

2. It’s odd that Tom Cowan is siding with the Baileys as, although I’ve known about the dangers of 5G for years, it was The Contagion Myth that made the first link between Covid and 5G in my head.

Finally, when I told my husband about what was going on with the Baileys (who grew up in NZ but is British by birth), he said he wasn’t surprised. We both know, from experience (I’m Australian), how parochial New Zealanders can be. The Baileys are big fish in a small pond and they want to keep it that way, even if it means burning bridges and controlling narratives. Good luck to them I say. They inevitably will remain big fish in a small pond.

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Seriously you have been sus on the Bailey's?? She was a TV doctor for Christ's sake. Then she was heavily promoted as an alternative media personaliy. Anyone who did not instantly KNOW what was going on is still a long way behind. Anyone promoted is not promoted by accident.

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I’m not interested in aggro or superciliousness. I was initially grateful to have some antipodean skin in the game. But then, we’ve had skin in the game since the Perth Group. Before most did. Take a Bex and have a little lie down.

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Yep admires Lanka's work but not Jamie's project which is in essence a continuation of Lanka's work

Its just sour grapes isn't it?

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Thank you for such a detailed and interesting blog. I accept we are being deceived by many influencers.

A couple of questions on a related point, if I may. First, if people were made sick by something other than a virus eg radiation, why was it that some were affected and others not?

For example, I had symptoms in January 2020 after exposure to a man from London with a dry cough, but my husband was fine. Are some just more susceptible because of their body type or how tired they are at the time?

If the cause was 5G, would not the whole area be affected not just some of the people who live in the vicinity?

My second point is on infectivity. Can someone with symptoms pass them on to somebody else they are in contact with?

That now makes me think too of the shedding of the vaccines that did seem to happen after the jabs were rolled out nationally. I had personal experience of side effects after mixing with others who had recently been injected. Would that be the same mechanism as the "infecting" of others who had Covid 19?

Excuse the questions but they will come up in discussion with others and hopefully yourself or your readers will have thoughts, I am sure.

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Hi Munchy, 5G can be turned up in frequency in certain locations at certain times on or off. It can make people look and feel sick with many cold symptoms and people will just believe it is a virus. This will lead to deaths and social control. Sorry I can't reply to all your Q, but pcr tests and shots also cause acute and delayed cold-like illness and worse.

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"people will just believe it is a virus", unless they know viruses as vectors of illness do not exist.

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True, but "people" here means the masses, I should be more exact in my writing.

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Okay, but still, if the masses know there are no pathogenic contagious viruses (or other particles) that cause these symptoms and illnesses, wouldn't that be very important and would then steer them to look elsewhere for their symptoms, such as EMFs and other toxic attacks?

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Thats true but that's not the case now which can be good-guessed by % who took shots. Over 85%, and to some extent the people who wore masks 95% on the train did in my country Japan in 2022.

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So few understand there is no viral contagion. It is an extremely tight trauma bond with the vaccines. I see it with my own family.

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It's heartbreaking and frustrating at the same time.

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Thank you for your reply. Yes, I get your drift but I still don't understand the logic of only a few being ill if the cause was 5G in an area being turned up.

I didn't have any injections or PCR tests before becoming sick. I was ill before Covid 19 was even headline news and way before injections or tests were rolled out.

Like many, my symptoms began at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020. Whatever Covid 19 was, it doesn't seem likely to have been 5G unless it only affects some in a vicinity and/or, the symptoms can be passed on. Those were my questions. Hopefully an expert will answer me.

Something made people sick. The rest of the deaths appear to be because of the over-reaction to it, including the remedies, re-labelling of deaths, euthanasia and turning off the health system for months at an end. Euthanasia is illegal in the United Kingdom and can be prosecuted as murder or manslaughter so Matt Hancock should be in the dock.

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Not every tower in a location, and not every transmitter in every tower may be turned up at the same time. That makes sense if you want to hide it. PCR tests, chemtrails, dioxin spills, the food production facilities and forest fires could easily be peppered with toxins making people sick and the masses would not know.

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Sensitivity to EMFs exist on a spectrum. Some people get nose bleeds, suffer from hair loss and lose sleep just from being near a smart meter while others do not.

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Sounds like the reaction to being near the jabbed!

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These observations predate the jabs by many years.

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Re: EMsensitivity spectrum.

I think it has to do with the strength/coherency of our EM field (and of course, the strength of EM radiation that is hitting us). If we have a field that is coherent and has high voltage we can harmonize outside EMFs when they hit us - if they are not too strong. And so it lookss like they do not hurt us. But we actually absorb them.

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MUNCHY, Happened to me. See mu comment to Proton & his reply.

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Hey, did spit scope, let it sit next to Wifi, just looks like cell frags and crud. I had some lidocaine in recent past after I scoped the vials to check nothing strange, but no Covid shots. I also sent some lido to David Nixon who will scope for me he has kindly offered. I will try to scope the spit of someone with multiple shots. If you scope someone just shot as you experienced, I fear any nanos will not be assembled and you wont be able to see them with light micro, maybe if you let the spit sit for many days. You can easily get a $100 scope and do this kind of stuff and check products you use alot, Shampoo, creams, sprays, etc. Keep in touch!

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You will survive the 5G only if you have extra chromosomes

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Do tell..... Please??

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Pete is making satire...

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If there was really RNA in the jabs then maybe you get extra chromosomes? Some are born with.

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Thanx. But I feel that They wouldn't do us any favors. The bioweapons are toxic to the human genome ..... to the best of my limited knowledge.

The RNA thing sounds like what they pass off as making super soldiers. ??

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Sugared water?

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I have ALL MUNCHY's exact same questions, I WISH you would post on this.

NO pressure :)

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Hi JM, I'm in a recouperating state since this long post, how 'bout you ask me one specific Q here?

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My MAIN Q is IF there is a 1/2 life on the inoculations in regard to shedding.

Example ... Somebody is incarcerated & forced to get 4 jabs & one booster. Will it EVER be safe to be around this person & NOT get shed on?

Thanks to your replies to MUNCHY...I have a better understanding on the rest.

So much for recouping eh? :)

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There is no study proving shedding and that would be very difficult to do. There is no one ingredient to have 1/2 life and that would be very difficult to measure, from mouth, skin, breath?

I recently advised John H on this post, his questions in "" at the top of each section.


This was my advice

"They made it clear that shedding was a possibility in what we now know were fake trials".

👉These are just words on paper, it could be suggesting or it could be a psyop to make you think just what you are thinking. In any case it is not proof, and the clinical trial method doesnt determine cause as we note there are many causes.

"There is anecdotal evidence which seems to support it."

👉 With the various means, they might want us to think it is from shots to divert us from all the other means. This also doesn't prove anything.

👉This would not be a clinical trial in the community-too many variables. To test drug efficacy it is ok, but not to get a yes or no on shedding. It would need to be a clinical pharmacology study in a trial in-patient setting. Now you have the ethical problem of sharing eating instruments, breathing into each other's faces, wiping sweat onto each other, etc. Still you have the outside air, food, clothes, all kinds of variables. Could be done but would cost few hundred thousands (a phase I clinical trial costs $1 mil.). Ethical issues aside, until this is done shedding is unknown phenomena.

👉There is also the issue of shedding being seen in the recipient could take many weeks or months. They can't be in the in-patient facility that long. Still, comparing the exposed group vs non exposed group (forgot to mention you need 2 groups in the study) in the months after the study could be interesting-but that is not an experiment or trial anymore, it becomes "uncontrolled observation" and still doesn't prove shedding.

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THANK YOU PROTON! Makes sense.....BUT......

I can PROVE shedding. My Bro got the bioweapon, He did NOT tell me. The next day he picked me up; for a family gathering. I was now trapped in a car, windows UP... with a lethal killing machine against my knowledge & will.

I got sooo sick within HOURS, I was hemorrhaging vaginally & bleeding out of my nose & burning up. (I'm post-menopausal)

He fessed up; AFTER telling me that I shoulda got the shot like he did & maybe I would not be DYING. There's a word for that kinda thing,....... Virtue signaling?

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Yeah, the EMF answer doesn't make logical sense in my mind. My questions are not being fully answered, probably because they don't know the answer which is fair enough. But an explanation full of holes does not serve well when it comes to speaking to others who believe there was a deadly virus spreading more person to person.

I just want to know why not all are affected in an area where a tower is turned up (including the old and sick who were often fine) and then is it possible to pass something on to others if you are displaying symptoms?

Nobody has mentioned other options including a man made pathogen of some sort that could be a synthetic virus type thing. Could that have been released in various places at the end of 2019? The military must have some sort of capacity in that regard.

I am keen to learn more but my 2 key questions are not addressed to my satisfaction...yet!

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Unfortunately MUNCHY if any body attempted to answer your questions specifically it would simply lead to more questions, which would lead to more questions...ad infinitum, unfortunately you will have to put the time in to read up on this and as you seem "keen to learn more...." I shall give some pointers;

First, "everything we were taught about the medical establishment theories about "disease" are flawed; medicines do not cure disease, vaccines do not prevent disease, "germs" do not cause disease and people do not spread disease". I think it was Eleanor McBean who wrote; "coughs & sneezes D0 N0T spread diseases", it is a great little maxim to keep in your mind.

"The word "germ" is a bastardisation of the word *Germination, meaning "New life, the process of something coming into existence and developing" - and it has been used to demonize & make us scared of the one thing necessary for all life on earth, the microorganisms known as bacteria!"

This short article from 2022 is a good introduction; ".....Over a century ago the world’s richest man, oil baron John D. Rockefeller, and his circle of advisors set about to completely reorganize how medicine was practiced around the world. The role of the Rockefeller Institute and figures like Simon Flexner literally oversaw the invention of a colossal medical fraud around claims that an invisible contagious extraneous germ, the polio virus, caused acute paralysis and even death in young people. They politically banned any efforts to link the disease to toxin poisoning......The same tax-free Rockefeller Foundation today, posing as a philanthropic charity, is at the heart of the global medical tyranny behind covid19 and the eugenics agenda of the World Economic Forum Great Reset. Their poliomyelitis virus model helped them create this dystopian medical tyranny. We are told, “trust the science.”


Here's very watchable 1991 BBC 40 minute documentary on fashion in medicine;


Next , The Medical Racket by Wade Frazier from 2014 (120 pages).


After that, 2007's Virus Mania (300 pages), from the intro; "....The authors of Virus Mania, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor of internal medicine Claus Kohnlein, show that these alleged contagious viruses are, in fact, particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs. These particles are then identified by antibody and PCR tests and interpreted as epidemic-causing viruses by doctors who have been inoculated for over 100 years by the theory that microbes are deadly and only modern medications and vaccines will protect us from virus pandemics.

The central aim of this book is to steer the discussion back to a real scientific debate and put medicine back on the path of an impartial analysis of the facts. It will put medical experiments, clinical trials, statistics and government policies under the microscope, revealing that the people charged with protecting our health and safety have deviated from this path. Along the way, Engelbrecht and Kohnlein will analyze all possible causes of illness such as pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, stress and processed (and sometimes genetically modified) foods. All of these can heavily damage the body of humans and animals and even kill them…."


The best till last, What Really Makes You Ill (2019). 900 pages of independent research depicting the authors 10 yr odyssey into "infection" & "disease".


Buy the book!!

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Incredible commentary effort Andy!

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Cheers, actually it's mostly stuff I copied & pasted into my notepad as I was learning about the fraud of allopathy & then made into an article called "Germ Nation".

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Thank you for your detailed and no doubt accurate reply.

It is easy after a while to get stuck in a thought pattern so it is probably good that someone like me comes along as I am open minded and questioning.

To cut to the chase, all you say is not something I am doubting but misses the point.

My question was not about all possible causes of illness but what was the most likely cause of the Covid 19 illness? I think there was something that made some people sick and nobnody has said what it was, or why some people were affected in the same place and not others and if it was at all possible to pass it on.

5G doesn't explain it. Drugs neither. Nor PCR tests etc etc. As you say "alleged contagious viruses are, in fact, particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors ..". OK. What was the stress factor at the back end of 2019 that caused symptoms. A toxin not a virus ..so what was the toxin? How was it distributed around the globe? Could it then be passed on from person to person?

We don't know 'cos we don't work for the CIA! (Well I don't, anyway).

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You wrote, & I quote; ".....what was the most likely cause of the Covid 19 illness?"

Please, in your own words, define "the Covid 19 illness".

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Not every tower in a location, and not every transmitter in every tower may be turned up at the same time. That makes sense if you want to hide it.

No you can't make a pathogen, bacteria dont harm healthy people, there is no virus you can soup up. You can make chemicals yes, maybe spray them in certain places (train stations?)

Others I mentioned in this comment section: pcr swabs, vaxes, chemtrails, glycophosate in food (mixing with emf?), sanitizers, dioxin from train wrecks spread across large swath of eastern US.

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Thanks for the answer. This thing called Cv19 whatever it was, was all over the world and before PCT swabs etc and certainly not near a train wreck in America. I was in a small Hertfordshire town, for instance.

We don't know what toxins can be made in a lab but I bet they can make something and release it in various places in 2019. That soesn't mean that all the things you mention would not cause ill health but they don't expkain the start of Covid 19.

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EMF, 5g, see the 5g map in the post, UK got cut off the image but there are millions of them, many others like micro towers or hidden towers (mobile towers in a truck or van?), also certain 2019 flu vaxes made people sick, maybe delayed and/or interaction with 5G.

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My Dad was in the Military...He got non civilian innocullations years ago...as did I. HE got super sick in 2020, He was in a different state than I am. Makes me wonder.

So little data given to the public.

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When I think of shedding, I think of another similar mechanism.

Females that are near each other, sync their menstruation.

Also the same with sickness, where if you're sick, my body could think that it's time to detox too.

The 5g thing never made sense to me. They're using the same frequencies as 4g but added a higher frequency that can barely pass through walls, but is easier to use for low power. Other than that 5g uses the same power as 4g, but actually less for the same bandwidth as it's more efficient and this is important for battery life as cell phones have relatively small batteries, even today.

Oh and the real issue with 5g is beam forming, where they focus 3 or more towers on a specific point in order to concentrate signal for speed. But that only works for one target at a time, not a general area.

I think it's more likely the air pollution which includes crazy shit that is in jet fuel which stays in the sky.

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Hi Rob, 5G can go up to 60Ghz if they want it to, but yes the focus beams (phase array antennas) are true.

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The fact that we have a biofield, but generally know very little about it, can explain contagion. Morphic resonance. How it works has most definitely been studied in secret by the government. Co-morbidity also plays a major role. Health compromised people were at greater risk for frequency manipulation. My illness in April 2020 proved a number of things to me. The 4 other people in my home did not get any illness. Medication I was taking compromised my health.

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The athletes who got sick at the Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019 were pretty fit and healthy individuals.

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5G can send specific frequencies that damage anyone in their range

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But, technically, would damage everyone in that range, correct? Yes, I'm aware there is technology, supposedly, that can pinpoint a single individual, but that's extremely unlikely in this situation.

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it would make sense that the "damage" depends on the strength of ones biofield.

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Many, my children included, operate from blind trust in the authority

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maybe you should live next to tower for the next few years and report back.

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This, unfortunately, is also true of the massive wind turbines, and it's been known and proven for many decades. Yet, here they are, 70 of them at the moment and more coming again soon, 605 ft high, (the next will be even taller), many within 1800 to 2000 ft of my home. Want to know how that feels, sounds, and how healthy that is, both short term and long term? And, apparently, per a few commenters, I could accuse SS writers of "ignoring" this topic in favor of their own. How silly that is, of course.

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I think the people who elderly or with disabilities they deserve to have a driverless car everywhere why not? I can walk it's healthy anyway.

Unless the 5G makes everybody sick.

When they wanna kill everybody they'll turn on the 50G.

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If you're gonna stage a CovidHoax, then take into account the ten-year cycle of cosmic radiation

Revealing the relationship between solar activity and ...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC7961325

by MH Nasirpour · 2021 · Cited by 42 — ... Schwabe cycle. The periodicity is not constant but varies roughly in the range of 9.5 to 11 years. The international sunspot number series ...

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Hospital data shows nothing seismic occurred in 2020

People developed respiratory ailments as they do every winter once the central heating goes on

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But anyway, how to account for the people who saying that they got sick during covidtime and it felt really weird like no other time they got sick? Much is psychosomatic for sure but how much?

Also, regardless, it would be good to choose the right time in the Schwabe Cycle for doing CovidHoax so as to add to the confusions, even if the Schwabe Cycle turned out to be a dud.

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I hear that every winter from those who get sick, it is jokingly referred to as ‘man flu’

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Not so sure the unusual experiences of feeling strange flu was all just a mass hysteria event of Mass Formation Psychosis psychosis.

Note that the people are not reporting respiratory complaints when they say "it was weird". It seems people experienced extreme fatigue and extreme myalgia and anorexia and thus being bedridden for 4-5 days and feeling weird & helpless but fever is usually not even emphasized as a sign or symptom. After getting out of bed it still took them awhile to feel normal strength again.

And none of this "anosmia" stuff - that psyop is already gonzo.

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I have not followed this drama from the beginning but the Godfather of No virus, Tom Cowan, first came on the stage in early 2020 with a little video that went viral (haha) on YouTube claiming the new novel toxin on the block was not a virus but 5G. The Baileys got their first public exposure via TC. C Massey as well. I know not all no virus ppl align on everything but this seems a very large departure.

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Thank you for your courage and perspective!!! Much appreciated!

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Wow, good on you. I cannot believe that these Baileys would stoop so low. We are all fighting the same fight the real truth. Yes 5G is definitely involved. Until people realize this, and if they have not research they should not knock any investigations etc. I do not believe any of the virus or germ theory, as it comes from the Rockerfellers and Rothchildren....These people high jacked real health to sell everyone there poisonous drugs and shots. The covid was nothing but a bio weapon. Full stop. The PCR test is another part of it. Like really why would you stand in a line up to get one of those shoved up your brain, especially when you feel healthy. I am affected with the wireless and 5G, until we look at everything we cannot rule out 5G. Now the only thing different since 2019 is Covid and 5G. So to me those are your culprits. Why are they forcing 5G wireless even when you ask not to have 5G and be hard wired to the fibre optics. They are forcing these as I just recently sent Telus after one week as they did not do that. None of the Companies in Canada will hook up to hard wired. Switched to shaw and they did the same thing. Also they forced Smart meters on everyone....now you have smart phones, smart lights, smart appliances...all these use wireless so no wonder people are getting sick dying oh and the houses are nothing but ash when they burn. Hmmmmm So thank you for opening my eyes to these people.

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I do not believe in viruses, pandemics, big pharma drugs or vaccines or doctors, per se for that matter. I am still healthy and alive after 7.5 decades and that's all that matters to me as much as it can matter.

It's all about life and death and how one thing or another is going to finally take you down and in the meanwhile medical science has the answers to keep you alive and ticking. Balderdash. You want to believe in the medicine tooth fairy and all the bad things they can never prove are running wild around the world, that's your problem.

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Why is Sam Bailey attacked is a good question.

In the last year or two, Sam has been putting out information that was usually available two or three years before. Is this a misdirection campaign in order to make people focus on stuff that has been settled for quite a while? That would allow current moves to go unnoticed by most...

The problem is not if pathogenic viruses exist, but the dominance of Rockefellerian "Madicine" AND the captured governments' power over their state assets, their people... Bringing in others to attack only provides more than sufficient material to occupy people's minds.

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Eternally grateful for you and the work you continue to do, Proton Magic. Thank you.

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Ninety-nine percent of what we see, possibly more, will be controlled. The best strategy is to assume all sites you visit, including this, are controlled. That way, you won't be disappointed when you discover they are deceiving you. The secret is not to become emotionally wedded to personalities. Personalities are irrelevant, especially under the current circumstances. Take what people say and make up your mind on everything yourself. Take absolutely nothing for granted.

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Well Said!

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Deeply saddened but not surprised. The medical freedom movement is imploding. The various spokespeople are infighting. The truth is the biggest casualty. Some things never change.

If only we could see how this all feeds into the hands of the oligarchs helping them advance their plans. Makes me wonder if they, too, are intentionally muddying the waters.

Free speech is paramount yet we all seem to have become unwilling to reasonably discuss issues.

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Correct, the events do not fit normal human to human interaction, there must be another level to them.

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