Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Pinned

Please see this link for further important information


and thanks to Kevin Johnson in the comment below for the info.

Postscript: I'm posting the link because of the tweets not any image for which I don't know the history of.

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I left a comment on your older post regarding Yeadon disappearing behind a brick wall. Probably should have left it here. These people always claim to have started out as "common" and "middle class" or "poor" as they can get away with.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Author

Just in case there is doubt in anyone's mind that there is a very influential doctrine that promotes hiding truths: https://masonicenlightenment.com/about-masonic-enlightenment/albert-pike-quote-masonic-enlightenment/

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Of course got your message! Keep up the good work!

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I don't think this is that incriminating. On both sides of the Israel issue you can find much worse, and I mean much worse. I've no idea what has caused him to formulate his views there but adding the Israeli flags to the picture of him is not accurate, what are you trying to suggest - that he's Jewish? Is that a crime? (and he states that he's not anyway) As for having money, well he's probably a little deluded in how much of his own effort was involved in attaining it, I'd put it more down to luck & being in the shittiest, largest industry on the planet. But he's not obligated, in our world, to give the money away either so of course he's going to be looking to maintain it. Hard to do in reality, I know somebody who came into a small fortune and it wasn't until he got down to his last few mill that he figured he'd better be a bit more conservative with it.

I have literally nothing btw not even middle class as far as assets go.

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Cant comment on the Israeli/Mossad connection, but the bulk of Yeadon's fortune has Big Pharma all over it. Particularly in the realm of vaccine development. And the answer to these questions would also remove suspicious on his level of involvement in Pfizer's DOJ billion dollar judgement of mismanagement/lying to get people to buy pharmaceutical products.

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There is no fucking connection. I'd suggest his position is closer to BNPs than Israel Mossad's 🙄🙄 but nevertheless everyone has a breaking point on immigration and it sure is being pushed to that limit everywhere in the West.

As for his small fortune being from Big Pharma, for sure.

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".....but adding the Israeli flags to the picture of him is not accurate..."

Where was this?

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In the google doc Elizabeth.

How are you anyway?

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Oh thanks. I don't usually open links.... too slow.

Still Earth side, I think.....?

Time for the next round of insanity?!?!

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Seems to be starting from Canada.

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Update, today I sent this public message to Mike inviting him to show his sincerity about his no-virus stance:


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With this challenge for Dr. Yeadon, I'm sure you now have him pinned into a corner of impossible escape. Nice going, Proton Man. You're everyone's superhero. 💪👍

Here's another challenge for Mike that still has gone unanswered by another writer who called out the doctor as a controlled operative long ago. This is a link to a recent post on his Telegram channel.


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“Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.”

— Albert Pike, 33 °

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I like Mike Yeadon. But he's like a (US Football analogy) a running back who gets to the 5 yard line, but can't seem to make the goal.

e.g., https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/why-i-dont-believe-there-ever-was-a-covid-virus/

He SOUNDS good. And many people seem seduced by his carefully worded rhetoric. But he never says, "No Virus". He says, "No NEW virus" or "No DEADLY virus". And he cites people like Sasha Latypova, Paula Jardine, Denis Rancourt, who range from "extremely dodgy" (Latypova, Jardine) to wimp (Rancourt, lost in his ACM analysis).

I've emailed him, and tweeted at him, but never got a reply.

But he also liked one of my Substack posts, so I can't be too hard on him!

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you never got a reply because he's a coward.

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Do you have his email address?

Isn't Yeadon's current position that he does not believe there was a new respiratory pathogen circulating anywhere in the 2019/2020 time-frame? Isn't that what he means by saying there was no new virus?

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Yes not new, but that statement doesn't rule out old nor deny any virus. It's a bit vague and it's also too late as everyone who was gonna get shots did. Yeadon makes ss comments you can try to contact him there. I just made this post and want to give him time to reply before giving out his email without his permission. See if it's on line.

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>Do you have his email address?

Yes, but I would never publish it.

That's called doxxing. It is considered a Cybercrime in some places.

Use google. You might be able to figure it out.

> Isn't that what he means

Here's the main point: We all want him to be saying, "There ARE NO VIRUSES. Virology is pseudoscience, rooted in fraud."

Instead he says, "There was no NEW virus, no new DEADLY virus," which is not the same thing at all.

I just recently heard him say recently, "Whether or not there was a virus..."

No, stop there. We cannot gloss over this.

This is not hard. The evidence (or lack thereof) is VERY CLEAR.

I realize the truth is shocking, but what's the alternative?

DENY the shocking truth? Keep issuing comfortable, traditional lies?

b/c It's much easier that way?

It's time to MAN UP.

Keeping on perpetuating the Virus Delusion is not serving anyone.

Like I said, I like Mike. I do appreciate much of his work and advocacy.

But this is an important point. A CRITICAL point, and I will personally keep pressuring him to get on the right side of history.

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Several months later, have you had a response from him?

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No but today had this exchange


Be sure I will make a note or post if he has any significant reply, but he is a repeat offender at being the agent he is.

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Thank you for the reply/follow up.

I am very disappointed and weary of all the gatekeepers/CO agents. One by one, they have been revealed over the past almost 4 years (the list is now extensive). Who remains standing of the original or nearly original cast of characters--anyone? I suppose it would be easier to make a list of those who have been exposed. It's so negative/deflating as to be almost soul-crushing.

I imagine the overlords who war-gamed this out over decades carefully planned for multiple levels of what would appear to be opposition. Some would be barely different from the official position (OP), others would vary from it by degrees of separation. Those who seemed to be the furthest from the OP would gain the most respect of the "resistance." Then they would slowly/methodically start modifying the message in the direction of the official position re: maybe not all mRNA products are bad or maybe not every injection was dangerous, honest mistakes were made etc.

I have noticed that many of the people who eventually reveal themselves to be CO, all have a "tell." They begin by making what appears to be a very clear statement that is an indictment of the perpetrators. Over time they begin to very slowly and carefully water it down such that eventually, they no longer say or believe it. One very famous person early on said the jabs were a weapon, then over time, modified it to saying, maybe some of them using the same technology will be/or are good, apparently forgetting the intent of a weapon is to harm. Why would those who created a weapon allow it to be used for some allegedly good purpose? It's completely illogical.

BTW, I found many of the arguments of one Omar Jordan (I'm not familiar with who he is) to be very insightful. I note the comments in question were over 2 years ago.

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This is something that needs to be clarified NOW by everyone in the so called freedom movement..

especially with the nano tech found in the jabs ...

Otherwise people won’t put it all together

Unless that is his GOAL

I believe Dr Y is a Zionist .. that’s why the Israeli flag was inserted into the picture.

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023Author

We don't know the history and veracity of that photo. There are truths, lies to lead away from truths, and truths to lead away from other truths. We don't know what his affiliation is (Mason, think tank, intel, Pfizer shil, xyz cult, shadow govt, no affiliation?), Stick only to what he says because info deceptions to push you into a specific belief box are running wild with these people.

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Wise advice IMHO.

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However here, as in many other places on SS, Yeadon has made a public comment you can reply to


You can see my comments around his where I was a "bit direct" you might say.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

1. Lay all your tax records bare for past 10 years, put them on an internet site where we can see.

2. Divest yourself from any equity you have in any and all Pharma companies and show us your investment portfolio statements for the past 10 years and proof of divestment.

Haha. He'll never do that. Probably still on the payroll :)

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

FYI the link to Omar's paper is broken for me. Was it this one?


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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Author

Thanks Kevin, your doc is another one, here is the right link about the virus stuff


sorry I'll fix it but your link is also valuable thanks!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Omar's latest paper reveals that Yeadon is indeed a nasty bloke.

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Yes I knew about that doc though my exact focus of this post isn't on this topic so hesitate to put it in the post body. I will make a comment now and pin it so it gets the attention it deserves... Much thanks for the reminder about this doc!

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Great work and thx for the support.

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Hi, are you the author of those docs by any chance?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

The concept of viruses and virology is extremely misleading. Much of the modern stone age medical mafia is predicated on a lie...the virus particle, as of yet to be isolated or even seen in any body, alive or deceased.

To me, terrain theory is much more practical and makes much more sense. They, the pretend medical experts, tell us there are billions of viruses floating around the world. If that were true, each of us would be pulverized to death by swarms of incoming baddies that our bodies could not handle.

Your immune system, if it exists, can only handle so much affliction and invasion. It would be a closed system, not infinite as they tell us viruses are. Look at the fake SARS CoV-2 thing that after 4 years is still mutating, they tell us. SARS CoV-1 which came about over 20 years ago has no new mutations. Why?

The bottom line is as gates regularly proclaims...death to you all. It is his decree, will and aspiration.

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I love you dude. And I don't trust Yeadon at all, from the biginning of this freak show. Poor guy. Shame on him.

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So-called “leaders” and “heroes” of the Medical Freedom Movement are bolstering the pharmaceutical industry from within the movement.

You can’t be free if you still are deceived, that is if you still believe lies.

Does Mike Yeadon know the truth about the non-existence of viruses?

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Many of the "leaders" and "heroes" of that so called movement do not really believe the lies, but rather are choosing to avoid confronting them head on in the public domain so as to keep their status with their followers and I'm sure the $$$$ that's also involved.

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There are natures viruses/ non patentable & then there are computer generated viruses...Patentable ones. THAT is how Big Harma makes its money. Don't be deceived.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Author

Hey Jeannette, pls read this from our viral guru Mark Bailey,


you will understand why viruses, anyplace and in any form, have never been shown to exist. If you mean virus genes in the human genome, you would first need to show they came from replication competent pathogenic particles at one point, since these have never been found the viral genes are "theoretical" to put it nicely, but that is a good subplot you bring up.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Here's the problem I have with the above: since the accepted definition of virus (virion) includes the contention/teaching that it cannot replicate independent of a host cell's ribosomal machinery, then it would never be possible to prove that it is replication competent at one/some point in its alleged existence without allowing it to exist in a cell culture where ribosomes are found. Functioning ribosomes are not found outside of cells. Those who first alleged the existence of viruses should have recognized this deficiency.

If viruses exist as alleged, they could theoretically be isolated and purified but not ever shown to replicate in non-cellular media such as in bacterial growth media. Once cellular media are provided to an alleged isolated/purified particle (whatever you call it), it is no longer isolated, unlike the case with bacteria where the growth media is not cellular and the bacterial particles are still isolated in the growth media which does not contain other non-bacterial cells. I hope I am making myself clear.

It could be that the original description of these particles was such that they could not even be theoretically proven to exist and remain true to the specifications of being incapable of reproducing outside of cellular ribosomal machinery.

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Let's say for the sake of argument that viruses do exist and can be isolated and purified, but can these cause disease? No fluids from a sick person have ever been able to make an otherwise healthy person sick with the same symptoms, and those fluids would surely have to have said viruses in them, indeed in abundance, per the scientists and doctors that claim they do make people ill. So, we're back to the lack of proof of the existence of any pathogenic contagion, which is the entire basis of centuries of fear based control.

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Are you sure ribosomes exist?

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

If this is a serious question, we have a dilemma. Once you leave the realm of what can be detected with the naked eye, non-experts/those without training in and access to special equipment and technology, have no ability to ascertain whether claims are valid or not. For example, in gross anatomy, textbooks and atlases are provided which delineate anatomical relationships in great detail. In the laboratory, one can dissect cadavers and prove that what is stated as fact in texts/atlases, actually is the case.

On the other hand, Physics and Chemistry make certain claims about the nature of matter (e.g. principles of atomic theory derived at by theoretical work and empirical means over centuries) which cannot be proven by non-experts because they are not detectable using the unaided 5 senses (we don't see electrons, neutrons, protons etc.). Much of what students of the basic biological sciences learn, is accepted as fact in the same way. That is to say, each student assumes that what has been traditionally taught is true even if they have never personally conducted the experiments necessary to establish it (they would never complete even one course if they had to repeat every experiment ever done, upon which they rely).

It was the virologists after all who established what parameters must be met in order for something to be called a virus. They were either correct or not in thinking these particles (pieces of genetic code wrapped in a protein "coat") were unable to reproduce without the intracellular machinery known as ribosomes, but under some conditions could do so (within an intact functioning cell containing ribosomes.

I eluded above to the problem this creates in providing proof, however. When one places an alleged virion (virus particle) in a cell as in cell culture(s), one now has an entity that is no longer isolated, which is not the case with culturing bacteria (see above). Therefore, technically speaking, virologists could never prove in the same sense as is the case for bacteriologists, that a properly isolated micro-organism is the entity which they allegedly "grew out" of culture. It is actually an inference which is either a good one or not. That is a subject worthy of further discussion.

I am taking the time to discuss this because there are people reading this who do not understand the nature of "the viruses don't exist at all" debate which is an entirely different set of issues from whether the entity known as Sars-Cov-2 exists.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Yes, it's a serious question. There are so many problems with the way science is and has been done that there is little that can really be known, not to mention the fact that even more has been intentionally hijacked.

In short, cadavers are dead. Once something, anything, loses it's life force things unavoidably change. What one sees may or may not be the same as it was when the subject was living and breathing on it's own. As well, technology and equipment is certainly not objective and without effect, yet it is assumed to be accurate as well as the interpretations put out, which are all too often still based on a previous conclusion, correct or not. Once any tissue or organ is removed it is no longer in it's natural state and artifacts are usually overlooked. Looking into the origins and proofs of not only ribosomes but other cell parts/functions, just like with genes, and a multitude of other commonly accepted claims, it can be shown to be dubious at best.

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Thank You, I'll check it out. I'm always up for being proven wrong. :)

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Hmmm. There are naturally occurring viruses? I’m skeptical.

Medical dictionary definition of virus: “A pathogen that is composed of nucleic acid within a protein shell but can grow and reproduce only after infecting a host cell.”

Another definition: “A microorganism that is smaller than a bacterium that cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell.”

Interesting hypothesis. I’ll wait for the necessary and sufficient evidence to demonstrate the truth of this claim. In the meantime, I’ll continue to depend on other explanations for what makes humans ill, such extremely unsanitary living conditions, poverty, vaccines & pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides & herbicides & other chemical compounds which have entered into the food chain, heavy metals, pollution, malnutrition and stress.

Thanks for the reply. Sincerely.

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What about 'sunspot activity' ?

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Sure. That would fall under the category of natural electromagnetic radiation, which I didn’t list.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Natures viruses? Are you talking about something you think is pathogenic and contagious?

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I'm talking biological weapons/Vaccines that are shot into people & SHEDDING occures....Even in the animals innocullations...& we get sick from THAT. These are vecotrs for illness & disease.

immune response/detoxing is normal if healthy.

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That is not a contagious virus. Those are TOXINS.

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Yes, The viral load that we are born into with our broken genes.

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And if you are using the "original" definition of "virus" realize that poisons and toxins are not contagions, and when speaking of virus in that manner it is confusing to all of those who are trying to decipher the fraud because the way virus is and has been used in the last decades is not simply as a toxin but as a pathogenic contagion and people must understand that simply does not exist.

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I'm curious about the 'shedding' piece. I had a curious experience myself.

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There are many reasons that shedding can appear to be happening as well what it is that is actually being "shed". People are not simple beings and there are countless influences at play making it difficult at best to pin anything down, let alone trying to make it be "the" cause of symptoms.

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Where do you get that information from? We do not have broken genes and viruses that are pathogenic.

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I get much of my info from Patrick Jordan @ Vaccinefraud.com if you must know.

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And Jordan says we have broken genes and pathogenic viruses? If so, I would suggest you study further because that's simply not the case. What proof does he have of that?

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Dr Yeadon admitted after study and talking with Cowan and Kaufman that the Sars Virus did not exist and that he doubted any respiratory virus exists and was still looking at all of the other so called viruses. I'm not sure yet of his motives and where it will all lead as he seems to waffle some on his full on public admission of the depth of the deception. He doesn't want to say definitely that are NO viruses, but he could easily state that there are none yet that he has looked at that have been proven to exist or be pathogenic, and that he has not yet fully done although he stated all those he looked at seemed to be fraudulent science.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Author

Yes, after everyone got the shots and after he spouted variants and bioweapons on popular channels and being shown the info many times by many people, and he is a respiratory illness expert. This is disingenuous.

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Yes, it sure could be. If he continues on in this light then it's a dead giveaway. However, many people, including doctors and scientists and others, spouted the nonsense long after many others figured it out if they didn't already know all of the truths beforehand. I see why he and others do not say "No pathogenic virus exists", but they should ALL be saying "No pathogenic virus has ever in history been isolated, identified and shown to cause any illness", and that is the truth. As I stated before, I still haven't gotten my educated scientist brother to understand this nonsense, the difference is he doesn't have an audience.

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The Gatekeepers Club is a handy reference:


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That’s quite the exhaustive list, eh?

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

He pushed variants, ADE, and bioweapons, none of those exist, and antibody epitopes are non specific, MY said they were. I'm sorry but if you are familiar with these concepts they you know MY is lying, if you don't know about these concepts you've been tricked.

Sorry, and the HEAD of respiratory at Pfizer should know that, and I and Massey had very detailed discussion with him, did you read those and Omar's links in this post? I sense you did not read any of these links. I propose we drop the discussion now.

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I have zero science background...

what is causing the current Nipha outbreak & how do they do it .. do you think all the new victims will be vaccinated 💉.. i watched a video the jab being a kill switch linked to wi-fi ....It seems extremely plausible what the woman explained.. terrifyingly plausible... so much so that i have a meeting with an electrical engineer friend of my dad next week to get his opinion...

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Author

All these viruses are letter print outs of fabricated genomes from a computer, just like godzilla is a print out of a screen play. No actual virus is found. They just take people getting sick from colds, flu, dirty sanitation and relabel them and sell them to you, otherwise you wouldn't know about them.

See, you're ready to jump to some solution. I call it the, "confusion-conclusion-solution" paradigm. Find a research paper that has found an actual pathogenic particle by purified isolation, or will you get a vax based on what Mr. EE thinks?

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Wow. Thanks for that explanation. I never that .. but no .. I have never ever been jabbed & have no plan to. I just would not put anything Warp Speeded” into my body.

But my head is blown about the no virus thing. But it does make sense now that you explain process

Thank you

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I have zero conclusions & am open minded enough to listen to everyone.. most people I know are still at lab leak

Vs animal outbreak at this point 🤯

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Nooo .. No jabs for me .. I’m worried about my family members.. most stopped after the initial 2 .. but is there any help for anybody to fight back or are we Fucked

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Good doses of vit C and NAC might help, but the only answer to this is prevention not to get shots. Show as many of my posts as you can to those who are not yet injected.

No US pandemic


Pre-planning docs


Sars printed from a computer, never found


No virus found by any country


The vax pushers & depopulation


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even things like vitamin c must be questioned now. How were vitamins ever proven to be a component of a human being? From what I have research, it is pretty much the same type of pseudoscience that you see in virology and genetics

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That's a good question, actually. We can go all the way down to atoms with this. It's very clear many of the things which science claims have never been actually proven. Minerals morph into other minerals, bacteria morph into other forms as needed, etc. How much of what we think we observe is actually what we conclude it is? Because Rife and many other frequency based devices and treatments achieve positive results, it can be assumed, (there's that assumption thing again), that possibly all substances we consider nutrients are indeed only frequency and that very frequency applied does the healing rather than the chemical substance we are calling Vitamin C, or magnesium, etc. Whatever it is, it without a doubt has miraculous results when given in proper doses. How that is accurately explained I can't say.

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My research has led me to conclude that everything is indeed frequency.

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There was talk about women's menstrual cycles being altered by 'covid'.

I also had a curious bleeding experience that I thought might have been from shedding.


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Yes, many persons got heavy bleeding in the weeks after a shot. Some had to have their cycles stopped for a while. It's called "controlling the birth rate" which is exactly what the planners want to do.

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I'm curious why you didn't hear what I said here. Was it too off topic? (and sorry if I have been clogging up your feed in conversation with another) I can understand if it was too off topic, you were covering enough ground.

I was just curious about this piece. It seems important. There are other accounts of women hemorrhaging after intimate relations with someone who was jabbed.

Is it a question of you just not believing what I say?

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What was I saying about listening......?


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These were woman talking about before the shots, just from being ill from something.

And I personally don't do pHARMa, so having a shot does not explain my bleeding.

And yeah, I get the agenda and the horrors the shots have induced. Hideous and hindeouser.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Besides the high doses of C and NAC that PM mentions, which is crucial, I would add, where possible, near infrared saunas, and the use of tuning forks to reset the frequencies, trauma, damage and imbalances, and a good detox with possibly some gentle herbs, once the kidney and liver are supported and minerals are crucial as well. Sea water is about the best. Also drinking only very clean pure water, preferably structured. There are many things one can do to generally improve the overall health of the body and all will help to mitigate the damages done. The body is an amazing healing wonder and can overcome about anything.

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Thanks. We already started fasting & I’ve lost 50 lbs. it’s amazing & free. Next we are going to change our water to Alkaline..

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Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment.

Fasting is excellent and something that was natural long ago. You'll notice animals do it instinctively especially when recovering from any insult or injury. Look into structuring your water as well.

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If You look into terrain theory, You discover that, aside from injury, what makes Us sick is either too much of something (toxicity) or too little of something (deficiency). This "Nipha outbreak" is bunk to cover the jab illnesses (toxicity) and include normal detoxes like the flu, too. All aimed at getting People to get MORE toxins injected in. For money, for depopulation, for 100% control.

I have an article that is not scientific but explains things in the realm of "virology" that might help...

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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This article says 5G + vax = expansion bubbles that will mirror a HEMORRHAGE fever / cause massive cell disruption. it will be claimed to be Nipah or Marburg or something close.


https://youtu.be/h9LX4h79aHg (18 sec - microbubbles disturbing other cells)

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

All of these toxins deplete vitamin C in the body. Lack of C affects blood vessel integrity, and it's well known that hemorrhagic fevers, think Ebola and others, (including any bleeding problems), can be cured by high doses of C. EMF's of all kinds certainly deplete antioxidants which can at some point lead to bleeding as well as a host of other symptoms from mild to fatal. A lot depends on the exposure.

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the question to ask, is if vitamin c is even a thing itself

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

In the most basic sense the answer could be no as with many, or maybe even all, things. However, as a frequency, as all things are, it does have a beneficial, and crucial for life effect, just as minerals do. The chemical we call C acts as an antioxidant and appears essential to maintain life. I guess we have to put some sort of names on things. In a perfect world none of these as added substances would be needed to maintain health and most animals produce their own C (at least the substance called C) as needed. It's entirely possible that simply any biofield energy healing technique, such as tuning forks, would produce the same result as high dose C does, especially if the correct frequency is used.

Mankind has a knack for interfering in everything and messing it all up as much as possible.

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Is it best to eat your Vitamin C or do you take supplements

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Rather than retyping a longer response, I am copying and pasting a few comments I had made on another post in response to similar questions from another commenter. Feel free to ignore any or all of it. Hope it makes some sense in this format.

"Dr Klenner was using very high dose C back in early 20th century will huge success in all things, including what was called smallpox, polio, and the like. Then came Cathcart, and others. Pauling's greatest defeat was his dosing size. I've used it for decades, just as Colleen posted, to clear up everything imaginable, for myself, my animals, my family. Wouldn't be without it.


I should have added a couple of things in my first reply. You may already know this but toxins do their damage by oxidation. This is why Vit C, and other potent antioxidants, like Glutathione, are crucial and so effective. This includes sepsis and about every other toxin/poison. Are you familiar with Dr Levy's two books, although certainly not new, on Vit C? I believe one is called "Primal Panacea" and the other is "Curing the Incurable". Both very valuable. He does, however, at least at that time, still have a lot of mainstream views even though as a cardiologist, (now retired), he had discovered how wrong cardiology was and tried to get colleagues to see the errors but they would not publicly or in their practices, actually change their ways. Levy also has a very good book on Magnesium, and one on Death By Calcium. Regardless of the claims about C and synthetic based supplements, C can and does save many lives. Every single patient in any hospital should immediately be put on high dose C via IV. Every, single , one. Better if you do it before and you likely won't even go to the doctor or hospital. Vitamin C is invaluable for children. Stress of any kind leads to oxidation and C shines is taking care of that.

I just recalled an experience I witnessed with IV C, albeit an extremely small dose. When my elderly mother was put in an extended care facility, ("killing" facility is more like it, which is why I kidnapped her finally), a man across the hall was in poor condition, his wife and I talked often and I told her to demand IV C for him. He was non responsive and couldn't move at all, no facial expressions, no hand movements, etc. Surprisingly the doctor put an IV C drip on him, and what was amazing was the very next morning when the physical therapists came by his room, I walked by and stuck my head in, said hello and waved to him, and he waved back! The therapists were stunned and said, wow, did you see that? Can you do that again? And he did! But you know what happened, they didn't continue the C. I left the facility with my mother and lost track of what happened to the couple but I'm sure it wasn't good. Think what could've happened to him if the C was continued, especially at the proper dose?


What I do and what I know I should do are sometimes two different things, due to finances. However, for my daily use of C I use sodium ascorbate powder. For other symptoms that may arise, such as a tooth or other symptoms from a more acute toxin exposure or overload I add LivOn Liposomal C, which is incredibly potent per 1 gram packet. It is more expensive but equivalent to a much higher dose of "regular" C. I would always keep at least one box of the Lypo C on hand, preferable more. Even in the case of high toxin/poison exposure, venomous bites, etc, it can literally be life saving and there is no bowel tolerance to worry about as with Vit C capsules or powders. (Beware, there are many fraudulent liposomal products on the market now, and one that many fall for is Mercola's.) Complete natural true organic food sources of nutrients and minerals is always best, but it's extremely difficult to get enough if one lives in a toxic environment, and that includes mental and emotional toxins. I avoid "China" supplements but USA made can also be less than optimal. I have to say I have not had anything but excellent results with myself and family from what I use, regardless of the claims that any form of supplements are not only not helpful but also harmful. Without the C I would've had quite different outcomes. This I know from experience. Your mileage may vary. I no longer take the multitude of various vitamins and supplement I once did years ago, and I believe that minerals are the most important and the body can make what it needs from that for the most part. The antioxidants, however, are crucial nowadays, in my opinion. A normal body just can't keep up, although there are bound to be exceptions. "

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High quality food sources are always best but for most people there is just no way to get enough to address the high levels of oxidation in the body to affect healing without supplements. Quality of the supplement is crucial as well. I have used supplements for C for decades and would never be without it, the results, both immediate and long term are obvious.

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Yeah I would like some perspective on this piece.

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Thank you

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Re "what is causing the current Nipha outbreak & how do they do it"

Lies and lying. The motto of the powers that be is "If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie and lie again."


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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Stanford Complexity group - self assembling wires - (4 mins) https://youtu.be/PeHWqr9dz3c

EDIT: for more - Sarah does a decent job linking Articles and Science vids - https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/the-graphene-chronicles

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Hi PM, I just sent the message below directly to Dr. Yeadon via his comment listed first on the latest Stack by Sage Hana, entitled "I Am Bamboozled." I suggest you take a look at his comments there.

"Blah, blah, blah. Dear doctor, before you go on with more of your paid Disinformation Agent word salad, kindly respond to this challenge and show everyone on Substack that you're the real deal and not another Op supported by big pharma. It's kind of important to us who are aware of what's going on."


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Thanks very much, yeah, I can see already people want to believe Yeadon has come clean with his VERY belated dismissal of respiratory viruses. Still, Sars could exist...the lingering thought persists.

As always thanks for supporting me!

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My pleasure, PM. Your work should not go unnoticed.

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Daily, the lines of demarcation become clearer.

When I look at all the 'devoted' docs and scientists who buy the "virus" paradigm, let alone the 'germ' nonsense with all its Rx meds, hook line and sinker, and yet draw the line in an odd sense of displaced ethics rejecting a coerced experimental unpredictably lethal useless shot while celebrating every childhood "inoculation" that is now shown to be deleterious, the journey is still very long. Why would anyone be surprised about anything when the tenets of proper ethical and rigorous science were weaselled away by politicians, bureaucrats and corporates whose sole interests lay anywhere else other than with the sick (or healthy)?

There remains a very long way to prise open the intellectual iron bear trap in which occupants celebrate being morally, scientifically and medically incarcerated. And why not? Adherence pays rather well so long as one doesn't have to take a needle for the job.

And think too about those very many disavowed docs who, while having stepped away from the dystopian ethics of the established Medical teat, are now buying into the 'virus' and 'germ' narratives from different angles, ie. herbal products, home based products and the like, still unwilling to embrace the fascinating complexity that is individual 'health.'

There appears a Dead Sea of business as usual, in which almost nothing thrives. And just because "viruses" and "germs" crumble as published, in falsification, it is necessary to continue to embrace and foster critical thinking as we step forward to address some of the obvious potential killers.

Just consider Musk's down-dwelling +4000 microwave telco satellites (and God knows whatever else is on board) coming to us in 2025.

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I'm not convinced what we've been and being told about satellites is true. Lot of things rotten in Denmark in that arena, just like the transhuman narrative. They want us to believe a lot of bs that sounds possible until you look into it deeply. The more we think they are powerful and we are at their mercy the less they have to actually do to get the same results.....weak, cowardly, compliant, and sick slaves.

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Ready to accept that, particularly the transhumanist AI claptrap.

However, Starlink and its 4000 comms satellites may provide an additional, biologically troublesome and unwanted EMF source?

re. Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess its impact.

www.thelancet.com/planetary-health Vol 2 December 2018

*Priyanka Bandara, David O Carpenter

Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association, Scarborough, QLD 4020, Australia (PB); and Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany, Rensselaer, NY, USA (DOC)

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David Carpenter is quite knowledgeable, as well as Ollie Johannson, (sp?), Devra Davis, and several more. The EMF's from all non native sources is definitely harmful and a big concern. I don't think that the satellites are quite what they are telling us, however, nor are they where they are claiming and probably they are also greatly exaggerating the number. All with a plan, of course.

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What do you think about the following thought? I posted it as a note earlier but nobody interacted. Then once as a comment and 1 person discussed a bit. But I would like to know if this seems plausible to you or of it's totally absurd for you. Here: How to divide and conquer? How to keep the majority from banding together as the majority, especially while using fear for health in your operation to seize permanent global emergency powers?

Make them all afraid of an illness.

Purposefully offer a solution which you can know beforehand will be inherently controversial: A new technology, will with certainty be rejected by a previously personality-profiled subset of the population(s).

Expected outcome:

Part of population fights to obtain injection. Other part fights against injection.

Next step: Make gullible subset afraid of non-gullible subset (“Pandemic of the unvaccinated”). Stroke gullibles’ egos and make them bond stronger amongst their group by openly discriminating against non-gullibles.

Next step: “Hide”, then “leak”, data on mortality that shifts the picture around. New “secret” excess mortality data basically gratifies egos of the non-gullible. Also, makes them afraid. Conditions them to bond more.

So now with help of excess mortality data that you let non-gullibles dig out by FOIA and by statistics acrobatics, you make both them and the gullibles, afraid of impending sudden deaths of their dear ones and themselves, as well as of sterility of their children once those grow up. Cutting short their perceived time Horizon to the future. Also, to ensure that the unvaccinated feel an unease, too: Shedding. Blood under microscope.

The non-gullible are very critical minded. They don't buy into bullshit. They fully accept the excess mortality data.

Are they perhaps not the non-gullibles but the “non-gullibles"?

In any case, there will never be unanimity between the two subsets ever again.

The gullibles are afraid of the “non-gullibles”. Only further injections and pandemic treaties can protect them.

The “non-gullibles” remain afraid of the shedding gullibles.

There is one sub-group of non- gullibles, that tries to defeat the virus paradigm - which paradigm makes all of it possible.

The pro-virus “non-gullibles” however, who would never buy such no-virus BS, are secretly afraid of contracting viruses. That's part of why they may not want to entertain the no-virus idea. They may actually have been very ill in the last three years. They may have been virus'ed indeed.

Because "virus" is Latin for "poison". No more, no less.

Humans can be poisoned. JJ Couey and his clone swarm theory.

Discourses can be poisoned. Thoughts can. Thought bugs can transmit from thinker to thinker. And feeler. Just like computer bugs can. They can poison everything. It's all in the heads, and where toxins are involved, the body gets ill too of course. And one becomes afraid of contagion. Afraid of the others who are part of our 99.9%.

Divided and... conquered?

Why exactly do you implicitly trust excess mortality data, yet not most else? Just because you FOIA it out of people and out of organizations? Don't you think they saw you coming? Are you positively certain that those data are more authentic than the deaths counter at Johns Hopkins? Think a bit about that, will you?

Even the 75 year ban on Pfizer docs initially. Wasn't that the same kind of kindling interest through scarcity as with the presumed scarcity of the vaccines initially so that everyone (gullible) instantly craved them?

Are you non-gullible? or "non-gullible"?

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Well, there are a lot of small problems within this and not sure I want to bother trying to hit them all, maybe later this evening. But maybe you have some typos? Reread and see if everything you wrote is exactly how it was intended because there are statements concerning the "non-gullibles" that don't make sense or at least aren't accurate.

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No, I'm afraid it doesn't make sense then. I don't think I have that type of typo in there. Thanks for the (vague) answer.

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Perhaps I am just not following your definitions of non-gullibles and "non-gullibles". I wouldn't consider anyone who believes any statistics or excess mortality data or the like to be non-gullible.

It's clear part of the plan is to divide and pit groups against each other, even family against family, neighbors against neighbor, professional against professional, etc. When there is massive division coupled with sickness and mental and emotional frailty, the odds of success on the parts of the instigators rises dramatically. Nothing has been done without careful forethought and back up plans and back up plans for the back ups. And yes, I agree about "leaks" never being real leaks. All planned. As my mother used to say very long ago when alive, "There is method in their madness". And I agree about poison thoughts and the like. No argument there and it was all used and is still being used against those that don't see and understand it.

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" I wouldn't consider anyone who believes any statistics or excess mortality data or the like to be non-gullible." At this point, nor do I. But I observe that a lot of people are working on available, also on difficult to obtain data, which however ultimately all comes from similar sources. And they are proud of what they are able to extract from that data thanks to the intricate methods they have to apply. It increasingly reminds me of how cage rats have to be given opportunities to play to keep them happy. I do not wonder why people would QUESTION data in the first place. Those doing that, for me are at least less gullible than those who swallow data unchallenged. But the last step for me was to realize that all the sophisticated extracting and then happy crunching of numbers is not worth a thing, if you have been thrown those numbers into your cage to play with in the first place. That part was A new thought for me and the only other person who interacted with me on it, did NOT think the numbers were wrong. But why shouldn't they be if terror and fear, and a resignative kind of desperation ate desirable states of mind for the population to be in - that is important - a resignative state of desperation, not a combative hopeful one - because anyway your children are sterile and will not have a good future anyway, so no point in fighting? I think this scenario takes away, in people's imagination, any physical future at all for their own lineage, and it surrounds them with a sense of impending imminent death for themselves and their circles. That fosters a " live in the present ", apres nous le deluge state of mind. Therefore inducing this mindset would be strategically valuable. And you don't need too many actual deaths, and wellfunctioning injections for it.

I had created these distinctions between gullible, non gullible and "non gullible" in the hopes of alerting some people to think about why they feel they should trust the data to begin with. Those notes while writing destabilized my device and once uploaded as freestanding notes, got zero views. Therefore I wonder a bit about their correctness. They could be correct then.

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I have to say I basically agree with what you are stating. My differing view is that those who believe any statistics, regardless of how much digging, ciphering and analysis they had to do to arrive at a conclusion are still in the gullible stage. Maybe it's just because I pay no attention, do not read or follow, anyone that believes that such data is accurate, so I'm not seeing this in the non-gullible. Anyone that still lives in fear, resignation, and desperation are not seeing the truths and certainly are not realizing their own true control and power. So, I put all of those, even if half aware of the whole enchilada of deceit, into the same class as those that are still fully deceived. That may not be a fair assignment considering it's a long journey and can be a difficult and slow full awakening. In the end, and the larger picture, none of this really matters, IMO, because the basic tenets of life remain the same and one should live outside of all of this contrived fraudulent controlling system. I realize many people do not believe that's possible but again that shows how effective the brainwashing has been.

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summary: many silos of belief

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I agree with every word you say.

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