Secrets of Bailey Castle🏰
Hidden democide, fake cell cultures, fake genomes, fake pandemics & 5G
This post is about hidden democide, the secrets of fake cell cultures, fake genomes, the causes of fake pandemics & 5G, and who in your inbox is hiding them. You’ll need to read to the end to really understand this post.
👉While this post is on my Substack and I take full responsibility for it, the content was assembled with the help of many others working together who are referenced in the text body and noted in the acknowledgement at the bottom.
It is with no pleasure I put out this post. The hero icon of the Baileys is powerful and their charisma strong. I was enamored with both of them. Unfortunately the turn of what seems to be a friendly card in life sometimes has an ominous surprise waiting on the other side.
Today’s Theme song: Turn of Friendly Card by Alan Parsons
On August 18th the Baileys put out a shocking “Narcissists” video rocking the no-virus and medical truth space.
They start off with Craig Hutchinson who is making claims of plagiarism by John Bevan-Smith on the Mark Bailey essay, Farewell to Virology.
How do any of us really know what is going on with that? I certainly don’t and clearly said so here which means the Baileys are twisting truths by saying I am “energizing” Craig just because I clicked “like” as dozens of others did? This post will not go into anything on the Hutchinson issue except to say that the Baileys tried to create the impression that Craig is a delusional crackpot. An impression which the viewers were encouraged to associate with every person who features in the video, regardless of whether or not they had any connection with Craig's post. The ol’ discredit by association trick.
The Flies-On-Shit-Gang @16:52 in the vid:
👉Now why would the Bailey’s, a well-respected medical information channel, stoop to name calling and display insulting memes on a public forum? Why make an image like this showing a number of talented and hard working writers as a “flies-on-shit-gang”?
What are the odds that all these independent writers who have never attacked the Baileys are against the Baileys vs. that the Baileys who have herein harassed these writers are against all these people? I will also include Christine Massey and Eric Coppolino in the “Bailey Castle” because they frequently work in tandem, never challenge each other. Eric made a follow-up post and video soon after the Bailey Narcissist video supporting it, and Christine is frequently argumentative and messing up the comment sections of persons who talk about the castle secrets-details below.
👉If you are thinking the “Narcissists who hate” title & the flies-on-shit image is completely incongruent with the public behavior expected of professional writers that have tens of thousands of followers you are probably on to something. If you don’t think so, better you stop reading now.👈
I invite everyone to look through all 121 of my posts and find where I have criticized the Baileys in any post or comment before the Bailey video came out a few days ago. Many of my posts in fact reference their good work. Proof from a comment I made on a Proton Magic post:
I do not consider Sasha kin to the other 8 gang members. While the others do indeed share many ideas, these ideas do not conform with those of Sasha. It's probable that her inclusion is to discredit the others’ rationality by associating them with Sasha's often argumentative and pseudoscientific comments (see this thread for example).
So what is really going on? Simply speaking, the Baileys are trying to cement their position as the kings of the no-virus & no-pandemic castle by widening the moat outside the castle. More importantly, given that the walls around the “Secrets of the Castle” were beginning to come apart at the seams, they need to discredit those secrets and anyone discussing them.
These secrets relate to genomes, cell cultures, possible causes of illness like 5G, and hidden massive deaths in 2020 and beyond. If free and uncensored discussion on any aspect of those topics does not seem like a proper topic for anyone in this space then I have a bunker on Mars to sell you because normal writers would not have secrets nor try to manipulate narratives.
👉If you recall the 9.11 thermite pushers wouldn’t let any discussion on directed energy ensue maybe you are on to something about narrative twisting.
With the flies-on-shit-image the Baileys don’t even hide what they are trying to do. They are also warning us not to criticize pundits in famous places (they are your one-stop for all the news you need to know).
The Bailey Castle:
It seems the post by Craig, along with my recent post with Stoner on democide in 2020, my letter, and conflict they were fomenting with the flies-on-shit-gang, the meteoric findings by the Jamie Andrews cell culture study in particular (link updated), has pushed them to shore up their castle defenses.
👉Rewinding a bit, at the beginning of 2024 during which time I had made some posts debunking Greg Reese’s reports, Mark Bailey began to disparage some writers to me (who also debunked other well-known reporters) and tried to get me to unrecommend them. Mark tried to dox them out to me which I found abhorrent and I declined to unrecommend them.
It was also during this time that I cross-posted what I thought to be a very important but standard essay written for lay people on scientific controls by Mia Breeze. The very next day, and seemingly in response to this cross-post, the Baileys, Mike Stone, and Christine Massey all unrecommended me at once - indicative of a coordinated and group retaliation. That same day Mark Bailey trawled through my substack and unliked all 107 posts of mine which he had previously liked. Can you just imagine this icon of anti-virology scrolling through 107 posts and unclicking all those red hearts he put on a silly little proton substack? This childish behavior was only to be outdone by the flies-on-shit image.
Mark Bailey still unliking PM’s posts in 2050:
Massey made many comments that questioned and dissuaded 5G discussion causing illness, and when I brought 5G up to Rancourt he was dismissive as was Strahl who even went ballistic on my asking him to debunk Ginny Stoner’s democide data calling Ginny, “Fucking off the wall”. This led to commenter “Allan” to begin to dox me in comments and I banned him.
Since only Massey and the Baileys had any personal info on me (I was a paid donator to Massey-a way they can get your private info), Allan must have gotten it from them, or even be one of them with a different handle name. So I wrote to the Baileys and Massey about this line-crossing noting my right to get them to cease and desist with their doxing and censoring, finally leading to the shocking post the Baileys made with a video on Hutchinson, myself, and the flies-on-shit gang in tow.
Now lets move to the secrets behind the castle walls you have all been chomping at the bit to hear about.
“But the Bailey’s no-virus stuff is great you spoilers!” 👉Yes, they do lots of good work on that, and you may have noticed they repeatedly say that is really fundamental many times, like in this follow up video interview with Coppolino. So they want to keep us in a complex virology-only discussion. This is why we need to look at the Secrets of the Castle and the big picture.
1. The Assembled Genome Secret
The Fan Wu Sars-CoV-2 discovery paper stated that software assembled an alphabet they called a genome from a sick patient’s mixed lung fluid. But since a virus was never found in the patient, and no past corona virus has ever been found, a genome from an actual virus would be impossible to find.
There are 2 ways to make this fraud:
One is to actually put primers into a patient’s sample and then software-assemble a fictional genome.
The other is to just make a screenplay, say you did it, and go to lunch.
#1 can mean that, “there is a virus, the software just figured-out the genome”.
☞ This you need to get.
#2 would mean that, “there is no virus and it is all a fraudulent theater”.
Both Mark Bailey & Christine Massey had told me we should only discuss #1 because that is what the papers say (personal communications), and Mike Wallach argued that #1 was “proven by math”, but how can math prove something where there is no raw data to analyze, no software specs, nor info on the make or model of what machines were used (I personally asked), and Mike’s math buddy based the math on other never found virus “genomes”. C’mon Mike, WTF?
And even more obviously, the Covid scam is a huge project which needs all the gene sequences that were obviously planned in the fake genome to be there (HIV genes, ACE receptor binding domain, spike protein, etc.), would the planners really leave something to chance?
👉So these “no-virus” folks only want us to look at choice #1 where a virus might exist! We’re indeed going off the rails on a crazy train…
2. The Controlled Virology Study Secret
Virologists say that cell death, which takes place after a patient sample has been added to a cell culture (cells in a dish) proves that there was a virus present in the sample. This is in spite of the fact that cell death will occur in cell cultures even when a patient sample has NOT been added (called a “control study”). This is because the cultures are starved of nutrition and given cytotoxic antibiotics. Control studies without patient sample prove that it is these steps in the experiment which leads to cell death, not a "cell hijacking virus". In addition, when culture cells die even without patient sample, they break into a myriad of fragments, some of which have morphology almost exactly like the photos on E-M that we are told correspond to viruses (measles, HIV, etc).
👉So why do the Bailey’s want to insist that no valid controls have ever been done? Why do they want to push on us that experiments carried out for the purpose of controlling the variables in an experiment cannot and should not be called control experiments? What game is being played here?
They seem to subterfuge the whole topic with "needing a purified virus" to say anything about a virus, and don’t like us ignoring that when we say the culture with no patient sample itself is a perfectly valid control for testing validity of the cell culture as a test itself.
A purified virus has never been found to begin with and even if it had been, then the cell culture isolation experiment would have never been developed - beginning with a purified virus would negate the purpose of the virus isolation experiment. The cell culture test is just a dog and pony show as I have just described and the control experiments are the most persuasive way to practically demonstrate this.
Are the Baileys suggesting there is a virus by using the word “purified virus”, or suggesting there “could be a virus just that there was never a valid control?” I had a dozen private e-mails with Mark Bailey on this topic were we went around in circles until he finally gave up because this proton just would not relent to being put in the twilight zone.
Imagine talking to the top no-virus person on substack who’s holding a sign that says, “but studies could still show viruses do exist if we use a purified virus”. WTF? Now you understand that while most of us might get the double-speak, the complexity will go right over the heads of the masses, even people with advanced degrees in biological science will just agree.
Here is a note from Jamie Andrews who was blocked and “unable to reply to the Bailey's egregious false accusations”. This was in spite of the fact that Jamie has, through his group’s cell culture control experiments, made one of the most incredible contributions to the debunking of virology - a cause the Bailey’s supposedly share. He and his group were able to find virus looking particles in cell cultures to which NO PATIENT sample had been added, thus invalidating the cell culture paradigm once and for all.
Here are two now famous comments (from Penrose and Anderson) that were on the “Narcissist” post but censored (deleted) by the Bailey’s here captured for our reading pleasure:
3. The Causes of Pandemics Secret & 5G
We looked high and low but couldn’t find any posts on 5G by The Baileys or Massey. Aren’t these people pandemic busters? No door to pandemic causality should be left unopen to thorough objective inspection and without censorship (Frances Leader Comment).
In this Video by Dr. Sam in 2021 on “what made people sick”, there was not one mention of EMFs as a possible cause, and only one post in hundreds on their channel on EMFs being dangerous-but not about 5G or the papers finding correlation to illness during 2020 (see the articles just below). In addition, persons who have gotten shots or nanoparticles in them by other means may get very ill or die if the planners intend to turn up the frequency (you know what happens when you put a metallic object in a microwave). This is why 5g IS A VERY IMPORTANT TOPIC.
People say, “what pandemic?”. True there is no germ. But people could easily be made sick by atmospheric spraying, tainted foods, dioxin in the air from train wrecks, and 5G.
👉My main posts on 5g:
👉Research articles on 5G association with getting ill and a Covid label
👉Articles noting 60GHz effect on O2:
👉EMFs cause symptoms that overlap with respiratory illness. 5g phones, FCC approved frequencies, body penetration:
👉Harms caused by electromagnetic fields & mechanisms
👉 Adverse-health-effects-of-wireless?
5G towers just happened to get quite dense around 2019-20 and now we just happen to be surrounded by tens of thousands of 5G ray guns. This map is not on-line anymore. Maybe your country or area has a map, though hidden towers and micro towers might not be on a public map.
👉See the 5g comments here by Massey, the 5g investigation I did on Corbett and Broze who basically think there is no concern and almost never talk about it and also think there is a virus here, and the reaction to 5g discussion by Strahl and Rancourt (who also ignore democide stats-see below) here.
☞ The picture is that of neglect or denial of 5G as part of illness and probably death in Covid times, and this neglect is likely to continue among popular writers who also ignore other topics that expose parts of Covid fraud. That’s why it is a Castle Secret.
👉We can imagine Mark saying to Sam, “Not much to see here Sam, let’s get back to the next pandemic book”.
4. The Secret of Democides
All the quotes in this section are from Ginny Stoner.
It has come to light through Ginny Stoner’s hard work that there was a democide in the US of 529k persons in 2020 persons and 1.6 mil from 2020 to 2022. I suspect 5G was the culprit because of its ability to be turned on high for certain times in certain localities which is exactly what happened in the NYC mass casualty event, but 5g isn’t verified as the cause or sole cause.
What you see in the table is the number of deaths from all causes each year, including all ages, male and female.
Bailey is doing the usual vagueness dance around 2020 deaths, quickly moving on to 2021 deaths, which are all blamed on the vaccines.
We should be able to get 100% of the media, whether pro-virus or no-virus, to agree on the numbers in that table--the contents of the database are not a debatable issue. People are of course free to question the legitimacy or reliability of the data, or what it means, or anything about it--but we should be able to get 100% agreement on the contents of the mortality records.
From Virginia Stoner
Cowan also did a show today [8.21] where he mentioned the Bailey drama at the end, and specifically asked for thoughts about it. So I made a comment about how I thought it was a diversion from the democide issue, which they were just exposed for covering up, and I posted a link to my Bailey article. The comment was gone within minutes [more censoring from a close Bailey associate].
The Final Pandemic Or How To Stop Worrying And Love The Democide
I saw a video promo the other day by Dr. Samantha Bailey for her book The Final Pandemic: An Antidote to Medical Tyranny, authored with Dr. Mark Bailey. The basic premise of the book is that viruses do not exist, or cause disease, but are used to incite fear, create a market for vaccines, and control the population.
There was no mention of excess deaths in the video, which was no surprise—but in light of the 1.5+ million excess deaths in the US since 2020, it was disconcerting to see Bailey wrap things up with a big, bright smile, and confident reassurance that we have nothing to fear.
While I share Bailey’s dislike of unnecessary fear, when 1.5+ million extra people die in a single country in the 3 years following the declaration of a fake pandemic, it seems like a little fear is a good thing.
I posted a comment about excess US deaths on the video, and responded to another comment, both containing a link to the mortality data. By the next day, both comments had been removed.
I added another comment, mentioning the half-million excess US deaths in 2020, and asking for Dr. Bailey’s opinion about the cause. The comment is still there, but with no response.
I was left with the impression that if any excess deaths occurred, they must have been due to toxic treatment protocols or vaccines. In other words, the book reinforced 2 common narratives used to coverup the COVID19 democide.
It seems the Doctors Bailey are grateful to be able to help more people than ever learn to stop worrying and love the democide.
👉I’d say that democide would just about be the top “Secret of the Castle”. Maybe planetary-wide explosion would be worse.
On to the Baily’s recent nasty video
The post starts with a title that gaslights the viewers, making it clear who the bad guys are before the video starts (“Narcissists Who Hate The Baileys”) setting the viewer’s mental anchor point.
This is a trimmed part of the video about Proton Magic (1 min 43 sec video):
The Baileys lead off this section on myself by lying to you stating I, "sought to energize Mr. Hutchinsons article".
Here is proof I did not take any position on Mr. Hutchinson’s post about the issue with the Baileys, posted 3 days before the Bailey’s article so already they are lying to you. My comment:
I did click LIKE but that can mean many things including, "sorry your upset", or, "I see your efforts", or "You are brave to open the discussion", etc. Regardless, “Energize” is one of many fantastic and imaginary catch-words one is graced with from the lips of Dr. Sam about Proton Magic in 3-minutes of vid.
👉Next, the Baileys are making my private letter public without asking for my permission. That is very inappropriate. A normal person would reply with, “sure lets not have conflict”. Their wish is not about getting along as I noted in the Castle story above.
👉Next, on Matt's Microscopy, it is not appropriate for Mark Bailey to suggest that I shouldn’t recommend Matt's SS. In any event, Mark's advice on Matt is gossip to me and not a proof of Matt's ideas anyway. What Sam says in her vid on Matt promoting GOF is the first I’ve heard of this - she definitely didn't provide any proof of it and I could not find any confirmation either. In any case, it is irrelevant to my valuing his work. It is only for me to decide on my own who may get on my recommendation list, this is a clear attempt to gaslight censorship which is abhorrent.
Matt’s statement about the Bailey’s video (personal communication, redacted):
Actually it doesn’t matter what is true or not about Matt, I don’t need to hear that from Mark Bailey. Aren’t these famous writers busy writing? WTF???
👉Sam ADMITS trying to censor Matt through me BUT IT’S OK BECAUSE THEY HAVE A REASON. No sorry Sam, it is not ethically ok!!
👉On dpl, they wanted me to unrecommend him, and why are they telling me his private information which I did not know? It doesn’t matter if they have a letter from him. That is giving out his private information and censorship which is very abhorrent. The Baileys were trying to discredit him with this or that reason that is irrelevant to my free choice to have him on my recommendation list.
👉So Sam ADMITS trying to censor him through me BUT IT’S OK BECAUSE THEY HAVE A REASON! No sorry Sam, it is not ethically ok"!!
👉On income, ahem, compare the Baileys who make considerable $ from this Covid scam compared to myself a fully volunteer SS writer making ZERO $ from the Covid scam.
First, Dr. Sam has no idea what paychecks I get from being a “medical doctor”, or even if it is true that I was a medical doctor, and even if that is true, how would that be “hypocritical”? Well it is another fantastic and imaginary statement from the lips of Dr. Sam.
👉In the first place if she thinks or has information I am a medical doctor why is she giving out personal information without permission?
👉If I was an MD I would certainly tell everyone I treated that there is no virus and to avoid shots-so she is making more fantastic opinions. In fact the anti-virus movement needs as many MDs in the system as possible who would be no-virus and no-shot.
👉The spin here is amazing, and I havn’t made dozens of no-virus posts for $ nor because it is fun, it is because the world needs to know.
👉Staying in the system to educate and refusing to do dangerous things to patients IS the morally correct thing for a Dr to do! These Drs can still write and speak anonymously or even full whistle blow and go to court. If most Drs did this it would end any attempts to make a pandemic very quickly.
Sam, if you didn’t act like a clown people wouldn’t dress you up as one:
Let’s list up Sam’s nasties here:
Calling a coterie of honest and talented persons Narcissists.
Showing this coterie of persons as a flies-on-shit picture.
Making a private e-mail from me and others public without permission.
Lying that I “energize” Craig.
Admitting they want to censor others through me on 2 accounts.
Giving out personal information about myself and others that we have never made public.
Calling me a hypocrite with no logic or proof of such fantastic imagination.
Calling me out for making a living somehow outside of SS, completely unrelated to the Covid scam while Sam and Mark making MUCH more moolah than I do on SS and the Covid scam since I MAKE ZERO.
Thinking medical Drs as a whole are hypocrites. I have come across many who quietly tell their patients to stay away from shots and many drugs, and OH BOY, even the Baileys were pushing Vit D (rat poison) during Covid times (causes brittle bones).
👉Dr. Sam, you and Mark could have stayed in the system and quietly guided patients to avoid as much of allopathic medicine as possible. Your leaving the system just passed patients over to dangerous Drs in your twisted logic so it seems like the “hypocrite” label belongs on your desk not mine.
👉 On the letter I sent them, I will categorically state that the Baileys and Massey had started to dox me themselves and through others. It is my right to let them know that this is a red-line that I do not consent to being crossed. Further, that I was entitled to warn them that should they not cease their doxxing that I would make their censoring, doxxing, and harassment public.
Besides their doxxing, trying to censor me, and gaslight me to censor others, they have essentially admitted to very abhorrent behaviors in their own video and I have a right to ask them to cease and desist.
The Flies-on-Shit-Gang start to buzz
Quotes from writers in shock at the recent Baily video. PM received permission in writing from each writer to publish all the quotes below (unlike our castle landlords). Some quotes redacted for space reasons.
Frances Leader (personal communication): 5G censorship:
My respect for Sam and Mark Bailey took a nose dive many months ago because they deleted my comments about 5G and blocked me on Odysee. That was when my red flags began to fly in respect of them. To hear that they block everyone who dares to challenge them adds to my concern.
Jamie Andrews from Notes. Controlled Studies censorship and accusations:
I am unable to reply to the Bailey's egregious false accusations of me and my [controlled studies] project because they have Blocked me from their channel (Despite me Not Once EVER interacting with them). I am expecting a full retraction and apology from The Bailey's and have emailed them directly.
Virginia Stoner from her stats blog. Democide & excess deaths censorship:
I saw a video promo the other day by Sam and Mark Bailey for their book The Final Pandemic. There was no mention of excess deaths in the video, in light of the 1.5 million excess deaths in the US since 2020, it was disconcerting to see Bailey wrap things up with a big, bright smile. I posted a comment about excess US deaths on the video, and responded to another comment, both containing a link to the mortality data. By the next day, both comments had been removed.
R!CKY RANTS from SS post. Blanket censorship by the Baileys:
My Substack account somehow ended up being lumped into a list of names Sam deemed to be “narcissists”. It sounds like she is smearing a bunch of people for no reason. Her video also includes this weird slide with a definition of “narcissist” (because apparently she’s an English teacher now). I find this hilarious, considering she has a grandiose sense of self-importance and expects to be recognized as superior because she is a medical doctor who woke up to one part of her indoctrination. Whoop-dee-doo. She’s playing a rather twisted game here, because she pre-blocked everyone she smeared on her Substack so they can’t defend themselves and she actively deletes any rebuttals on her website and Odysee channel to make it look like everyone adores her. The Baileys claim to challenge the mainstream while shutting down discourse and debate just like the mainstream.
Rod Knoll from Comment. Failure to mention suppression & censorship on HIV:
The Baileys FAIL to point out the source of suppression and censorship that the Perth Group suffered at the hands of fellow dissidents like Peter Duesberg, David Rasnick and David Crowe. The 3-part video series that the Baileys did which Sam states as proof of their citing the Perth Group was FILLED with clips from none other than DUESBERG and David Rasnick. Similarly, the "Virus Mania" book provides another MESSY MIXTURE of some references to the Perth Group while, at the same time, that book is also FILLED with UNCRITICAL references to Duesberg, Rasnick and David Crowe as well as Kary Mullis! The Baileys have NEVER ONCE mentioned the fact that Duesberg, Crowe and Rasnick suppressed and censored the Perth Group!! See:
Amaterasu Solar from SS post. harassment and censorship:
Yesterday I was apprised that Sam Bailey had included Me in what turned out to resemble a hit piece more than anything else. (My name and icon) was displayed with Others and a pile of shit teaming with flies. Sam gracefully ensured I could not reply. Refusing to engage when a claim is made, attacking Others pretty much out of the blue, and outright blocking of the People One has attacked best, beastly.
Mia Breeze - personal communication:
It is not as if we are asking the Baileys to take up our thoughts and opinions re controls and democide and the Perth group and promote them - we can't ask people to do that. The problem comes in with all their CENSORING of such discussions and with people on their side harassing others for having these opinions in comments and childish videos.
Proton Magic from posts comments:
Not once is the non-assembly of genomes, effects of 5G, or the 2020 democide data ever taken up by the Baileys or Massey in posts. Instead, Massey is known to discredit opinions on these topics relentlessly and in such a derogatory manner that it begins to feel like an attack. Search the comment section for “Massey”, here (takes up almost the entire comment section with negativity on 5g), one example:
Here she is argumentative on fake genomes, and is even making a surprising mistake thinking “labs” do in silico genomes in the first place because clinical labs do not do in silico genomes only pcr, and research labs also almost exclusively do pcr. Does the queen of Covid-19 FOI really not know this?
She then gets abusive using the word “bizarre”, and her comment needed to be deleted.
And here Massey argues with Proton and Stoner on democide. Massey deftly avoids the democide discussion altogether despite it being obvious that is what Stoner is taking issue with. Massey then repeats the fantastic and imaginary catch-word “bizarre”, this time directed at Stoner:
※One person is talking about leveling the Baileys with a defamation suit. Details are still private.
※Another 10 infuriated persons wrote to me but declined to provide a public comment for this post.
Concluding Remarks From Proton Magic
Since the publication of the Bailey’s “Narcissist” video many readers are in a state of deep confusion about them. The Baileys deleted many reader comments protesting their video (so their comment section looks pristine), and the Baileys’ harassment of a number of writers they put on their flies-on-shit image is quite disconcerting. They seem to be narrative manipulating, censoring any SS that challenges them or the castle secrets, doxing, and harassment.
Why would the Baileys do these kinds of seemingly “pathetic” behaviors?
☞ It is in the service of narrative manipulation, shoring up their control of the majority of viewers in this space, and discrediting and censoring those who are looking at the Castle Secrets.
👉Their aim is to bury us in virology complexity so that we can’t see outside our small no-virus anthill at the larger secrets.
👉Their censoring can't be about $ because the Baileys would make more money if they kept us liking them and sending support their way with recommendations and positive comments all around. This indeed suggests there is some bigger influence than money behind their censorship practices.
👉They certainly made a mess out of their own reputation, and by extension to the “flies-on-shit-gang” and others in the no-virus no-germ medical truth space. Could that be the contrived outcome? The audience shouts “yes, yes, yes!”.
It is clear from their comment section on the “Narcissist” post that there were far more than a handful of comments that they deemed worthy of deleting. Remember, all those who featured in the Bailey’s video were blocked from commenting prior to the publication thereof and weren't the ones making comments the Baileys were deleting. It is also clear from the two comments shown earlier in this article by Penrose and Anderson that at least some of the comments deleted/censored were not even abusive or unreasonable but merely people disagreeing with the way the Baileys had handled the situation.
Its my guess that there were so many disgruntled commenters under the “Narcissist” post that the Baileys thought it necessary to do a 70-min follow up video interview the other day with their buddy Eric Coppolino just for damage control and to hammer-in the message.
In another post by Coppolino the other day, he lies and accuses me of posting a naked photo of him (he says there were two photos though there is only one so he lies twice). He knows very well I did not post it, and had even asked me repeatedly to delete this comment by Pooanon who posted the photo here. The photo shows no more of Eric than one would show on the beach anyway. He also accuses me of trying to publish naked photos of Fan Wu (where did I say or do that?).
👉No Eric, the satiric title of one of my posts is, “Fan Wu Naked Centerfold” (meaning Fan Wu’s research fraud is “exposed”-do you need a reading comprehension coach?). Your naked lies are the only naked things around here, and funny post titles are about the extent of critique you can pin on me because there is nothing worthy of recrimination that I have done.
Many will ask if these folks are “controlled opposition?”, honestly IDK and that is not important for our level of discussion about them on the ground today. The only thing we can see is who they are attached to in their own videos and the videos of others they participate it, and there is an element that some of us debunk some very popular writers like I have done with Greg Reese and others. We can get ideas but that is not a proof of being in a larger group. We can only say the behavior to others described herein is abhorrent and does not seem to be an organic person to person normal social interaction and wonder why their narrative crafting includes or excludes certain topics, some they are clearly denying and censoring.
👉Why do I need to make more of a mess some will ask? It is because readers need to be clear on the basis of exceptional accusations from groups that permeate this space on medical truth. This will be the only and last SS post I will make on the topic as it is a comprehensive and self-explanatory compilation on the issues.
Requiem for Heroes
To all Bailey supporters, of which I was one, we are in sad times. The intelligence, charisma, and good information on virology they provide makes it very painful to accept they have been manipulating narratives, hiding secrets, censoring, and harassing others that only wish to look at all aspects of medical truths. However, this is not just a lone nut proton’s opinion, we have herein provided proofs from what many others have experienced along with screen shots, what the Bailey’s say themselves, and the images they show in their own “Narcissist” video. We assume that as dissatisfaction with their behavior becomes known, they need to make posts to discredit those that have begun to talk about their manipulations.
In closing, let me be clear that hero debunking is not a popular pastime and I am personally tormented in having to be the one to do this. Unfortunately that time has come because truths for humanity are more important than hero worship or Proton Magic as a person or a substack.
Please forgive me if I have hurt anyone’s feelings on this post🙏
Yours Truly, Proton Magic
The following are but some of the many brave and talented writers that either contributed to this post directly and are referenced by name herein and/or gave me information in the last week of intense communication among many parties involved. In no specific order: Jamie Andrews, Francis Leader, Matt’s Microscopy, Virginia Stoner, Mia Breeze, Amaterasu Solar, Ricky Rants, & Rod Knoll. Support and helpful information: CH, PL, LD-Initialed for privacy. Important public comments imported from Mike Penrose, Steve Anderson.
1. All impolite, argumentative, snide, ad hominem, or aggressive comments will be deleted without warning.
2. Because the Baileys and Coppolino had banned or deleted comments on their post that went against their diatribe and/or were the targets of the recent harassment, and because Massey often makes numerous argumentative comments, we ask these persons to stay off this post’s comment section and any comments from your accounts will be deleted and/or banned. Any comments from accounts that are suspected to be from one of you with an alias will also be deleted and/or banned without discussion.
👉Please make your own posts or notes as you have forced us to do.
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Why do I need to make more of a mess some will ask? It is because readers need to be clear of the basis for exceptional accusations on others that permeate this space on medical truth.
Thanks for compiling this post and for including my comments.
I see a number of people cannot understand why some people are adversely affected by 5G EMF radiation and others are not.
I would like to provide some insight here.
No two living beings are completely identical. This is a known fact, is it not? We each have our own unique strengths and weaknesses. When grannie is bathed 24/7 in electro-magnetic radiation she is likely to be far more impacted than a child, born into this level of environmental toxicity.
We also have a wide variety of recovery rates. Some of us heal very quickly while others struggle.
Over the recent century and a half since electrification there has been a shift in health. Not just human health, but all living things have had to adjust to changes in the electro-magnetic radiation. Those species which could not cope have been dramatically reduced in number. Some have gone extinct.
When did you last need to clean flying insects from your windscreen or headlights? (For example).
I have written hundreds of articles explaining that the symptoms attributed to influenza and, more recently, to Covid are identical to the symptoms recognised as microwave sickness or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS).
Since 2016 I have compiled a huge archive of all the studies, articles and posts I either wrote or found from other concerned writers. You will find the archive included in this post.
I recommend that readers closely study the chart included at the foot showing correlations between electro-magnetic changes and new illnesses over time.