Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Pinned

Guys, please DON’T write diatribes that antidepressants don’t work anyway or their side-effects. There is truth to those in many patients, but that’s not what this post is about. This is about in-silico oracles and Pharma games. Stay on topic, thanks!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Lol you read my mind 😂 fair enough though. I kinda figured there would be a disclaimer somewhere.

But your point was still made. And its a valid point and just further supports their blatant hypocrisy and wild assumptions. My favorite thing with the sCiEnCe™️ is when everything they publish is riddled with ambiguous language now. "May", "could", "similar to", "resembles", "this suggests that....", and the cherry on the cake is MOST of them (if people read the whole thing), always conclude with "but further research is needed....".

Ohhh ok, so there is maybe, could be, possibly, but DEFINITELY a virus or a genome or proof that this thing causes cancer but these other things are 100% safe & effective..... but we can't say conclusively because there are holes in our methods and clear biases in this study since we're all funded by the people profiting off of these lies.

That's basically what they mean, right?

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Thanks PM! Gem of a post!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

The (or a) blueprint for this is documented by Edward Calabrese in the history of the (philanthro-pathological) Linear No Threshhold Model - drawn from bent science seeking Nobels for 'proving' "Evolution" by exposing fruit flies to 100 million times background radiation (in the lower dose cohort).


(Feel free to ignore the intro/outro guy, to follow the interview. It's more 'juicy toward the end but the background is key. The whole thing is a great example of how science is used as a tool for socio-political restructuring to regulatory capture overriding lawful being with sympathy of support in a fear-modelled population.

Recognising the patterns that run as 'control dictates' or protected narratives needs to look at the psyche - not just at the 'world' of its reflected 'results'.

Predictive control as a function of 'making safe' rises from a Separation trauma or split of mind.

Our focus and adaptation to our 'reality' is dependent on deeper patterns of value, exploration and experience to which we collectively participate in - but are rarely conscious of such a 'matrix' of perceived meanings.

When the actual science found facts that undermined the assumptions the Model was protected regardless but switched from cellular mutational damage to a cancer risk model. Cancer runs as a securitised narrative. A fundamental mind-capture of repackaging shock, fear and guilt conflict into 'regulatory' standards of 'care' by which to pharm sickness, death and control in the Public as The Solution in "War on Cancer".

Keeping others - particularly rivals, down to stay on top is the living of life as war. Of war as honesty and of the subordination of all else to the seeking and maintaining of power as 'life's dictate'. hence the cultivating and manipulating of illusions of love, hope, or concern. It runs as a Getting Machine in the mind that dissociates to image and model of life as a substitution and masking over of the true - except FROM such a wish is fear projected to a now demonised 'truth' that must be evaded, attacked and denied to 'survive' in the masking wish-belief of power over and apart from life.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

"They" started marketing aluminum free under-arm deoderants not long ago... so... how do people feel when they realize they've been "ingesting/absorbing" this substance for the last fifty years of their life just to smell nice? And how many other household products and medications include these ingredients (for real... not in silico) because it makes them "smoother" or adds some other non-essential property for "marketing" purposes?

How many people actually test the soil where they plant a food garden? Because there are so many new gardens built on old industrial wastelands and the new residents think it would be nice to grow some cucumbers (laced with all kinds of toxic metals). Much of the so-called mental illness (brain damage) industry in the past was created by these toxins making their way into the food supply. And since the nervous system runs through our entire bodies, other parts can suffer this type of permanent damage too and these people usually (to this day) end up in front of a psychiatrist who readily deploys their arsenal of mood altering toxins to "balance" the effects of the original cause.

Anyway, this whole "in silico" thing has to go. Of course it is touted as a "miracle" method of divination for reasons why things happen and new drug discovery etc etc. But it's all bullcrap because our bodies simply don't work that way. We are not walking talking digital petri dishes. Our "ecology" is far more complex than that and intertwined symbiotically with everything else in this "realm" for better or worse.

I vote to reduce the influence of Big Pharma down to its essential requirements for ER and few things beyond that. Of course, the only way that happens is if enough people walk away and take matters into their own hands. And we're a long way from that scenario.

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Yeah, where there's a will (to make a big money) they will always find the way.

So unfortunate for Merck that ivm patent ran out. Like with many other drugs, they're all wonderful untill their patents ran out lol. And, of course plenty of unsafe and dangerous ones that are pushed and pushed until they can be pushed no more and are quietly removed from the market. With all trusting consumer base it makes for one mighty profit model. Great work PM, thank you.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 17, 2023Author

Dear Brent

Please see my request in the top pinned comment:

"Guys, please DON’T write diatribes that antidepressants don’t work anyway or their side-effects. There is truth to those in many patients, but that’s not what this post is about. This is about in-silico oracles and Pharma games".

Your points are not untrue but this isn't the forum for this topic. I don't like the idea of removing a comment and have never done so, perhaps you can edit your comment to discuss the topic at hand and/or make your own post on your own news site with your points as a topic. I can ask you to please respect my post's wishes, I'll give you a few days before I remove your comment (I will not ban you) but will keep a copy if you want it.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Author

Hey Brent, I suggest focus on the lady (Katherine Woodville as Natira) at the bottom kneeling in front of the Oracle in that Star Trek episode. RIP she died in 2013.

Dr. McCoy was ill, had a mind control implant controlled by the Oracle (AI) who could cause pain and death thru the implant, and the people didn't realize their world was actually a space shop, not really what they thought it was--a little predictive programming 50 years coming.

I'd rather take an antidepressant than a Covid shot any day.

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