HOLY MOLY: As readership has grown it has become obvious that we are targeted by moles: persons who make believe they are supporting us but are up to other devices.

-You may recall that this SS got attacked in the comment sections of a few prior posts: "Isolated Terrain" & "Its a bird! It's a Plane! It's SuperChem!", but the recent nasties are different persons with a slightly different MO. Some are popular persons ostensibly doing good work themselves, but nonetheless seem part of a larger network that is actually connected to the fake freedom fighters. How do I know? Because of mutual connections the moles have with fake freedom fighters, and because the moles coming out of the ground has chronologically coincided with PM refusing to censure others by removing them from the PM recommendation list, and probably more importantly my calling out widely popular persons who clearly twist truths towards the official narrative and to whom the moles are connected to if you look deep enough.

👉Some of these persons just make subtly snide comments on PM posts, and some send direct messages or emails.

👉The “moles” have resorted to unrecommending PM from their SS lists, gas lighting PM to unrecommend others -aka asking me to participate in censuring others which would cause conflict between writers (which I refused to do), making other critical statements to PM, even going so far as to remove ONE LIKE in each of over 100 PM posts at one sitting which is a ridiculous way to spend a day and is silly psychological harassment, and 4-5 of them unrecommended PM en mass on the same day proving coordinated control. I hope these actions are teaching future moles what actions not to take that could blow their cover.

👉PM will never unrecommend others based on outside pressure.

👉This is an unmonetized SS and PM is beholden to no one when it comes to connection for income, praise, or popularity.

👉This SS is only about truth and comradery in figuring out the world.

Actions taken:

👉PM has made backups of all emails asking me to unrecommend others etc. and all the PM posts in both SS format as well as copies made directly into word files, and paper printouts. These files have been given to legal, IT, and other related entities in case something happens to PM or the SS, and will be plastered on any and every place in the internet in that case by these entities. I have also shared this information confidentially with a number of personal and business partners who will also help in spreading the documents in case of trouble.

👉PM is not an activist, does not plan to do any more than make SS posts, will not make videos or do interviews, and does not use social media.

👉I suggest you make personal copies of any PM post you think has valuable information (just select ALL, copy, and paste into a word file or outlook mail or whatever software you love that formats HTML).

👉PM has made detailed reports of who, how, the communications therein and the legal/IT and other associated entities I have employed are mandated to release this information publicly in case of serious harassment, further censorship, badmouthing behind the scenes, doxing, or other nefarious actions.

👉Otherwise, PM does not plan to take any further public actions on this matter at this time.

👉I decline to give answer any questions on who these persons are, I can only say that you’re knowing the type of things that go on back-stage are quite important especially if you are a writer, and to give a head’s up if you do not see me on SS after many weeks or months.

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This is why you are a favorite PM, you stick to your guns! 😎💪🏻

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PM, I still can not hit likes on comments except in my activity tab! Act as if I did ;)

Cheers mate

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Nice to hear from you Sirius! How is Isis doing lately?

Maybe just ask SS what to do, but often clicking the lock icon on the URL address bar and ditching the cookies and site data, then refresh page does the trick.

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Isis? Who, what, where? I don’t get your q…

Re:SS - Its an issue with java script - for some reason it will not work on my ancient FF, no matter what I do!

But yes, SS DOES have issues with cookies as well! Sometimes after browsing certain profiles or hitting a like on people’s notes I immediately loose ALL functionality and formatting starts acting like it is drunk - and in that case deleting cookies helps - but not with likes in comment section under stacks - that is java and it continues to be “broken”.

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Chrome seems to work the best, it's clearly spying on us though, well so is FF.

Sirius is the Star of Isis


The Egyptian clerics considered Sirius to be the star of the goddess Isis and organized their calendar in accordance with it rather than the Sun.

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Well, maybe weird, but I never liked the Egyptians…

The fact is that Sirius was revered by my ancient ancestors, the Illyrians.

From my About page:

“With the spiritual power of my Illyrian ancestors who revered the star SIRIUS, I search for the TRUTH wherever it may lead me!”

Yeah, no chrome for me...I try to avoid google products as much as possible!

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That's why it's so sad to see so many people put their work in the hands and at the mercy of SS. Setup your own website. One day SS will make all "inconvenient" content unavailable. SS is just another big tech centralization tool.

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Will do when necessary!

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One of the SS authors I read, calls it “StateStacks.” I think it is Kittens Secret Garden, not sure, but I feel they hit on something! I have also had problems with hitting the like button. I have considered abandoning SS but where else can a person go?

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I am recommending Odysee. You can post videos, articles, and files with no censorship.


I post to both (and two more...).

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I surely hope these psychopaths back off! Love always!!!

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We live at a time where opinions are not welcome. Truth cannot be shared where differing ideas and debate are not allowed. AI will be employed to prevent and prohibit thought. It is a tool that will become a weapon as we are stopped from being able to support ideas.

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Hey, your last comment was in my in box but I can't find it on the thread.

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Not at all surprising. 🤯 We must persist with the hope that goodness will prevail. We are hated but it only proves we are effective.

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I grasp that that is the psychopaths' plans, but that makes it vital that We step away from Their systems NOW.

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

Co-create better:

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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As someone who delved into genomics years ago, to the point of giving a paper at the International Society for Semiotics conference in Guadalajara Mexico in 1997, I can categorically say, it’s all bollocks.

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what is the genetic sequence of 'bollocks'?


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According to the intrepid team of sewerage testing experts, it’s the genome of whatever brand of unicorn syphilis is in the headlines at the time 🦄🦠👍

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Thanks - that's really interesting. I remember reading something along these lines a few years ago but obviously got distracted and never followed up. Recently Dr Tom Cowan got me interested again, in the questions around cell structure and the existence of DNA. I think, more than anything, after the past four years, we really have to question everything 'the science' deems to be objective truth.

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I’m enjoying this. I get a kick out of how many doctors cite papers when they confirm their assumptions. But the papers are just written by other doctors or scientists who get their own data from assumptions and bias. Turtles all the way

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Would like but is seems I'm blocked from doing so?

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Try to click the lock icon on the URL bar and delete cookies and site data.

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Not really sure why it is only Steshu I am having that issue with... No other comments anywhere pop up with that thing that says I'm blocked from liking.

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The Mandella Effect, must be.

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Well, I though I would check out Steshu's stack and... I'm blocked! Maybe that is why...

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Surely is weird.

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Like Chrissy from the Pretenders, I’m special??

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I guess... LOL! Still can't give You a like...

EDIT to add... Seems You blocked Me?

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Or something else. 🤷‍♀️

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That wiggly Genome looks just like a Gerbil, both of which can be shoved way up in the poop shute. Your post here sheds more light on just how confusing science can be when corruption, convoluted theories and conspiracy are added to the mix. No wonder big pharma doesn’t even try to figure it out but focuses only on what they know what to do- HARM! Bravo to your excellent science and research. 👏

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They set out to discover the ‘God principle’ and ended up with ‘Mice & Men’. Hilarious

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Money/power at its best...er...worst!

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After one looks into how the PCR process is supposed to work ( https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2022/05/08/pcr-and-real-time-rt-pcr-under-critical-review/), it is hard to believe that these guys are even amplifying what they say they are amplifying.

In truth, there is not much more to the PCR process other than adding certain chemicals (which incl enzymes, synthetic Nucleotides) to a patient sample which is then heated and cooled a few times to different tempretures. To say that this process is creating predefined or sought after generic sequences is giving this process and it's inventors FAR too much credit.

In the end, it is as you say, far more believeable that the "whole genome" was completely fabricated and in such a way that a computer program could more often than not find it in a soup of sample that has undergone such a process as a PCR or cell culture.

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I heat up

I cool down

I got words in my head so I say them...

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"In the end, it is as you say, far more believeable that the "whole genome" was completely fabricated and in such a way that a computer program could more often than not find it in a soup of sample that has undergone such a process as a PCR or cell culture."

That is not "Proton Magic's" position. He is speculating that (millions of times over and over) labs have skipped doing any steps at all other than typing up their in silico "genomes" (highly unlikely, imho).

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About your comments on dpl's post here:


and here:


These should be saved, so I will publish them here. This shows,

1. Your snooping around to doxx myself and something about dpl's profession.

2. You are making personal derisions on myself and dpl which have nothing to do with the discussion of concepts.

3. It really doesn't matter what our professions are, anyone can learn these topics with a bit of study which is obvious myself and dpl have done, and many of our subscribers have obviously done; we don't need to know their background to evaluate their logic.

4. It is highly questionable why you frequently create a mess of comment sections like ours that are quite minor substacks, in spite of how busy you are with your own writings. Messing up other's comment sections is certainly not helping your reputation in any way, is it possible that you are mandated to so for some reason? Something about us is threatening to people you are connected with? True, we have called out many fake freedom fighters.

There is a pattern arising, you and some other no virus persons all unrecommended me in one day, some of you wanted me to unrecommend others which is very inappropriate and distasteful (and you have that proof in writing already), removed my posts from your posts or SSs, and others, some have clearly snooped around for personal info and tried to mole into some of us. This is a sign of being in a coordinated group because most "normal" people are not interested in doing that.

Your comments from the links above (no worries I have screen shots):


Christine Massey's "germ" FOI N…Jul 2

How does that justify continual bashing of "the well known no-virus people"?

And how do you know that these people hide their identity because they are struggling? Do you know what "Proton Magic" does for a living? You might be surprised to find out he's not quite he rebel he portrays himself as.


Christine Massey's "germ" FOI N…Jun 20

There is no onus on no-virus people to run any experiments to disprove wild assumptions and leaps of illogic that are clearly unscientific and idiotic.

There is already a massive body of work exposing virology as pseudoscience. Yet you "Proton Magic" (hiding your face, name and profession), "DPL" (hiding his face and profession and no longer using his name publicly) and certain others have a hobby of bashing "the well known no-virus people" via (mostly vague) accusations and insinuations and illogical complaints. If your goal isn't to turn people away from their work, it certainly looks as though it is.

"Let that sink in💡"


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Comment removed
Aug 2
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Deleted for rude and harassing comment against the commentary rules in the About section.

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I simply responded to your comment. And fyi I saved my comment before you deleted it.

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👉Millions? Show us some papers of research labs, or the SOP of a clinical lab, using the same software as Fan Wu: Trimmomatic, Megahit, Trinity, I did not say labs were "typing up genomes", can you paste a quote? I said Fan Wu likely used Illumina (or other org) to output an alphabet they call a software consensus genome. Clinical labs use PCR. There is no proof of software assembled SC-2 genome, only statements by Fan Wu.

👉The dozens of research labs whose papers I have read all used PCR. Clinical labs certainly only use PCR. I have even called some research and clinical labs-they used PCR. Biotech "isolate" makers like BEI and ATCC use PCR (their isolate specs published in my posts).

👉Using software to make a genome is hard for the masses, even bio Ph.D.s to understand-many who I have spoke to in person. They conclude that, “there is a virus, the software just figured-out the genome”. There is no proof, not even the specs from Fan Wu that software fabrication was done-and I asked them, no reply. Promoting this story does not clearly debunk the fraud.

📢Only the non-software completely fabricated alphabet output would mean to all that, “there is no virus and it is all a fraudulent theater”.

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Comment removed
Aug 2
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Deleted for rude and harassing comment against the commentary rules in the About section.

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Back in 2007, Chinese virologists mentioned CoV-1, CoV-2 and CoV-3 in the Clinical Journal of Microbiology (this was referenced in Tom Cowan's book "The Contagion Myth"). CoV-1 was already history by 2003. How could these virologists predict CoV-2 13 years ahead of it appearing? Using a computer algorithm, that's how.

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There's no clear definition of 'covid' therefore there's no reliable reservoir of people (or flying mice) from which to draw samples for evaluating the so-called PCR diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 by submitting the PCR results to gel electrophoresis and sequencing.

Anyway, it's easier to send blind samples to such a diagnostic lab as a way to estimate if the testing has any discernable specificity or selectivity. You might find that any state of physiological or mental stress tends to give positive test results.

If elements of the so-called virus sequence actually represent RNA sequences that appear during acute states of stress, then that makes it easy to trick the doctors into believing a new & polymorphic bioweapon disease is circulating. To stealthily engineer such a psyop would require knowledge of one or more unpublished Acute Phase RNA sequences that overlap with published sequences already attributed to "the viruses" or more specifically to "the covid virus".

Just an idea.

What happens when biological samples preserved from before 2019 are tested by the PCR methodology?

A brief, highly selective history of acute phase proteins as indicators of infection, inflammation and injury


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Good points Pete! The reference I left in the post

https://pastebin.com/PsXCQmGZ noted: "The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes." Inflammation has been noted to be included by some, because they need a high % of ill people to turn positive.

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Fortuitous or by design?

Also, there may be more than one way to test these ideas, either by, for example, testing biopsy material from prior years or by testing on people (or flying mice) in different states of acute stress.

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A number of folks including "Mary Ann, THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS ON THE OTHER SIDE" have done BLAST analyses on the seqs. Prior biopsy material would be degraded and full of millions of molecules, and while people under stress is interesting it is not really an experiment because of the variation between these in the test and those on the pcr line that are uncontrollable in time, place, person, situation. BLAST is just asking if the seqs match, it doesn't require any material or situational test. Seems that has given lots of hints. Thanks Pete.

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Even the most exhaustive BLAST analysis is not going to be able to take into account that the current diagnsotic PCR's target at least three distinct fragments which presumably ensures that the amplicons are all linearly arranged upon the same stretch of nuclei acid. So just BLAST analysis of individual fragments is not going to be so convincing.

As for "prior biopsy material would be degraded":

The very notion that the 1918 Spanish Flu was a "H1N1" RNA influenza virus is based upon subjecting 100-year-old was paraffin slides of lung biopsies to PCR analysis -

Origin and evolution of the 1918 “Spanish” influenza virus ...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC15547

by AH Reid · 1999 · Cited by 905 — Influenza RNA for the analysis was isolated from a formalin-fixed, paraffin ... H1N1 subtype and different from any other sequenced influenza

Of course, old histology slides are not the only option available. there are many biopsy and serum samples that are preserved directly at -70 degrees and without any formalin/paraffin treatment.

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Hi Pete, you have to dig into the methods

This it’s the article


like all virology studies it did not find thus did not examine a purified isolated virus. They extracted RNA. Every biologic specimen has RNA.

RT-PCR was carried out...The entire HA coding sequence of 1,701 nucleotides was amplified

👉this is done by PCR and computer, it is not a direct sequence of a purified virus.

DNA Sequencing:

PCR that used M13 primers was done on white colonies, and the products were sequenced by cycle sequencing as described (16).

-Ref 16 is this paper


They amplified the primer frags and made consensus seqs. That is not a virus.

Phylogenetic analyses of the HA gene and its subsequences HA1 and HA2 employed parsimony and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods and used the software paup, version 3.1.1 (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony; ref. 17) and mega, version 1.1

👉The phylogeny is based on the computer generated HA seq and DNA using the software paup and mega, not a purified virus.

The following sequences were used in this analysis and were obtained from GenBank,

👉All the virus seqs in GeneBank are computer generated, they are not from a purified virus.

So it seems they did a a lot of stuff, but they never found a viral object except genetic fragments amplified and consensus aligned to other computer generated genetics. There has never been a purified and characterized viral object in the history of virology, it is fraudulent pseudoscience, made into a straw man built of computer genetics, deceptive cell cultures, and EM morphology of dead shadows of unknown provenance.

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We're talking about different things; I wasn't talking about if viruses are real.

I added the refence to the H1N1 so as to exemplify the technical issue of studying RNA in old tissue samples and not towards vindicating the deranged claims of virus hunters.


You said:

"Prior biopsy material would be degraded"

Then I said:

"The very notion that the 1918 Spanish Flu was a "H1N1" RNA influenza virus is based upon subjecting 100-year-old was paraffin slides of lung biopsies to PCR analysis -"


Whether or not tissue samples from prior years, such as lung biopsies embedded in formalin/paraffin histology slides, are either "too degraded" or, alternately, are considered to be adequate candidates for RT-PCR methodology is a completely separate question from whether or not "viruses" are indeed just phantoms that arise from misinterpreted data, superstitions, and lab artifacts.


To reiterate: the inquiry into the origins of the genetic material attributed to SARS-CoV-2 and other such "viruses" certainly should include studying the RNA sequences in tissue samples from prior years, even from prior centuries. It is incorrect to state that: "prior biopsy material would be degraded" and thus inaccessible to study.


In fact, there was never any reason for anyone to declare an outbreak of a new "virus" without exhaustively studying the genetic material in tissue samples from prior years so as to rule out that the genetic material attributed to "covid" doesn't actually represent acute phase RNA sequences that come and go as a function of physiological or mental stress. The same applies to the case of every suspected "infectious pathogen", while taking into account the rate of RNA degradation.

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Hey Proton,

It's always fun to try to hack away the bullshit together. Let me try to elaborate on my thoughts in response to this. I am not sure I am understanding you correctly, but what I am suggesting is that the system has, through it's genetic assembly process, created a way of "finding" essentially the sequence that it is searching for to use as the basis of the so-called pandemic. I don't think they make up this sequence whole cloth and then fake the results on paper. As I have said before, that certainly COULD be, and we can't deny that possibility, but I don't think it's the likely way this is done. Why? Because I think the way they do this, and have done this in many other cases, is by building an institutional framework that can do it again and again around the world and thus create the appearance of validity. In other words, now that they have conjured up this sequence (and we can theorize on how they did that), they essentially conjured up a sequence which is findable sometimes in people's dna. Then, they go have labs around the world independently look for this sequence. It would be very very hard to have all these labs just make up that they found it. I don't think the labs work that way. What they will do is just follow along with the recommended processes without stopping to think about the epistemic validity of those processes. Their grants don't call for foundational epistemic questioning! The grants call for lab analysis etc. And while the Hamburg paper does show that the largest sequence found in the Fan Wu paper was not repeatably findable, the sequence claimed to be "sars-cov-2" can be assembled by other software. That's why I stressed the other findings of the Hamburg paper as being very important. So there are 3 ways this could be happening. 1. there really is a virus and they keep finding it. Obviously this is absurd for all the reasons we have spoken of in the past. 2. there is a method for any lab in the world to assemble the sequence called "sarscov2" by the establishment but never verified to be an actual virus, or 3. all the labs in the world just make up their results over and over again and pretend to find it. I think option 2 is the most obvious answer, and fits within the long context of how this has been done for many decades now in regards to many so called "viruses" and diseases etc. I am not sure I understand your point but the way I have been understanding it, you are arguing for version 3. I dont see that as a credible reality and thus don't see that as a credible threat or attack to the system. I think the real way to criticize this bullsh*t generation machine they have built around the world is to call them out on the way they do it, and expose this as the pseudoscience which it is.

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Hi Mike. The simple story is that there is no genome and we should stop using that word as it brainwashes us, let’s call it an alphabet. Let me first spell out the playing field as I see it:


An alphabet of 30k (30,000) letters ("smoke" they call nucleotide bases) is made up by Fan Wu and this fiction is put in a gene library called GenBank. A labeling machine ("mirror" they call pcr) is made to find 30 letters (primers) that are in the 30k, and those 30 letters are also in many things. The labeling machine says Covid-19 on the box, whether it attaches to the letters or not, if the machine lights up to give a label, the ONLY label it gives is the Covid-19 fiction defined in the library (the "mirror" reflecting back on the "smoke"). The machine may also light up just because it is run over many cycles. It doesn't matter to the planners how or what makes it light up.


That is all you really need to know. Now I will reply to your points (🎬=you👉=me)

🎬 “the way they do this, and have done this in many other cases, is by building an institutional framework”

👉yes the alphabet (fiction in the library) of past fictional viruses is built up over many years just like it takes time to make a screenplay, but the results of the labeling machine has very little to do with the fiction because the machine labels many things, and even nothing, Covid.

🎬 “that can do it again and again around the world and thus create the appearance of validity.”

👉Correct but they are not finding the 30k letters only the 30 letter “primer” which maps to the fictional character in GenBank (and is found in humans and other microorganisms). YOU NEED TO SEPARATE THE FULL FICTION OF FAN WU WITH THE MAPPING TO THE FICTION BY FIAT WITH PRIMERS USED IN PCR AFTER FAN WU.

🎬they essentially conjured up a sequence which is findable sometimes in people's dna.

👉 ”Conjured” is a bit vague. They made up the fiction of letters called a “genome” so that it would be just be scary enough and scientifically sounding enough to achieve the purpose of the Covid operation. The fiction has seqs related to certain proteins and enzymes most of which exist in Nature like the HIV seqs. “People’s dna” is not the right term, the correct term is the mix of billions of nucleotide letters INSIDE a person from the mix of that person and other genetic material (nucleotides) in that person from bacteria etc. The alphabet (fictional genome) is not found in anyone’s DNA, only the 30 primer letters are.

🎬It would be very hard to have all these labs just make up that they found it.

👉The labs are not finding the 30k fictional alphabet, they are just finding the 30 letters that are in many things (humans and microorganisms), and ALSO, the labeling machine may just light up on nothing due to the process running especially at high cycles. Since the labeling machine says "Covid-19" on the box cover, then that only maps to the fiction in the library.

🎬while the Hamburg paper does show that the largest sequence found in the Fan Wu paper was not repeatably findable, the sequence claimed to be "sars-cov-2" can be assembled by other software.

👉There is no proof of assembling and ”Finding” is not the right word, nothing is found but the 30 letter primers seqs that are in many things and that maps to the fiction in the library.

Maybe some labs do have the software to fabricate the fiction that the primers are related to, but most of the labs you read or heard about only use primers. It all depends on what screenplay is in the software. You wanna copy of The Viral Delusion movie, you need that software that has it in it. The story is in the software before there is any primer data put in it. It is based on the fabrication that only needs to be SAID to be assembled by software. But it makes no sense for the Genome Mafia to use software to "assemble" something that might not give them what they want because it is all planned in advance. Proof of advanced planning you know I'm sure (here is a small sample of docs that prove pre-planning: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-corona-fake-dating-dossier).

🎬2. there is a method for any lab in the world to assemble the sequence called "sarscov2" by the establishment but never verified to be an actual virus.

👉This is your conclusion, and maybe some labs have copies of the software with some of the original specs but the vast majority of labs are just using primers that lead along the yellow brick road to the fiction in the library. That way there is no room for wobble. Do you want your WTC hitting plane to actually be piloted by some CIA doof or even a software program that can miss, and more likely the plane will just break up at that speed, or is it better to make a movie/hologram? You would make up a fiction as long as it is believable full stop (and that is exactly what the 9.11 planners did with volumetric projections).

🎬3. all the labs in the world just make up their results over and over again and pretend to find it.

👉You think this is my choice but I did not say that, this is not a movie where you get to make up the lines. My lines for the labs are: it is the primers that lead to many biologic objects that do exist already in Nature or even nothing, lighting up the labeling machine that deterministically only maps to the fiction in the library. For the original Fan Wu paper, yes I heartily say they made it up which fits with your statement of “building an institutional framework” which is a fictional sequence called a "genome" based on some truths (proteins that do exist in Nature) from various hypothetical genomes of prior never-found viruses. Just like Godzilla is a fictional character that runs amok on some truths that do exist in reality (people and cities). Once it is in the library it does not have to be made up anymore, it just maps to that by FIAT.

👉It’s simple but seems complex, and is a very rational and logical game plan on the part of the planners who had many long meetings to figure this out. Hope you will keep in touch Mike!

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I think your responses are the most logical Proton and best explain many of the mechanics of how this global crime (faux pandemic allegedly caused by a non-proven/existent virus) was accomplished. It was never necessary for any lab in the world to synthesize/assemble any alleged virus and none was ever proven to exist using proper methodology. That is the primary reason why the perpetrators strongly dissuaded researchers from trying to isolate it independently (they would have come up empty, so to speak). Once one accepts that the perpetrators' fundamental underlying goal is to depopulate/sicken and enslave (easily deducible from a reading of their white papers and public pronouncements), it is relatively straightforward to reverse engineer the most likely sequence of events and integral falsehoods. That's what I find appealing about your approach/assertions.

The entire PCR topic can be dispensed with permanently once one understands that even the inventor of the technology unequivocally stated that it cannot be used to diagnose anything. That is quite apart from the absurd cycle threshold (40 ct) that was commonly employed. Using that level of amplification, virtually any short sequence match chosen from the invented 30 kb (viral) genome/alphabet could/would be identified in virtually any specimen tested (one leader of a small nation was probably eliminated because he proved it). It was completely ludicrous that any properly credentialed expert accepted it as diagnostic of the alleged novel virus.

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Well put John thanks!

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Mike hasn't said anything whatsoever to suggest that there was any reality to "covid". The issue here as I understand it is whether 1) (millions of times) labs have skipped doing any steps at all other than typing up their in silico "genome" (highly unlikely, imho) or 2) they carry out steps that often result in their in silico "genome" (highly plausible, imho).

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All research labs I have read papers of (many) or called personally (many) only use PCR. ATCC/BEI Resources which are the largest biotech makers of so-called Sars and other "isolates" only used PCR (read the paper on Sars-C-2 on their site which was on my "Proton Magic Goes Virus Shopping" post ).

If labs have done the 30k genomes "millions of times" as you say, this should be easy to prove-we don't need opinions. Show us their raw data, software specs, and source code, show us confirmation labs who get the raw data and specs copies of the software and reproduce the full assembled genomes, "posthaste" as you like to say. We could call this a FOI of C. Massey's own statements.

Now if there is no proof of metagenomic in silico finding of S-C-2 (not just what the papers say because that is not proof), and so far there is no proof, that is the same level of proof of virus isolation, basically zero. In silico genomes suggests to the masses that this is a valid way to find a virus (there is a virus the computer is just figuring out the code). The planners are not really against this. They would be against the prewritten screen play version because that means it is all fraud and there is no virus no matter how you slice it. So if you favor in silico genomes then, you would be on the side the planners would like us to believe, and that is quite concerning.

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So Mike, there are 2 ways to make this fraud:

1, one is to actually put primers into a patient’s sample and then software-assemble a genome

2, the other is to just make a screen play, say you did it, and go to lunch.

Now think carefully about what these could mean to an uninitiated brain:

#1 can mean that, “there is a virus there the software just figured it out.

#2 would mean that, “there is no virus and it is all a fraudulent theater”.

→ This means the the planners are sort of ok with #1 but not #2.

This may tell us what kind of message someone is trying to really give.

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Excellent stuff as always!

Yo PM. I bet if you looked into what is causing Phimosis you would get REALLY inspired ;)

I did, and my stack on pedophilia is now 3 stacks long - soon to be published!

Have an awesome day, week, month, year, heck, eternity is ours!!!!


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Getting kinky huh?

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Hahah :-P)

Researching this subject - it was damn unavoidable…

Luckily, I have a war and more than few visits to hospital wards and ICUs under my belt - so I can handle stuff like this without “issues“!

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I love the way You break it all down. And I have to ponder Mike... I place probabilities You are correct at above 90% - maybe even in that special place: approaching 100%! (I never give 100% or 0% - always the possibility that I lack data...). Gotta restack this one! I hope MANY do the same!

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Great, I'll opt for 99% real and 1% virtual especially if it is from you AS!

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[hugs!!!] May the universe rectify positively in the very near future - minutes would be preferable! LOL!

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Pm doesn't do / use Sado Masochism?

"PM is not an activist, does not plan to do any more than make SS posts, will not made videos or do interviews, and does not use SM."

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Nah, easy go lucky, assume people are "normal" and trust them too much. I'm a sucker right?

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Nah, def not a sucker. Too willing to question everything like we all should.

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Sad story, a friend’s story sadly told to me. Back in the day in early 2000’s in Toronto we got the first sars virus from one person landing from a plane from China! Well I knew bc of the hype that something was fishy. Ground zero hospital was where friend’s uncle was visiting sick wife, the aunt. Then later that day uncle went to his sister’s home & apparently shed sars to his sister that was friend’s mother & shed it to friends father & friend brother. Friend was not there as we were told to stay safe. Bottom line brother recovered, father died in hospital, had to wear hazmat gear to say good bye but mother was expected to be released soon on Mother’s Day. Sadly mother died in hospital! The uncle never was sick at all but his sick wife passed away. This was the test bunny for evil future spyop drills:(


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Now that cell cultures are officially dead in the water... here is a new pivot the pushers are running with. Anyone seen this bullshit? "Microfluidics"....looks like another laugher.


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Thanks FP, just glossing over it, it looks like complexity overload to cover the same and some new circus stunts that have nothing to do with finding an isolated particle that is infective. You make many good comments, a short summary of this could be a good start for your own SS, I could link it in a future post and restack it to a note. Go for it!

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Apologies. I'm lazy this morning. The technobabble gives me brain swelling so I was trying to pass it off to someone else. It probably isn't worth the time. I think "circus stunts" is probably a sufficient 'short summary'. The biotech industry likely has a hundred of these gimmicks loaded in the chamber. They can't let go of their woobie so they have to create new ways to manufacture it by simply stacking the bullshit higher and higher.

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Nice Work! Identifying and vocalizing this Massive worldwide scam is so important! Modern Medicine and 'Medical Science' has become the new religion, that everyone is being forced to follow. The scale of this fraud is unimaginable. Only the ones with eyes to see, through this Sh1t!, can slowly make sense of this fiction. I do believe that it is not sustainable for them to complete their plans, but they are trying to do as much damage as possible, until they are stopped. We all need to rise as a collective to awaken the masses to the deception in the world, so this 'Mass formation' can be redirected to a more positive way of life. Even though we live in a so called 'Prison planet', the coming raising of vibration, will decloak evil, and it will not be able to live amongst us 'Real Humans' .

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The more things change, the more they remain the same. Continuing the illusion into ever greater complexity and circularity surely becomes a fools errand? They've been at it for awhile (see below). Look at how the methodology continues to dissemble.

PM. The Lego Starship without its proper registered designation displayed, NCC-1701, gives the game away ;-)

"When the culture is handled in the way described, WE BELIEVE that the cells that go into suspension and are used for electron microscopy are mainly those that are infected with virus. Virus particles were identified even when the titre in the supernatant was low."

"Virus particles or viral components were detected in ALMOST ALL the cultures inoculated

with known viruses, and in no instance in an un-inoculated control."

"Probably the most interesting finding from these experiments was that two human

respiratory viruses, 229 E and B 814. are morphologically identical with avian infectious


The Morphology of Three Previously Uncharacterized Human Respiratory Viruses that Grow in Organ Culture. J. gen. Virol. Almeida & Tyrrell (1967), 1, 175-178.

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What are they doing when they keep saying there are new "variants?"

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Mainly they are giving the unawake the shits.

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Do you think someone is actually doing PCR tests in a lab someplace and finding new bullshit sequences that they can call “variants?”

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No, because they would have to isolate a Sars-CoV-2 virus in order to obtain the alleged new variants which is what they failed to do over 4 years ago. Given the original description of viruses, I am not at all sure they are even theoretically possible given the parameters that were selected by those who first described them. Much more could be written/discussed about this issue.

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I agree with you. What I meant by "bullshit sequences" is that are they actually finding some bullshit genetic sequence with PCR and calling it "COVID?" I am guessing you can do this forever, find genetic sequences and label them as this or that "variant."

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In answer to your question, I now think it doesn’t matter because there is no proven Sars-CoV-2 virus in physical existence. That being the case there can be no variants. An educated guess might be as follows:

Logistically, it would be a simpler/cleaner form of perfidy to create them in-silico [through computer modeling or computer simulation] based on minor theoretical mutations of the alleged (fictitious) original Sars-CoV-2 virus (also an in-silico created entity only). If actual PCR tests are run on biological material of questionable provenance, the results might be totally unexpected/uncontrollable which would create unnecessary/counterproductive issues for the perpetrators. It is easier to simply claim that such tests have been performed.

Much more could be said about the theoretical impossibility of the physical and even theoretical existence of viruses as originally described but that would require a much more extensive post.

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Excellent John, we eagerly await your posts.

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Hehehe. “Convergent evolution.” You gotta be impressed when it comes to the creative writing skills those in public health have. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/what-to-know-about-covid-flirt-variants

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What a freakshow. I cannot believe I ever subscribed to occult bullshit virology.

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