I've had this conversation before.

I was WIDE AWAKE in 2020, I knew what was going on from about March.

I REMEMBER looking at Death Rates in early 2021, for the year 2020.

THEY WERE LOWER THAN NORMAL,a little bit. When I remember things, I bloody well remember them. I have no gain by saying this, other than that is what I remember. And then they were CHANGED to be HIGHER than usual for 2020.

This is part of the FUCKERY that we are served up. And the fuckery didn't START with "Covid," which is an entirely cockamamie bullshit "disease" anyway, because it's actually EMF's. Those first two weeks of the "pandemic," when we were all told to stay home, don't go outside, etc etc... There was a very very busy bunch of guys all over the place, erecting 5G towers.

You can think/believe/say whatever you like, and yes, it WAS/IS stone cold democide, but those numbers were manipulated, plain and simple. 2020 was slightly LESS than "normal."

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Jaan, I suspected they were using the plandemic to erect EMF towers, too. I asked my husband — who at the time thought I was crazy — to drive us to the high school in town some time after Newssolini "ordered" school closures. Sure enough, there were four communication company trucks in the parking lot (that's all that was there). We drove to the middle school, same thing. On another day, we drove to a nearby elementary school, same thing.

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Your mama did not raise a FOOL. xo xo Nice to "see" you, m'dear! xo xo

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As I recall, last time you refused to read the breakdown I did of 2 psy-ops in 2020 that were specifically designed to convince people there were no excess deaths in 2020. These operations are summarized in Part 3 of this series, near the beginning under the section "early fake death propaganda." If you will read this brief summary, there will be no need to carry on the same conversation again. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-bw8p7

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I have NO intention of carrying on anything with you, my dear.

YOU can let it go, too.

Just because you believed the "source" material and put it in a book, that's not my problem, it's your problem. And really, is this issue THAT huge? Will it change the world? Does it destroy your cred? This is going to be the last time I respond to you, because it's not MY problem, it's NOT that huge, it WON'T change the world, it MIGHT destroy your cred, but... so what? Maybe the rest of your book will be good. After our previous interaction, I see NO reason to read your brief summary. I will NEVER relent in knowing what I know. Happy Holidays, Happy Life, let it go.

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It's amazing to me how many people will argue a "fact" about something and then quote a GOVERNMENT source for their stance.

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You've made it clear that your conscious choice is to conceal the mortality data that points in an obvious way to mass-murder. You don't have evidence to support your BS, because there is none, but I see you don't let that stop you.

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In August, 2020, I checked mortality rates in the US, Canada, Germany, Hungary, and Sweden. They were lower than usual. After I posted the information, the figures were changed retroactively in September (other people must have noticed, too). The most drastic changes affected the military, whose figures were changed back until 2015. I suppose, the original figures might be available on archive.org, but I wouldn't hold my breath, because pages keep disappearing there, too...

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I've quite had enough of this argument, and have no need to re-visit. I know, you are in agreement, but I'm done. I know what I saw, other people saw it, too, and we all know there is serious Shit going on. Thanks.

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And the excess deaths rose AFTER the jabs came out.

It's quite simple, and if you've been awake, it's just what one would expect.

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US mortality records show a massive and unprecedented increase in deaths in 2020, pre-vax--a fact about which you are well aware--and the data points in a rather obvious way to covert mass-murder. What is motivating you to cover that up? The basic mortality data is here, starting about 1/2 way through. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68

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Last word from this dog:

I see no other logical conclusion but that you are Controlled Opposition.

Get behind me, Satan.

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Dog is right. You could tell the truth--that US death records show a massive increase in deaths in 2020, but your feels tell you it just ain't so. Instead you just artlessly lie in a childlike way, claiming there were no more deaths than usual, hoping no one will bother to verify the numbers. Pathetic.

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What’s wrong with DOGS?

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Dogs are great--generally much more trustworthy than people. You only mentioned one dog--the dog you called yourself--and that one, not so much.

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This report lines up reasonably well with what I have observed. I am not a journalist or analyst by trade, and I don't go deeply into the numbers, although I am a database designer and developer and I know plenty about those. In 2020 I monitored daily hospitalization and death counts as reported by my county, and noted that there was nothing unusual going on there. I wasn't able to readily locate the baseline data that I wanted from earlier years -- it seemed to have disappeared off the Web -- but I did locate enough information to estimate what typical rates would be, thanks to an organization that obtained and published some pertinent data by means of a lawsuit.

The county, however, was also reporting daily "covid cases". I located the data dictionary for their database and confirmed that a "case" meant a positive "PCR test" within 30 days of whatever -- in other words total nonsense -- and I ignored these "cases" that were simply being used to frighten people. Apart from the flawed approach to diagnosis, each individual test was being counted as a case, so when a person was tested more than once, each test counted as a separate case. Reasonable methods were available to reduce reporting error, but none of that was being done. It was quite clear what was going on.

There appeared to be "hot spots", the closest one to me being San Francisco, and I couldn't account for that, but I was aware that there was an artificial pattern in their appearances, not characteristic of a global spread of disease.

Another measure that I still use use is illness and death as reported in a number of church prayer lists that I receive. There was an uptick in 2020 that continues to the present, and appears to be increasing over time. Comparing now with pre-2020, I see indications of increases in disease and death across all ages. In my own church's prayer list, the number of people in care homes and hospice is shrinking, but it is because they are dying. Five people died this last week, up from 0-2 per week, but it's December and deaths increase in this season.

There is nothing particularly accurate about my monitoring, but it provides me with a sanity check on the assessments I receive from other sources.

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That's a very impactful comment CM, thanks!

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Thanks for your informative comment. One consistent characteristic has been that the death spikes did not occur everywhere--and many places never actually spiked, although deaths increased in all states from 2020-2022. This creates a false perception that no massive increase in deaths occurred in 2020.

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I have monitored in a very similar way as you with very similar, if not identical results. I recorded and have kept the data released by the San Diego county health authorities. There was nothing to indicate an uptick in mortality from “Covid” until the end of 2020, and that was modest, no more than an average or less influenza season of increased mortality during the winter.

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The situation was entirely different in every state and county--that's why so many people think "nothing" happened (in addition to the population being too large identify excess deaths by observation). To see how much deaths increased/decreased in each state, each month in 2020-2022, see this link. https://www.virginiastoner.com/deaths-by-state-and-month

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We are running a test of our 5G network. Let's see what happens when we broadcast specific harmful frequencies in a specific locality.

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Ok, it sounds interesting, pls let us know if you get more info!

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I'm rather surprised you have not dug into this a bit PM. The engineer comments here on SS about the power supply for 5G being so overbuilt it can only be a weapon, Agent has shone a bit of light on the subject. There has been research going on for decades about frequency effects on life, positive and negative. Our biofield exists and is obviously ripe for manipulation by EMFR, especially when the terrain hosts ideal conditions. I wish I had reams of links for you, but I've really just been reading, starting about 10 yeara ago and intensified dramatically in March 2020.

If you had the inclination, we'd all benefit from your hard look at this topic.

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I heartily agree with the importance of EMFs in the quest for world control. Even in today's post I put a link to my last 5G/EMF post that overs some of your interests


that also links some other posts. But yes, I'm not as prolific as some other writers like Agent...maybe he's more than one person?

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Really? Who is "we" and in what locality, and how does "we" have access to run these and at what freq and at what proximity to how many persons?

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Above my paygrade, the research backs the capability. The Wuhan games sickened top athletes. I'd call that the calibration. Spring 2020 was a wider rollout, refined in amplitude to sicken the vulnerable. Our personal tracking receivers are a vector of transmission. The refinements will continue.

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Our/we...are you involved/employed in this industry?

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No. "our" implies the mobile phone 2 way frequency transmtter/receiver "we" carry around

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So glad You brought these data to Us! And thanks to Ms. Stoner!!! Things sure are fishy, no doubt!

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It's great that Ginny has done an analysis of US data but I don't think there's any doubt that a democide occurred looking at data elsewhere although if there was one in Australia it was pretty small according to the statistics.

Sam Bailey did a video on how the overall statistics for April 2020 in Europe make it look as though there was an excess spike in mortality when looking at the numbers by country what we see are no excess spikes in Portugal and Germany, the only two countries in which neither of the two aggressive drug trials, the Oxford Recovery (remdesivir) and the WHO Solidarity (hydroxychloroquine) were implemented.


Former UK G7 statistician who goes by the name John Dee has done extensive statistical analysis of various UK health metrics and arrived at the conclusion of "iatrogenesis" although I don't think he really subscribes to the "unintentional" part of the meaning of that term. He speaks very conservatively and speaks as if covid is a genuine illness but I don't think he believes it is, he's just speaking conservatively.


Admitted in (mostly) mainstream literature and UK-related:

--- dangerous discharge of sick elderly people from hospital to care homes

--- end of life protocols established in care homes for those not near end of life

--- use of excessive narcotics and aggressive antiviral trials

--- ventilator-acquired pneumonia

--- isolation

For links see Point 7 - https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/the-propaganda-term-misinformation

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I strongly recommend reading Part 3 of this series--there are many ways this democide is being covered up that are not recognized as such, by design. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-bw8p7

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Fortunately the US mortality data I posted is a matter of record, not opinion, and the numbers involve counting, not statistics, and have not been manipulated in any way--so we can all agree on them. These are all-cause deaths, and have nothing to do with the legitimacy of "Covid."

Possibly you are thinking about "excess" deaths, which can be easily manipulated--I explain how it works in Part 2 of the US democide series. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-y2bmz

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So what killed all those New Yorkers/Jerseyiers? (Italy too??)

Something was released there that killed people, that wasn’t contagious…to scare the rest of the world into submission. Then the fake tests and virus and EMF fuckery and hospital protocols and vaccines did the rest.

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5G at 60ghz, in certain places-where there are few kids and few animals, and at certain short intervals would be the perfect way. Did you see the "Isolated at Last" post linked in this post? If not...

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There were several more death surges similar to the NYC mass casualty event in 2020 and 2021, elsewhere in the US. I don't know of any mortality data that indicates they had different primary causes, but it could be--the mortality data could provide evidence of that, so if you find any, I'd be interested. I did a little investigation in that regard, you can read about it here. Does it look they had different causes to you? https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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Thanks for bringing this prescient information, Proton. Rancourt's analysis seems to concur ... mortality attributable to institutional aggression, biological stresses and bacterial pneumonia ...


For those interested, R. J. Rummel created a seminal work on the subject of democide called "Death by Government." A real eyeball opener, especially for anyone who thinks government is anything but evil.

Fortunately for humanity, many have awakened to this fact and are learning about the government/media lies regarding anarchy ...


Best of luck to all,

~~ j ~~

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Thanks J. Lee, I think Ginny will have more to add as Dennis doesn't explain everything. Perhaps you might get a feeling of "agitated excitement" as this little proton even made a Marvel Comic out of all these amazing folks:


I hope to be remembered for my screenplay writing not my virology paper debunking.

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On the current trajectory, you shall be remembered for ... Both!

Hilarious stuff amigo,

~~ j ~~

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Rancourt claims there were 3 primary causes of excess deaths--basically toxic Covid treatment and prevention protocols and vaccines. He has no mortality data to support these claims. None of them explain the NYC mass casualty event or the other similar 2020 death spikes, for the reasons I explained at this link. Therefore, we are looking for another cause of death that is as yet unidentified. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/28/researchers-discover-reason-for-31-million-excess-deaths-worldwide-mistakes-were-made-l2any-j8egn

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Great analysis Ginny ... thanks for the link and the hard work. I like your thought regarding pet mortality data, which could be quite revealing, if available. Reckon you can't just stroll over to the NYC pet cemetery and count headstones 🤣. Probably more of a cremation situation. Hmmm ...

Looking forward to more of your rabbit hole reveals.

Keep firing and best of luck,

~~ j ~~

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Yes, pet deaths would suggest a general environmental issue, like chemtrails, 5g, or a mixture, we should have seen that with kids too but we didn't it seems, though there was a study showing illness in 2020 correlated closely with 5 G roll-out by country/area: see the Isolated At Last post linked in this post.

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Nah mate. I've figured it out at last. The simple explanation is always the true one - that's Cam's razor for you, and Cam's a mate of my brother's by the way so I should know.

So what's the simplest explanation goshdarnit? It's that covid was real. It was all true. Viruses are real. Covid killed everyone.

It's actually worse than Ginny thinks because the rest of us are all dead too. We only think we're still alive cos we're living in a simulation - but we're actually dead.

I've just noticed that there's steam coming out of my ears - arrrrggggh - I think I'm exploding. Poof - gone. Couldn't take any more.

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Hi Horace if you wish to say a virus is true, as you know a virus is defined as a particle that is an obligate intracellular parasite with protein coat and genetic material, able to infect others. Can you show a paper proving this entity exists, as a purified isolated and characterized object in the METHODS section of the paper not the title or intro etc. Not a genome printed by computer, not an EM photo which are dead shadows, and not a degrading cell culture that degrade even without patient fluids, none of these prove a virus. You need to density gradient patient fluid, confirm purity on EM photo, then characterize from the centrifuge pellet.

☞Thousands of virology papers have been written over 100 years, none finding such particle, I've personally read a few dozen and put an analysis the in posts, I guess you didn't read them. C'mon give us your best one, I'll only look at one. If you have none, then I suggest you go back to the drawing board and study further until you find your personal nirvana.

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Sorry - that was intended as a joke :-)

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I guess you are into the lighter side of democide.

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Always look on the bright side of life as the song goes.

It's not so much that I'm into the lighter side of democide as that I have democide fatigue. These same people and their ancestors have been killing, mutilating and torturing without limit for untold generations.

Macabre humor is a thing because sometimes things are so dark only a joke will do.

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Virginia, I haven’t been tracking the official numbers game in detail - largely because it was obvious that reports and databases were heavily manipulated and falsified in all sorts of ways. I appreciate the time you and a number of others did dedicate to finding a path around the lies.

Scanning over the results of your data leaves me with a few questions. One being: if the data represents annual indisputable death rates, as shown in Table 1, [which shows the number of yearly deaths from all causes and the death rate per 100,000 from 1999-2023.] what transpired, say in 2004 and 2005, where you have a huge and nearly identical offset of 50K almost cancelling itself out? If these are actual recorded deaths from morgues and church records, we should find no shifting across annual timelines, especially not that large.

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Re: "what transpired, say in 2004 and 2005, where you have a huge and nearly identical offset of 50K almost cancelling itself out?"

I assume you are referring here to the change in deaths from the previous year (-2% in 2004 and 2% in 2005). Neither of these changes can be described as "huge," given the average yearly change is 2%. The more pressing question is, why did deaths increase an incredible 19% in 2020, 6 times more than ever before in history (19% compared to a previous high of 3%). And, why doesn't anyone know about it?

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my whole town and county was infected in December of 2019 thru January 2020

Everyone took it in stride, no one question it. I remember attending a funeral, looking around at every there, I saw sick people pushing through the flu like they always do. The medical center was packed. My husband was sick. Doc gave him a steroid shot and a Zpac.

We asked the health department about it as my husband received a flu shot. They shrugged their shoulders and said it was probably type A flu. Said they didn’t inoculate for Type A flu. No testing of the people at all. No curiosity.

Then Covid hit and they all lost their minds. Churches closed, school closed, plexiglass went up, mask everywhere you look. They was even driving in mask.

All this happened in small rural town in freedom loving Tennessee! Germiohobes as far as the eye could see.

Also, no ever really got the Covid here as we had already been infected. Lots of pretend Covid that is still going on to this day.

I have a neighbor that won’t let landlords in because of Covid. She keeps a permanent sign on her to that says she has the Covid. She won’t even let the bug man spray. All that about to change because notices went out and she will now have to comply with inspections like the rest of us.

There are people that benefited and took advantage of Covid and this is still going on to this day.

I have the Covid BS needs to stop.

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Thanks for writing. Sorry if this is new to you:

Cold/flu symptoms can be caused by many things. Incl 2019 Flu shots, steroid shots, z pak, 5g, and other things. Seasonal cleansing the body does feels like a cold or flu. Some of these folks got to meet their maker if admitted to the hospital and got "protocols".

⇒PR company(s) made these seem like a virus with fake labels from PCR "labeling machines", fake graphs, and vids of crisis actors pretending to be falling on their faces, collapsed, and sick, pro dancers made dance vids in hospital worker clothes.

☞MORE IMPORTANTLY, they never found a Sars virus, no particle was ever isolated and characterized from a patient (no flu virus, no cold virus, no virus of any type has ever actually been found as an object). No FOI request from any country has any evidence of isolating a virus, the original Covid research just made up alphabet fictions calling them genomes (which are not viruses-you need a particle), official govt docs prove Covid-19 has been a human project starting a number of years before 2019. It will take some time, but read the posts linked in here and you will understand it's all a fake project:


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In August, 2020, I checked mortality rates in the US, Canada, Germany, Hungary, and Sweden. They were lower than usual. After I posted the information, the figures were changed retroactively in September (other people must have noticed, too). The most drastic changes affected the military, whose figures were changed back until 2015. I suppose, the original figures might be available on archive.org, but I wouldn't hold my breath, because pages keep disappearing there, too...

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FWIW I disagree with Ginny that treatment protocols were insufficient to cause the New York spike.

Democidal treatment protocols (no early treatment, witholding antibiotics for pneumonia, DNR orders, respirators, midazolam and similar drugs, isolation) were backed with

- immunity from legal liability for following the treatment protocols

- large payments for following the treatment protocols

- removal of other typical hospital revenue sources

- public "pour encourager les autres" loss of job and license for objecting and/or speaking up.

Despite this multiple whistleblowers did speak up at the time and claimed that the the hospital protocols were tantamount to murder.

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I have a few questions for you:

--Why did bad medical treatment primarily only kill people in a small geographic region, when the same medical treatments were presumably being used nationwide?

--Why did deaths from bad medical treatment abruptly stop after 11 weeks?

--Why did deaths at home, and deaths at medical facilities-outpatient and ER, triple during the NYC mass casualty event?

--If the bad treatment protocols were stopped in NYC, why did more death spikes occur later in 2020 elsewhere in the US? Were treatment protocols known to be deadly re-implemented elsewhere?

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I don't believe that the same measures were applied everywhere. For example I believe midazolam was used primarily in the UK. And the degree of the isolation of the elderly, and immediate respirator use was much greater in New York and one or two other states (can't remember which) than elsewhere.

I would suggest that it was exactly because measures were applied differently within different jurisdictions that the death rates varied so significantly according to location.

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Could be, but about the deaths at home, unless these persons were taking meds recently given to them from Drs/hospitals there would still remain some other reason.

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Deaths at home would be due to people suffering from respiratory infection being told to go home without any care and no antibiotics - no?

When they should have received inpatient treatment, fluids, care and antibiotics.

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No one has ever found/isolated any virus as an infective replication competent particle, and bacteria do not harm healthy people, none have been found to be pathogenic on Koch's postulates. And even if you believed in them, they wouldn't stop on a dime in time and place.

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I agree. But people suffering from early stage pneumonia (nothing to do with covid) and showing up at hospital are usually treated as long as it's not 2020. Not treating them and denying them antibiotics to boot has consequences - no?

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How many times do we have to hear hypotheses like this, before someone produces some actual research correlating them with the characteristics of the deaths? 4 more years? This data is freely available online 24/7. I've done a little research along these lines which is summarized here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death


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I showed why bad medical treatment could not have been primarily responsible for the NCY mass casualty event at this link, that's where the questions below came from. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/28/researchers-discover-reason-for-31-million-excess-deaths-worldwide-mistakes-were-made-l2any-j8egn

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Over the target!

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Half of the staff at my hospital conglomerate who does Medicare billing was laid off due to lack of business.

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I hear from a lot of people who don't believe the NYC mass casualty event happened, because they didn't notice anything different. This event killed 50k people in 25 adjacent counties in the NYC metro area over 8 weeks. But with 22 million people living in those 25 counties, odds are that no one would notice anything unless they lived in the area and had a circle of at least 400 local friends--in which case they may have seen 1 death. People don't understand we live a society too huge to observe even massive increases in death with our senses.

As I noted in the article, "Each of the death surges primarily affected only a handful of states—although deaths increased overall in all states in the US over the Covid years. For tables showing how much deaths changed in each state, each month in 2020, 2021, and 2022 (compared to the 2018-2019 average) see this page. But, keep in mind that deaths also varied a lot by county, so deaths could have been normal in some counties in states where deaths were high, and vice versa."

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Have you seen this Virginia? I read several of your website posts last night (I lost my loved one in this catastrophe in August of 2021 and I'm still trying to understand what happened and how...and who) and I think you are on the right track. How could an alleged respiratory virus coming from China manage to increase the death rate by over 100% in every one of the 25 counties you list in NY simultaneously only a few weeks after the "pandemic" was declared? Sounds much more like people were poisoned in certain areas with an aerosolized or contact poison of some kind. The article says it was probably nanotechnology, a synthetic spike protein enclosed in lipid nanoparticles that could be absorbed through the skin.

"Using EcoHealth Alliance documents and peer-review publications, she detailed in a Substack article how covid-19 was a pre-planned global bioweapon attack that used aerosolized mRNA nanoparticles to cause a pandemic."

"The following is based on the article ‘Was covid-19 Caused by a Biological Virus or mRNA Nanoparticles?’ by Karen Kingston originally published on 15 December 2022. We have compiled the text below using extracts from Kingston’s article and adding our own text and resources for context.

In March 2023, the Russian military issued a statement that covid and many other recent pandemics were caused by artificial pathogens or synthetic viruses. These artificial pathogens are mRNA nanoparticles, the same mRNA nanoparticle technologies found in the covid-19 mRNA injections.

It’s important to understand that “gain-of-function viruses” are lipid nanoparticle technologies programmed with mRNA codes. mRNA is not a biosynthetic substance itself. mRNA are software codes. SARS-CoV-2 is not a virus, it’s a software code programmed into nanoparticles.

The mRNA codes in the covid “vaccines” are part of the software programs for the spike-protein-lipid-nanoparticle technology. After the nanoparticles hijack human cells the nanoparticles are able to genetically modify the cells with the programmed mRNA codes to turn human cells into toxic spike protein-producing factories."

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The bioweapon is a diversion from the fact there is no virus. ECO health and Kingston are deceptions pushing that. PCR swabs up the nose next to the brain and some masks with ethylene dioxide or other nasty made people ill, and 5G and hospital interventions did people in. On 5G, see the link in the post, “Isolated at last”.

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I'm really out my depth on the possibilities you mentioned. Personally I doubt the efficacy of biological weapons--if there is such a thing--which would be inherently far more unpredictable and less controllable than a chemical weapon.

In any case there is evidence in the US mortality database to research these possibilities. IMO what needs to happen is to make a list of the types of harms you would expect to see with the various theories, and see if they correlate with causes of death that increased during the death waves. You might get some ideas on where to start at this link, where I researched causes of death in the locations and times where the surges occurred. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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That event occurred. My close friend was deployed there by the navy. He’s a physician. It was awful. He DID NOT follow protocol so his patients survived.

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