The only spike I recall seeing was Spike Milligan. At least he was funny.
Production cost of mrna went from over $3k to $2 odd in one year, for one shot, we are led to believe. I don't.
They took turns testing different poisons with open allowances of changing up to 50% of the constituents of the jabs. That's why different places / times may have produced different analysis of jabs.
When you are going to commit democide you'd want to do it as cheaply as possible. I think they achieved that.
Please don't spam the comments with links that do not seem related. If you have a link explain what you want to say with it. Spamming is against the commentary rules.
For that matter, recycling the taxpayer's money (that's all they are spending, borrowed from the Fed at the taxpayer's expense with interest), it slows down inflation and makes the controlled demolition of the country and the USD a bit more controllable...
the people and everything is already owned by the Federal Reserve. I also posted quite a bit the same on August 30, 2023 (and before, but this is a good compilation):
Thanks, I had exchanged chats with a faulty towers guy on Corbett Report about 5-6 yrs ago, don't remember if he spelled it Fawlty or if that is the same guy...
I keep getting sidetracked… I wanted to comment about what an excellent post this is… I’ve been muttering under my breath about all this mRNA garbage, and also a few snide comments on SS, too… I just didn’t believe it, and I had no real reason not to. So thanks, I am hereby validated. I really like your posts, generally— thanks for being smart AND funny as hell. xo
He's hilarious, too. But I'm glad to see him here, b/c he's really smart, too, and had started out studying to be a cannister, NO, a banister... you know, an English attorney. ;)
"What makes you think she is a witch?"
"She turned me into a newt! *pregnant pause* "Well, I got better."
Early in this shit show I was puzzling the varying batch and geographic results of the shots. I concluded it was a large scale design of experiment (DOE). Varying batch constituents to optimize, or customize for whatever the ultimate objective was. Whatever it was to be was not in our best interests.
Great catch on the fringe of the flag! I can't believe people are falling over this BS. Trump may have gotten us out of the WHO, but put us into Gates' nightmare who owns the WHO anyway. Trump doesn't surround himself with "top people" but bottom feeders. Thank you Proton for getting this info out there.
I listened to a video of Trump talking to a reporter or someone like that, and he was casually musing that Palestine was a really nice place, and that land could be developed and be very nice, there on the shore, and (me adding: ) some nice golf course potential...
My god, the man just doesn't GET IT-- It's not for SALE, first off, it's the PALESTINIANS' land, and second off, that he could so casually, clearly not understanding the context, discuss what HE might want to DO with someone else's land, who just happen to be victims of GENOCIDE FUNDED BY the US... (hi, btw, Roman)
Stargate feels like an A.I. mind program. I don't trust (f)Elon & Drumpf in the same technocratic borg hive leading us into META tele-non health.
Whatever these shit shots are, you can bank on the fact that it will only sell us further into servitude & bondage.
There is something VERY symbolic about the gold fringes, Golden age & Drumpf painting his face golden orange. It's all connected to lead people into a false golden age. Orange is the new black?
I don't recall who pointed it out, but at the inauguration ... the eagles head were facing the right, on the presidential seal ... towards the arrows, which means WAR.
I usually assume that things like the war on drugs, the war on cancer, project this or project that are all filled with ulterior motives and none of these nightmares are really what they claim to be. Stargate included.
They plan to use A/i as our prime murderers. That will become A/i's prime directive no matter who is running the beast. It will become a worldwide death machine even the Borg will envy.
Imagine the learned lies AI could use based on a century of allopathic medicinal practice lies to convince trusting victims. Mmm. Practicing the lies all these years. They are really trying to preserve the injection vector into our bodies.
Indeed, and started by a profoundly psychopathic oil baron, John D. Rockefeller, who COERCED all the medical schools he'd been teaching to depend on his FUNDING to develop allopathic medicine and to bad-mouth any natural kind of medicine, such as chiropractic, homeopathic, and herbal medicines, etc... Voila, our predatory medical farce was born... I know one thing after learning (and continuing to learn) for the past five years: I will NEVER willingly have another "vaccine," EVER.
AI strictly uses English, am I correct? English has a few borrowed words but it is not the French or any other language. So AI is ...what? Racist? I noticed this. I don't always dig as deep as you guys do but I have never seen anyone else make this comment. AI makes it look as if the only "intelligent" thinks are always in English. Duh.... There ARE other languages. I could go on. The Amer-Indians of the pacific northwest have like 100 separate tribal/national languages! (So I read somewhere) And many profound concepts AI cannot "think" of at all. But I mean, yeah. AI. It is good for like , well----a FEW things. So they will always say
Im not an expert in Ai but I do know data and statistical analysis. Interesting question. I would imagine the language is not important except to the input/output of the targeted audience. The learning algorithm probably handles multiple languages depending on the Ai focus. Otherwise it would be biased wouldn’t it? Not saying that might not be the intention IDK. But it would sure be limiting. If it were truly smart it would probably develop its own form of language for peer to peer communication and we would never sort that out. LOL.
Conspiracy Sarah, I was wondering, since they are all pretty much actors on the big stage, that the wardrobe department played a joke on us. Did "Crisis Actors Agency" get these dudes from prison? I think anything is possible at this point so that the predators can continue their violent extraction of our LIFE FORCE.
The pot o' shite is deep with the "vaccine" experiments They do on Us. Thank You, little proton, for bringing these data to Us. I do hope Many read and grasp the message - that the whole affair would best be avoided at most any cost!
Reading your post and reflecting on the Stargate hocus pocus prompted a recollection of that allegedly ex soviet military medic Dr. Igor Shepherd. In 2021 he was all over us like a rash, spilling the beans on how mRNA vaccines would become so ubiquitous and tailor made that they would be able to produce them in micro-scale labs in cargo containers. I guess he was disinformatsiya fear porn merchant softening us up to swallow a s**t-ton of BS.
After reading this excellent article you posted PM, it’s clear to me that you could save Donald Trump $500 billion with your true medical science knowledge and not the Scientism that these cultists want to propagate throughout the world. We are truly living in an alternative reality clown world. When will all the madness end?
Great piece! BTW traditional mRNA isn’t exactly in the shots bc they claim to use ModifiedRNA ie MOD(e)RNA. I barely believe in catching disease so I’m not questioning your position 🤠.
Greed & Power are the toxins, corrupted science the cancer, orange Lump & RFK the symptoms,so Shots are your way out before the it’s crick, uhh, bread lines and reprog, err, brain implants.
Since the Hagima paper I linked didn't find these in 2 large Covid shots it makes no sense that any RNA would be in the coming Stargate shots-meaning any kind of RNA (though that is not the only Stargate nonsense I mentioned and some I didn't mention as well).
Also, there MUST be an mRNA dose-response relationship for everything mRNA makes otherwise we would be dead. Either the d-r curve is linear or curvilinear it doesnt matter, IT MUST GO UP FROM THE START OF ZERO. If there is NO d-r for the spike protein (or any increase in protein amount) then the only conclusion is there is no mRNA in the shots and/or the entire theory of mRNA making proteins is gonzo.
yup, mRNA is a crock BUT they kin PUT any'ol thang in an injection (they do now!) such as antifreeze, polysorbateStar80, CrazyGlue, nano-ized Good Humor bars 'er Liquid Plumber!) In fact tha's jus whut they DID:
The trust-the-expurts fools simply THINK mNRa is some kinda wunder potion THUS lotsa DonaldDuck'sBucks kin be shoveled over thatta way an' fool's'll line up ta git injected with "pick-yer-poison" imaginin' it's the mRNA "Mirror CULL"--a mirror image of what they already Dun DID curin' CovidCon).
So tho' we shouldn't be all a'skeered of mRNA fictions, we should be pissed-as-all-heck that bazillions of big bucks of taxpayer dollerz are bein' used towards the the potion of the the day AN' towards promotin' the myth that there IS sumthin' called mRNA.
Folks kin be funded makin' any kinda've bioweapon to "kill" cancers by killin' the folks that got'em. SO that's reason enuf ta be pissed at this ComedyShow...
An' the Ellison-Altman money grab kin be fer ANY kinda information-invasive bullshart... whatever tail they pin on the donkey.
mRNA kin be anythin' ya like--Pirelli's Miracle Elixir, 200 proof Urine... paint thinner...
Finally, words of reason by someone, while the Internet is full of BS...
mRNA is a red herring and antibodies are fiction...
Also, I have found plenty of evidence of modification/synthetization of human proteins by several methods, and it fits into a lot larger picture of sickening/killing people, most likely mostly intentionally:
I started looking into stargates and wow! they have numerical codes for every place in the universe - they are seriously planning to travel with this. Of course, they aren't going to the stars. In a fictional stargate tv series the portal is set for ABYDION. Well there really is an Abydion, Egypt and the place is an ancient necropolis. Pilgrimmages for centuries because its the legendary tomb of Osiris. The stargate people are in the cult of Osiris.
I was too distracted to remember whether Kitten's Secret Garden or Celia Farber asked what the crossed hands on the crotch signified. Low Blow protection was my guess, but now I see it was a distraction from the pants wrinkle, possibly a distraction from the gold fringe.
PM, outside my deep knowledge, there appears a handwaving "proxy" ...spike antigen...hmmm.
Given there is no contagious obligate intracellular parasite and no gold standard demonstration of either its existence nor pathogenicity, we have an intentional conflation of some (by design) toxic injectate with some antigenic response for something called 'spike' ...whatever that really means....see:
And we see here (P.-H. Lambert, D. M. Ambrosino, S. R. Andersen et al., Consensus summary report for CEPI/BC March 12–13, 2020 meeting: Assessment of risk of disease enhancement with COVID-19 vaccines, Vaccine:
"The SARS-CoV-2 S protein structure was solved shortly after its emergence and shows similar structure and mobility as the SARS-CoV-1 S [47]. The timing from first knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 to the beginning of the Phase 1 study was a remarkable sixty-five days. The advantages of mRNA vaccines include ability to create a highly precise type of protein to elicit the correct antibodies, to elicit T cell responses that are Th1 predominant, and the rapidity of manufacturing. Of course, disadvantages include the novel nature of both mRNA and DNA vaccines without any licensed vaccine with either technology to date and lack of experience for mass production." [47] Wrapp D et al. Cryo-EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike in the prefusion conformation. Science 2020;367(6483):1260–3.
The methodological uncertainties emerge quite obviously in this paper, beginning with, "Based on the first reported genome sequence of 2019-nCoV (4), we expressed ectodomain residues 1 to 1208 of 2019-nCoV S, adding two stabilizing proline mutations in the C-terminal S2 fusion machinery using a previous stabilization strategy that proved effective for other betacoronavirus S proteins..."
Round and round in circles of nonsense, with incomprehensible imaging to reinforce the dance.
3. CDC confessed that the CDC doesn’t even have a study where authors did either of the following:
1) tested for the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” in the blood of “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” people, and compared the results – to look for evidence that the “mRNA” cause bodies to create the protein
2) compared the antibody levels for “vaccinated” people and people injected with other toxins (i.e. other vaxes), to assess specificity of antibodies.
Thank you. The endless engineered fixation to fear is appalling beyond words. Worse, is the abject methodological nonsense, scientific fraud and desertion of ethics.
The only spike I recall seeing was Spike Milligan. At least he was funny.
Production cost of mrna went from over $3k to $2 odd in one year, for one shot, we are led to believe. I don't.
They took turns testing different poisons with open allowances of changing up to 50% of the constituents of the jabs. That's why different places / times may have produced different analysis of jabs.
When you are going to commit democide you'd want to do it as cheaply as possible. I think they achieved that.
Thanks Proton.
Thanks for the great comment Matt!
Please don't spam the comments with links that do not seem related. If you have a link explain what you want to say with it. Spamming is against the commentary rules.
The cheapest way is suicide, which what they are also encouraging:
Well, there are tad more expensive alternatives. :)
For that matter, recycling the taxpayer's money (that's all they are spending, borrowed from the Fed at the taxpayer's expense with interest), it slows down inflation and makes the controlled demolition of the country and the USD a bit more controllable...
As Proton explained in his ingenious article,
the people and everything is already owned by the Federal Reserve. I also posted quite a bit the same on August 30, 2023 (and before, but this is a good compilation):
forgive the off topic but here is a Fawlty Towers top 10 that had me crying with laughter
Thanks, I had exchanged chats with a faulty towers guy on Corbett Report about 5-6 yrs ago, don't remember if he spelled it Fawlty or if that is the same guy...
You mean John Cleese?
And FYI, I noticed yesterday that Mr. Cleese has joined our Tribe here on SS.
The pretty tall guy in Monty Python... Ministry of Silly Walks? No? Lancelot in The Holy Grail? Behind the desk in The Argument?
Sorry IDK
I keep getting sidetracked… I wanted to comment about what an excellent post this is… I’ve been muttering under my breath about all this mRNA garbage, and also a few snide comments on SS, too… I just didn’t believe it, and I had no real reason not to. So thanks, I am hereby validated. I really like your posts, generally— thanks for being smart AND funny as hell. xo
No call for apologies. I just saw Cleese had come to SS like, yesterday? Or the day before? But it's all good! xo
He's hilarious, too. But I'm glad to see him here, b/c he's really smart, too, and had started out studying to be a cannister, NO, a banister... you know, an English attorney. ;)
"What makes you think she is a witch?"
"She turned me into a newt! *pregnant pause* "Well, I got better."
Early in this shit show I was puzzling the varying batch and geographic results of the shots. I concluded it was a large scale design of experiment (DOE). Varying batch constituents to optimize, or customize for whatever the ultimate objective was. Whatever it was to be was not in our best interests.
You make Much Sense. And also some fun.
Great catch on the fringe of the flag! I can't believe people are falling over this BS. Trump may have gotten us out of the WHO, but put us into Gates' nightmare who owns the WHO anyway. Trump doesn't surround himself with "top people" but bottom feeders. Thank you Proton for getting this info out there.
Pleasure Roman, your writings are also quite impactful, apologies that I can't comment/reply to all of them. Regards.
Thanks Proton - same for me (:
I listened to a video of Trump talking to a reporter or someone like that, and he was casually musing that Palestine was a really nice place, and that land could be developed and be very nice, there on the shore, and (me adding: ) some nice golf course potential...
My god, the man just doesn't GET IT-- It's not for SALE, first off, it's the PALESTINIANS' land, and second off, that he could so casually, clearly not understanding the context, discuss what HE might want to DO with someone else's land, who just happen to be victims of GENOCIDE FUNDED BY the US... (hi, btw, Roman)
Trump pulled out of the WHO in name only, he just shunted the money to Gates' GAVI:
Stargate feels like an A.I. mind program. I don't trust (f)Elon & Drumpf in the same technocratic borg hive leading us into META tele-non health.
Whatever these shit shots are, you can bank on the fact that it will only sell us further into servitude & bondage.
There is something VERY symbolic about the gold fringes, Golden age & Drumpf painting his face golden orange. It's all connected to lead people into a false golden age. Orange is the new black?
I don't recall who pointed it out, but at the inauguration ... the eagles head were facing the right, on the presidential seal ... towards the arrows, which means WAR.
Thanks for the important info! I think you can make some impactful posts JM.
Your welcome Proton, I appreciate you.
Unfortunately, I have a hard time putting together coherent thoughts into text, so I just randomly drop little nuggets here & there.
Oh, I think you have great ideas. You can try your hand at notes and put in images that are like mini posts. See ya.
Your nuggets are indeed coherent. Keep 'em nuggets, you'll be fine. ;)
xo xo
Brilliant article, and thank you I cannot seem to create a coherent, cogent argument and this is perfect.
Deep thanks for such a nice complement!
I usually assume that things like the war on drugs, the war on cancer, project this or project that are all filled with ulterior motives and none of these nightmares are really what they claim to be. Stargate included.
They plan to use A/i as our prime murderers. That will become A/i's prime directive no matter who is running the beast. It will become a worldwide death machine even the Borg will envy.
Imagine the learned lies AI could use based on a century of allopathic medicinal practice lies to convince trusting victims. Mmm. Practicing the lies all these years. They are really trying to preserve the injection vector into our bodies.
Indeed, and started by a profoundly psychopathic oil baron, John D. Rockefeller, who COERCED all the medical schools he'd been teaching to depend on his FUNDING to develop allopathic medicine and to bad-mouth any natural kind of medicine, such as chiropractic, homeopathic, and herbal medicines, etc... Voila, our predatory medical farce was born... I know one thing after learning (and continuing to learn) for the past five years: I will NEVER willingly have another "vaccine," EVER.
AI strictly uses English, am I correct? English has a few borrowed words but it is not the French or any other language. So AI is ...what? Racist? I noticed this. I don't always dig as deep as you guys do but I have never seen anyone else make this comment. AI makes it look as if the only "intelligent" thinks are always in English. Duh.... There ARE other languages. I could go on. The Amer-Indians of the pacific northwest have like 100 separate tribal/national languages! (So I read somewhere) And many profound concepts AI cannot "think" of at all. But I mean, yeah. AI. It is good for like , well----a FEW things. So they will always say
Im not an expert in Ai but I do know data and statistical analysis. Interesting question. I would imagine the language is not important except to the input/output of the targeted audience. The learning algorithm probably handles multiple languages depending on the Ai focus. Otherwise it would be biased wouldn’t it? Not saying that might not be the intention IDK. But it would sure be limiting. If it were truly smart it would probably develop its own form of language for peer to peer communication and we would never sort that out. LOL.
Unfortunately you may be right...
The pants…🤣
Maybe they’re trying to show that they haven’t lost touch with the little people who can’t afford tailors…
Or maybe it’s the hip new quadruple billionaire trouser break trend drop. That shit is about to be all the rage.
Or they both forgot their pants and borrowed a pair of Big Donnie T’s…
Conspiracy Sarah, I was wondering, since they are all pretty much actors on the big stage, that the wardrobe department played a joke on us. Did "Crisis Actors Agency" get these dudes from prison? I think anything is possible at this point so that the predators can continue their violent extraction of our LIFE FORCE.
No, CS. There are actual nerds.
The pot o' shite is deep with the "vaccine" experiments They do on Us. Thank You, little proton, for bringing these data to Us. I do hope Many read and grasp the message - that the whole affair would best be avoided at most any cost!
Reading your post and reflecting on the Stargate hocus pocus prompted a recollection of that allegedly ex soviet military medic Dr. Igor Shepherd. In 2021 he was all over us like a rash, spilling the beans on how mRNA vaccines would become so ubiquitous and tailor made that they would be able to produce them in micro-scale labs in cargo containers. I guess he was disinformatsiya fear porn merchant softening us up to swallow a s**t-ton of BS.
After reading this excellent article you posted PM, it’s clear to me that you could save Donald Trump $500 billion with your true medical science knowledge and not the Scientism that these cultists want to propagate throughout the world. We are truly living in an alternative reality clown world. When will all the madness end?
Great piece! BTW traditional mRNA isn’t exactly in the shots bc they claim to use ModifiedRNA ie MOD(e)RNA. I barely believe in catching disease so I’m not questioning your position 🤠.
Greed & Power are the toxins, corrupted science the cancer, orange Lump & RFK the symptoms,so Shots are your way out before the it’s crick, uhh, bread lines and reprog, err, brain implants.
#GainOfFiction #GainOfFear #GainOfFauci
Thanks David. I would expect any kind of RNA (or DNA) to have nitrogen and phosphorous in it:
Since the Hagima paper I linked didn't find these in 2 large Covid shots it makes no sense that any RNA would be in the coming Stargate shots-meaning any kind of RNA (though that is not the only Stargate nonsense I mentioned and some I didn't mention as well).
In mod-RNA like a common one with pseudouridine in it instead of urridine, there would still be N and P in the molecule:
Also, there MUST be an mRNA dose-response relationship for everything mRNA makes otherwise we would be dead. Either the d-r curve is linear or curvilinear it doesnt matter, IT MUST GO UP FROM THE START OF ZERO. If there is NO d-r for the spike protein (or any increase in protein amount) then the only conclusion is there is no mRNA in the shots and/or the entire theory of mRNA making proteins is gonzo.
Hope this makes sense and keep in touch.
yup, mRNA is a crock BUT they kin PUT any'ol thang in an injection (they do now!) such as antifreeze, polysorbateStar80, CrazyGlue, nano-ized Good Humor bars 'er Liquid Plumber!) In fact tha's jus whut they DID:
The trust-the-expurts fools simply THINK mNRa is some kinda wunder potion THUS lotsa DonaldDuck'sBucks kin be shoveled over thatta way an' fool's'll line up ta git injected with "pick-yer-poison" imaginin' it's the mRNA "Mirror CULL"--a mirror image of what they already Dun DID curin' CovidCon).
So tho' we shouldn't be all a'skeered of mRNA fictions, we should be pissed-as-all-heck that bazillions of big bucks of taxpayer dollerz are bein' used towards the the potion of the the day AN' towards promotin' the myth that there IS sumthin' called mRNA.
Folks kin be funded makin' any kinda've bioweapon to "kill" cancers by killin' the folks that got'em. SO that's reason enuf ta be pissed at this ComedyShow...
An' the Ellison-Altman money grab kin be fer ANY kinda information-invasive bullshart... whatever tail they pin on the donkey.
mRNA kin be anythin' ya like--Pirelli's Miracle Elixir, 200 proof Urine... paint thinner...
Good one Proton. Maybe those 2 freaks just have short legs? You'd think with all their billions that they could get a decent tailor!
Ellison is 6’3” these people in fraternities usually have hand signs or lapel pins or some kind of signalling.
Yes Proton - and their biggest signal is their ugly visage!
Finally, words of reason by someone, while the Internet is full of BS...
mRNA is a red herring and antibodies are fiction...
Also, I have found plenty of evidence of modification/synthetization of human proteins by several methods, and it fits into a lot larger picture of sickening/killing people, most likely mostly intentionally:
I started looking into stargates and wow! they have numerical codes for every place in the universe - they are seriously planning to travel with this. Of course, they aren't going to the stars. In a fictional stargate tv series the portal is set for ABYDION. Well there really is an Abydion, Egypt and the place is an ancient necropolis. Pilgrimmages for centuries because its the legendary tomb of Osiris. The stargate people are in the cult of Osiris.
I was too distracted to remember whether Kitten's Secret Garden or Celia Farber asked what the crossed hands on the crotch signified. Low Blow protection was my guess, but now I see it was a distraction from the pants wrinkle, possibly a distraction from the gold fringe.
Not sure about crossed but the triangle Trump and others make is a female genitalia sign or upside down pyramid as I recall, try to look it up
as above so below, seems half assed.
This is the usual Trump hand signal
It's also the shape of the trees on trump tower.
I prefer the single digit, middle finger to it all.
PM, outside my deep knowledge, there appears a handwaving "proxy" ...spike antigen...hmmm.
Given there is no contagious obligate intracellular parasite and no gold standard demonstration of either its existence nor pathogenicity, we have an intentional conflation of some (by design) toxic injectate with some antigenic response for something called 'spike' ...whatever that really means....see:
And we see here (P.-H. Lambert, D. M. Ambrosino, S. R. Andersen et al., Consensus summary report for CEPI/BC March 12–13, 2020 meeting: Assessment of risk of disease enhancement with COVID-19 vaccines, Vaccine:
"The SARS-CoV-2 S protein structure was solved shortly after its emergence and shows similar structure and mobility as the SARS-CoV-1 S [47]. The timing from first knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 to the beginning of the Phase 1 study was a remarkable sixty-five days. The advantages of mRNA vaccines include ability to create a highly precise type of protein to elicit the correct antibodies, to elicit T cell responses that are Th1 predominant, and the rapidity of manufacturing. Of course, disadvantages include the novel nature of both mRNA and DNA vaccines without any licensed vaccine with either technology to date and lack of experience for mass production." [47] Wrapp D et al. Cryo-EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike in the prefusion conformation. Science 2020;367(6483):1260–3.
The methodological uncertainties emerge quite obviously in this paper, beginning with, "Based on the first reported genome sequence of 2019-nCoV (4), we expressed ectodomain residues 1 to 1208 of 2019-nCoV S, adding two stabilizing proline mutations in the C-terminal S2 fusion machinery using a previous stabilization strategy that proved effective for other betacoronavirus S proteins..."
Round and round in circles of nonsense, with incomprehensible imaging to reinforce the dance.
Apologies to give you one of my canned replies before it passes it's shelf life
2. The CDC was unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein.
3. CDC confessed that the CDC doesn’t even have a study where authors did either of the following:
1) tested for the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” in the blood of “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” people, and compared the results – to look for evidence that the “mRNA” cause bodies to create the protein
2) compared the antibody levels for “vaccinated” people and people injected with other toxins (i.e. other vaxes), to assess specificity of antibodies.
Thank you. The endless engineered fixation to fear is appalling beyond words. Worse, is the abject methodological nonsense, scientific fraud and desertion of ethics.