There is a pattern that repeats over and over with many Phoenician operatives. THEY have a secret you see. Whether they are entertainers or nearly any profession with notoriety the narrative is almost always put out there that they started out poor or middle class. The poorer they can get away with the better. Oprah, for example, spun her upbringing which was modest but perfectly comfortable into a tale of destitute poverty, living in SHACK! THEY can't have the public figuring out that all advancement, in every field, is because of family connections and not any particular talent or drive. That is one of the main illusions that holds their matrix together and keeps people working to advance, even though they never will without the connections. This is an illusion THEY will and do maintain at any cost. You start seeing this everywhere once you are aware of it.

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Et's in great form as always able to see what's happening in the bigger picture! But yes this is part of the pic of what they do to these people: trauma based mind control, gender inversion, children swapping, name changing, nationalities changing, and on and on...

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So what is the name of this New dance craze we are experiencing please Dr Mike;

You know the one where we place an object in the middle of the room, point at it, shout at it and then spiral our heads out of control until we all fall on the floor.........

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This is a brilliant critical (robustly cynical) commentary, thank you.

I was unable to identify a date for the Ziarco article, either here on the the linked website?


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Its one of those time portal sites where past, present and future merge into one. Here however, you can see Ziarco news and links to "more funding rounds":


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So - to be fair - the Ziarco timeline is many years prior to the pandemic. Looks like Ziarco was acquired in 2016 - so all these quotes would have happened before that.

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Some payments may be amortized, royalty or milestone payments may be ongoing, consulting payments may be ongoing, human relationships are always ongoing, and more importantly, to get those jobs to begin with, it is good if your family had been part of certain "fraternity" groups. True we don't know about all of those but we do have Dr. Y's recent behaviors as facts. See this if you did not:


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Yes I've seen that.

It is certainly possible he's controlled opposition. It's also possible he's in the process of untangling the truth from the lies. Let's face it - if you take his story at face value he only started to suspect there was "something wrong" about three years ago.

If I take myself as an example, I started to figure out that there was "something wrong" in about 2005 or 2006. It took me a great many more than three years to reach the level of understanding I currently have. I might well have sounded just like Yeadon three years into the process.

I'm keeping an open mind - which is not saying you are wrong - just that you might be.

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Thank you for the important links and the detailed history of Mike's viewpoints!

The first and last time I conversed with him was sometime around May, 2022, and he was "not convinced" that viruses don't exist. I told him what probably truckloads of others told him, and he changed his stance a few weeks later.

Personally, I am finding it an abomination that he is now pushing the mRNA/spike protein BS, but this red herring seems to mislead a lot of people, so I had to sum up the logic in plain English:


Actually, I have doubts that "Mike" is really Mike. Deepfakes are just about perfect by now:


Nothing is what it seems:


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I like a lot about this, Proton.

But I gotta tell you, Act 2 was a BIG FLOP, imho.

"The next step is to call out graphene and self-assembling nano structures and how EMFs will interact with them.”

I'm not sure your profession, PM, (well, maybe I do) but I have had a career as a technologist.

My first title was "electronics technician" and I repaired electronic cash registers. My last title when I retired was Systems Engineer, and I helped repair, maintain, and operate a datacenter w/ massive linux clusters and custom supercomputers. I attended some college (2 years) but have no degree.

In 1984 I was hired by Texas Instruments. I was hired as an electronics tech for an integrated circuit design shop. That's when I encountered Unix, and my life changed.

I'm just saying this to establish that I know something about technology,

I am 100% certain that "self assembling nano-robots" that are both injectable, but also chirp over Bluetooth and/or Wifi => these things are SCI FI. It is ridiculous nonsense. Nothing close to this is possible.

It's just a different kind of Fear Porn, only targeted to those who got the shot.

"Wuh!? I am turning into a CYBORG!? I can feel the machine taking control of my spinal cord and neo-cortext". No no no, please.

We have limited time here. We need to be efficient.

If you want to go after 1 thing, then make it "The Virus".

2 things? Add the PCR test

3? No diagnostic OF ANY KIND exists for covid!

There are more, but each one of those is a complete SHOW STOPPER!

Christine Massey has DESTROYED #1. She built the evidence record herself (with helpers).

Eric Coppolino did the deepest dive into PCR that I know. He is recognized as a worldwide authority on PCR.

We don't need to go into vaccines AT ALL. Especially dodgy areas like graphene oxide, self assembling nano robots, and other Science Fiction.

Going after Vaccines to stop the COVID Hoax

is like trying to stop the war by suing the company that makes the bullets.

Of course the Clotshots are Toxic!

We knew that a year ago!

It is very easy to show.

33,000 are DEAD in VAERS,

likely 100x worse (Harvard Pilgrim study)

33,000 x 100 = 3.3M Dead.

That's just for the United States.

But the main point is the shots are CONTRAINDICATED

FOR ALL PERSONS, because they ain't no Fxcking CONVID!

So let's focus on that. The Narrative "Root Causes".

The "Core Lie" of the Hoax, as Debbie Lusignan would say.

Rest in Peace.

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Hi Bill, I have thought on and off like you have that the graphene could be SF or psyop, then info started to pile up: magnets on injected-hundreds of vids, spectroscopy, and microscopy, MAC addresses, China patent for graphene in shots, graphene said to be in masks from China, Dr Noack nano tech guy finding graphene seemed to be killed, etc. Dozens of Drs and research groups finding graphene looking things, some doing laser spectroscopy finding elements that fit with graphene, and self assembling objects looking like circuit parts. Well I can’t vouch 100% of what is true and I'm always willing to change my conclusions. And I didn't go after the PCR as that was not in the discussion with Mike and this post is about Mike and what he is about more than a priority list of topics, in which case you would be correct.

FINALLY, this pushed me over, finding what they called “steel” in shots in Japan (probably graphene), causing recall of 1.6 mil doses. This was found by a Dr in the vax center after a vial warmed up, and the Japan PM Mr Suga resigned the next day for no reason besides to change the news cycle.


Now, how can vials get passed the QC Dept of Takeda Pharma, a top-10 Pharma, Rovi the bottler, and Moderna, and be found out by a lone Dr? The QC dept was told to keep the vaxes on ice? That would be strange to tell a QC dept.

What would be the purpose of this? To make all anti-vaxers look loony, to detract from the no-virus? Could go this way, or could be the truth. But finding “metal” in the Japan vaxes is REALLY not helpful for the official narrative. It seems to be an ingredient that was supposed to be hidden. They wouldn't fire the PM and change the news cycle if they did not want to hide this and, that was very effective. They say shards of steel in you is "safe". Sure, put a metal plate into a microwave and see if that looks safe and then put your head full of shards near a 5g tower going at 60Ghz and you might get a nice buzz and a halo around your head.

Here is another report. Is it propaganda? Is it SF? I can't personally prove it, but the graphene pushers have much more hard evidence than the virus pushers.


I have one last piece of data coming which is someone I know who has an actual sample (cant tell you more) and will be scoping it in the next weeks. If positive for graphene looking objects or assembled then I’ll have my own first hand data incl chain of custody. If negative…I don’t know what to make of one sample then. For me, keep pushing for the truth, eliminating the negatives, and willing to turn course with a critical mass of info, and I do what I tell others: "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH".

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Summary: "Clotshots are Bad!"

End of story.

33,000 ARE DEAD! I don't need to know any more details!!!

Studying more details about HOW the ClotShots are killing people seems like a bizarre fetish to me. It's like trying to study in exquisite detail HOW a bullet kills, how precisely it rips organs apart in the time sequence down to the microsecond.

I DON'T CARE! I want to solve the problem, not incessantly study nearly irrelevant details of the problem.

A good systems engineer (my former professional title) has the ability of going into a situation and quickly seeing the essential details.

The components of the clot shots and how they are killing people is not an essential detail necessary for solving the problem.

Clotshots are Deadly and Contraindicated in all cases!


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Agree Bill but can we say rather:

All shots bad! All vexxes kill!

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Yes, of course. ALL Vaccines are based on BAD SCIENCE, and a faulty model of disease. Before COnVID, all vaccines used toxic adjuvants in order to "make them work better", i.e., MAKE YOU SICK.

This whole industry is sick. Black Arts. LD50: Ritual animal slaughter in order to have "safe medicines".

I'm not really into Christian metaphors, but this is Luciferian Pharmakea Sorcery, if such a thing exists. It's truly Black Magic.

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Hmmm. Comments on the proposed evidence for graphene:

(1) magnets on injected-hundreds of vids

Graphene is not magnetic.

(2) spectroscopy

I'm interested in this - could you link to the report for me? If it's what you mention below - "evidence for elements which form graphene", then it's entirely meaningless. If it's actual specific evidence for layers of graphene, then it might mean something.

(3) and microscopy

Not convincing. "Things" seen under microscopes could frequently be anything at all - especially to laymen who have no idea what they're looking at. Heck the virus people point to micrsocopy as evidence for viruses! In both cases they point to photos of "things" which could be anything at all, and then claim that these things are whatever they want them to be. It's BS.

(4) MAC addresses

What's your evidence for this? I've seen silly videos which didn't prove anything at all.

(5) China patent for graphene in shots, graphene said to be in masks from China, Dr Noack nano tech guy finding graphene seemed to be killed.

Classic psy-op stuff. Also convenient that the patenet is Chinese - so we can't verify from the source - unless you read Chinese?

(6) Dozens of Drs and research groups finding graphene looking things, some doing laser spectroscopy finding elements that fit with graphene

Graphene looking thIngs?

Elements that fit with graphene? You mean carbon? What a surprise - it's in everything. Graphene isn't anything complex or difficult to make - it's just a single layer of carbon graphite. The guys who won the nobel prize for "discovering" it isolated it by sticking scotch tape to a pencil and peeling the scotch tape off. That's graphene. And carbon atoms are in practically everything.

(7) Self assembling objects looking like circuit parts.

Do they look like circuit parts? What do those look like? I just saw pictures of different shapes and commentary that said these were circuit parts. Didn't look anything like circuit parts to me - but what do I know? More to the point - do you know what circuit parts look like?

(8) Well I can’t vouch 100% of what is true and I'm always willing to change my conclusions.

Nor can I - but these graphene assertions seem highly sketchy to me - not enough to make me change my conclusions at all.

(9) FINALLY, this pushed me over, finding what they called “steel” in shots in Japan (probably graphene),

Why is steel "probably graphene"? Graphene isn't even a metal.

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You bring up many important issues, pls see this I did recently


Graphene is said to be a semi-metal, then again it's hypothetical substance.

The Japan steel thing is highly suspicious because one Dr in the vax center found what 3 huge companies Moderna, Rovi, and Takeda's QC divisions didn't find and Japanese QC is known to be quite thorough, this it is unthinkable really. So whether steel or some other metal, many suspect that found what was supposed to be hidden by the frozen colloid melting.

There are too many points to go over here, and I'm not gonna make any dogmatic statements except to say there are many strange phenomena going on with the shots, see nano-man on spacebusters. We'll have to come back to what, if, yes, no, when more hard info comes in.

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Semi-metal means non-metal which possesses some metallic properties. Like silicon is a semi-conductor. Graphene is carbon. It's not a metal. And it's not hypothetical either - it's in every pencil in the country - it's called graphite when it's in a lump, and graphene when they scrape off a layer that's only one atom thick.

The Japan steel thing is highly suspicious I agree - but not because it has anything to do with graphene.

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The "discoverers" of graphene say it is hypothetical-its assumed because of the electronic properties, read the paper in the link above the true nature...

THEY say its a semi metal:


Pls read and we can reconnect someday, I'm not in a debate mood, thanks.

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I know what a semi-conductor and a semi-metal are. My point is neither a semi-conductor, nor a semi-metal are anything like a metal. Semi-metal does not mean metal - they're completely different things - just as you can't hook your washing machine up with silicon wires because the silicon won't conduct like copper does even though silicon is a "semi-conductor".

If the japanese found metal in the vaccine - then they found metal - not graphene. The two are not confusable.

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Thank you little proton- I had similar exchanges with Mikey https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/what-they-really-dont-want-us-talking/comments

I hadn't read his exchange with Christine. It's interesting what he says about T cells that were MOSTLY absent from about HALF of the people who hadn't gone through a detox event! They WERE present in about HALF (were the other half not tested? he doesn't give the paper) Understanding more now about how the body triggers inflammation and healing events with proteins, mistakenly thought to be viral, possibly p132-230 (spiky), of course T cells that recognise these cellular factors and proteins will be present in those detoxing, in order to regulate them and control homeostasis. They will also be present in those who haven't recently detoxed, maybe in smaller amounts.

I have been wondering why he has gone quiet. Maybe he's not allowed to speak in the 'controlled opposition' virus believers against the clot shots. Maybe he's still coming to terms with a career which he thought was helping people in fact was making them ill.


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I just scanned over that page, very good. I've seen the "Dr. Mike Yeadon" commenter around. I wasn't sure at first, then later I leaned to think the commenter was pretending to be the real Mike but was challenging no-virus talk just as satire to emphasize nutty logic of the controlled op people, and I think the commenter was having fun with a comment I made that made me feel so. Have you ever confirmed that commenter is connected to the same email Christine (and I) use for the supposed real Mike? The commenters profile is this, and would the real Mike put in the "darling" part"?: "Lifer in pharmaceutical R&D in big pharma as well as biotech. A biology PhD. Apparently I’m also “the darling of the anti-Vax movement”. "

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I'm pretty sure it's Mike, as the wording and outlook is so similar to his video interviews as well as e mail exchanges but mostly because Mike is a follower and friend of Joel Smalley (dead men talking) (as well as share holder in Joel's business) who posted the link to my post on his own substack, which is how Mikey saw it.

I wish I had come up with Godzilla analogy


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Ok I guess it could be, surprised the real Mike has time to be writing comments on substacks, well anything could be true, and the real Mike does seem to have been commissioned to help certain narratives, and writing comments could be part of it. Why he doesn't have his own sub? Well, the motorbike must take up time.

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I think he likes the intellectual debate. All this proof of absence stuff. I like Cowan's comment about someone saying there are teapots orbiting Jupiter; which no one has ever seen or touched, but that can't be disproved. This is of course true, but so is the someone being slightly mad to keep going on about it. viruses like teapots were only ever postulated as a cause, but no evidence ever.

I think he then goes through the wall when he realises he's down a rabbit hole https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/were-so-far-down-the-rabbit-hole

He's been consistent about the mRNA jabs at least and digital ID's

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Ok, I'm still searching for a purified RNA. See my comments here: https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/not-vaccine-not-gene-therapy-just/comment/11889754

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In this video Yeadon says:


"I've actually come to the conclusion, [and] I will credit Cowen and his colleagues...I had a really good chat with those guys early in 2020...and it bothered me bothered me... and I realized over time that I could no longer maintain my understanding of respiratory viruses as I thought I knew them....I learned a new bit of information recently...just it collapsed...the possibility that respiratory viruses as currently desribed exist at all: they don't. "

In regards to this statement:

“Can you outline why attempting to persuade the public AND ALL OTHER COMMENTATORS ON OUR SIDE that “viruses don’t exist” is superior to the isolated truth (independent both of viruses AND of “vaccines”) that governments have lied continually?

I will play the devils advocate here so that Yeadon has some form of defense:

1) In the 1970's, Saul Alinsky published a book titled: "Rules for Radicals," in which he warns about trying to accomplish too much, at one time, because people overwhelmed with unconformist, radical, information will simply ignore what you have to say.

2) If the objective is to warn people about the dangers of the vaccine, then Alinksy might ask himself whether it's better to attack the government or virologists at this particular point in time.

3) People like Yeadon might believe it's counterpoductive to attack virology, which is a debate that will rage on for decades; and while that debate is necessary and productive in the long term, it might be counterproductive in the short term.

In other words, the average citizen might think your position is so improbable, that they will simply ignore everything else that you have to say. In the end, according to Alinsky, and perhaps this is how Yeadon feels, you will accomplish nothing.

This might also speak to the sacred and the profane. Centralized actors, historically, have leaned towards tyranny. In other words, convincing folks that the CDC is corrupt, that Pharma might be corrupt, and that the vaccines side effects have been ignored for personal gain, etc, is a much easier task, then convincing them that thousands of scientists are wrong, and not just wrong, but possibly conspiring and collaborating to commit crimes against humanity.

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PS in the Odysee vid you post , Dr Y says that "respiratory viruses as currently described don't exist at all." You see, he doesn't say that , "no virus has ever been found" (no human infecting virus has been found is the truth), nor does he say that, "Sars-C-2, the Covid-19 virus has never been found as an actual object so there is no Covid virus" (also a truth).

He says "as described" leaving the listener to think ok maybe they are a bit different than described, and he doesn't emphasize anywhere in this clip that the paper "finding" S-C-2 (Fan Wu et al.) is/are fraudulent: https://tinyurl.com/5dn644sk (there is only 1 paper defining S-C-2 via genome registration, all others are based on this one).


Why Mike skirts around this bush (walks right thru a logic wall) right in his face is my problem with him. Thanks for commenting.

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I noticed that he said "as described" to, and I don't disagree with your position.

I'm only playing the devils advocate.

I find myself sympathetic towards Michael, because he was one of the first to raise the alarm, and he had the courage to put his name out there. And you can see what they did to him. The most inaccurate encyclopedia, whcih is sadly the most used -- wikipedia -- now desribes him as anti-science and anti-vaxx, and if that wasn't damning enough they call him a disinformation, malinformation and misinformation peddler (don't forget to use all three). Of course, it's all poorly sourced by so-called "science journalists" and hand-picked experts who couldn't carry his book bag.

It's like the lionization of the intellectual lightweights.

And I think most of the commenters here are not screaming from a mountain top, probably for the same reasons that Mike doesn't, because they're afraid they might be the next case of "high profile suicide" or be hammered into submission by a petty tyrant working for some commission, board, or otherwise.

Although, another argument might be what the hell does Michael have to lose? He already stepped into the arena, so he might as well remove himself from teetering on the edge, where he oscillates and equivocates, elegantly and diplomatically, and just choose a damn side.

Maybe he's unsure of himself. Although, you'd think after 30 years in pharma he wouldnt hesitate. Frankly, I don't know.

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No worries, I don’t mind the devils advocate or criticisms as I need a challenge to learn. I think we can both agree there is some risk to self and family for Mike.

On the other hand, IMO, I think he is a controlled-op set up, because of 1. Starting off from the PR garage scene, 2. Putting out the EU petition with fine detail (few who are not bio geeks can understand-and which is a diversion from the no-virus), 3. But then not jumping on the no-virus even after talking to Kaufman/Cowan, and he admonished Massey to prove there is no virus nonsense, 4. His slithering away from abject logic truths with me and others, 5. Being close to Alex Jones (he was on the Covidland set)-notice no-virus people are rarely on AJ or Stew Peters (an IW graduate-note AJ and Stew are rabid Covid virus is a bio weapon guys-a diversion from the no -virus truth), and 5. The clincher, to be anti-vax bashed on Wiki so as to color all against-vax people as nutty. To me, this is standard Cointelpro (sheep-dipped then missioned), though I think he's been coerced to do it, not on his own free will. But, who knows who is who in the world of "drugs and thugs".

Notice: Malone, McCollough, Cole, Kirsh, Ron Johnson, Rand Paul...are all virus exists people, the first 4 rabidly anti-no-virus and mum and/or anti graphene in shots. Yeadon's narrative is close to them, many who had/have Pharma ties. They are frequently on AJ, Highwire, and other controlled op channels. They are all Cointelpro, Its a small world after all.

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Hi EFR, you are not wrong, it all depends on which sector of the public (and region of the country if US) you are going for, the 40% that will keep getting every shot, the 20% that believes in the virus but is on the fence about shots, the 20% thinks it's all fake but just to comply with society, or the 20% that will never get a shot (%s here are just for discussion).

The no-virus will get a few of just to comply people, the corruption talk will get only a very few on the fence and compliers because most people are aware there is always corruption. They are worried about infection or peer pressure. Using both will get a bit more, so thats ok but neither will take the cat out of the bag. Its always better to speak the full truth regardless, but the real problem is lack of critical thinking among the masses about power structures, and their inability to even listen or ask for more info.

About Mikes admission on respiratory viruses, you can see, I think in Act 2, I commended him. However, he is not shouting from the rooftops about no sars virus, he barely mentions it, doesnt write about it etc. So to me its a fig leaf, an almost nothing burger from him. Its walking thru the wall. I didnt mention that specifically in the post but I certainly have been thinking about his floppy response on it. As they say, "follow the carrot and stick."

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FWIW I doubt thousands of scientists are conspiring. That's not the way this stuff works. The overwhelming majority of scientists are as fooled as we are. And the few that maybe eventually figure it out are defunded and pushed out of academe quickly and quietly.

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Back in 2020 or 2021 I had a brief back and forth with Yeadon on Telegram.

He was pushing "treatments", specifically I think it was Dr Z's protocol.

I called him out for pushing bs.

He told me it was very effective when treated early.

I pointed out that there was no way to differentiate if someone had "the flu", "covid" or simply a headache.

He told me it doesn't matter, it was effective.

I asked how he could be sure it was effective he stated that the people treated had better outcomes than those not treated.

Then I asked how he knew how severe those treated would have been without treatment if he couldn't even determine if they were sick with "covid" or not.

Again he replied that it doesn't matter.

He stopped replying after I asked how you compare those "treated" with a "disease" that is mostly "asymptomatic".

That is when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was controlled op or just very stupid.

A while later I watched the clip of him saying that respiratory viruses do not exist as described and thought that he may have chosen to be truthful.

He disappeared from the spotlight and decided not to push that fact out.

I can't say I'm surprised by the fact that he still pushes the virus deception.

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This seems like a divisive piece to be honest. I don't think everyone has to believe in the same things to work together. In essence I get "if you don't agree with me, you're a shill" "we better all think alike"

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Jazzyj, thanks for writing. The logic is that the no-virus fraud is so blatantly obvious, that no one with these kinds of credentials should be unaware of it, skirting around it, nor not be shouting it from the roof tops. See the paper here and the references at the bottom:


This for example is the logical way to discuss the issues:


If you still do not really agree with this post I respect you should have your free opinions.

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I just think that it might be more productive to discuss the evidence and ideas without implying things about Mike Yeadon. People can draw their own conclusions. A debate of facts would be very interesting.

I do think the various fears controllers try to push on the public are about control. They use fear of terrorism, germs, climate catastrophe and various other scams to steer people towards slavery.

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I couldn't agree more. I just re-read the article and I can't find anything I implied about Mike. It is a fact he does not answer the questions directly nor the data/logic I sent him and yes I did state that in a number of places, so the article follows your advice to discuss evidence and ideas. The discussion about being in a bike garage and Ziarco is also evidence (those are facts) and ideas. The last line of the post is a question, maybe the closest thing to "implying" but not exactly, and ethically speaking authors should have a right to make questions. Take care.

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Narcissistic gatekeeper by traits, beyond the ability to see themselves and their own glass ceiling. See the Ana, Harold interview.

See loops back to her achievements ( very notable), but fails to comprehend that everything she has discovered he looked at years ago. She failed to listen carefully and ask pertinent questions to probe to where his thoughts are currently and the understanding to get there.

Classic narcissist interview...

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Jul 30
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The planners of Team Enigma and Mike made a calculation, losing some would-be vaxers to Mike vs keeping the masses of adherents and those on the fencers are more important. They do this thru operatives like Mike because

1. Mike's 2020 persona was acting nutty (too excitable) thus discrediting anti-vaxers, and all the while virus pushing.

2. talking about the vaxes and depopulation which turned them off to anti-vaxers as conspiracists.

👉 The planners are willing to sacrifice stopping some people from vaxing to keep the masses.

It's a pie slice game you didn't seem to realize, and if you really want to make a competition between me and Mike, well why don't we flip that to me and you, where is your SS? I have 5,000 followers and 119 posts on many aspects of virus, vaxes, the control and propaganda grid. ALL FREE AND VOLUNTEER. You have ZERO posts and 3 restack notes.

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Jul 30
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David, I think we have both said what is to be said and are at the end of this discussion rope. Lets move on to other things, please do not reply as I will consider that chasing me around the comments. Thank you.

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Jul 30
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David @autusaperiam582195 Banned for impolite comments and chasing me around comments in spite of being warned he was doing so, and against this SS's policy noted in the About page

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