Jul 22·edited Jul 27Pinned

🎊★Brain-Bits Winner’s podium!★🎊

I thought I would get all kinds of flack for this post for being silly or stupid but no, I got some really great ideas I never even thought of, what a wonderful day! I've also added a large section at the bottom of the post explaining the issues of importance.

So today I’m honored to present the “Brain-Bits Winners Circle”. And the winner is…drum roll…🎊 🎊 🎊SHARINE!🎊 🎊 🎊.


But we have some very on-the-mark runners-up: Mia Breeze 🎓, Sirius 🎓, and Petra 🎓!

Everyone else gets the “dud” prize, no just kidding we still love you for showing-up!

So what was so special about Sharine (besides she seems to have read all the PM posts in a week)! Well, she came up with many right ideas: On Morrison, his dad was the Admiral of call on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident to start the Vietnam war, “MK-ULTRA'd bloodliner tool for the wayward wizards and their Luciferian agenda.” She doubts he died (so do I since his GF Pamela “died” 3 years later). The JFK photos didn’t match (bingo! Sharine was the only one to note that. I was taken by the nose shape and the sideburn angles), and on Kirk she noted that the “A” is for the Ass*ole loving Enterprise crew (notice all the evil projects the nasty elite do are “Enterprise" fraud). Still Sharine missed what the “throne” symbol meant.

MIA: Do not underestimate Mia for a second, she was right on Sharine’s heels and correct about hero-worship which was one of the main digs. Mia hits home here with,“lead roles (sitting on thrones) / face of different narratives that were promoted”. Sharine missed this one and only eked-out first place for her many on-the-mark ideas. Sharine and Mia, how do your friends and family take to your knowing so much about conspiratorial facts?

SIRIUS: Kicking the heels of Mia, his point is right on the mark, “ALL Pop culture is actually PsyOP culture! Morrison and many many others [even Charles Manson] are kids of military, so their nihilism and self-destructive behavior was expected and counted on..”

👉Yes, their behavior is then imitated by young people and undermines society. Teens won’t take their studies seriously, might have a going-no-where-life trying to do their own music and/or get into heavy pot use and crack, raves and ecstasy, and up to heroin and opioids.

Cpt.Kirk is just a part of “Make all straight men GAY” mission.

👉Intersting, Sirius please elaborate!

“Why so much death around celebrities/elites”

👉Good point, it is clear that many of these are psy-ops, the persons did not really die, their “deaths” are for a purpose; to make heroes or to put the country in a state of shock (JFK's "death"), or to make them lose their role-model standing; Morrison and the rock/hippie scene was backfiring on the Military-Industrial-Complex due to coordinated protesting of Vietnam and TPTB needed to take these movements they themselves started out or discredit them (i.e., the fake Manson Murders).

PETRA: Makes a good point about how many deaths are fake, so this is about JFK and Morrison-though Shatner’s wife’s death is extremely suspicious as a fake or homicide/suicide. To me, the stunner is how people believe most anything they’re told whether it’s a virus, or an assassination, death, terrorists in caves taking over the US...

👉This point also related to the faked shooting of Trump the other day. I think we are all tired of talking about Trump so I’ll quit here.

★I’ve added a more thorough commentary at the bottom of the post.

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Many VERY MANLY movie-pop stars turned out to be very gay when they started with the "getting out of the box spiel" in late1980s and 1990s. All thanks to the drugged up 1960s and 1970s that came after post-WW2 psychosis.

Watching porn, being gay, doing drugs and/or aspiring to be a criminal was now becoming acceptable behavior. Today it is the norm - BE QUEER AND DO CRIME graffitti are everywhere!

None of what I mentioned is coincidental - people who set these trends in technology and steer society through secret societies, institutions and ms media were planning this in the 19th century! And their power, the base of it, comes from usurious practices in banking. I mean cmon, in 9th and 10th centuries, average European citizen feared the jews because they owned the slavery business.. God knows how many gentiles/Christians have been sold to Arabs and the Turk in those eunuch owning times.

This officer Tippet also looks like RFK Jr a lot. First time I hear of him too

Btw, it was the lousiest and fakest shooting of a presidential candidate I have ever seen! On a clueless egomaniacal teenager level. Which is logical. It can not be on an adult level in the first place - minds that are the target of such fake shootings are stuck in the high school ..

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I can see the trends you say yes.

"usurious" is a new good word for me thanks!

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Of course, at the end I was talking about the failed ketchup smeared shooting of Trump ...

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Proton Magic

I don't know the right answers. But my research and intuition tell me that Jim Morrison — son of a high-level military father — was an MK-ULTRA'd bloodliner tool for the wayward wizards and their Luciferian agenda. I doubt that he died. He is probably playing another role, since that seems to be how these black magicians roll. His gravestone inscription is straight-up truth: They worship demons and are actually possessed by them through this bloodliner black magic. It's all part of the "artificial elevation" program, as I call it.

The JFK photos seem like different people (the ear doesn't match). Either way, I am pretty sure we're dealing with the same bloodline stuff in his case. William Shat-ner, too.

Yeadon? Is he a germ theory proponent? If so, bloodliner.

P.S. The symbol on Kirk's shirt is a symbol "A" which means Luciferian butt-boy. No one gets into the limelight without performing regular anal sex.

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Incredible insights Sharine! The "A" is a new one for me, thanks.

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Now you'll start seeing it everywhere: Movies/tv/streaming content/music videos, photos, carefully arranged letters in advertising titles and names, use of words like "cl-ass," "gr-ass" and "gl-ass." They are so proud of their buttfuckery.

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Long time no see Proton. Yeadon is a bloodliner for being a germ theory proponent? So I am one too.

I am very confused.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Author

Hi, I will write an explanation in a few days. Patience young grasshopper.

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Patient patient here on the germ proponent >> bloodline question, but I'm pretty sure Yeadon has not-so-recently advocated for the position of "zero injections of anything purporting to be of medical benefit".

Feel encouraged to post a link to your most recent evidence that agrees with the quoted Reuters assertion that "Yeadon has said he personally doesn’t oppose the use of all vaccines".

Might have been correct at some point, but fairly sure this is out of date.

All the other stuff in your piece: very interesting & mighty cool! Spooky indeed.

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Hi, well it doesn't matter because the bombs have dropped and the operational importance of injections is not what is was and even if he changes his mind, which he did on no virus, that is a standard propaganda trick to change track when it is too late. I think it was Geraldo Rivera who conceded that 9.11 could be an inside job after the wars were already going/finished. Is that meaningful? Not much. I also havn't seen Yeadon take up any part of the Yeadon Challenge post.

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In reverse order:

1) What's the Yeadon Challenge post?

2) Is Geraldo ever meaningful? The probability of at least parts of 9/11 being an inside job was cinched for me that morning, when, after watching the big buildings more or less collapse into their footprints, we got to see Bldg 7 do the same trick without a plane in sight. So, yeah, Geraldo is worth zilch.

3) I've followed Yeadon generally online, here and there, since his early garage videos, in which, unless I'm experiencing a Mandela effect false memory, he was clearly advising against the various injections by Pharma companies. So, we seem to have different ideas about where he was at various times. If he evolved his understanding and public positions over time, it's not like that's something that STEM types never do. Reverse engineering it into believing that he's a witting propagandist/deceiver is a big stretch for me...not impossible, with new data, but quite a stretch based on what I've seen since the garage years. Curious to know what you think he might be nudging us toward/into if his intentions aren't benevolent.

Not the 'cutest fit' analogy, but one of the early academic lit crit people dealing with Pynchon's work after Gravity's Rainbow was published had a theme about the tendency to extrapolate from visible caries to invisible cabals. Oh, I believe there's at least one serious cabal, maybe more, per Robert Anton Wilson's idea of multiple secret societies, some aligned, some at odds with each other, but if Mike Yeadon is actively working for one or more of Them There Cabals, what do you think his role is, really? A constellation of possibilities would work for me, not looking for an overly specific answer or to know where and from whom he gets his marching orders...I just haven't seen anything yet that makes me very suspicious of the bloke. But I'm an open minded skeptic, so I might change my mind, too, even if it made some folks suspicious of me.

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Speaking of playing other roles, I did an analysis - long ago in a galaxy far, far away LOL! - of JFK's teeth and Jimmy Carter's teeth. They are identical.

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I have seen that photo comparison and it is astounding!

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Proton Magic

What is NOT staged and faked is a much appropriate question than what is.

Majority of things we are being told via big ms media is a damn PSY op, projection, propaganda, indoctrination etc etc.

ALL Pop culture is actually PsyOP culture! Morrison and many many others are kids of military, so their nihilism and self-destructive behavior was expected and counted on, it was all quite orchestrated! Since it is done in a "loose" and "organic/soft" manner it is not that easy to detect while it is happening. But we can know the tree by the fruit that it gives!

Cpt.Kirk is just a part of "Make all straight men GAY" mission.

Why so much death around celebrities/elites - which makes one think how they are vulnerable like the rest of population? It is all about sacrifice - sacrificing their kids for their "divine plans" is actually part of their religion/theology.

Abraham actually sacrificed Isaac, haven't you heard! And there is the story of Jeptha. But one has to read stuff like Midrash to learn this.

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SIRIUS, those are good points. I am in alignment with your thinking here.

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Everything in the "news" is fake... A friend had a neighbor who hired a caretaker for the 1/2 acre lot His home was on. The caretaker lived in a trailer on the property.

One day the caretaker grabbed the wife of the neighbor and held Her hostage in the trailer. Lots of police showed up and My friend got some footage of what was going on.

Finally, after hours, the caretaker let the wife go and then, using the propane, blew Himself and the trailer up.

Well... My friend was sure this incident would put His little suburb on the map. He eagerly waited for the evening news. But... It did not show up on the national news, and... It did not show up on the LOCAL news!

So real things go unheeded there.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Proton Magic

Ignoring Yeadon, the roles these guys played all lead to cult followings - these guys are all still worshipped today.

They were the lead roles (sitting on thrones) / face of different narratives that were promoted during 60's and 70's, and because of them those narratives still have traction long after they finished playing their part.

JFK - the people's president /government exists

Kirk - space travel

Morrison - sex, drugs and rock n roll

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Author

Yeadon had, still has (?) a kinda cult following, at least a "hero" even Reuters and Wiki says:


"Yeadon has emerged as an unlikely hero of the so-called anti-vaxxers, whose adherents question the safety of many vaccines, including for the coronavirus."

-True, neither JFK, Kirk, nor Morrison have asked me for a phone date, so Yeadon is closer to heart!

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Well, if the shoe fits...😊

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The JFK dead body is hilarious. I hate myself for it but I can't help feeling a slight sense of taking my hat off to them for so over-egging the omelette. But then why wouldn't they when they can always, always, always get away with it even when those not really awake to these things get it, eg, there are numerous comments on this ABC YT interview with Seth Rich's family a few days after his alleged death baulking at the against-reality behaviour displayed and it seems that not all the comments are coming from people who in general are up on psyops.


PM, you've heard the phone conversation between Jackie and LBJ two weeks after alleged assassination, haven't you?


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Thanks Petra, yes I heard that very suggestive and unnatural conversation. I'll make a thorough comment on today's post in a few days.

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This post reminded me of two things from 2020. First, when global lockdown hit in March I, like so many, had lots of time on my hands to research crazy shit. I have no idea how I came across this but, for all of the first few months of 2020 there was a ‘celebrity’ death (mostly B grade or lower) nearly every day … it was quite mind-blowing. I expect not a lot of people were paying attention as they were too busy complying or reading Q drops. The second thing was, after RFK Jr popped up on the scene and I’d never paid much attention to him, so I did a bit of digging. Talk about surrounded by death! And then, in mid-2020 his niece and nephew die in a ‘canoeing accident’ and there’s barely a peep out of anyone, including RFK Jr. It was that point I started to get really weird vibes from him, not least because of his Hollyweird wife and the circumstances around the death of his first wife and him marrying her.

Oh, and Jackie Kennedy/Onassis is a bloke.

In other words, they’re all creeps but possibly Mike Yeadon a little less so. I look forward to hearing about your phone date 😊

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The celebrity deaths make sense since they were covering up a democide in the US in 2020 that killed 529k more people than the year before--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. To this day, most people believe there were little or no excess deaths in 2020, due to a massive propaganda/coverup that has been going on since the beginning. One of the coverup narratives is that any excess deaths were caused by iatrogenic effects of covid treatments--Yeadon is in that camp. This claim does not fit with the mortality data at all.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Thanks, can you elaborate more, celeb deaths in 2020 right and who and do you think they were fake? And the main cause you refer to in 2020 was which cause?

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I was just thinking fake celebrity deaths would have been a good distraction from the democide in progress--just a guess. I don't pretend to have any answers--I am just looking at the mortality data and trying to find answers. You have to look at where and when deaths occurred, the ages of people who died, where they died, etc. The data doesn't fit a virus, it doesn't fit iatrogenic deaths--possibly some kind of mass-poisoning, or radiation damage.

The NYC mass casualty event in spring 2020 can be used as a litmus test--ask yourself, what could kill 50k people over 8 weeks in a small geographic area, after which deaths return to normal. And it increased deaths among all adults young and old more or less equally. Data is summarized here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

Also there is a summary here of the characteristics of deaths during all the peaks in 2020 and 2021. Increases in all different causes of death. Deaths increase among all adults equally--even more for younger adults. The question is what fits this data. The data is everyone needs to look at--but no one is. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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Yes this I completely agree with. PCR and Mask disinfectant and other things on them, then mixed with 5G might be a good choice, because we have to explain why young kids did not die so much, they didn't get pcr tests? And there are 2 large studies on 5g association with illness in 2020.

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Interesting issue would be if pets were affected (most would need to go outdoors). We could be talking about something that exposure might last only a day, then over the next 8 weeks, a certain percent of people would die from the effects. It possibly got out of hand in NYC, and they toned in down for subsequent death surges.

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Young kids were probably kept indoors more--which could help explain it if it were an airborne poison. I have indications this was something possibly absorbed thru the skin, causing damage to the exterior of the lungs--which could point to radiation damage or a chemical weapon.

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Here in Japan kids were out much more than adults that were at work or at home work, ZERO persons died and very few even got sick up to age 30 even. Kids and animals did not get ill. That means something only adults got a lot of, PCR tests.

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Jul 16Liked by Proton Magic

I can't help but think, by some measure, that this 'New & Eargrooved', 'Trumped-Up', Trauma-Map' is a 'Mason-Dixon Line (of sight)' of sorts.

Such that, whatever 'side' of the prescribed narrative boundary one finds themselves occupying, the mind is equally ensnared.

king's cross plays to the rook

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Very good look at things! Thank You little Proton!

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Jul 15Liked by Proton Magic

I can see Yeadon and Proton on a date, holding hands, and feeding each other aburi tora. But he won't answer your basic questions and challenges. Why? because scared? PM, you must flatter him first; and use Heart emojis. Good Luck!

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Jul 15Liked by Proton Magic

In case you were wondering, the not-so-famous are surrounded by death and probably more so than the average super-star. The rich and famous usually want to remain the rich and famous thousands of years after they have discovered being rich and famous didn't buy them one more day of life.

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Jul 22Liked by Proton Magic

Neil Young is certainly a controlled Patsy. I remember his world tour in the eighties. Every interview he did he promoted nuclear weapons and Regans Star Wars. And he himself said he was a mate of Charlie Manson. He sold his Soul to the Devil worshipers so he could keep doing drugs in the USA and not be deported back to Canada. His song Ohio was obviously written by his handlers.

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Good point, his promoting vaxes was gross.

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Proton, have you looked into Assange? I think he may be up for the latest leading man "hero" Oscar award...too many red flags for me and all the hallmarks of MK'd kid crafted and molded for the perfect 'anti-establishment' role of a lifetime.

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I lived next door to Julian's dad, John Shipton, for 13 years and he was in our house frequently. I met Julian very briefly once too pre-Wikileaks. While his dad is very much not a straight-talking type person at the same time I don't think he's involved in any of this psyoppy type stuff. When I think back there is absolutely nothing that makes me have any suspicions. Julian didn't grow up with his dad but regardless of the cult he was in for awhile I don't think he was involved either. I believe as soon as he was arrested for hacking he was surrounded by them and he didn't realise it.

I tried to tell John that Chelsea is an agent and Collateral Murder is faked but he wouldn't have a bar of it. I told other people around Julian too and none of them would listen to me. I even tried to tell one of my former housemates in order that she might help get the message through. She wouldn't either.

I think there's a good chance his wife, name changed to Stella Moris (one letter different from Stella Maris which has occult associations) from Sara Gonzalez Devant is an agent who turned.

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Amazing story!

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This makes sense due to what my V2K perps and their chat bots continually spew, vs Common Sense at its basics, then to …. & …. & ….. & …. & scripture. Think a few levels were missed in today’s messed up agendas against humanity and now that too lost its “ humane” aspect…. What track is the world on?!!?

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so so so Epstein didn't commit suicide? Who is HE a hero of? Maybe 'they' do this to bad guy heroes tooooooooooooooooooo.

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I guess he is part of the control of stooges team: gun to your head while you are in bed.

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nanos mucking about. love you

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RemovedJul 28
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Graphitic materials may be on pcr swabs and masks, but graphene is only hypothetical as you saw on my, "True Nature of Graphene post". You are free to have a different opinion but you would need to show a paper proving isolation and characterization of graphene, not just Ramen spectroscopy which does not show structure and function.

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RemovedJul 28
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Sorry about the typo. I did make the post on The True Nature of Graphene


where THE FINDERS state it is hypothetical. Now you have been able to say your part on my SS but we are at the end of our discussion rope, pls don't chase me further around the comments as noted in the About page. Best regards.

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RemovedJul 22
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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Tim West, I understand your position. I will tell you the low-down

1. Mike was given the Fan Wu no virus found paper many times by myself and Massey and he would not engage in the paper content not finding virus (though I made the content clear and easy for him), and Mike is clearly capable of reading and understanding this paper- see my post Yeadon walks thru brick wall and the Yeadon Challenge.

2. Even after given the paper he still did not deny variants, ADE, false positive, all requiring a virus.

3. He is part of Team Enigma full of 4IR and Transhumanism project people and diversionary folks like Sasha Latypova (see my posts "the hole you can never wipe...." and "It's a bird its a plane its superchem"), and most importantly the link in the body of this post to Team Enigma by Omar Jordan which you did not have time to read yet I'm sure. Regardless, first edit your post to be polite, because while logic argument is fine and I'm a proponent of free speech, you must be polite on this SS to keep a comment on it.

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