This post stimulated a maelstrom of acerbic comments and as they grew it became clear this was an intentional attack using the, "Discredit by Making a Cesspool Strategy".
As a counter strategy I decided to :
1. Let these comments stand to show the attack was happening and their content.
2. Make a sibling post focusing on the specific issue brought up here of a chemical mimicking "Sars virus" symptoms.
Great expose of the fraud that "David Martin" is. However the narrative of "there is no coronavirus" is also a diversion - exit ramp. "Coronavirus" is a synthetic chemical poison, i.e. a CHEMICAL weapon. You can think of "Sars cov2" as a brand name, like Novichok (which means "newby" in Russian). When someone says "weapon", the jerk reaction is that it must be deadly or it can't be called a weapon. Nothing could be further from the truth. A chemical weapon that doesn't backfire but produces necessary effects of a psyop is quite ingenious, imo. There is also a category in the bioweapons laws designated for "hoax weapons", so it's a thing. Synthetic chemicals are quite possible to design on a computer and synthesize in a lab. The only difference between "chemical" and "biological" thus made is the size of the molecules used - chemical is small and stable, biological is very large (and less stable). Biologics are not necessarily naturally occurring things. The FDA CBER regulates "biologics" and practically none are naturally occurring (expt blood products). They are all derived from nature, i.e. natural substances/peptides/toxins are used as basis for designing synthetic chemicals. Plus delivery formulations and mechanisms to stabilize, make reproducibly in quantity and to transport/ deploy.
Chemical warfare is an internationally prohibited warfare. That's why it is some of the most funded and developed class of weapons since the 60s (when it became prohibited). If you are "caught" as a government making chemical WMDs, that's a big problem! So they simply rename it into bio-bullshit, and then, when caught (of course they are caught, nobody in the biowarfare military-intelligence complexes are that stupid), the collective cover story is 1) natural viruses 2)when #1 fails - GOF viruses and secret biolabs; 3)It's Fauci's fault, let's all blame him. It is a collective cover story because they are all doing it - US, Russia, China, Europe, anyone with large militaries.
PS. At this point I am certain Fauci has an ironclad deal with the US government (possibly other governments too) that provides immunity against criminal and any other form of prosecution. That's why everyone feels so safe blaming everything on him.
The same yahoos that bought up all the toilet paper were the first first to gleefully spout off about ‘the government’ is culling the people.’ 6 months later they diagnosed with cancer and were not that gleeful anymore. Hello last time i checked you were a people.
Dear Sasha (or whoever you really are as an individual or group). Your comment struck me as important because you are billed as a "pundit" on the internet so I have pinned it at the top and taken copies and screen shots of this thread. Without going into the irrational scientism in your comment, your insults and word usage is the only biological weapon I have as yet seen. I would have, but will not delete your nasty comments so everyone can see them as they speak for themselves who you are.
You and David seem to be tandem diversion agents, he into patents and you into weapons. I guess you can fool many people but it is really a ridiculous strategy. Can you tell us the agency you really work for? No independent person with your or David's intellectual ability on the side of the common person would make this kind of illogical rational like you guys do.
More importantly, why do you give a shit to spend time writing on a newsletter like mine that is a small and silly satirical grass-roots semi-cartoonish letter and I am a nobody, don't do research, never on a video, just mind my own proton business? The debunking of the virus narrative and big people like David Martin must be a sore spot in the propaganda game you guys are playing for a larger organization.
" More importantly, why do you give a shit to spend time writing on a newsletter like mine that is a small and silly satirical grass-roots semi-cartoonish letter and I am a nobody, don't do research, never on a video, just mind my own proton business?" - keep your "proton business" that way NO MATTER what the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN offers OVERTLY or COVERTLY - latter being the usual modus operandi as TSOS ITSELF is by definition unaware of its BS (as defined by Harry Frankfurt) - in PRIDE or MATERIAL BENEFIT.
THE HUMAN MIND captured by delusional thinking is the main curse - to summarize it for a comment section for this point in time! Not meaning THE CURSE does not deserve much more attention.... it surely does but before the cure comes the pain.
IMO, her mission is to run cover for David Martin by making a cesspool out of the comment section to discredit the post even if she has to sacrifice herself on the way.
"her mission" sounds very much like "being aware" of the end result... which I would have to strongly disagree - at this point in time - as A DELUSION persists as long as the scales are covering up THE TRUTH.... looking the other way once contradicting information arrives can only keep THE DOGMA alive so long ... as proven time and time again throughout history, which provides the glimmer of hope referenced to earlier ... THIS IS TRULY - LITERALLY - BIBLICAL ... imtho!
Sorry if I dont fully catch your ideas but the mission isn't necessarily her's, its whoever had been using her SS acct at that time. And in fact about 8 hrs ago she was at it with me even though she's in Florida no? Sure she could be in another country now....
Anyway she's just following orders to cover for Martin by the discredit by making the comments into a cesspool strategy.
No problem - all the words expressing in my comments are intended - I guess - to allude to the MOST LIKELY (from my pov) possibility that ANY HUMAN MIND claiming that a specific "substance" is causing the "observations" concerning the topic at hand or any other is participating in the game of chicken TSOS - not to be understood as a formal institutionalised organisation - is promoting by THE BS TSOS is making up in its PRIDE, ARROGANCE, HYPOCRISY AND HUBRIS... and every HUMAN MIND following this lead is drinking from the poisoned well ... keeping it simple, humble and honest are the best worldly expressions I am able to describe it ....
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome a it.
Jn 1, 1-5
" Anyway she's just following orders to cover for Martin by the discredit by making the comments into a cess pool strategy." - "directed" in a delusional way ABSOLUTELY, THE HUMAN MIND believing THE BS does not recognise THE TRUTH...
Equally like a robber believes robbing is the best way to go about life ... as the "robber" does not know any better way ... it OFTENTIMES defies believe how DELUSIONAL THE HUMAN MIND can be, but the headquarters of TSOS has realised that DELUSIONS work and has put them to work to their worldly material benefit ... not realising THE HEAVENLY PRICE TAG of this approach ... throwing ALL HEAVENLY WARNINGS to the wind!
Sasha, can you please explain what your statement here means:
"Coronavirus" is a synthetic chemical poison, i.e. a CHEMICAL weapon. You can think of "Sars cov2" as a brand name".
What is the formula, how was it found, how and where is it dispersed, what chemical analytic report do you have?
If you have this info great, everyone is happy to review it. If not then we cannot understand what you want to say. We already know that no Sars-Cov-2 has been found, we know that the fake tests don't lead to a virus, relabeling other conditions incl EMF/pollution/HCQ high doses, hospital protocols, media hype, etc have sickened people, possibly vaccines before 2021, and since 2021 Covid shots, many of these things causing respiratory symptoms.
If you don't have chemical data then you are not adding to the discussion and only pushing something to fear and confusing the sector of people who don't really understand what's going on to take shots and diverting away from the no virus found truth.
Why you, who can clearly understand biopharm, do not make it clear to the public that there is no virus is an enigma. The paper is the Fan Wu paper whose fabricated genomic registration is the basis for the name of a so-called virus "Sars-CoV-2". It only took me 15 min to find and 20 min to read to realize that no virus matching this description by the people writing this paper, and because that is such crucial info we expect you know it or would want to know it.
Sasha's condescending, contradictory word salad is a diversion from the fact that the world was terrorized over an alleged replicating particle causing a contagious disease, which was never backed by a shred of science, and when no such thing has ever been shown to exist in the history of virology.
She would have people believe, absurdly, that the idiocy of virology and the unproven nature of "viruses" is no big deal, "a diversion", when in fact our lives are profoundly affected in myriad ways by "germ" mythology.
She attempts this by once again inventing a new narrative around the nonexistent "SARS-COV-2". "SARS-COV-2" stands for "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2", not "synthetic chemical poison". If there is no virus, there is no SARS-COV-2, period.
If Sasha now claims that the "covid" tests were actually validated tests for detecting some "synthetic chemical poison", I hope people will challenge her to cite valid evidence. Because so-called "laws" designated for "bioweapons" or "hoax weapons" are not evidence of a specific "synthetic chemical poison" accurately detected by "covid" tests.
The fake "confirmed cases" were based on fraudulent, meaningless, indirect tests, supposedly for a "virus" but incapable of confirming a "virus", especially when no "virus" was shown to exist, ever.
Obviously other things were going on during fake-covid; there are always countless toxic exposures in our world. But none of them were "covid", per se. One of the things we know for a fact was going on was the snuffing out of lives via horrific hospital protocols. Vague, unsupported "SARS-COV-2" stories (including from RFK Jr.) distract from such crimes.
(I won't be addressing Sasha directly, unless she apologies for her behaviour back in March, documented here:
Can I prove cadmium was deployed against US or other citizens of the world? Nope - not one toxicologist has bothered to check if a toxic metal was a cause of respiratory illness requiring hospitalisation.
But cadmium, alongside aluminium and strontium, is used regularly in chemtrails that makes our skies perpetually white...
These are good ideas JP, only if there was a toxin in the environment it should affect kids equally, since it doesn't it seems it's mainly relabeling and fake test then hospital Covid protocols. But I keep an open mind.
Good objection. The Australian data clearly showed it was the elderly being murdered throughout, and even the under 45 age bracket didn't even have a jump in mortality during the vaccine campaign (see graph 3):
Wouldn't aerosolized cadmium affect children more than adults at the same ppm concentration since they have a smaller BMI. I'm not alleging that cadmium is the cause of the symptoms, although the copious aerosolized nanoparticulates certainly aggravate cardiac and pulmonary problems people may have.
Yes and the "covid" symptoms also overlap with seasonal flu and a host of other "diseases", and loads of things can contribute to making the body want to spew stuff out and not eat. It's nothing new, we're exposed to all sorts of toxins every day. 2020 would have been life as usual without the fake-covid news/terrorism.
Christine is a psychotic liar. I banned her permanently from my substack for writing abusive comments, making up fraudulent statements and other bad behavior.
It's not a medical comment. I don't provide medical advice. But she should seek professional help, which I advised her before banning her ass for lying, trolling, making up statements and attributing them to me. I am simply proactive when this "clowns in action" affiliate appears again.
PS. Now that I think about it, "christine" has delusions and hallucinations. She constantly makes up bullshit about me, makes up statements I never made and then attacks this imaginary "enemy" like a rabid chicken. Do chickens get rabies, I wonder?
You ALL may be making false accusations and such, for all that I can know, with the back and forth finger pointing, and with all of the bickering and the name calling (guilty myself from time to time), and with the general division and chaos that is being created and coerced along strange and deceptive lines that are being drawn by hidden hands, I perceive...
Now, thanks to our friends in the 2,3, 4, and even 5-letter agencies, we are all being divided even more, and with limited control over our media, and with the tyrants and trillionaires calling the shots, we are being technologically and psychologically manipulated and controlled more than ever before, likely.
Truth, to me, is that this Earth is not to be cheerlessly nor cheerfully ignored by our clumsily led politicians and all of these corporate-controlled killers and murderers, and the UN, DoD, CIA, USDA, DARPA etc.,etc., and with our own individually ignoring of the fact of how in such a relatively short time (250 years, or thereabouts) we have managed to burn through much of our clean air, clean water, and clean soil, as well as our own health (which is the ONLY true wealth I believe), and we are yet still busy- especially those fully invested in modernity and soft living from high on the economic and societal ladders- killing our children's hopes for a righteous and relatively balanced lifeway, and other such painfully sick nonsense and blasphemies from the likes of whoever is backing the Bill Gates', and the Elon Musk's, and the Larry Flint's, et. al,...
I know that we are all at different points in this adventure, Life, but the sooner we can come to address the clear and concise Major Obstacles, rather than continually be spun around by the media machine until 'their' million and one diversions collapse under the all too real weight of the fact that we're being had by these wicked, lying, murdering creeps that sit up in High Places, the better and more honestly this dreary and depressing nightmare of gross consumption can really, truly be addressed, and it seems to me that a good start would be to curb our seeking out and creating/generating crude amounts of plastic and 'trashy' wealth, and to get rid of our Creation of Trash in its entirety.
It is one of our specie's truly great mistakes, and one that the greedy and lazy, and the crafty and the manipulative - all of the 'speculators' among us- have encouraged among the 'useless feeders' for too long.
Withdrawing our energy from these Architects that would design our slavery, if not our doom, and putting it towards a simpler, more natural and Down to Earth way of conducting 'business'' - A powerful first step, if any are willing to make it, turning back- if not Destroying - the stupid clocks and other unnecessary devices that help to keep us all mostly enslaved to this corrupting mediocrity.
Well said. As I stated on another substack, the answer is not in politics, nor legislation of any kind, but in people going back to living a more natural life, connecting with the land and all of nature, growing as much of your own food as possible, exiting "their" system essentially. That includes as much of the system as you are able to at the beginning. You can't fight a system, what you resist persists, but instead you create another paradigm and the old one will crumble in time. Live with respect to nature, the earth, (whatever the realm is), the animals, plants and insects, and each other. Everything else will fall into place in time.
That said, a lot of the "mess" that has been created may find itself partially resolved in 2040 and 2046. Regular periodic cataclysms and resets may have historically occurred just to remedy mankind's repeated mistakes. Time will tell.
Christine, 25,000 people from 143 countries have done that and found my evidence satisfactory. one puny little liar - (you), is asking for "evidence" of claims that you yourself made up and attributed to me. That's why you are a proven liar and a fraud. Just like Dr. Martin. Another version of a bullshitter and grifter.
I'd like to see where even 1 person from any country asked Sasha for proof that the "covid" tests were actually validated tests for detecting some "synthetic chemical poison", and she provided that proof.
Let me guess, 'Sasha', these people that found your evidence satisfactory - are they pulled from the same bunch of Young Global Wasters that the WEF have been cranking out for the last 50+ years??
Yes, you somehow banned me from your Stack for politely questioning you about Ivermectin on this Stack. How does that work Sasha? I certainly don't have a button like that. This was while you responded with name calling and character defamation. Who's the Psycho? You might want to check out my Memes post from this last Sunday...........#5
WOW! The exchange between between Christine & Sasha is incredibly shocking. I did not expect Sasha to resort to repeated name calling & verbal abuse. I believed her to be of better character than this. I honestly would have liked Sasha to simply answer Christine’s questions & provide source evidence for her claims of chemical weapons. It’s as if some possessed entity took over Sasha’s account. Or perhaps I placed her on a pedestal? Very disappointing & disillusioning.
As I respect Sasha’s views, I listened to the David Martin interview & can’t say I agree with her assessment. Yes, Martin came off pompous yet he is certainly knowledgeable about history. He did tend to deviate into his own very personal history but, overall, he actually made some very valid points. I do feel that Alex purposely attempted to make Martin look bad.
Cowan, the Bailey doctors, Alex, & rest of their camp are great for poo-pooing the virus theory as a fraud but I find their “evidence” for supporting or insisting that Terrain Theory is the real story behind illnesses has been weak thus far. Terrain Theory certainly has merit but I’m not completely convinced that ppl cannot spread certain diseases or infections to others which would affirm to some degree the Pathogen Theory.
Why don’t Alex, Cowan, the Bailey doctors, & rest of their group focus more on finding ways to cure ppl from vaccine injuries & long covid? This is where ALL researchers & doctors need to turn their attention as the need throughout the world is very great.
Dr.Ana Mihalcea is making great strides in clearing people of rouleaux & sticky blood as well as the parasitic-like hydrogel nano fibers. SHE’s NOT WASTING HER TIME ARGUING WITH OTHER PROFESSIONALS OR MDs. SHE’s DEVOTING HERSELF EXCLUSIVELY TO SAVKNG HUMANITY. Alex, Cowan, the Baileys, etc. need to do the same. Otherwise, your arguments are just self-aggrandizing petty BS!
Speaking for myself, I barely discuss terrain, and in case you haven't noticed virology and germ theory and the contagion myth have been used to cause massive amounts of harm for >100 years. If you don't find the work of no virus people valuable (a position I find downright bizarre), oh well. Enjoy the next scamdemic.
I didn't see Alec trying to tear DM down, he simply held DM accountable for his public statements and tried to get him to answer simply straightforward questions. And instead of giving straightforward answers DM danced around, flat out lied (claiming he never even implied that viruses exist!) and played the victim card.
No idea why you're screaming in ALLCAPS, and telling no virus people how to spend their time.
Veronica, "Terrain Theory certainly has merit but I’m not completely convinced that ppl cannot spread certain diseases or infections to others which would affirm to some degree the Pathogen Theory."
Despite hundreds of years of strenuous effort (and marketing).... the result is a clear demonstration of failure to produce evidence of jumping 'pathogens'. Why still cling to it? They sure gave it a shot...Maybe it is time to explore other explanations for observed natural phenomena. If you had never been groomed from birth in germ tales, would you really think a group of 2 or more people getting (sometimes) similarly ill around the same time was a flying demon particle? Aside from good old fashioned poisoning, there are a lot of reasonable explanations being discussed...including entire new paradigms and perspectives on 'dis'-ease and health that have blossomed from the so-called "terrain group"...
Please note, in my humble opinion "germ vs. terrain" is a false dichotomy. Germ "Theory" is a religious dogma, and a closed system with rigid borders. "Terrain" appears to be a (re)opened book that can explore multiple open pathways- to health/disease- albeit with a somewhat similar agreement on certain foundational principles. If it weren't for billions and billions of dollars and marketing (masked as "science") dumped into the former, we'd probably all just think it was batshit crazy superstition (pun intended)...
You also said..."Why don’t Alex, Cowan, the Bailey doctors, & rest of their group focus more on finding ways to cure ppl from vaccine injuries & long covid? "
You must have missed the last 3 years. There is no "covid", short version, medium version, long version. Why would they discuss "curing" a non-existent disease? I've heard plenty of discussion from this group of identifying various explanations for the symptoms associated with certain labels. It isn't very complicated and extremely helpful for those previously confused by germ and fear stories. The best way to cure a vaccine injury is to not get a vaccine, ever...No virus, no need for needle interventions...voila. Think of it as 'preventative medicine'. I recommend getting the 'end of covid' catalog. There are some wonderful presentations discussing fascinating new (and old) modalities for health/'dis'-ease. You may never look back.
Busting down a giant monolith is hard work and requires certainly is not self-aggrandizing and petty.
Wow, Veronica, I am simply shocked! Why do you believe in viruses? Why do you promote PCR? You need to show proof that virus was isolated. You are making wild claims that you need to back up with facts and science. Is your caps lock stuck? I am waiting.
Sasha, I wholeheartedly admire & respect the work you’ve done. I’ve recommended & your Substack to numerous ppl & will continue to do so. Your contribution to this fight agst. the global predators & your collaboration with Katherine Watts has proved insightful if not invaluable.
Your statement that David Martin is a fraud may be true. My take on him is less certain than what I’ve come to believe about Robert Malone - a former CIA man who takes credit for creating mRNA technology yet he apparently didn’t know it was harmful to administer to the populace? I can’t understand how Malone is considered a hero of sorts and how many “freedom” fighters refuse to ask him any piercing questions about why he didn’t speak out about the potential harms of the mRNA “vaccines” BEFORE they were rolled out. And if he designed the mRNA then why won’t he reveal how to UNDO the mechanism?
Martin did not come off well overall in the interview but I do feel he made some salient points. One in particular, that many “freedom” fighters are making beaucoup bucks during this pandemic and he was agst. this grift. Dr. Paul Alexander has likewise repeatedly made this complaint. I think they’re both right unfortunately.
I spend hours every day reading various Substacks & watching one or more videos because I feel it’s important to be informed. Dr. Shankara Chetty recently made a very excellent point about being childlike in our want to question things & keeping a open mind. In the interview with Martin, I found I was not wholly in agreement with your expressed view that he was a “fraud”. Was your statement backed up by evidence? No, it appeared to be more personal opinion. Did you expose Pfizer & Moderna to be frauds? Yes, absolutely and you had the receipts to back up your claim as did K. Watts, Attys Todd Callender & Thomas Reinz, etc.
Such questions as what’s in the vaccines, whether viruses exist, is Terrain Theory valid, etc? - the answers to these questions are an ever changing landscape. We KNOW that PCR tests are fraudulent in identifying viruses coz Terry Mullins, the inventor, said that they weren’t designed for this. (Interestingly, Dr. Bryan Ardis showed that they are typically used for determining envenomation cases).
I have grave concerns for the Freedom Movement when there is so much dissension in the ranks. If we all keep focusing on petty disagreements, which are really personality based, then we shall lose the war agst. the globalists. It’s important to hold to the truth, back this up with evidence, & distinguish between fact & opinion.
I’m not interested in engaging in cat fights. I look to you, Sasha, as a leader. I love you as a fellow Christian coz you’ve willingly put yourself in the lion’s den. (Yes, I liked your painting of Daniel). But your exchange with “Christine” was unbecoming, even embarrassing, & not what I expected from an intelligent leader. I’m sorry but as one of your followers & admirers, I feel I must hold you to task. If someone poses a question answer them to the best of your ability but please don’t engage in name calling coz it comes off puerile & debases your brilliance. You’re better than this. It doesn’t matter what ppl throw at you, keep yourself on a high spiritual plane. I’ve recently been reminded of this lesson in my own life. We are all imperfect beings & this imperfection can show itself in the most trivial situations. Continue the fight but steer clear of personal attacks & criticisms, and unnecessary squabbles.
It should be apparent to you by now that your "respect" and looking to Sasha as a "leader" is misplaced. When something is staring you right in the face, not just once, but over and over again, why can't see it for what it is?
David Martin is not what he projects, and when one looks and listens closely you will see that, not to mention the pages and pages of proof of his connections, actions, and direction.
As well, as much as I thought Yeadon was a Pharma guy who's eyes were opened, I'm not totally sure of that now. He signed the "Setting The Virus Debate" challenge, but is that because he truly wants more of the actual facts? Remember that an important part of the game is the misinformation, the seemingly "good guys", whether whistleblowers, newly awakened, or whatever, shockingly expose the fraud, the unbelievable actions of agencies and individuals, but yet when you start really digging you find they have these continuing connections to the perpetrators. This includes Sasha.
In the end, what really matters and will effect change is that people revert to natural living, exiting the system as it is, creating their own small communities of like minded individuals, and thrive. And that they will! It's already being done. The continual search for "the truth" is actually quite fruitless when it comes to this whole farce because in reality, once you know there are no contagions, only toxins and poisons, and you know how to live healthily, what has happened and what's to yet come in their system really doesn't matter. It's their game to play and you don't have to participate.
Then nail it down for us, Sasha, and for starters, how about a clear explanation in reply to the question, here, rather than the distractions of fumbling like Biden ?...
"If... the "COVID" tests were actually validated tests for detecting some "synthetic chemical poison",.... cite valid evidence. Because so-called "laws" designated for "bioweapons" or "hoax weapons" are not evidence of a specific "synthetic chemical poison" accurately detected by "covid" tests."
A simple enough question.
And this is why I side with Christine, is that she wants the 'obvious' to be laid out for all to see, and that is this business of the fear of death and illness having been made a major occupation by everyone that is guilty of lying intentionally; and with no proof being provided for At All by these that would force this wickedly intentional mass murder upon the gullible, careless, unsuspecting plebs, why shouldn't you that are guilty by direct or indirect assertion about these life and death matters be held to scrutiny of every word and lie out of your mouths?
That all of the doctors, nurses, politicians and bureaucrats, scientists and CEO's who profited from such lies and the misery wrought, are absolutely guilty of High Crimes against humanity, and while this is, perhaps, a matter for the courts (most are still readily willing to admit), I am not too afraid to speak to the reality, which is that when the courts are being ran by the very criminals that we hope to convict (ludicrous!), then we must find the avenue to Justice - not brutally exacted vengeance and revenge, or petty protests and revolts, nor any form of violent behavior unless the people are being brutalized theirselves, which, I must sadly say, is the precipice that we as a civilization are brought to it appears, as the Nazis never lost control, of course, and we all may as well lay off of all of the nervous politeness (which is only ever grovelling in the presence of the 'royalty', and is a disgrace- get off your knees!), and start demanding an end to the Tyranny, because it should be coming quite obvious that this is the monster we are faced with.
Do the dissenters wish to be rounded up in a CBDC prison, vaxXed and sterilized, sucking up the daily allotment of soylent?
And while no one hardly (understandably) cherishes the idea of being killed for defending one's right to a natural life lived out from under the threatened and now commenced genocidal destruction of the "useless eaters", by a world-eating Cabal of unsavory 'people', surely there are some that would not care in the least bit for the gas chamber, the firing squad, the electric chair, or prison cell, equally to a life on bent knee to these true monsters, these baby-killing globalists and their aiders and abetters.
Come now, Sasha, fess up, come clean! - join us that do not fear living, and therefore are willing to speak out in order to preserve our abilities to do so.
The Truth to be had courageously is surely worth living for, and if anyone has love and honor for such High Aspirations as That, then they'd best be standing up with their best thoughts forward, and willing to lay down their life's blood to protect their Worthy Birthright, which is no king's, prince's, politician's, or pope's Nor ANY human being's to bestow, nor for such to hinder by use of these blasphemous and cruel methods as they are now becoming Known For.
Just to recoup: First you claimed I was a man, deranged and so forth. Then you started offering your hand in marriage (are you gay?) Than started writing these mile long posts which are TLDR. Learn to be concise if you want me to respond to any of this. I skip rambling, boring and disorganized writing.
I really expected nothing more than what you have offered throughout this 'conversation', Sasha.
Sasha is a boy's and a girl's name, no?
But if you are really wanting to know, I am board straight, unvaxXed, and was only jesting when I proposed to the agent sasha- I have no real interest in a 'woman' that behaves as you have, here, and certainly have no desire for Sasha's male counterpart's hand in marriage.
Besides, you seem to be in need of much more than I could offer you- a real high maintenance kind of woman, I can tell!
If you want to remain here talking such garbage and filth, then by all means!
It is a performance worthy of a b-lister like yourself, sure, but we all have to eat, don't we Agent Sasha? 😘
Oh no, I was already planning a wedding with my dear fiance Marcus, a group wedding for all of us agents here in the Adis Abbaba post office. Hm, we'll have to figure something else out for the weekend.
And of course I want to remain here. How can you even question this my love! We have the rest of our lives to spend together in holy matrimony you proposed so beautifully. Agent Ressler says hi by the way. wink wink.
Powerfull and passionate! I concurr and share the same conviction you have expressed so very cogently.
The last four years have wisened me very quickly. I had listened to Latypova as her arguments made sense. I do not disagree, or agree with all she states. After reading her responses, which left me in shock and disgust, I have lost all respect for her.
Are these synthetic chemicals designed on a computer and made in a lab capable of self-replication and transmission from host to host? If not, what do mean by saying that the claim that "there is no coronavirus" is a diversion? Coronavirus was said to replicate itself in a host and then transmit from host to host. That's what everyone understands a virus to be. So, that's at the heart of the matter as far as I can see. Hardly diversionary. If you're claiming that that is not what coronavirus is, aren't you agreeing with the position that there is no coronavirus - as understood? Also, did anyone ever sequence the "coronavirus" in the vaccine to prove that it is indeed what David Martin's patent claims?
But how do I know if the definition of "chemical substance" is the one you're using? What dictionary can I use? Because you may tell me that you aren't using those words in their common sense. It's like talking with Humpty Dumpty who says that, when he uses a word, it means exactly what he says it means, no more nor less. Alice had no chance of a logical conversation with him.
I am still baffled how people can't imagine chemistry existing, but I ascribe it to destroyed and dumbed down educational system in the west. Yes, Allen, everything around you is made by media and only exists in your TV. Lmao. When you get rats in basement, don't buy rat poison, that's a hoax. just turn on CNN, it should take care of the problem.
I guess your science knowledge comes from "christine" and her "FOI" I see why you would not buy poison - of course it's a hoax! Media made it up. Meanwhile, you are making stuff up just like your clown girlfriend does. For the same reason - to suppress any investigation into the covid power grab by the government. I hope they pay you minimum wage for this. In India. Or Tadjikistan. Whatever. Write more "viruses don't exist" posts. The last 1 million of them were not clear enough. lol.
Oh, wait, I forgot. I paid $25K to support the Schara's family case for hospital murder. What did you do? Wrote another love letter to "christine", because you read another "FOI" that FINALLYYYYY!!! PROVED. VIRUSESDONTEXIIIIIIISTTTTT!! lolz lolz
Look, lets say you are right, FOIs are not science. Ok, so just send us a paper showing a purified on density gradient and isolated replication competent virus particle with a proper control.
In any case stay calm, maybe a few drops of thorazine or olanzapine once daily will calm, you. We're not interested in seeing you decompensate just because of the Proton Magic News. If you were rational we might even fall in love with you. Take it easy.
Why should I send you papers about isolated virus particles? This has nothing to do with what I said about making synthetic chemicals. Are you also thinking that those do not exist because they "have not been isolated"? Lol.
As I said, I am very calm, and I do not take any drugs. You seem to be making a diagnosis over the internet and prescribing meds too? Wow. Didn't you just object to that? How strange!
I listened to the whole thing and found it amusing...nothing like a little male drama. When Alec was getting somewhere, Martin pulled the beaten child sympathy. Not making fun because hey child abuse but he laid it on thick then beat Alec over the head with it because he was losing.
Martin was his usual self, contradictory, evasive, and I realized only later that he avoided even addressing Alec's question about the imaginary particle's existence, instead he danced around and when Alec tried to bring him back he pivoted to causation, avoiding any discussion of fake-sequencing, fake-isolation, all the ridiculous methodologies of virology. He denies that the scientific method can ever demonstrate causation of anything.... but claims to somehow know that his friend died from inhaling anthrax. Hmm.
Alec deserves a medal!
Pretty sure DM was not telling the truth when claiming there had been a US court case bringing up no-virus, which he was involved in. A while back he was promoting a lawsuit he was involved in and referring people to the website. It won't load for me now, but I had looked at it back then and the paperwork I reviewed was purely within the yes-virus framework.
He also posted on FB about a lawsuit last year and I think it's the same one. I left a comment the other day asking if this is the one he was referring to but he's not answered.
"Filing 3 Modification of Docket: Error: Plaintiff filed against themself. Correction: Docket text has been modified to reflect complaint is filed against defendants rather than plaintiff;"
"Filing 19 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Memorandum in Support , MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM"
Alec should be ashamed of himself. He was practically dragging those lemon branches across the flesh of poor little David. Also, Alec didn't appear to have any considered opinions about Leibniz or the First Council of Nicaea in the fifth century. Anyway, I give the win to Martin because I couldn't understand a thing he was saying. So he must be smart.
By the way, your exchange with Sasha just above is on the money. I wrote several comments under Alec's interview with Martin. I was showing that Martin did actually say, during his testimony to the EU committee, that COVID was a virus. He claims in his interview with Alec that he only ever talked of a model, and not a virus, capable of replication and transmission. But in 3 places that I found, he claims that vaccines work on coronaviruses. So, they are different. At 22 minutes in the EU testimony, for instance, he says that vaccines don't work on coronaviruses, because the latter mutate too quickly. What?! So there are coronaviruses that are the target of vaccines. They replicate on their own. If there's no virus, but only a synthetic bioweapon, then what are they testing for? How did it get into us before anybody was vaccinated with it?
Yes, he's been talking about "viruses" consistently since he came on the scene. Many times I've seen him say or hint that there was no virus, and then in the same breath continuing talking as if there is an actual virus. Loads of people have been convinced of "chimeric coronaviruses" because of him. So it was pretty stunning to see him deny even implying that they exist! Unbelievable, he is trying to re-write history.
and I was like, YOOO -- he just BANNED ME TODAY as well! I was going to write a post about it as well and seeing I'm not the only one definitely let's me know there's something going on here! SMH.
FYI, here's the article that got me banned. Essentially, I'm saying we should questions virus and other things we've been taught. Guess it didn't agree with "his" truth:
I think 2nd doesn't want to explore the virology studies. In the comment, i stated that we need to look into origin of viruses because once we understand them, we can then see that vaccines (and ultimately medicine) is a big money grab that has no effects.
i also called out that once we start to look into these illusions, we can see them for what they are and how are world is made up of smoke and mirrors. I used dinosaurs as an example as well.
next thing i know, he tells me to get this "non-science" junk off his page. i can only assume between the virology, dinosaurs, and more, since it's not mainstream, he doesn't want it :(
here's the dinosaur article by the way (and a flat earth article as well). the idea is that we should question everything, especially in this age if the majority of us are starting to find out that "truths" such as viruses don't exist, we need to be open to what else could we have been lied to about:
FWIW your criticism of dinosaurs is spot on. There is no way such massive animals could have existed (same goes for the giant insects and plants).
However, this assumes the Earth of the past was the same as it is now. Given that the evidence for dinosaurs (and giant insects and plants) is so abundant and consistent, we must accept they did exist and it was the Earth environment which was different back then. In other words, dinosaurs prove there was lower gravity and perhaps a more dense (more buoyant) atmosphere in the past. The biggest dinosaurs existed longest ago and they got smaller over time until they became extinct. The entire animal kingdom (plants, animals, insects) have trended smaller over the last few hundred million years.
We also know that there was no oceanic crust in the age of the dinosaurs (the majority of oceanic crust is less than 70 myo and none of it is older than 180 myo). There were no oceans, only shallow seas on top of the continental plates (which is where all marine fossils are found). We also know that the continental plates fit together perfectly, not just on the Atlantic side but the Pacific side too. If you stuff the oceanic crust back into the rift zones by age (newest first) the continents all drift back together and fit perfectly on all sides, and this was how they were arranged around 100 - 200 myo.
If dinosaurs migrated they did not need to cross oceans because there weren't any. As the the newly expanding oceans began to widen the gaps between the continental plates (towards the end of the dinosaurs' dominion on Earth) the only dinosaurs that would have still been able to migrate would have been those that could fly over the oceans. Today we call them 'birds'.
Accepting such massive changes to Earth does upset the applecart! That's why modern 'science' pretends dinosaurs could prance about in a 1G environment even though that's obviously ridiculous. But the impossibility of dinosaurs is a gateway drug to reexamining everything we thought we knew about the planet and gravity and energy and matter...... and in doing so exposing the current scarcity paradigm as a fraud kept in place to maintain the status quo / social hierarchy ..... much like virology and germ theory.
He/she uses limited hangouts a lot and is spreading misinfo, too.
Proton and I have been looking into what "viruses" are for years, but they are necessary to maintain the delusion of viral infections in Rockefellerian "Medicine" that has become prevalent in the last 100 years, while becoming more and more devastating.
For that matter, I have also started pulling 2nd's leg in the last few weeks, because I would lose nothing now by being banned (he/she used to contain at least some useful info, but that's not the case anymore).
Thank you for the links; I'll check them out later. Until then, here are two intriguing articles that resemble the three you have given a link for:
This was not a favor of me; your piece deserves more attention than what I could ever assist with. (I'm still stagnating, but it's looking better. Not sure how much longer until full recovery, but I would hope it's going to be no more than 2-3 weeks. At the same time, a relapse is always possible, especially because the causes of my condition cannot be identified.)
Your article about IVM still resonates with me and why my box is still sitting unopened in my cupboard. Your insights on 2nd are interesting...I sub to him so will have a discerning eye when I next read his posts. Whatever is going on with you physically, I hope it gets mended soon.
Lioness is also not a single person. His daily "news" are so misleading that after checking out the links for a few weeks, I erase the e-mail without reading it. It just upsets me.
In that case, there is no need for The Freedom of Speech! :D
Joking aside; life goes on and there is always something to say.
The swelling of Substack readership has been thriving on the plandemic, and even in that department, awareness and preparedness is a good idea to address sometimes. You and I arefighting windmills by trying to salvage people from big heaps of the mentally insolvent who lay down their lives to false hope and false prophets...
I have always had My doubts about D. Martin... Especially when He pushes the "deadly virus/contagion" bunk. Did not know He had that tattoo... LOL! That rather confirms His controlled op status.
It's strange that Martin has never even attracted my attention, probably because I smelled the rat after a sentence of two...
Piercings and tattoos tend to be marks of the slaves...
As for the extremely common practice of limited hangout and the official narrators opposing controlled opposition figures in order to create folk "heroes," I pointed it out on January 23, 2023, in
Well, I dispute that piercings and tats mark "slaves..." My ears are pierced - twice each - but I don't see M'self anywhere near a slave. Haha! Will look Your article over!
You are correct, but any Masonic or NWO symbols are suggestive of being an asset or "slave" in that group-especially if you are a front and center guy like Martin, but it is true that some people just unknowingly could get a NWO tattoo for all kinds of reasons. As an aside, tattoo inks get into and fades into the body, liver, spleen, lymph nodes. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get graphene in Tattoo ink. Either way I don't recommend them.
Well, I have never felt any deep urge to get tats. But I did have each earlobe pierced twice. Back in the day. So I could wear two earrings per ear. That was... 40 years agoish. (Well the first piercing was 50 years ago, and My mom did the piercing. I was 16.)
But yeah, I don't see Dave as being clueless in getting the Eye of Horus.
Ahhh. Well, I have no religion - raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion - so I was unfamiliar with that specific "principle" (though I have read the bible 3 1/2 times... LOL!),
And I am sovereign, so no One gets to tell Me what I may and may not do to My crowndom (Self and possessions). Haha!
According to someone knowing about the CBDCs, digital IDs, and the 4 categories, Sovereign category is for the global elites, the controllers, e.g. Charles III, et al. Their assets won't be confiscated or bank accounts programmable.
Understood. The globalists don't seem to have a religion, either, but they surely consider themselves superior in the tradition of the exceptionalism that presides in the Torah (and in most other religions, but the piercing/tattoo principle is in the Torah). They consider everybody their subjects that are no better than animals, and I don't think they will care for the absence of piercings/tattoos. After the introduction of the CBDCs, those who disobey will starve or worse.
Oh, I am all too well acquainted with the psychopaths in control on Our planet. And what They want to do with/to Us. But when We stand aggregately on Ethical ground, having withdrawn consent from Their rule... They will have no power.
I watched the whole interview, every extremely painful minute and I commend Alec for his calmness and patience. Dr David Martin’s command of the English language and his history knowledge is amazing, but unfortunately he uses it to bamboozle and confuse his listeners, many would have tuned out - pure distraction.
In this interview he eventually says ‘there was no lab leak/release’, ‘viruses are models - do not exist’ and the ‘bioweapon is the injection’. ‘There is NO Virus’.
Unfortunately this man misled many in his EU presentation and he is too much of a coward to stand up in public and tell the truth, unlike many others of the No Virus camp.
His view and opinion on ‘cause’ is a fantasy- he argues there is no one cause, but in the world we live in, it is very real. Let him cut his hand off and then argue the knife wasn’t the cause.
This nightmare will continue because of people like Dr Martin.
Martin also says in the EU interview that the coronavirus is a thing that the vaccine works on. In three different places, which I highlight in the comments below Alec's interview. I think I disagree with you about Martin's mastery of history. He has a tactic of introducing some critical assessment of some historical event and insinuating that it's relevant to the discussion. But he made the whole thing up. He doesn't explain what he's talking about. Like his reference to the Council of Nicaia in the fifth century. Who in the world knows what that has to do with the existence or not of a virus? It's all part of the con.
Yeah, I have to agree with you. I was just trying to be polite. I have worked with someone just like Dr Martin - basically waffled his way through meetings, to make himself look/sound important. This whole interview could have been done in 10 minutes if he had just answered the questions.
Great post. I don't trust Martin because he has that "Freemason"-vibe. Also, back in ~November, 2021- he made the ridiculous suggestion that the insurance industry (not the bankers) are behind COVID. So I now consider him a disinfo agent/Limited Hangout. That doesn't mean he shouldn't be listened to, though- because LHs still provide some useful info as long as you can filter out the disinfo.
I am a fan of your work and of Christine Massey's work. I don't understand the claims you are making against her. Would you be kind enough to explain what the lies are you said she is claiming about you? I have closely followed Christine's work and can attest she is definitely not a grifter and I have never seen her lie over many years now! I can attest to her extraordinary integrity and her truly amazing devotion to exposing this "covid" fraud. Nevertheless, you have made a very serious allegation, and it would be good for all of us as readers to understand what is the content of that allegation. What did she say about you which caused you to claim she lied about you?
Hi Mike, its not about the logic of "lies", it is the "discredit by making a cesspool strategy". If discussions are septic enough it buries everything in a pile of shit. A standard propaganda tactic.
After coming across the exposé - linked in the article - about the 2nd ... shortly after THE PSY-OP started I immediately became very sceptical about the motives of said person and its claims and stayed so since then.
Always on the lookout for any signs of deception the false humbleness of those fallen for the lies and deception of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, raging in the world based on its ORIGINAL SIN/FALSE BELIEVE about its own existence truly stood out.
I believe it is less a planned deception but rather the result of self-deception leading towards THE MENTAL PRISON CELL the individual HUMAN MIND perceives REALITY and every ANALYSIS is based on the filters that have been built up over time by being led astray from THE TRUTH.
THE CULT OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is the best description I have come across for this ailment torturing every HUMAN MIND perceptible for it.
David Martin did make us aware that the government can't force "vaccinate" us. Everyone is EXEMPT from the EXPERIMENTAL toxin injection aka Covid "vaccine" under Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Section 50 Subpart B (section 50.20, 50.23, 50.24). Violations of the above are punishable under 18 U.S.C. Section 2331 Part 5 Domestic Terrorism, Subsection B(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.
And the Nuremberg Code.
But he does lose credibility with the whole "yes, viruses are real" b.s.
Excellent Alex David debate. Thank you for the share. Now I'm kinda glad that I didn't give the cops, that were called on me by my university 2 years ago, David's 48 page document ; )
This post stimulated a maelstrom of acerbic comments and as they grew it became clear this was an intentional attack using the, "Discredit by Making a Cesspool Strategy".
As a counter strategy I decided to :
1. Let these comments stand to show the attack was happening and their content.
2. Make a sibling post focusing on the specific issue brought up here of a chemical mimicking "Sars virus" symptoms.
You can see the sibling post here:
3. Have a hard rule of "NET ZERO" insults and foul language on the new sibling post.
4. Include an analysis of the attack and the background thereof.
Letting you know just to be transparent to readers on the bigger picture behind the nasty comments here and my leaving them.
Yours truly, Proton Magic
First comment by SL that was deleted, I assume by SL. I did not delete it.
Great expose of the fraud that "David Martin" is. However the narrative of "there is no coronavirus" is also a diversion - exit ramp. "Coronavirus" is a synthetic chemical poison, i.e. a CHEMICAL weapon. You can think of "Sars cov2" as a brand name, like Novichok (which means "newby" in Russian). When someone says "weapon", the jerk reaction is that it must be deadly or it can't be called a weapon. Nothing could be further from the truth. A chemical weapon that doesn't backfire but produces necessary effects of a psyop is quite ingenious, imo. There is also a category in the bioweapons laws designated for "hoax weapons", so it's a thing. Synthetic chemicals are quite possible to design on a computer and synthesize in a lab. The only difference between "chemical" and "biological" thus made is the size of the molecules used - chemical is small and stable, biological is very large (and less stable). Biologics are not necessarily naturally occurring things. The FDA CBER regulates "biologics" and practically none are naturally occurring (expt blood products). They are all derived from nature, i.e. natural substances/peptides/toxins are used as basis for designing synthetic chemicals. Plus delivery formulations and mechanisms to stabilize, make reproducibly in quantity and to transport/ deploy.
Chemical warfare is an internationally prohibited warfare. That's why it is some of the most funded and developed class of weapons since the 60s (when it became prohibited). If you are "caught" as a government making chemical WMDs, that's a big problem! So they simply rename it into bio-bullshit, and then, when caught (of course they are caught, nobody in the biowarfare military-intelligence complexes are that stupid), the collective cover story is 1) natural viruses 2)when #1 fails - GOF viruses and secret biolabs; 3)It's Fauci's fault, let's all blame him. It is a collective cover story because they are all doing it - US, Russia, China, Europe, anyone with large militaries.
PS. At this point I am certain Fauci has an ironclad deal with the US government (possibly other governments too) that provides immunity against criminal and any other form of prosecution. That's why everyone feels so safe blaming everything on him.
The same yahoos that bought up all the toilet paper were the first first to gleefully spout off about ‘the government’ is culling the people.’ 6 months later they diagnosed with cancer and were not that gleeful anymore. Hello last time i checked you were a people.
Dear Sasha (or whoever you really are as an individual or group). Your comment struck me as important because you are billed as a "pundit" on the internet so I have pinned it at the top and taken copies and screen shots of this thread. Without going into the irrational scientism in your comment, your insults and word usage is the only biological weapon I have as yet seen. I would have, but will not delete your nasty comments so everyone can see them as they speak for themselves who you are.
You and David seem to be tandem diversion agents, he into patents and you into weapons. I guess you can fool many people but it is really a ridiculous strategy. Can you tell us the agency you really work for? No independent person with your or David's intellectual ability on the side of the common person would make this kind of illogical rational like you guys do.
More importantly, why do you give a shit to spend time writing on a newsletter like mine that is a small and silly satirical grass-roots semi-cartoonish letter and I am a nobody, don't do research, never on a video, just mind my own proton business? The debunking of the virus narrative and big people like David Martin must be a sore spot in the propaganda game you guys are playing for a larger organization.
" More importantly, why do you give a shit to spend time writing on a newsletter like mine that is a small and silly satirical grass-roots semi-cartoonish letter and I am a nobody, don't do research, never on a video, just mind my own proton business?" - keep your "proton business" that way NO MATTER what the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN offers OVERTLY or COVERTLY - latter being the usual modus operandi as TSOS ITSELF is by definition unaware of its BS (as defined by Harry Frankfurt) - in PRIDE or MATERIAL BENEFIT.
THE HUMAN MIND captured by delusional thinking is the main curse - to summarize it for a comment section for this point in time! Not meaning THE CURSE does not deserve much more attention.... it surely does but before the cure comes the pain.
IMO, her mission is to run cover for David Martin by making a cesspool out of the comment section to discredit the post even if she has to sacrifice herself on the way.
"her mission" sounds very much like "being aware" of the end result... which I would have to strongly disagree - at this point in time - as A DELUSION persists as long as the scales are covering up THE TRUTH.... looking the other way once contradicting information arrives can only keep THE DOGMA alive so long ... as proven time and time again throughout history, which provides the glimmer of hope referenced to earlier ... THIS IS TRULY - LITERALLY - BIBLICAL ... imtho!
Sorry if I dont fully catch your ideas but the mission isn't necessarily her's, its whoever had been using her SS acct at that time. And in fact about 8 hrs ago she was at it with me even though she's in Florida no? Sure she could be in another country now....
Anyway she's just following orders to cover for Martin by the discredit by making the comments into a cesspool strategy.
No problem - all the words expressing in my comments are intended - I guess - to allude to the MOST LIKELY (from my pov) possibility that ANY HUMAN MIND claiming that a specific "substance" is causing the "observations" concerning the topic at hand or any other is participating in the game of chicken TSOS - not to be understood as a formal institutionalised organisation - is promoting by THE BS TSOS is making up in its PRIDE, ARROGANCE, HYPOCRISY AND HUBRIS... and every HUMAN MIND following this lead is drinking from the poisoned well ... keeping it simple, humble and honest are the best worldly expressions I am able to describe it ....
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome a it.
Jn 1, 1-5
" Anyway she's just following orders to cover for Martin by the discredit by making the comments into a cess pool strategy." - "directed" in a delusional way ABSOLUTELY, THE HUMAN MIND believing THE BS does not recognise THE TRUTH...
Equally like a robber believes robbing is the best way to go about life ... as the "robber" does not know any better way ... it OFTENTIMES defies believe how DELUSIONAL THE HUMAN MIND can be, but the headquarters of TSOS has realised that DELUSIONS work and has put them to work to their worldly material benefit ... not realising THE HEAVENLY PRICE TAG of this approach ... throwing ALL HEAVENLY WARNINGS to the wind!
Sasha, can you please explain what your statement here means:
"Coronavirus" is a synthetic chemical poison, i.e. a CHEMICAL weapon. You can think of "Sars cov2" as a brand name".
What is the formula, how was it found, how and where is it dispersed, what chemical analytic report do you have?
If you have this info great, everyone is happy to review it. If not then we cannot understand what you want to say. We already know that no Sars-Cov-2 has been found, we know that the fake tests don't lead to a virus, relabeling other conditions incl EMF/pollution/HCQ high doses, hospital protocols, media hype, etc have sickened people, possibly vaccines before 2021, and since 2021 Covid shots, many of these things causing respiratory symptoms.
If you don't have chemical data then you are not adding to the discussion and only pushing something to fear and confusing the sector of people who don't really understand what's going on to take shots and diverting away from the no virus found truth.
Why you, who can clearly understand biopharm, do not make it clear to the public that there is no virus is an enigma. The paper is the Fan Wu paper whose fabricated genomic registration is the basis for the name of a so-called virus "Sars-CoV-2". It only took me 15 min to find and 20 min to read to realize that no virus matching this description by the people writing this paper, and because that is such crucial info we expect you know it or would want to know it.
Sasha's condescending, contradictory word salad is a diversion from the fact that the world was terrorized over an alleged replicating particle causing a contagious disease, which was never backed by a shred of science, and when no such thing has ever been shown to exist in the history of virology.
She would have people believe, absurdly, that the idiocy of virology and the unproven nature of "viruses" is no big deal, "a diversion", when in fact our lives are profoundly affected in myriad ways by "germ" mythology.
She attempts this by once again inventing a new narrative around the nonexistent "SARS-COV-2". "SARS-COV-2" stands for "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2", not "synthetic chemical poison". If there is no virus, there is no SARS-COV-2, period.
If Sasha now claims that the "covid" tests were actually validated tests for detecting some "synthetic chemical poison", I hope people will challenge her to cite valid evidence. Because so-called "laws" designated for "bioweapons" or "hoax weapons" are not evidence of a specific "synthetic chemical poison" accurately detected by "covid" tests.
The fake "confirmed cases" were based on fraudulent, meaningless, indirect tests, supposedly for a "virus" but incapable of confirming a "virus", especially when no "virus" was shown to exist, ever.
Obviously other things were going on during fake-covid; there are always countless toxic exposures in our world. But none of them were "covid", per se. One of the things we know for a fact was going on was the snuffing out of lives via horrific hospital protocols. Vague, unsupported "SARS-COV-2" stories (including from RFK Jr.) distract from such crimes.
(I won't be addressing Sasha directly, unless she apologies for her behaviour back in March, documented here:
Cadmium poisoning mimics "Covid-19" symptoms to the letter: flu-like symptoms, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell, etc.
Can I prove cadmium was deployed against US or other citizens of the world? Nope - not one toxicologist has bothered to check if a toxic metal was a cause of respiratory illness requiring hospitalisation.
But cadmium, alongside aluminium and strontium, is used regularly in chemtrails that makes our skies perpetually white...
These are good ideas JP, only if there was a toxin in the environment it should affect kids equally, since it doesn't it seems it's mainly relabeling and fake test then hospital Covid protocols. But I keep an open mind.
Good objection. The Australian data clearly showed it was the elderly being murdered throughout, and even the under 45 age bracket didn't even have a jump in mortality during the vaccine campaign (see graph 3):
Wouldn't aerosolized cadmium affect children more than adults at the same ppm concentration since they have a smaller BMI. I'm not alleging that cadmium is the cause of the symptoms, although the copious aerosolized nanoparticulates certainly aggravate cardiac and pulmonary problems people may have.
Yes and the "covid" symptoms also overlap with seasonal flu and a host of other "diseases", and loads of things can contribute to making the body want to spew stuff out and not eat. It's nothing new, we're exposed to all sorts of toxins every day. 2020 would have been life as usual without the fake-covid news/terrorism.
Christine is a psychotic liar. I banned her permanently from my substack for writing abusive comments, making up fraudulent statements and other bad behavior.
Psychotic means someone has delusions or hallucinations, did you all of a sudden get certified by a psychiatric board to make these medical comments?
It's not a medical comment. I don't provide medical advice. But she should seek professional help, which I advised her before banning her ass for lying, trolling, making up statements and attributing them to me. I am simply proactive when this "clowns in action" affiliate appears again.
PS. Now that I think about it, "christine" has delusions and hallucinations. She constantly makes up bullshit about me, makes up statements I never made and then attacks this imaginary "enemy" like a rabid chicken. Do chickens get rabies, I wonder?
Please name one thing I made up about you "Sasha" (since you put my name in quotes earlier).
You ALL may be making false accusations and such, for all that I can know, with the back and forth finger pointing, and with all of the bickering and the name calling (guilty myself from time to time), and with the general division and chaos that is being created and coerced along strange and deceptive lines that are being drawn by hidden hands, I perceive...
Now, thanks to our friends in the 2,3, 4, and even 5-letter agencies, we are all being divided even more, and with limited control over our media, and with the tyrants and trillionaires calling the shots, we are being technologically and psychologically manipulated and controlled more than ever before, likely.
Truth, to me, is that this Earth is not to be cheerlessly nor cheerfully ignored by our clumsily led politicians and all of these corporate-controlled killers and murderers, and the UN, DoD, CIA, USDA, DARPA etc.,etc., and with our own individually ignoring of the fact of how in such a relatively short time (250 years, or thereabouts) we have managed to burn through much of our clean air, clean water, and clean soil, as well as our own health (which is the ONLY true wealth I believe), and we are yet still busy- especially those fully invested in modernity and soft living from high on the economic and societal ladders- killing our children's hopes for a righteous and relatively balanced lifeway, and other such painfully sick nonsense and blasphemies from the likes of whoever is backing the Bill Gates', and the Elon Musk's, and the Larry Flint's, et. al,...
I know that we are all at different points in this adventure, Life, but the sooner we can come to address the clear and concise Major Obstacles, rather than continually be spun around by the media machine until 'their' million and one diversions collapse under the all too real weight of the fact that we're being had by these wicked, lying, murdering creeps that sit up in High Places, the better and more honestly this dreary and depressing nightmare of gross consumption can really, truly be addressed, and it seems to me that a good start would be to curb our seeking out and creating/generating crude amounts of plastic and 'trashy' wealth, and to get rid of our Creation of Trash in its entirety.
It is one of our specie's truly great mistakes, and one that the greedy and lazy, and the crafty and the manipulative - all of the 'speculators' among us- have encouraged among the 'useless feeders' for too long.
Withdrawing our energy from these Architects that would design our slavery, if not our doom, and putting it towards a simpler, more natural and Down to Earth way of conducting 'business'' - A powerful first step, if any are willing to make it, turning back- if not Destroying - the stupid clocks and other unnecessary devices that help to keep us all mostly enslaved to this corrupting mediocrity.
I step down, and pass the feather.
Well said. As I stated on another substack, the answer is not in politics, nor legislation of any kind, but in people going back to living a more natural life, connecting with the land and all of nature, growing as much of your own food as possible, exiting "their" system essentially. That includes as much of the system as you are able to at the beginning. You can't fight a system, what you resist persists, but instead you create another paradigm and the old one will crumble in time. Live with respect to nature, the earth, (whatever the realm is), the animals, plants and insects, and each other. Everything else will fall into place in time.
That said, a lot of the "mess" that has been created may find itself partially resolved in 2040 and 2046. Regular periodic cataclysms and resets may have historically occurred just to remedy mankind's repeated mistakes. Time will tell.
What did I lie about, Sasha? And where was I abusive? Evidence please.
Let me rephrase that, since I'm not speaking to Sasha:
I hope people will ask Sasha for evidence to back up all her wild claims.
Christine, 25,000 people from 143 countries have done that and found my evidence satisfactory. one puny little liar - (you), is asking for "evidence" of claims that you yourself made up and attributed to me. That's why you are a proven liar and a fraud. Just like Dr. Martin. Another version of a bullshitter and grifter.
I'd like to see where even 1 person from any country asked Sasha for proof that the "covid" tests were actually validated tests for detecting some "synthetic chemical poison", and she provided that proof.
Let me guess, 'Sasha', these people that found your evidence satisfactory - are they pulled from the same bunch of Young Global Wasters that the WEF have been cranking out for the last 50+ years??
Your comment above: everything you said about me/my position is a lie, stupid lie, rude lie and/or abusive lie.
I am very zen. But your rabid girlfriend over there may need consoling... lol.
Yes, you somehow banned me from your Stack for politely questioning you about Ivermectin on this Stack. How does that work Sasha? I certainly don't have a button like that. This was while you responded with name calling and character defamation. Who's the Psycho? You might want to check out my Memes post from this last Sunday...........#5
WOW! The exchange between between Christine & Sasha is incredibly shocking. I did not expect Sasha to resort to repeated name calling & verbal abuse. I believed her to be of better character than this. I honestly would have liked Sasha to simply answer Christine’s questions & provide source evidence for her claims of chemical weapons. It’s as if some possessed entity took over Sasha’s account. Or perhaps I placed her on a pedestal? Very disappointing & disillusioning.
As I respect Sasha’s views, I listened to the David Martin interview & can’t say I agree with her assessment. Yes, Martin came off pompous yet he is certainly knowledgeable about history. He did tend to deviate into his own very personal history but, overall, he actually made some very valid points. I do feel that Alex purposely attempted to make Martin look bad.
Cowan, the Bailey doctors, Alex, & rest of their camp are great for poo-pooing the virus theory as a fraud but I find their “evidence” for supporting or insisting that Terrain Theory is the real story behind illnesses has been weak thus far. Terrain Theory certainly has merit but I’m not completely convinced that ppl cannot spread certain diseases or infections to others which would affirm to some degree the Pathogen Theory.
Why don’t Alex, Cowan, the Bailey doctors, & rest of their group focus more on finding ways to cure ppl from vaccine injuries & long covid? This is where ALL researchers & doctors need to turn their attention as the need throughout the world is very great.
Dr.Ana Mihalcea is making great strides in clearing people of rouleaux & sticky blood as well as the parasitic-like hydrogel nano fibers. SHE’s NOT WASTING HER TIME ARGUING WITH OTHER PROFESSIONALS OR MDs. SHE’s DEVOTING HERSELF EXCLUSIVELY TO SAVKNG HUMANITY. Alex, Cowan, the Baileys, etc. need to do the same. Otherwise, your arguments are just self-aggrandizing petty BS!
It's not about terrain, it's about the fact that no virus claimed to be the Sars CoV 2 was found, see
No other virus has ever been found either but thats not the main dig here.
On David
Very illuminating....
Speaking for myself, I barely discuss terrain, and in case you haven't noticed virology and germ theory and the contagion myth have been used to cause massive amounts of harm for >100 years. If you don't find the work of no virus people valuable (a position I find downright bizarre), oh well. Enjoy the next scamdemic.
I didn't see Alec trying to tear DM down, he simply held DM accountable for his public statements and tried to get him to answer simply straightforward questions. And instead of giving straightforward answers DM danced around, flat out lied (claiming he never even implied that viruses exist!) and played the victim card.
No idea why you're screaming in ALLCAPS, and telling no virus people how to spend their time.
Veronica, "Terrain Theory certainly has merit but I’m not completely convinced that ppl cannot spread certain diseases or infections to others which would affirm to some degree the Pathogen Theory."
Despite hundreds of years of strenuous effort (and marketing).... the result is a clear demonstration of failure to produce evidence of jumping 'pathogens'. Why still cling to it? They sure gave it a shot...Maybe it is time to explore other explanations for observed natural phenomena. If you had never been groomed from birth in germ tales, would you really think a group of 2 or more people getting (sometimes) similarly ill around the same time was a flying demon particle? Aside from good old fashioned poisoning, there are a lot of reasonable explanations being discussed...including entire new paradigms and perspectives on 'dis'-ease and health that have blossomed from the so-called "terrain group"...
Please note, in my humble opinion "germ vs. terrain" is a false dichotomy. Germ "Theory" is a religious dogma, and a closed system with rigid borders. "Terrain" appears to be a (re)opened book that can explore multiple open pathways- to health/disease- albeit with a somewhat similar agreement on certain foundational principles. If it weren't for billions and billions of dollars and marketing (masked as "science") dumped into the former, we'd probably all just think it was batshit crazy superstition (pun intended)...
You also said..."Why don’t Alex, Cowan, the Bailey doctors, & rest of their group focus more on finding ways to cure ppl from vaccine injuries & long covid? "
You must have missed the last 3 years. There is no "covid", short version, medium version, long version. Why would they discuss "curing" a non-existent disease? I've heard plenty of discussion from this group of identifying various explanations for the symptoms associated with certain labels. It isn't very complicated and extremely helpful for those previously confused by germ and fear stories. The best way to cure a vaccine injury is to not get a vaccine, ever...No virus, no need for needle interventions...voila. Think of it as 'preventative medicine'. I recommend getting the 'end of covid' catalog. There are some wonderful presentations discussing fascinating new (and old) modalities for health/'dis'-ease. You may never look back.
Busting down a giant monolith is hard work and requires certainly is not self-aggrandizing and petty.
Good. Go serve humanity friend, humanity needs you. More humanity and more high horses are desperately, desperately required. I love this page!
Wow, Veronica, I am simply shocked! Why do you believe in viruses? Why do you promote PCR? You need to show proof that virus was isolated. You are making wild claims that you need to back up with facts and science. Is your caps lock stuck? I am waiting.
Sasha, I wholeheartedly admire & respect the work you’ve done. I’ve recommended & your Substack to numerous ppl & will continue to do so. Your contribution to this fight agst. the global predators & your collaboration with Katherine Watts has proved insightful if not invaluable.
Your statement that David Martin is a fraud may be true. My take on him is less certain than what I’ve come to believe about Robert Malone - a former CIA man who takes credit for creating mRNA technology yet he apparently didn’t know it was harmful to administer to the populace? I can’t understand how Malone is considered a hero of sorts and how many “freedom” fighters refuse to ask him any piercing questions about why he didn’t speak out about the potential harms of the mRNA “vaccines” BEFORE they were rolled out. And if he designed the mRNA then why won’t he reveal how to UNDO the mechanism?
Martin did not come off well overall in the interview but I do feel he made some salient points. One in particular, that many “freedom” fighters are making beaucoup bucks during this pandemic and he was agst. this grift. Dr. Paul Alexander has likewise repeatedly made this complaint. I think they’re both right unfortunately.
I spend hours every day reading various Substacks & watching one or more videos because I feel it’s important to be informed. Dr. Shankara Chetty recently made a very excellent point about being childlike in our want to question things & keeping a open mind. In the interview with Martin, I found I was not wholly in agreement with your expressed view that he was a “fraud”. Was your statement backed up by evidence? No, it appeared to be more personal opinion. Did you expose Pfizer & Moderna to be frauds? Yes, absolutely and you had the receipts to back up your claim as did K. Watts, Attys Todd Callender & Thomas Reinz, etc.
Such questions as what’s in the vaccines, whether viruses exist, is Terrain Theory valid, etc? - the answers to these questions are an ever changing landscape. We KNOW that PCR tests are fraudulent in identifying viruses coz Terry Mullins, the inventor, said that they weren’t designed for this. (Interestingly, Dr. Bryan Ardis showed that they are typically used for determining envenomation cases).
I have grave concerns for the Freedom Movement when there is so much dissension in the ranks. If we all keep focusing on petty disagreements, which are really personality based, then we shall lose the war agst. the globalists. It’s important to hold to the truth, back this up with evidence, & distinguish between fact & opinion.
I’m not interested in engaging in cat fights. I look to you, Sasha, as a leader. I love you as a fellow Christian coz you’ve willingly put yourself in the lion’s den. (Yes, I liked your painting of Daniel). But your exchange with “Christine” was unbecoming, even embarrassing, & not what I expected from an intelligent leader. I’m sorry but as one of your followers & admirers, I feel I must hold you to task. If someone poses a question answer them to the best of your ability but please don’t engage in name calling coz it comes off puerile & debases your brilliance. You’re better than this. It doesn’t matter what ppl throw at you, keep yourself on a high spiritual plane. I’ve recently been reminded of this lesson in my own life. We are all imperfect beings & this imperfection can show itself in the most trivial situations. Continue the fight but steer clear of personal attacks & criticisms, and unnecessary squabbles.
With all due respect & the best of intentions.
It should be apparent to you by now that your "respect" and looking to Sasha as a "leader" is misplaced. When something is staring you right in the face, not just once, but over and over again, why can't see it for what it is?
David Martin is not what he projects, and when one looks and listens closely you will see that, not to mention the pages and pages of proof of his connections, actions, and direction.
As well, as much as I thought Yeadon was a Pharma guy who's eyes were opened, I'm not totally sure of that now. He signed the "Setting The Virus Debate" challenge, but is that because he truly wants more of the actual facts? Remember that an important part of the game is the misinformation, the seemingly "good guys", whether whistleblowers, newly awakened, or whatever, shockingly expose the fraud, the unbelievable actions of agencies and individuals, but yet when you start really digging you find they have these continuing connections to the perpetrators. This includes Sasha.
In the end, what really matters and will effect change is that people revert to natural living, exiting the system as it is, creating their own small communities of like minded individuals, and thrive. And that they will! It's already being done. The continual search for "the truth" is actually quite fruitless when it comes to this whole farce because in reality, once you know there are no contagions, only toxins and poisons, and you know how to live healthily, what has happened and what's to yet come in their system really doesn't matter. It's their game to play and you don't have to participate.
Don't know who Terry Mullins is but I do know he had nothing to do with Polymerase Chain Reaction technology...
Agree, Veronica. To both Sasha (mostly) and Christine, WTH???
Then nail it down for us, Sasha, and for starters, how about a clear explanation in reply to the question, here, rather than the distractions of fumbling like Biden ?...
"If... the "COVID" tests were actually validated tests for detecting some "synthetic chemical poison",.... cite valid evidence. Because so-called "laws" designated for "bioweapons" or "hoax weapons" are not evidence of a specific "synthetic chemical poison" accurately detected by "covid" tests."
A simple enough question.
And this is why I side with Christine, is that she wants the 'obvious' to be laid out for all to see, and that is this business of the fear of death and illness having been made a major occupation by everyone that is guilty of lying intentionally; and with no proof being provided for At All by these that would force this wickedly intentional mass murder upon the gullible, careless, unsuspecting plebs, why shouldn't you that are guilty by direct or indirect assertion about these life and death matters be held to scrutiny of every word and lie out of your mouths?
That all of the doctors, nurses, politicians and bureaucrats, scientists and CEO's who profited from such lies and the misery wrought, are absolutely guilty of High Crimes against humanity, and while this is, perhaps, a matter for the courts (most are still readily willing to admit), I am not too afraid to speak to the reality, which is that when the courts are being ran by the very criminals that we hope to convict (ludicrous!), then we must find the avenue to Justice - not brutally exacted vengeance and revenge, or petty protests and revolts, nor any form of violent behavior unless the people are being brutalized theirselves, which, I must sadly say, is the precipice that we as a civilization are brought to it appears, as the Nazis never lost control, of course, and we all may as well lay off of all of the nervous politeness (which is only ever grovelling in the presence of the 'royalty', and is a disgrace- get off your knees!), and start demanding an end to the Tyranny, because it should be coming quite obvious that this is the monster we are faced with.
Do the dissenters wish to be rounded up in a CBDC prison, vaxXed and sterilized, sucking up the daily allotment of soylent?
And while no one hardly (understandably) cherishes the idea of being killed for defending one's right to a natural life lived out from under the threatened and now commenced genocidal destruction of the "useless eaters", by a world-eating Cabal of unsavory 'people', surely there are some that would not care in the least bit for the gas chamber, the firing squad, the electric chair, or prison cell, equally to a life on bent knee to these true monsters, these baby-killing globalists and their aiders and abetters.
Come now, Sasha, fess up, come clean! - join us that do not fear living, and therefore are willing to speak out in order to preserve our abilities to do so.
The Truth to be had courageously is surely worth living for, and if anyone has love and honor for such High Aspirations as That, then they'd best be standing up with their best thoughts forward, and willing to lay down their life's blood to protect their Worthy Birthright, which is no king's, prince's, politician's, or pope's Nor ANY human being's to bestow, nor for such to hinder by use of these blasphemous and cruel methods as they are now becoming Known For.
Waking Up is hard to do?
Just to recoup: First you claimed I was a man, deranged and so forth. Then you started offering your hand in marriage (are you gay?) Than started writing these mile long posts which are TLDR. Learn to be concise if you want me to respond to any of this. I skip rambling, boring and disorganized writing.
How very RICH!!
I really expected nothing more than what you have offered throughout this 'conversation', Sasha.
Sasha is a boy's and a girl's name, no?
But if you are really wanting to know, I am board straight, unvaxXed, and was only jesting when I proposed to the agent sasha- I have no real interest in a 'woman' that behaves as you have, here, and certainly have no desire for Sasha's male counterpart's hand in marriage.
Besides, you seem to be in need of much more than I could offer you- a real high maintenance kind of woman, I can tell!
If you want to remain here talking such garbage and filth, then by all means!
It is a performance worthy of a b-lister like yourself, sure, but we all have to eat, don't we Agent Sasha? 😘
Oh no, I was already planning a wedding with my dear fiance Marcus, a group wedding for all of us agents here in the Adis Abbaba post office. Hm, we'll have to figure something else out for the weekend.
And of course I want to remain here. How can you even question this my love! We have the rest of our lives to spend together in holy matrimony you proposed so beautifully. Agent Ressler says hi by the way. wink wink.
Powerfull and passionate! I concurr and share the same conviction you have expressed so very cogently.
The last four years have wisened me very quickly. I had listened to Latypova as her arguments made sense. I do not disagree, or agree with all she states. After reading her responses, which left me in shock and disgust, I have lost all respect for her.
Are these synthetic chemicals designed on a computer and made in a lab capable of self-replication and transmission from host to host? If not, what do mean by saying that the claim that "there is no coronavirus" is a diversion? Coronavirus was said to replicate itself in a host and then transmit from host to host. That's what everyone understands a virus to be. So, that's at the heart of the matter as far as I can see. Hardly diversionary. If you're claiming that that is not what coronavirus is, aren't you agreeing with the position that there is no coronavirus - as understood? Also, did anyone ever sequence the "coronavirus" in the vaccine to prove that it is indeed what David Martin's patent claims?
Look up a "chemical substance" definition, maybe it will help your case
But how do I know if the definition of "chemical substance" is the one you're using? What dictionary can I use? Because you may tell me that you aren't using those words in their common sense. It's like talking with Humpty Dumpty who says that, when he uses a word, it means exactly what he says it means, no more nor less. Alice had no chance of a logical conversation with him.
there is a search window in browser, godspeed. Call tech support if you are having difficulties.
I am still baffled how people can't imagine chemistry existing, but I ascribe it to destroyed and dumbed down educational system in the west. Yes, Allen, everything around you is made by media and only exists in your TV. Lmao. When you get rats in basement, don't buy rat poison, that's a hoax. just turn on CNN, it should take care of the problem.
I guess your science knowledge comes from "christine" and her "FOI" I see why you would not buy poison - of course it's a hoax! Media made it up. Meanwhile, you are making stuff up just like your clown girlfriend does. For the same reason - to suppress any investigation into the covid power grab by the government. I hope they pay you minimum wage for this. In India. Or Tadjikistan. Whatever. Write more "viruses don't exist" posts. The last 1 million of them were not clear enough. lol.
Oh, wait, I forgot. I paid $25K to support the Schara's family case for hospital murder. What did you do? Wrote another love letter to "christine", because you read another "FOI" that FINALLYYYYY!!! PROVED. VIRUSESDONTEXIIIIIIISTTTTT!! lolz lolz
Look, lets say you are right, FOIs are not science. Ok, so just send us a paper showing a purified on density gradient and isolated replication competent virus particle with a proper control.
In any case stay calm, maybe a few drops of thorazine or olanzapine once daily will calm, you. We're not interested in seeing you decompensate just because of the Proton Magic News. If you were rational we might even fall in love with you. Take it easy.
Why should I send you papers about isolated virus particles? This has nothing to do with what I said about making synthetic chemicals. Are you also thinking that those do not exist because they "have not been isolated"? Lol.
As I said, I am very calm, and I do not take any drugs. You seem to be making a diagnosis over the internet and prescribing meds too? Wow. Didn't you just object to that? How strange!
How does exposing the pseudoscience of virology "suppress any investigation into the covid power grab by the government"? Please be precise.
"Funny" that you can't see the importance of having a valid independent variable in order for any science to take place.
how is lying non-stop make dumb trolls obvious? Please be precise. Science is happening right here right this moment!
Wow, talk about infantile. Unsubbed.
I don't know what you are doing. I am entertaining myself at the expense of trolls and operatives.
I listened to the whole thing and found it amusing...nothing like a little male drama. When Alec was getting somewhere, Martin pulled the beaten child sympathy. Not making fun because hey child abuse but he laid it on thick then beat Alec over the head with it because he was losing.
Great summary, PM!
Martin was his usual self, contradictory, evasive, and I realized only later that he avoided even addressing Alec's question about the imaginary particle's existence, instead he danced around and when Alec tried to bring him back he pivoted to causation, avoiding any discussion of fake-sequencing, fake-isolation, all the ridiculous methodologies of virology. He denies that the scientific method can ever demonstrate causation of anything.... but claims to somehow know that his friend died from inhaling anthrax. Hmm.
Alec deserves a medal!
Pretty sure DM was not telling the truth when claiming there had been a US court case bringing up no-virus, which he was involved in. A while back he was promoting a lawsuit he was involved in and referring people to the website. It won't load for me now, but I had looked at it back then and the paperwork I reviewed was purely within the yes-virus framework.
He also posted on FB about a lawsuit last year and I think it's the same one. I left a comment the other day asking if this is the one he was referring to but he's not answered.
The exhibits for this case were all about "the virus" and "variants":
And lol:
"Filing 3 Modification of Docket: Error: Plaintiff filed against themself. Correction: Docket text has been modified to reflect complaint is filed against defendants rather than plaintiff;"
"Filing 19 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Memorandum in Support , MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM"
Excellent video exposing the parasites that control us.
Alec should be ashamed of himself. He was practically dragging those lemon branches across the flesh of poor little David. Also, Alec didn't appear to have any considered opinions about Leibniz or the First Council of Nicaea in the fifth century. Anyway, I give the win to Martin because I couldn't understand a thing he was saying. So he must be smart.
Good comments Paul thanks for your time!
By the way, your exchange with Sasha just above is on the money. I wrote several comments under Alec's interview with Martin. I was showing that Martin did actually say, during his testimony to the EU committee, that COVID was a virus. He claims in his interview with Alec that he only ever talked of a model, and not a virus, capable of replication and transmission. But in 3 places that I found, he claims that vaccines work on coronaviruses. So, they are different. At 22 minutes in the EU testimony, for instance, he says that vaccines don't work on coronaviruses, because the latter mutate too quickly. What?! So there are coronaviruses that are the target of vaccines. They replicate on their own. If there's no virus, but only a synthetic bioweapon, then what are they testing for? How did it get into us before anybody was vaccinated with it?
Yes, he's been talking about "viruses" consistently since he came on the scene. Many times I've seen him say or hint that there was no virus, and then in the same breath continuing talking as if there is an actual virus. Loads of people have been convinced of "chimeric coronaviruses" because of him. So it was pretty stunning to see him deny even implying that they exist! Unbelievable, he is trying to re-write history.
Arguing with crazy people can make you look unhinged, but Martin pulling the victim card was when I knew that the guy is a sociopath. 😏
Yo! I just read this article and then as I was exploring your page, I came across this article you wrote:
and I was like, YOOO -- he just BANNED ME TODAY as well! I was going to write a post about it as well and seeing I'm not the only one definitely let's me know there's something going on here! SMH.
FYI, here's the article that got me banned. Essentially, I'm saying we should questions virus and other things we've been taught. Guess it didn't agree with "his" truth:
You are behind a paywall. You can read Proton's and my articles for free and comment for free.
Why would 2nd ban you for an article published elsewhere? It doesn't add up.
I think 2nd doesn't want to explore the virology studies. In the comment, i stated that we need to look into origin of viruses because once we understand them, we can then see that vaccines (and ultimately medicine) is a big money grab that has no effects.
i also called out that once we start to look into these illusions, we can see them for what they are and how are world is made up of smoke and mirrors. I used dinosaurs as an example as well.
next thing i know, he tells me to get this "non-science" junk off his page. i can only assume between the virology, dinosaurs, and more, since it's not mainstream, he doesn't want it :(
here's the dinosaur article by the way (and a flat earth article as well). the idea is that we should question everything, especially in this age if the majority of us are starting to find out that "truths" such as viruses don't exist, we need to be open to what else could we have been lied to about:
FWIW your criticism of dinosaurs is spot on. There is no way such massive animals could have existed (same goes for the giant insects and plants).
However, this assumes the Earth of the past was the same as it is now. Given that the evidence for dinosaurs (and giant insects and plants) is so abundant and consistent, we must accept they did exist and it was the Earth environment which was different back then. In other words, dinosaurs prove there was lower gravity and perhaps a more dense (more buoyant) atmosphere in the past. The biggest dinosaurs existed longest ago and they got smaller over time until they became extinct. The entire animal kingdom (plants, animals, insects) have trended smaller over the last few hundred million years.
We also know that there was no oceanic crust in the age of the dinosaurs (the majority of oceanic crust is less than 70 myo and none of it is older than 180 myo). There were no oceans, only shallow seas on top of the continental plates (which is where all marine fossils are found). We also know that the continental plates fit together perfectly, not just on the Atlantic side but the Pacific side too. If you stuff the oceanic crust back into the rift zones by age (newest first) the continents all drift back together and fit perfectly on all sides, and this was how they were arranged around 100 - 200 myo.
If dinosaurs migrated they did not need to cross oceans because there weren't any. As the the newly expanding oceans began to widen the gaps between the continental plates (towards the end of the dinosaurs' dominion on Earth) the only dinosaurs that would have still been able to migrate would have been those that could fly over the oceans. Today we call them 'birds'.
Accepting such massive changes to Earth does upset the applecart! That's why modern 'science' pretends dinosaurs could prance about in a 1G environment even though that's obviously ridiculous. But the impossibility of dinosaurs is a gateway drug to reexamining everything we thought we knew about the planet and gravity and energy and matter...... and in doing so exposing the current scarcity paradigm as a fraud kept in place to maintain the status quo / social hierarchy ..... much like virology and germ theory.
Right, fake peak oil, and over population are important parts of the scarcity paradigm.
Yes, lower gravity for the dinosaurs; and maybe for the shadowey giants which a psychic friend sees when she visits New Caledonia/Nouvelle Caledonie
Apart from what you and I are saying here, 2nd is a sham. He even started selling "Ivermectin," which is making him/her even more suspicious:
He/she uses limited hangouts a lot and is spreading misinfo, too.
Proton and I have been looking into what "viruses" are for years, but they are necessary to maintain the delusion of viral infections in Rockefellerian "Medicine" that has become prevalent in the last 100 years, while becoming more and more devastating.
For that matter, I have also started pulling 2nd's leg in the last few weeks, because I would lose nothing now by being banned (he/she used to contain at least some useful info, but that's not the case anymore).
Thank you for the links; I'll check them out later. Until then, here are two intriguing articles that resemble the three you have given a link for:
Hi Ray, thanks for the cross-post, hope your condition is well and warm regards.
This was not a favor of me; your piece deserves more attention than what I could ever assist with. (I'm still stagnating, but it's looking better. Not sure how much longer until full recovery, but I would hope it's going to be no more than 2-3 weeks. At the same time, a relapse is always possible, especially because the causes of my condition cannot be identified.)
We're rooting for you Ray!
Your article about IVM still resonates with me and why my box is still sitting unopened in my cupboard. Your insights on 2nd are interesting...I sub to him so will have a discerning eye when I next read his posts. Whatever is going on with you physically, I hope it gets mended soon.
I agree Ray, Franklin quoting his paywalled articles isn't much use to me if he wants support for being banned.
It's just irritating reading Franklin's links to his brick wall.
Hey Carin! So some of my articles are paywalled, but there’s A LOT that are open!
Here’s a couple of those:
This is about dinosaurs
This is about Elon and SpaceX
The paywall is just to build a career out of this, but the free content has the info as well.
I know you mentioned your Substack list is declining so I hope mine may help 😊
Thanks for the info Franklin!
By the way, Vigilant Fox has been resembling 2nd more and more in the last few months... Lioness also seems to be disintegrating...
Lioness used to be ahead, I thought her decline was just a lack of new material to be insightful about.
Maybe it's more than that, anyway my Substack reading list is dwindling.
Lioness is also not a single person. His daily "news" are so misleading that after checking out the links for a few weeks, I erase the e-mail without reading it. It just upsets me.
Maybe there's not much left to say.
In that case, there is no need for The Freedom of Speech! :D
Joking aside; life goes on and there is always something to say.
The swelling of Substack readership has been thriving on the plandemic, and even in that department, awareness and preparedness is a good idea to address sometimes. You and I arefighting windmills by trying to salvage people from big heaps of the mentally insolvent who lay down their lives to false hope and false prophets...
I have always had My doubts about D. Martin... Especially when He pushes the "deadly virus/contagion" bunk. Did not know He had that tattoo... LOL! That rather confirms His controlled op status.
It's strange that Martin has never even attracted my attention, probably because I smelled the rat after a sentence of two...
Piercings and tattoos tend to be marks of the slaves...
As for the extremely common practice of limited hangout and the official narrators opposing controlled opposition figures in order to create folk "heroes," I pointed it out on January 23, 2023, in
Well, I dispute that piercings and tats mark "slaves..." My ears are pierced - twice each - but I don't see M'self anywhere near a slave. Haha! Will look Your article over!
You are correct, but any Masonic or NWO symbols are suggestive of being an asset or "slave" in that group-especially if you are a front and center guy like Martin, but it is true that some people just unknowingly could get a NWO tattoo for all kinds of reasons. As an aside, tattoo inks get into and fades into the body, liver, spleen, lymph nodes. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get graphene in Tattoo ink. Either way I don't recommend them.
Well, I have never felt any deep urge to get tats. But I did have each earlobe pierced twice. Back in the day. So I could wear two earrings per ear. That was... 40 years agoish. (Well the first piercing was 50 years ago, and My mom did the piercing. I was 16.)
But yeah, I don't see Dave as being clueless in getting the Eye of Horus.
The principle I refer to is from the Torah. Even slaves were not allowed to be pierced or tattooed without their consent...
Draw your own conclusions...
Ahhh. Well, I have no religion - raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion - so I was unfamiliar with that specific "principle" (though I have read the bible 3 1/2 times... LOL!),
And I am sovereign, so no One gets to tell Me what I may and may not do to My crowndom (Self and possessions). Haha!
According to someone knowing about the CBDCs, digital IDs, and the 4 categories, Sovereign category is for the global elites, the controllers, e.g. Charles III, et al. Their assets won't be confiscated or bank accounts programmable.
Well, irrespective of Their definitions, I AM sovereign. And I work to obsolete Their controllable crap. Have You seen My work?
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article):
Understood. The globalists don't seem to have a religion, either, but they surely consider themselves superior in the tradition of the exceptionalism that presides in the Torah (and in most other religions, but the piercing/tattoo principle is in the Torah). They consider everybody their subjects that are no better than animals, and I don't think they will care for the absence of piercings/tattoos. After the introduction of the CBDCs, those who disobey will starve or worse.
Oh, I am all too well acquainted with the psychopaths in control on Our planet. And what They want to do with/to Us. But when We stand aggregately on Ethical ground, having withdrawn consent from Their rule... They will have no power.
I watched the whole interview, every extremely painful minute and I commend Alec for his calmness and patience. Dr David Martin’s command of the English language and his history knowledge is amazing, but unfortunately he uses it to bamboozle and confuse his listeners, many would have tuned out - pure distraction.
In this interview he eventually says ‘there was no lab leak/release’, ‘viruses are models - do not exist’ and the ‘bioweapon is the injection’. ‘There is NO Virus’.
Unfortunately this man misled many in his EU presentation and he is too much of a coward to stand up in public and tell the truth, unlike many others of the No Virus camp.
His view and opinion on ‘cause’ is a fantasy- he argues there is no one cause, but in the world we live in, it is very real. Let him cut his hand off and then argue the knife wasn’t the cause.
This nightmare will continue because of people like Dr Martin.
Martin also says in the EU interview that the coronavirus is a thing that the vaccine works on. In three different places, which I highlight in the comments below Alec's interview. I think I disagree with you about Martin's mastery of history. He has a tactic of introducing some critical assessment of some historical event and insinuating that it's relevant to the discussion. But he made the whole thing up. He doesn't explain what he's talking about. Like his reference to the Council of Nicaia in the fifth century. Who in the world knows what that has to do with the existence or not of a virus? It's all part of the con.
Yeah, I have to agree with you. I was just trying to be polite. I have worked with someone just like Dr Martin - basically waffled his way through meetings, to make himself look/sound important. This whole interview could have been done in 10 minutes if he had just answered the questions.
Great post. I don't trust Martin because he has that "Freemason"-vibe. Also, back in ~November, 2021- he made the ridiculous suggestion that the insurance industry (not the bankers) are behind COVID. So I now consider him a disinfo agent/Limited Hangout. That doesn't mean he shouldn't be listened to, though- because LHs still provide some useful info as long as you can filter out the disinfo.
Excellent! Restacked it and will cross-publish it as well.
Dear Sasha,
I am a fan of your work and of Christine Massey's work. I don't understand the claims you are making against her. Would you be kind enough to explain what the lies are you said she is claiming about you? I have closely followed Christine's work and can attest she is definitely not a grifter and I have never seen her lie over many years now! I can attest to her extraordinary integrity and her truly amazing devotion to exposing this "covid" fraud. Nevertheless, you have made a very serious allegation, and it would be good for all of us as readers to understand what is the content of that allegation. What did she say about you which caused you to claim she lied about you?
Hi Mike, its not about the logic of "lies", it is the "discredit by making a cesspool strategy". If discussions are septic enough it buries everything in a pile of shit. A standard propaganda tactic.
I first came across David Martin and Judy Mikovits thanks to the youtube algorithm......
... I had just watched a bunch of free form jazz improvisation videos.
After coming across the exposé - linked in the article - about the 2nd ... shortly after THE PSY-OP started I immediately became very sceptical about the motives of said person and its claims and stayed so since then.
Always on the lookout for any signs of deception the false humbleness of those fallen for the lies and deception of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, raging in the world based on its ORIGINAL SIN/FALSE BELIEVE about its own existence truly stood out.
I believe it is less a planned deception but rather the result of self-deception leading towards THE MENTAL PRISON CELL the individual HUMAN MIND perceives REALITY and every ANALYSIS is based on the filters that have been built up over time by being led astray from THE TRUTH.
THE CULT OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is the best description I have come across for this ailment torturing every HUMAN MIND perceptible for it.
David Martin did make us aware that the government can't force "vaccinate" us. Everyone is EXEMPT from the EXPERIMENTAL toxin injection aka Covid "vaccine" under Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Section 50 Subpart B (section 50.20, 50.23, 50.24). Violations of the above are punishable under 18 U.S.C. Section 2331 Part 5 Domestic Terrorism, Subsection B(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.
And the Nuremberg Code.
But he does lose credibility with the whole "yes, viruses are real" b.s.
The govt CAN and WILL "vaccinate." Even DeSantis signed that into law in FL, when he was "protecting" jobs:
The lockdowns, the muzzling, and the fraudulent "tests" were also illegal and used a criminal argument:
The Nuremberg code goes back to a travesty of justice:
Of course, it applies only to the losers. The globalists are in their own club and as George Carlin said, you ain't in it:
Finding a court that would pass a guilty verdict would be a miracle, but who would enforce the verdict?
Oh, and one more thing: there is no "we":
See this and you will start to realize the trap of some sweet candy with poison in the middle.
Non-sequitur here...
Psyllium, flax... anything mucilaginous! But I'm being practical.
Maybe we could make mucilaginous bombs for the larger problem!
Excellent Alex David debate. Thank you for the share. Now I'm kinda glad that I didn't give the cops, that were called on me by my university 2 years ago, David's 48 page document ; )