What a horrible, horrible write up. If you had taken 1 second to search my website you would see the amount of work I have done on this topic, as well as 5g.
Also, searching someone's website to see if they talked about your favorite pet topic is your way of exposing people as CO? idiot.
This is the bottom of the barrel of the truther movement.
Hi Derrick, welcome to the Proton Magic community and thanks for the Ad Hominim “idiot” attack! I will pin your comment to the top and have copied it so that the original is preserved. No one mentioned “pet topics”, you’re putting words in my mouth. I’ve searched your site for these 3 key words, 1. Graphene, 2. Virus Isolation, 3. 5g, and I will put screen shots at the bottom of the post.
1. Graphene: no results.
2. Virus isolation: one entry on the topic in 3 years showing Kaufman and Cowan. On the positive side this is ok, on the minus, neither did you (nor Mercola thru you) show proof of virus isolation nor did you ask Cowan/Kaufman for proof of non-isolation (true they also didn't give it to you in the sections we could see).
So Proton Magic will now give you the paper by Fan Wu that is THE DEFINING study of Sars-Cov-2, categorically proving that the definition is an uncontrolled and unisolated software print-out of a string of letters, falsely called a viral genome because no virus particle was found and there was no actual control sample. The paper is the subject of and linked in here:
It only took me 15 min to find and read that paper to know the whole thing was fraud. You, being able to write about many complex topics, did not, and still do not ever mention that do you, or Corbett? If you did, please share that. You also wanted to be clear that Drs like Mercola and the mainstream do not see the issue like the no-isolation. Why don’t you just read the paper yourself rather than “leave that nagging doubt in the viewer”. So you, as a prominent freedom journalist, made one vid in 3 yrs on the non-existent fulcrum of what we need to inject the entire world for? Great!
The 2 PCR deception vids are indeed a deception, the genes said to be detected by PCR are based on the Fan Wu fake genome above. Why don’t you mention this circular fraud? If you did please send a link. You mentioned false positives which assumes there could be a true positive, which is impossible because there is no virus to get a positive about. Your PCR vids are not about virus isolation and will not convince the masses that PCR is invalid if you believe in fake false-positives. Now if you backtracked on that and mentioned no-virus and there are no-true positives later, pls send us a link instead of your lovely “idiot” remarks.
3. 5g: you had a few vids. Your Trojan Horse vid with Corbett gave the strong message, “don’t over hypothesize [on the connection of 5g to Covid]”. “5g” is not a zero-sum game. 2-3 GHz may be ok, but 60 GHz will make you sick quickly. If for example Houston had only 2-3 GHz going, that is just deceiving us to think it’s ok.
Your vid, “Sorry, I Was Wrong About 5G and COVID19” was another “don’t speculate [about 5G and Covid]”. You want to be against 5G as dangerous but the 5g to Covid connection isn’t factual [so it’s wrong] is the message. You pepper all these vids with talk of “Covid-19” as if it really exists as a virus (a reification fallacy). You are very very talented at PR, I would hire you in a second if I needed a PR guru.
Conclusion: your journalism on graphene is “complete avoidance”, on virus isolation is “minimal”, missing the smoking gun Fan Wu paper, and you noted the no-virus story to be against the mainstream leaving lingering doubt in the mind of the listener instead of the pure fact that no one has found a corona virus particle, and on 5g it’s “don’t speculate [about 5G and Covid]” and you keep plugging the virus narrative.
again, someone complaining that if journalists dont focus on their pet topic - which appears to be graphene in the case of this dimwit - then they must be controlled! such strong logic!
If you want to get actual education the dangers of 5g, then watch my 2019 documentary The 5g Trojan Horse, or the numerous reports I've done on the ACTUAL concerns regarding 5g and EMFs.
Cowan and Kaufman do not say that 'viruses' are signaling exosomes. They are 100% clear in saying that "viruses" don't exist, period. They have pointed out the fact that the particles that are passed off as "viruses" look the same as particles that have been called "exosomes". You don't seem to be very familiar with their actual work.
Some tiny particles do exist that some people are calling "viruses." My best bet is that they are exosomes, and they exhibit some uniformity, when the body is discarding the same type of toxic overload:
I agree to a point, but as you know I def think it does matter for people to know what causes ill health, and that we really aren't a threat to each other when we're sick. And that there is no need for quackcines.
Belief in them drives the fear and insane behaviour. People could learn to behave better towards each other, but unnecessary harm and misdirection will still occur as long as the belief remains.
I have never heard Tom refer to "exosomal RNA" and you've even stated that "he doesn't name it", and twice you've written that you "suspect" blah blah, and you wrote that you "believe" blah blah, and you wrote "in all likelihood" blah blah, so it sounds to me you are hedging a heck of a lot and making stuff up to sound clever, confuse people and dis Tom and Andy, "reante".
"Believing" that you've figured out the what the jabs "in all likelihood are" based on their effects - that's about as impressive as declaring that "viruses" exist based on stress cell lines breaking down.
"Exosomal PCR"? PCR is a technology invented by Kary Mullis.
but this is the thing - I am not advocating for the virus, germ theory position. I am simply asking questions because I dont think either "Side" has all the answers.
In fact Derek, in April 2021, James was given the Fan Wu paper link in his comment section here with a full description of why it was a fabricated genome and not a virus. This also led to a rally of comments agreeing with this analysis making a significant thread:
This info was on many alt-media sites and was given to James and discussed many times in his comments thru all of 2021 at least. It's only the basis to inject unknown contents into 6bil+ people, many more than once. Could be an important issue for investigative journalists ya think?
Derrick Broze , per your comment on Christine's FB post, it may not be the 'only' issue that matters or is the "key", but take a moment to think of the implications. Over a hundred years of an entire model of falsely categorized disease/cause and (destructive) treatments built on a house of cards. The financial and political trails of profiteering and propagandizing this completely unravels? The fraudulent cradle to grave culture and conditioning of the fear of demon germs sent by Mother Nature to get you? The root of every planned boutique "pandemic" with endless names of invisible, amorphous germ terrorists.... well, spreading terror. Clearly, this script has been repeated and will be so ad infinitum until it no longer works.
So the question is, why don't you think it is absolutely crucial?
Over the last 3ish years, the work the 'no virus team' has done has been condensed into a very easy to understand and accessible catalog of scientific and logical arguments that any critically thinking lay person could understand. You could wrap your head around it in a couple of days of reading and video watching.
Where is your intellectual curiosity? How could anyone who could get this subject nailed down, chapter and verse, in short order due to all the work already done by others, not want to dial it in? An "investigative" journalist, with a platform, who doesn't have the time, interest, or energy to truly investigate a story of this magnitude? If nothing else, it's just really really strange.
For me, my focus is on Exit and Build - exiting from slavery systems, and building new parallel systems so we can survive and thrive outside of the planned Great Reset.
I understand that undermining the plandemic is crucial and thats what I did from Feb 2020 until today. I simply dont think this focus on the no virus question is the crux of the debate or the only conversation that matters. For example, the interview I did with James 30 minutes, focused on several important topics, and the no virus crowd has such a narrow focus they totally ignore the other important topics.
I believe the most important thing at the moment is to help people exit from the banks, start growing their own food, take their kids out of school, get off Big Tech, etc and I find that to be a much more valuable and tangible solutions for the coming Technocratic State than spending time debating this topic.
But thats just my opinion. I thought we were allowed to have different opinions but some folks in these niche movements think its a crime or something.
I've interviewed Cowan, Kaufman twice, Dawn and David, read the website, watched the interviews - its not that I havent done the research. I simply dont want to be associated with this toxic crowd and I dont think their conclusions are as sound as they might believe. That doesnt mean I buy into germ theory or support big pharma or the shots (which should be obvious) as some attempt to pretend.
Its disenguous and silly for people like this "proton magic" to attack their work of myself and James - who have been at this for a combined 30 years - because we dont make this our focus.
I am not telling anyone not to look into it. I did. I just dont find it to be the most important topic deserving of all of my time and attention.
and see they just printed out a genome, no virus was found. It says in clear blue-sky English in the first paragraph, "Metagenomic RNA sequencing [COMPUTER ASSEMBLY] of a sample of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [NOT FROM A VIRUS] from the patient [NOT MANY PATIENTS AND NO CONTROL] identified a new RNA virus strain".
All you really need to know is how this is the same thing as pressing Ctrl-P on your keyboard, they don't say much more than that. FOIs only support the publication.
Then tell Corbett to wake up that no Sars-C-2 virus has been shown to exist, call him, video with him whatever then show the world you are for real. If you have a paper proving Sars-C-2 purified isolation proven to be a pathogen with a control, sure give it to us. If you can't understand how a computer could print out a string of letters and call it a genome, you should really not do any journalism related to viruses.
Personally I dont give a flying fcuk if it has been proven or not, only fact is it has not, and lying that is does exist, or that Covid-19 is due to a virus, or deflecting from the fact that it has never been proven to exist, is contributing to maiming and killing many people who will fear a virus and take a shot.
To be fair, most lay people would not have caught that initially as the "English" used was to intentionally obfuscate the reality that the RNA sequence was just a random alphanumeric sequence generated by computer. That's why you using [TEXT] to clarify the coded words helped a lot.
The Dr. Phil Valentines, Dr Sam Baileys, et al would see that language and more readily see what the plain English wording is...because they research that stuff all the time. I'm getting better.
But.. I am not arguing in favor of the virus having been isolated.
It sounds like you are only thinking in extremes. You assume because I and James and others dont make this our focus we must be promoting or supporting the mainstream narrative around COVID. Thats not the case.
I am also not living in fear of pathogens.
And, I dont think the no virus crowd has all the answers either.
No, Derrick, its because you ALWAYS speak as if there IS a virus. There is no ambiguity, indicating that you clearly haven't bothered to look into this (because it took most of us all of 5 minutes to see how obvious the fraud is), or you HAVE looked into it and choose to ignore it. From our position, it sure seems like the latter because most of us HAVE presented you with the evidence, so you cant claim you're unaware of it.
And its the clear attacks on those of us in the "no-virus" position, the language you use is not very friendly or kind. So stop pretending to be surprised when you get called on your obvious bullshit. Its getting old.
At least you reply Derrick that is a good sign. However, the seminal research paper by Fan Wu is very clear that the definition of Sars-Cov-2 is a print out from a computer, with no particle or pathogen found, THEY SAY SO THEMSELVES, what "sound conclusion" would you like? Anyone who uses the term Covid-19 needs to show proof of a virus, which abjectly does not exist. Just a small thorn in the deflection game it seems.
You don't think virus identification by isolation is the "crux", thank you for the clarification. Then again, why bother to stir-up and debunk the anti-FOI conversation with an important media figure like Corbett? The common take is that you and JC have an agenda to follow. You can see it in the FB comments and the comments on this post, which are a very small fraction of the number of views of these posts have garnered.
Thank you for responding. You said, "For me, my focus is on Exit and Build - exiting from slavery systems, and building new parallel systems so we can survive and thrive outside of the planned Great Reset.
I understand that undermining the plandemic is crucial and thats what I did from Feb 2020 until today. I simply dont think this focus on the no virus question is the crux of the debate or the only conversation that matters."
But haven't you sorted it out that the medical industrial complex is front and center of the not so great "reset" idea? It's the hammer tool in the kit that allows for the biomed surveillance tech to creep and entrench as part of the 'slavery system' police state. You can't really undermine the plandemic without exposing the real fraud in that the culprit was totally made up out of thin air.... a cartoon. Every other "pandemic"....the very same. You want to keep haggling over masks and vaccines every time they run this game again? Passports and QR codes? It all follows the original superstition passing itself off as science.
"I believe the most important thing at the moment is to help people exit from the banks, start growing their own food, take their kids out of school, get off Big Tech, etc and I find that to be a much more valuable and tangible solutions for the coming Technocratic State than spending time debating this topic."
You don't really need to debate it. It doesn't take long at all to understand and shouldn't take away from other causes. True health freedom and bodily sovereignty require a full exit from the tyranny of a pseudoscientific cult deeply entangled with the banks, tech, and bought and paid for bureaucrats...not sure you can just shove this to the side and walk around ignoring it.
"I simply dont want to be associated with this toxic crowd and I dont think their conclusions are as sound as they might believe. "
Can you elaborate on how "the crowd" is toxic?
Can you expound, specifically, on where you might take issue with the conclusions? Maybe some of your concerns could be addressed for clarification.
"But haven't you sorted it out that the medical industrial complex is front and center of the not so great "reset" idea?"
I disagree. This is just one aspect of The Pyramid of Power. And I have exposed it with my work, and in my documentary series, the Pyramid of Power. The medical aspect is only one piece of a larger agenda to push Technocracy and Transhumanism as I outline in my book (and provide solutions!).
This crowd is toxic based on my experience on twitter, telegram, substack, FB, bitchute, Odysee, etc where I am constantly accused of being a shill by a small but vocal and TOXIC crowd who is obsessed with this conversation.
Derrick is playing the "water down" trick by overloading the comment section with diversions from the point of did any research find virus? Clearly no, and particularly the seminal sars-C-2 definition paper by Fan Wu which I gave him 4-5 times in these comments. He is also playing, the "I'm a good guy on the freedom side" trick all the while avoiding the fact that no virus has been shown to exist (Corbett also plays this trick in his work).
Your idea of "EXIT and build" is to not exit the system but instead run for public office and directly participate... surely you must be aware how (deliberately) broken & corrupt it is.
Or is "EXIT and build" encouraging people to play WITHIN the system, with cryptocurrency? Cuz you've done that a whole lot too.
Sure seems contradictory to your supposed mission and everything you preach.
That's not true at all. If you took even 2 minutes on my campaign site you would see what its about. Or read the essay where I clearly outline my strategy. Spoiler alert: its not about being a politician.
Also, using private cryptos like Monero to avoid the government and the banking system is not "within" the system. I am guessing you are typing this will still being plugged into the credit card, banking, fiat system?
You cannot have self-determination while employing anarcho-capitalism and/or the closely aligned agorism as your mode of operation, because you won't have the degree of organization necessary to defend the inalienable rights upon which you seek to protect. It's not a logical proposal, and there is 2000 years of historical literature to refute Rothbard's and Konkin's claims; ditto for Rocker's anarcho-syndicalists. People with good judgment know that one cannot retire unto themselves and magically preserve individuality; if that was the case we'd still be living in the state of nature. This was mentioned in Isabela Patterson's "The god of the machine", a Tour De Force for those who subscribe to limited government, and also in the Federalist papers which are the world's most cited political documents. Moreover, your attacks on banks are unjustified. Banks are the lifeblood of a capitalist economy. They help move unproductive money (savings) into productive enterprises (investment), which requires some degree of transparency, trust, and expertise. Indeed, Billions of people would starve if Monero was the mode of payment, because investment would stop, money would go to unproductive sources, and there would be no coherent actor capable of protecting inalienable rights. Banks have never been the problem. The problem is that overbearing regulation and barriers to entry have created oligopolies that centralize industry and warp the substructure of the free market. If you remove twenty year patents, end subsidizes, and all of the unnecessary permits which act as a guard for the established companies, then the free market would roar. The top down government we have today is due to the factors aforementioned, along with the introduction of the "Federal" personal income tax. And while inflation is certainly a problem, fiat can be pegged to a commodity like gold, which means there are practical solutions that don't require reverting to the extremism of Monero to defeat inflation and preserve our privacy. The irony here is that you're lashing out at the no virus, 5G crowd for being "extreme", yet your political and philosophical presuppositions are hardly moderate: your proposals show a considerable lack of intellectual depth, and no coherent substructure on which to build your Agorism utopia. In other words, you have a great deal in common with the man you claim to despise: i.e, Klaus Schwab. Lastly, there is no anarchical state that has ever existed. The old Italian city-state Cospaia, often referred to as "anarchic" was a tightly controlled oligarchy that was permitted to exist for smuggling purposes, and which kneeled to the grand duchess in the 1820's. I only mention this because Anarchists love to point to Cospaia as an example of their utopia, which only further reveals their ignorance.
If you want to understand my views on a stateless society, and past examples of such, check out the 3rd book of The Conscious Resistance Trilogy, Manifesto of the Free Humans.
What faster way is there to convince others to exit and build than to show to them that one of the most integral part of our understanding of life itself has been a complete fraud?
You completely contradict yourself multiple times, Derrick. Carefully read what you have written with a critical eye. You couldn't be more wrong and time will prove that.
I would wonder that those who are ready to live outside of established systems already do and quite possibly have been doing so as long as there have been systems to turn away from. That those who could might not be listening and are not ready.
In regards to those who question the existence of viruses as disease causing entities as being attacking or however you spoke to it, it's never all. On one 'side' or the other, it is never all.
People outside of established systems tend to question more. Sometimes because they have been poorly used by those systems and might not be well balanced because of so. Others are likely exhausted by the past three plus years and have little patience from the get go. And some who have great patience still become reactive and defensive when pushed, as you yourself have done in this thread as well as others.
I believe understanding the nature of disease and it's roots, deconstructing the present narrative one piece at a time is crucial. There are many lies within this narrative and pandemics will continue to be forced fed until this piece can be seen. (pandemics that are curiously known about years in advance of their existence) I also think it's a huge ask as so many are adhered to this way of thinking and so many structures and systems rest heavily on 'germ theory'. Letting go of belief systems is like asking people to walk around upside down. It's too foreign, too impossible. 'We' are so well trained to think that knowing and having an opinion are paramount. How can there be room for anything else for many.
Derrrick, I once thought of you as an upfront honest guy and even recommended you to a few people until.......So many times now I've seen you on interviews where it's so clear you either 1) are incredibly ignorant and have no critical thinking abilities or 2) are on the take from someone for some reason but it's not honesty.
This also has me being very suspect of John Bush, just by association. When a "public" figure, so to speak, refuses to actually look at, study, and intelligently consider and talk about a subject, ANY subject, it's game over. You can deny till you're blue in the face but you, and Corbett it appears, are not worth the bandwidth you are using.
That's fine. I appreciate the support, if you decide not to anymore thats up to you.
These conversations are over a month old. I am not picking them back up.
If you want to know my thoughts you can read through these comments or watch my videos more recently. I really don't care to argue with people on the internet anymore. Peace.
One more thought/question. Have you read "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" series? I only recently picked it up, online as a pdf of all 8 books, free, and am on book 7 now. I must say, it's a real eye opener in some respects but in others just confirms what my inner self has always known. Because you are trying to "exit" the system, as we all should, you are on a similar path as the series speaks of but yet are still essentially in the system so to speak and tied to the control of millennia in the past. You might find what's in the books helpful in guiding your path of exiting. It's really essential to read the entire series, however, as the information throughout the series is essential and not in a singular linear format.
Derrick, you didn't trigger me. That's pretty much impossible. You and I both know why I asked that question. Flashing the number 33 is no different than all these celebrities that somehow all got the idea that flashing the one eye sign, devil horns, or the 6's is what they need to do for some reason. I'm just an observer. If you want people to suspect you are controlled opposition just keep on doing what you do. I couldn't care less. The Masons also claim they use the number 33 for several of the same reasons. I took notice of you about 3 years ago because of some writing I saw somewhere that lead me to look at your website. I made a comment somewhere, under something you wrote about it being a pipe dream that anyone is going to be allowed to exist much less "build a community"outside this coming system. Actually, I don't now think its a pipe dream. I think you know very well THEY are never going to allow that. I suspect misleading people in this way is what you have been assigned to do. Nothing gets by me. If you want know more about what I think of you and your little circle read my comments elsewhere on this thread.
By flashing I just meant how they always throw this Masonic/Occult/Numerology symbolism claptrap out there for people to see. Its like their required to do it. I had to razz Steve Quayle for days on his media back in 2016 for his wannabe country star daughter Stephanie Quayle to finally take down all the devil horn photos on her fan website. She has never put them up again and the old ones have been entirely expunged from the net as far as I can see. I really had them in a panic for a few days I think. It might have been affecting the gold sales you see. And of course Steve is marketed as a "Christian Truther" and activist. I am these peoples worst nightmare. They run away like vampires do from garlic when I start up usually. Its too much fun!
people suspect all kinds of things without evidence. 33 has a meaning to me and people who are critical thinkers and not falling prey to every conspiracy know who I Am.
This is the sad thing about the internet. We have these people who live on the internet obsessing over baseless conspiracies while I am out in the real world working with activists from all over the world, focusing on solutions, and accomplishing positive things. This is why I dont give any of this much credit or effort.
So you operate on the internet and do stuff in the real world, but you someone just know that the people who disagree with you live solely on the internet? Evidence?
Yeah, I'm sorry, by the information that flows into my corner of the internet I had categorized you as the same person. Reading your comment here surprised me, and I did some reading, and now you and Meryl Nass are in a separate category.
Thanks for your work, especially your interview on Jerm Warfare!
Much to unpack here but Christine Massey has already done the work. My point to make is this: why has James Corbett tackled every single false flag, global conspiracy (Climate Change for example), made how many episodes on the Rockefellers and Bill Gates, their families, their rather evil deeds against humanity? Produced one of the best 5 minute video takedowns of the official 911 story and will not touch this one. My answer: paradigm blindness. I borrowed that term from Stellium 7.
Hi Mel, well I thought so too for a few years, now it's clear they are well trained masters of thought deception. Its a perfect straight ball that curves just at the last moment.
See the Proton Magic Orig Investigation I just added to the bottom of the post and more thoroughly this:
Read the 'open letter' and scanned your addition. Good work and explains Corbett on a deeper level. My personal experience of disseminating information about the "non-existent virus" AND the theatrical production worldwide of "no actual pandemic" has garnered the same sorts of dodges and denials as Broze and Corbett make. Especially Broze who carries on asking people like Del Bigtree what they "think" about the "no virus peeps." The responses I've received from people I have known for a very long time and who fancy themselves to be at the forefront of the truthers range from "I have other fish to fry" to "I have a Mufon meeting to go to" to "Stop trying to prove you are right" to "Germ theory and Terrain theory exist together" to "I am banning any more emails from you on the subject of virology for the next two months" to finally: "Are you all right?"
These people aren't public like Corbett or Broze, but they are singing the same tune.
Bill Huston of "Apocalyptic Yoga" substack page created a naughty list of the outspoken truthers who are virus pushers by design or by default. It is the greater majority of the "truth movement" sadly.
To close, I am so over the accusation that the 'TeamNoVirus' is dividing the movement. In fact, all of the 'truthers' who spout this are projecting.
Any one of this bunch of New Age Consciousness people are all extremely suspect. Broze is all that on steroids. Del Bigtree and nearly that whole bunch fall into that category as well and they all clique around together don't they? Cross promotion at every opportunity? Some of these people are directly associated with the Alice Bailey founded Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing). They are the ones that operate the "chapel" at the UN. These peoples job is to lead you back around to the same destination but circuitously. This is likely why Broze uses the terminology "Greater Reset". This is fooling many people. They think they are resisting while they are led the long way round. This is a net to catch the resistors who are not Christian or who are soft on it. These people have nets and nets and nets.......
Many are fooled. Bigtree and RFKare two examples of handsome charismatic alpha males that many find attractive for many reasons and develop emotional bonds. I suspect they won’t bother to look into the possibility that this report is true.
Hi Jeff, I wholeheartedly agree with you about RFK. About Israel, not sure of your take. Mine is that “Israel” in the sense of geopolitics does not equal “Jewish” people. Some are clearly taken along with it, are fervent Zionists or whatever, but they are deceived by and abused by the NWO that uses Israel and Jews as a front for their nasty operations, and antisemetism as a way to deflect criticism at the NWO (the Committee of 300 or whatever is really ruling most of the world govts). The “Israelis” that are in any kind of real power are not Jewish like the ones you might see at the supermarket any more than Biden or Pelosi are American or that the avg Chinese person is intent on NWO ops. In fact, "rounding them up" in Israel seems to be a way of finishing off the job Hitler (a NWO operative) started and the forced Covid shots seems to be a step towards this goal as many of them are already injured or dead. This is one good vid on the NWO and antisemetism, see from 2:00: https://iaindavis.com/itt-video-new-world-order/
Yes. The history I’ve been studying suggests the Kazarians hijacked judaism after being forced to pick a religion. The Rothschilds grew out of this fraud. They co-opted the faith.
The Balfour Declaration gave the fake Jews, or Zionists Israel. The psy op then was to program the population to believe the fallacious claim that opposing the Israeli terrorism of Palestine or any criticism of the Zionists was anti-Semitic. The programming worked, but might be wearing off.
Tel Aviv is not at the level of London, NY and the Vatican, but they play a critical role, especially Israeli intelligence.
Why do you think that a candidate for the president does not have pledge support for Israel? RFK was severely criticized when at the Defeat the Mandates event in Washington, DC, said that Anne Frank was able to hide in an attic, and we did not have a place to hide. He had to apologize later. If had to apologize for such a minor comment that is not even derogatory, how would he be treated if he criticized Israel?
Yes, Corbett is CO based on his 911 views. At this point, one should just assume everyone in the MSM and (almost) every prominent person in the alt-media is CO.
Yes, that is almost always the pattern with controlled opposition. They mostly shoot straight to maintain credibility but misdirected about crucial points when necessary. I'm automatically suspicious of most of the people who attained instant notoriety from all this because that also fits the pattern. People come out of nowhere to dominate all the conversations online. This is not organic but the product of computer algorithms and the like. You could watch this with shills on YT back 6 or 7 years ago. Accounts with few subs suddenly piling on hundreds of new subs a week or even day. Tara McCarthy, Reality Calls and Pizzagate in October 2016 was like all this on steroids. Pizzagate was just another Langley scripted OP but few realize it.
That's a good point Jeff. Corbett and Webb have played tandem infocracy for many years. She seems to know more about intel and Darpa than a normal person could. There's a lot out there about her being CO, but for me, her almost desperation to dismiss graphene in the shots was pathetic and you can see this guy rip her guts out on this analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW-k4ZQSPnI
5g, graphene in shots, and the no-virus issue are the 3 smoke detectors that always ring when a deception agent is afoot.
Anyone now denying there is graphene in the shots is either an idiot none should be listening to or mega-shill. I drop kick anyone on here who denies or tries to minimize it now.
Don't distort what people say. And do keep up with the daily and weekly changes. Cowan will only state what he either 1) observes from his own experiences and states this is the source or 2) state what he has clearly seen scientifically (proper science) proven. I listen to each of his talks and have not heard him say definitely that there is no graphene in the injections. He sticks to what he can see proven to exist but always states that he will change his stance when he sees proper evidence. If you don't listen or watch each week you will miss some very important information as Cowan is always ready to change his views and does so as more reliable information and/or observation comes to light. As well he readily states all of the "unknowns" that he realizes exist in all areas of life.
TC was recently on a vid with Icke who led him into a diatribe about reptilian aliens running the world. Other no-virus big persons have also recently been on an Icke show, and Icke was on The End Of Covid (or was TEOC actually on Icke?). Icke is very talented, he could discredit an ant who stumbles on it's way into the ant hill he's so good at it. If you look closely at the prominent no-virus people they have to stay relatively complex (this alienates a large % of listeners) and they have some topics they must push that seem even anti-no virus. It is slowly becoming a strange situation.
The name Cowan is his dead give away. He is from The Families. Cowan is the slightly altered name Cohen, Coen, Kohen, Coon etc. The Cowan's are one of the British branches of this family. All aristocracy and royal lineages. None of these people are to be trusted.
I guess you would have same argument for Kaufman then. What about the Baileys, Lanka, Christine Massey, Mike Stone etc Anyone you trust on the no virus team? And is there anyone on the no virus team talking about graphene? At least Cowan was one the first to make the covid/5g connection (at least the one I've heard of at the onset of the scamdemic).
I haven't done any genealogy on those people. When aristocracy and certain families start coming up in genealogy on people like this I'm suspicious. Anyone now denying the presence of graphene and other nanotech in these shots is either an idiot or a lying shill. There are many of these people who rose to prominence to dominate these debates almost overnight buoyed by fixed computer algorithms and big money. Many of them tell the truth about lots of it but misdirect intentionally on certain points. I trust almost no one if that answers your question. Especially if they have tried to enrich themselves selling things or charged to read or view their materials.
Yeah after Whitney went on TLAV like 2 years ago to discuss her analysis of the graphene discussion, and the whole time she was trying to dismiss and prove that the research was "sloppy" or whatever.... I really lost respect. She was getting roasted in the comments of that live stream too. I eventually began to distance myself from that community, for a number of reasons (mostly for the points made above - Broke, Corbett, Webb, and TLAV avoid the germ theory issue because "normies would never believe it" or something 🙄), but that show in particular really put me off.
Exactly. That TLAV show was aimed at keeping the normies where they are, and keeping those on the fence on the normie side, it was not aimed at critical thinkers.
According to Vedmore (who arguably has an ax to grind), Webb prevented him from writing an in depth article on RFK Jr. He also said he believed that some of the alt players were being paid through CHD.
It took Webb a few months to call Kennedy’s extreme Zionism out.
I believe her cohort Austin-Fitts still supports him.
It seems the more famous and out in front you are the more likely you are part of the CO. The "main" no-virus group, while they do some great things, also does some strange things. They will make fake friendships" then try to foment conflict between us real people, get us to cancel recommending others SSs, don't talk about 5G causing illness, some of them talk about flat earth, and some have strange connections. Cowan says many great things, then will come up with abject nonsense. He was on with Icke, Mark Bailey was on with Icke's son recently, Sam had a serious interview with Jessica Rose part of Team Enigma and works on Transhumanist projects. Why do they keep that vid on line? Well It is all very very strange.
1. I will try to find the data, just my memory for now, but see interview with Icke few months ago.
2. Icke: Discredits by association: reptilian aliens control the world, see interview with Cowan few months ago. This means he has a mission other than to give truths, which of course he does as well. You will need to dig further.
3. Team Enigma: you'll have to read this very carefully:
I'm reading a lot about freedom, but I wonder, if you are truly free, you should be able to walk away, shouldn't you?
Should you heckle the piano virtuoso for not playing the guitar very well? Should you linger at the piano concert to proclaim the superiority of the guitar as an instrument. Should you spend your energy trying to dissuade the piano player from performing? Should you diminish the piano players achievements by arguing you can only achieve on the guitar?
Would it not be preferable to instead suggest a fine guitar player to the pianist? Would it, if you only like guitar, be better to attend a guitar concert instead? Or better yet, would it not be the most enlightening to savour the music and enjoy both concerts?
I would not go to the fishmonger for a ham sandwich. I certainly wouldn't throw pork fat at his salmon fillets. It is disrespectful and shows a lack of maturity.
I am firmly in the no virus camp. Dr.s Bailey are great presenters of the problems with germ theory explanations of illness.
That still does not address the issue of accusing people of being controlled opposition if they will not address the virus/no virus question. For those of us who want to take down the germ theory dominance, let's do so. Let's let those who want to fight other battles do so also - without our attacking them.
We have good arguments. They will come around when they can. If we humiliate them now, this change will take much longer. Use kindness and build bridges rather than burning them.
If someone is controlled opposition (I believe there are many) then they will be outed in time.
Hey Greenbean, you are correct for the avg person on the street. For people who are investigative journalists and look deeply in all the details of 9.11, climate, finance, not being about to look at the seminal paper making the definition of sars-cov-2, the Fan Wu paper I've pasted in about 5 comments here now, and saying "well FOIs don't mean much" (and saying nonsense like "terrain wasn't isolated") when FOI says exactly what the research says, readable in 15 min, looking up a few words, anyone can get the making of the virus fraud then circular fraud with making of the PCR based on that. Once you are shown the way, it's quite easy, Bailey has said it simply on at least 10 of her vids. That's why people like Corbett are leading you around the Mulberry tree in circles. Take care.
PM, we agree that there are no pathogenic viruses, at least there is no proof of one. I simply do not see the need for the personal attacks on those that will not join us in our efforts to take down the germ theory. Perhaps Broze, Corbett, or others are controlled opposition. I cannot know that so I don't spend the limited time I have fighting with them. Let's build strong groups of no-virus supporters that can grow and eventually bring Broze or Corbett into the fold (if they are not controlled). Attacking them will turn off their supporters and make it harder to grow our truth. Cheers and best of luck in your efforts.
Ok fair enough. If I have made a personal attack pls point that out and I will edit that. If not, please be clear who is making the attacks. Calling people names is a clear attack. Broze called me an "idiot" in his first reply and also to others, I addressed why I would not remove those posts. Persons having an opinion he may be a Mason is not exactly an attack if there is some evidence (like using the no 33). You can be a Mason and a good guy I suppose, what the group's MO is, is a different story.
Calling an obviously intelligent person an idiot is standard troll/shill tactics.
Disagreeing with someone doesn't make them an idiot of course, although they may hold an idiot view you are disagreeing with!
Corbertt certainly isnt an idiot, although he does have some idiotic views -they are probably tactical (as you mention) .
Personal attacks / ad hominem's are often entertaining and even insightful, so anyone with a bug up their arse about them is probably disingenuous , fragile and too neurotic to deal with social media.
The problem is that Derrick keeps bringing up the "no virus" position, while making a mockery of what our position ACTUALLY is because he won't bother to spend a few minutes of research to get a basic understanding of the summary. He continues to call us "rabid" - among other things, in his articles & videos, and is misrepresenting our claims.
THAT is why we are having this discussion and publicly calling him out and holding his feet to the fire. He is being blatantly & deliberately disrespectful. He is actually creating the division he accuses us of. If he wants to claim he doesn't really understand the position or is uncertain, then stop interjecting these childish attacks and opinions when he interviews other people about it (people who, mind you, are on the "we believe in germ theory & lab leaks" side of the conversation).
Then he gets defensive when you call him out and says "but ive interviewed Cowan, Kaufman, and Dawn Lester & David Parker". Ok but you just said you're unsure that the evidence is as solid as we claim. Mike Stone has offered numerous times to have a discussion and clarify and points with him but he would rather be a fence-sitter and point fingers at us, while calling us "rabid".
THAT is my problem with Derrick's position on this. Its just a bunch of ridiculous theatrics and hand-waving, without any real meaningful conversation, and then ad-hominem attacks and logical fallacies. (Also, he has resorted to name-calling on at least a dozen occasions within this post alone.....)
Hey QE, yes agree, I also think that from his handler's position, they would consider the 'oze-'bett interview a mistake and have read 'oze the riot act to go for damage control. All these replies and the content show IMO some desperation on his part to water down and disavow the no-virus position-which has only made my post and the FB post more widely read and spread. So I think he and 'bett got into some trouble in the org for that video and since 'oze is spending so much time in damage control 'bett is clearly above him in some way.
Interesting take 🤔 but it did seem like his responses on Mike's latest article were much less "pissed-off teenager" like on your post, which is interesting. He was wildly disrespectful to all of us above. But on Mike's article, he's suddenly gone a bit softer (still back-peddaling and playing victim and making excuses though).
It seems we have to consider Mike and some others in his Nexus may partially on the Broze's side, Mike Makes a terrible complexity of virology very few people have the ability or time to digest. And this group of no-virus will rarely touch the 5G impending disaster. This is likely why Broze is off on us and Stone-Broze is less acerbic, maybe even ginned-up, which comrades (and politicians) do all the time to make the masses think they are polarized.
Mike Stone wrote about him shortly after Proton did.... Derrick wasn't as angry that day, I guess...
He seems to have mood swings & anger management issues, just from observing his reactions & interactions over the years (and I used to be involved in that community, but I had enough of their germ-pushing nonsense).
While they are being outed they are lashing out at everyone who is even willing to speak the actual truth.
They rather ask each other what they think about the people speaking truth than ask each other, or theory chosen experts, to provide even a shred of evidence to support their claims.
(This is the proof that they are actively focusing on avoiding the truth.)
"If we humiliate them now, this change will take much longer." That feels right to me! Nothing good comes from trying to humiliate people.
Say there are various competing groups. Journalist A is part of group I and they promote stories 1 and 2 and oppose stories 3 and 4. Group I might be aligned with group II on story 1 but opposed to group II on story 2. So they can cooperate on story 1.
Corbett's work has opened many eyes on many subjects. One can thank him for that, while still understanding he's on group I, and that group I only partly aligns with your interests.
Hello Turtle. You would be correct if there was no deception with high (genocidal) stakes, it's not just interests. First we have to take a step back and understand there is a war game being played in the media which this is. Any fair Journalist would be inquisitive about what caused a catastrophic medical event like Covid, especially a false-flag expert like Corbett. Since they don’t and actively avoid it, and now in the FB vid actually shout out against it with ridiculous statements like isolated terrain and completely ignore the original research. Catastrophic because of the plan to jab as much of the world as possible.
It doesn’t matter how much the Corbetts scream the response is tyrannical, those afraid will still get a jab and those on the fence will have swaying doubts. That’s the target of the RFKs, Bigtrees, Corbett and many others. Keep the jabbers as jabbers and push those on the fence into the jab or to be willing to take toxic non jab pills like ivermectin and try to drag as many non jabbers into being willing to take toxic pills too (it’s a game of what % of the people can be moved to what slice of the pie). It is a strategy war of thought, they must be called out even if there is humiliation. It doesn’t matter if you like Corbett’s persona or his limited hang-out Journalism, which I also like. After listening to him a bit you realize it is what HE DOESN’T SAY that makes his coterie of followers stop at a a fake goal post that is short of the real goal post. That is a war game my friend Turtle. Yours truly Proton Magic & Co.
Thanks for your reply. Many groups agreed to the medical event beforehand. Groups like international organizations, countries, states, political parties, corporations, newspapers and social media. They even practiced it.
To see if something is criminal one has to investigate the mental and real aspects of the event. Why was it done? Which alternatives were considered? What did the parties believe they were agreeing to? If all the alternatives (including doing nothing) were worse, it's hard to see it as criminal.
No journalist can take you from your current state of mind to the best state of mind. Back when I joined the Corbett newsletter, if it went further than it did, I would have dismissed it as crazy. So for me Corbett opened lines of thinking that were previously unthinkable, and I am grateful to him for that.
Actually was in the same boat as you as I did not know where the goal posts were clearly in 2019. Now we know that the goals are further out and buried in the fog, and that-unfortunately-many of these previously warm and fuzzy "shephards" are leading their herds into the slaughter house because they are wolves in sheep's clothing. For me Corbett himself led me to realize his goal was a mirage (fortuitously I looked further with Covid because I knew how to navigate the biology maze).
And in April 2021 I very clearly put the Fan Wu Nature paper and a description why no virus was found in Corbett's comments. He was mum though many of his followers chimed in that indeed there was no virus, only a registration of a string of letters. That he never did and still never does look into it (in spite of many many people still talking about it), and his brother Broze still doesn't even after giving it to him multiple times in this comment section here is the telltale sign.
Like other alt commentators and truth-seekers, James Corbett does not always accord with my own views about certain topics. Yet I like his site and watch any of his stuff that interests me. I then make up my own mind about what I see.
I don't believe Corbett is 'controlled opposition' (whatever that means) because he does not buy into the no-virus theory. For what it's worth, I accept that the pro-virus theory was deliberately faked. But that does not mean there are no viruses, just that the evidence they exist was cooked.
On the plus side in a recent NWNW episode Corbett seems to accept the likelihood that some sort of DEW was used to bring down the Twin Towers. This follows the release of new video footage of the collapsing tower. Surely a sign of someone who can change his mind when he gets new information, no?
On the Abe incident, JC made an entire post on Abe that I linked below for the official narrative, but did not make one peep out of the fakery info that took me 15 min to find, an he is a seasoned professional investigator for 20 years and I do this in my spare time for free for 2 yrs, Ergo he only lead you so far.
Hi you should see all the links, esp Omar’s in the post. 9.11 is finished, there is no operational sensitivity to say the DEW truths nor holograms now. This is like Miles Mathis, great info on past and finished ops. Almost crickets from this guy on Covid. Standard Intel procedure.
No, no virus of any type has ever been isolated and characterized. This is good explanation among others
I agree that some yes virus people are just as divisive as no-virus people to the movement for medical freedom. We need to focus on the perpetrators of the PlanDemic and agree to discuss our scientific differences civilly.
"I had to pick myself up from the floor due to heavy laughing attack at James Corbett’s ridiculous logic, desperado facial expressions, and hand gestures imitating Bill Gates on a bad day…in a gawkily rehearsed interview. Well, we know James is on CHD with virus lover Meryl Nass getting lots of exposure, so today it’s my honor to announce his election into the Proton Magic Shrine of Shameless Hucksterism."
And for perspective, Corbett himself calls people "huckster" and "charlatan", and calls things they do "ridiculous" like at 5:00+ in the vid, https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/
In fact, I caught the word huckster from that vid, it was barely in my vocab before that. In any case I stand by my wording as opinion on Mr. Corbett's journalism not his person.
What a horrible, horrible write up. If you had taken 1 second to search my website you would see the amount of work I have done on this topic, as well as 5g.
Also, searching someone's website to see if they talked about your favorite pet topic is your way of exposing people as CO? idiot.
This is the bottom of the barrel of the truther movement.
Hi Derrick, welcome to the Proton Magic community and thanks for the Ad Hominim “idiot” attack! I will pin your comment to the top and have copied it so that the original is preserved. No one mentioned “pet topics”, you’re putting words in my mouth. I’ve searched your site for these 3 key words, 1. Graphene, 2. Virus Isolation, 3. 5g, and I will put screen shots at the bottom of the post.
1. Graphene: no results.
2. Virus isolation: one entry on the topic in 3 years showing Kaufman and Cowan. On the positive side this is ok, on the minus, neither did you (nor Mercola thru you) show proof of virus isolation nor did you ask Cowan/Kaufman for proof of non-isolation (true they also didn't give it to you in the sections we could see).
So Proton Magic will now give you the paper by Fan Wu that is THE DEFINING study of Sars-Cov-2, categorically proving that the definition is an uncontrolled and unisolated software print-out of a string of letters, falsely called a viral genome because no virus particle was found and there was no actual control sample. The paper is the subject of and linked in here:
It only took me 15 min to find and read that paper to know the whole thing was fraud. You, being able to write about many complex topics, did not, and still do not ever mention that do you, or Corbett? If you did, please share that. You also wanted to be clear that Drs like Mercola and the mainstream do not see the issue like the no-isolation. Why don’t you just read the paper yourself rather than “leave that nagging doubt in the viewer”. So you, as a prominent freedom journalist, made one vid in 3 yrs on the non-existent fulcrum of what we need to inject the entire world for? Great!
The 2 PCR deception vids are indeed a deception, the genes said to be detected by PCR are based on the Fan Wu fake genome above. Why don’t you mention this circular fraud? If you did please send a link. You mentioned false positives which assumes there could be a true positive, which is impossible because there is no virus to get a positive about. Your PCR vids are not about virus isolation and will not convince the masses that PCR is invalid if you believe in fake false-positives. Now if you backtracked on that and mentioned no-virus and there are no-true positives later, pls send us a link instead of your lovely “idiot” remarks.
3. 5g: you had a few vids. Your Trojan Horse vid with Corbett gave the strong message, “don’t over hypothesize [on the connection of 5g to Covid]”. “5g” is not a zero-sum game. 2-3 GHz may be ok, but 60 GHz will make you sick quickly. If for example Houston had only 2-3 GHz going, that is just deceiving us to think it’s ok.
Your vid, “Sorry, I Was Wrong About 5G and COVID19” was another “don’t speculate [about 5G and Covid]”. You want to be against 5G as dangerous but the 5g to Covid connection isn’t factual [so it’s wrong] is the message. You pepper all these vids with talk of “Covid-19” as if it really exists as a virus (a reification fallacy). You are very very talented at PR, I would hire you in a second if I needed a PR guru.
Conclusion: your journalism on graphene is “complete avoidance”, on virus isolation is “minimal”, missing the smoking gun Fan Wu paper, and you noted the no-virus story to be against the mainstream leaving lingering doubt in the mind of the listener instead of the pure fact that no one has found a corona virus particle, and on 5g it’s “don’t speculate [about 5G and Covid]” and you keep plugging the virus narrative.
again, someone complaining that if journalists dont focus on their pet topic - which appears to be graphene in the case of this dimwit - then they must be controlled! such strong logic!
If you want to get actual education the dangers of 5g, then watch my 2019 documentary The 5g Trojan Horse, or the numerous reports I've done on the ACTUAL concerns regarding 5g and EMFs.
You are digging a bigger and bigger hole for yourself, showing your complete and utter ignorance and intentional deceit. The cat is out of the bag.
Cowan and Kaufman do not say that 'viruses' are signaling exosomes. They are 100% clear in saying that "viruses" don't exist, period. They have pointed out the fact that the particles that are passed off as "viruses" look the same as particles that have been called "exosomes". You don't seem to be very familiar with their actual work.
Some tiny particles do exist that some people are calling "viruses." My best bet is that they are exosomes, and they exhibit some uniformity, when the body is discarding the same type of toxic overload:
The virus/no virus controversy is a dead end, because it loses sight of the actual problem:
I agree to a point, but as you know I def think it does matter for people to know what causes ill health, and that we really aren't a threat to each other when we're sick. And that there is no need for quackcines.
Belief in them drives the fear and insane behaviour. People could learn to behave better towards each other, but unnecessary harm and misdirection will still occur as long as the belief remains.
Things need to change on more than 1 front.
I have never heard Tom refer to "exosomal RNA" and you've even stated that "he doesn't name it", and twice you've written that you "suspect" blah blah, and you wrote that you "believe" blah blah, and you wrote "in all likelihood" blah blah, so it sounds to me you are hedging a heck of a lot and making stuff up to sound clever, confuse people and dis Tom and Andy, "reante".
"Believing" that you've figured out the what the jabs "in all likelihood are" based on their effects - that's about as impressive as declaring that "viruses" exist based on stress cell lines breaking down.
"Exosomal PCR"? PCR is a technology invented by Kary Mullis.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am aware of these deeper levels of deception.
I will continue to do my work as I have for 14 years and the people that make assumptions about me will drift away as all the others before.
I am focused on helping people Exit and Build, and getting my land in order to thrive in the face of the Technocratic State.
but this is the thing - I am not advocating for the virus, germ theory position. I am simply asking questions because I dont think either "Side" has all the answers.
I Also don't need random people on the internet condescending to me. Please watch the whole video, all the way to the end about gratitude. Thanks
In fact Derek, in April 2021, James was given the Fan Wu paper link in his comment section here with a full description of why it was a fabricated genome and not a virus. This also led to a rally of comments agreeing with this analysis making a significant thread:
This info was on many alt-media sites and was given to James and discussed many times in his comments thru all of 2021 at least. It's only the basis to inject unknown contents into 6bil+ people, many more than once. Could be an important issue for investigative journalists ya think?
Derrick Broze , per your comment on Christine's FB post, it may not be the 'only' issue that matters or is the "key", but take a moment to think of the implications. Over a hundred years of an entire model of falsely categorized disease/cause and (destructive) treatments built on a house of cards. The financial and political trails of profiteering and propagandizing this completely unravels? The fraudulent cradle to grave culture and conditioning of the fear of demon germs sent by Mother Nature to get you? The root of every planned boutique "pandemic" with endless names of invisible, amorphous germ terrorists.... well, spreading terror. Clearly, this script has been repeated and will be so ad infinitum until it no longer works.
So the question is, why don't you think it is absolutely crucial?
Over the last 3ish years, the work the 'no virus team' has done has been condensed into a very easy to understand and accessible catalog of scientific and logical arguments that any critically thinking lay person could understand. You could wrap your head around it in a couple of days of reading and video watching.
Where is your intellectual curiosity? How could anyone who could get this subject nailed down, chapter and verse, in short order due to all the work already done by others, not want to dial it in? An "investigative" journalist, with a platform, who doesn't have the time, interest, or energy to truly investigate a story of this magnitude? If nothing else, it's just really really strange.
Thanks Pete, see this:
Substitute the words "Covid-19" in the 2020s for ‘Flight 77 hit the Pentagon’ in the 2010s and you will get the picture.
For me, my focus is on Exit and Build - exiting from slavery systems, and building new parallel systems so we can survive and thrive outside of the planned Great Reset.
I understand that undermining the plandemic is crucial and thats what I did from Feb 2020 until today. I simply dont think this focus on the no virus question is the crux of the debate or the only conversation that matters. For example, the interview I did with James 30 minutes, focused on several important topics, and the no virus crowd has such a narrow focus they totally ignore the other important topics.
I believe the most important thing at the moment is to help people exit from the banks, start growing their own food, take their kids out of school, get off Big Tech, etc and I find that to be a much more valuable and tangible solutions for the coming Technocratic State than spending time debating this topic.
But thats just my opinion. I thought we were allowed to have different opinions but some folks in these niche movements think its a crime or something.
I've interviewed Cowan, Kaufman twice, Dawn and David, read the website, watched the interviews - its not that I havent done the research. I simply dont want to be associated with this toxic crowd and I dont think their conclusions are as sound as they might believe. That doesnt mean I buy into germ theory or support big pharma or the shots (which should be obvious) as some attempt to pretend.
Its disenguous and silly for people like this "proton magic" to attack their work of myself and James - who have been at this for a combined 30 years - because we dont make this our focus.
I am not telling anyone not to look into it. I did. I just dont find it to be the most important topic deserving of all of my time and attention.
Anyway, if you are honest, just read the most important paper of the 21st century, I'll give it to you again (sigh):
and see they just printed out a genome, no virus was found. It says in clear blue-sky English in the first paragraph, "Metagenomic RNA sequencing [COMPUTER ASSEMBLY] of a sample of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [NOT FROM A VIRUS] from the patient [NOT MANY PATIENTS AND NO CONTROL] identified a new RNA virus strain".
All you really need to know is how this is the same thing as pressing Ctrl-P on your keyboard, they don't say much more than that. FOIs only support the publication.
Then tell Corbett to wake up that no Sars-C-2 virus has been shown to exist, call him, video with him whatever then show the world you are for real. If you have a paper proving Sars-C-2 purified isolation proven to be a pathogen with a control, sure give it to us. If you can't understand how a computer could print out a string of letters and call it a genome, you should really not do any journalism related to viruses.
Personally I dont give a flying fcuk if it has been proven or not, only fact is it has not, and lying that is does exist, or that Covid-19 is due to a virus, or deflecting from the fact that it has never been proven to exist, is contributing to maiming and killing many people who will fear a virus and take a shot.
To be fair, most lay people would not have caught that initially as the "English" used was to intentionally obfuscate the reality that the RNA sequence was just a random alphanumeric sequence generated by computer. That's why you using [TEXT] to clarify the coded words helped a lot.
The Dr. Phil Valentines, Dr Sam Baileys, et al would see that language and more readily see what the plain English wording is...because they research that stuff all the time. I'm getting better.
But.. I am not arguing in favor of the virus having been isolated.
It sounds like you are only thinking in extremes. You assume because I and James and others dont make this our focus we must be promoting or supporting the mainstream narrative around COVID. Thats not the case.
I am also not living in fear of pathogens.
And, I dont think the no virus crowd has all the answers either.
All of these are co existing.
No, Derrick, its because you ALWAYS speak as if there IS a virus. There is no ambiguity, indicating that you clearly haven't bothered to look into this (because it took most of us all of 5 minutes to see how obvious the fraud is), or you HAVE looked into it and choose to ignore it. From our position, it sure seems like the latter because most of us HAVE presented you with the evidence, so you cant claim you're unaware of it.
And its the clear attacks on those of us in the "no-virus" position, the language you use is not very friendly or kind. So stop pretending to be surprised when you get called on your obvious bullshit. Its getting old.
At least you reply Derrick that is a good sign. However, the seminal research paper by Fan Wu is very clear that the definition of Sars-Cov-2 is a print out from a computer, with no particle or pathogen found, THEY SAY SO THEMSELVES, what "sound conclusion" would you like? Anyone who uses the term Covid-19 needs to show proof of a virus, which abjectly does not exist. Just a small thorn in the deflection game it seems.
You don't think virus identification by isolation is the "crux", thank you for the clarification. Then again, why bother to stir-up and debunk the anti-FOI conversation with an important media figure like Corbett? The common take is that you and JC have an agenda to follow. You can see it in the FB comments and the comments on this post, which are a very small fraction of the number of views of these posts have garnered.
see my comment about.
I didn't attempt to debunk the FOIA conversation. I brought it up (as I have elsewhere) because I think its intriguing.
Seems pretty clear to me that you brought it up for James and yourself to trivialize it and snicker at no-virus people.
Also, who cares what the "common take" is? I dont. I know James doesnt.
We will continue to do our work without worrying who has declared us shills.
Thank you for responding. You said, "For me, my focus is on Exit and Build - exiting from slavery systems, and building new parallel systems so we can survive and thrive outside of the planned Great Reset.
I understand that undermining the plandemic is crucial and thats what I did from Feb 2020 until today. I simply dont think this focus on the no virus question is the crux of the debate or the only conversation that matters."
But haven't you sorted it out that the medical industrial complex is front and center of the not so great "reset" idea? It's the hammer tool in the kit that allows for the biomed surveillance tech to creep and entrench as part of the 'slavery system' police state. You can't really undermine the plandemic without exposing the real fraud in that the culprit was totally made up out of thin air.... a cartoon. Every other "pandemic"....the very same. You want to keep haggling over masks and vaccines every time they run this game again? Passports and QR codes? It all follows the original superstition passing itself off as science.
"I believe the most important thing at the moment is to help people exit from the banks, start growing their own food, take their kids out of school, get off Big Tech, etc and I find that to be a much more valuable and tangible solutions for the coming Technocratic State than spending time debating this topic."
You don't really need to debate it. It doesn't take long at all to understand and shouldn't take away from other causes. True health freedom and bodily sovereignty require a full exit from the tyranny of a pseudoscientific cult deeply entangled with the banks, tech, and bought and paid for bureaucrats...not sure you can just shove this to the side and walk around ignoring it.
"I simply dont want to be associated with this toxic crowd and I dont think their conclusions are as sound as they might believe. "
Can you elaborate on how "the crowd" is toxic?
Can you expound, specifically, on where you might take issue with the conclusions? Maybe some of your concerns could be addressed for clarification.
"But haven't you sorted it out that the medical industrial complex is front and center of the not so great "reset" idea?"
I disagree. This is just one aspect of The Pyramid of Power. And I have exposed it with my work, and in my documentary series, the Pyramid of Power. The medical aspect is only one piece of a larger agenda to push Technocracy and Transhumanism as I outline in my book (and provide solutions!).
This crowd is toxic based on my experience on twitter, telegram, substack, FB, bitchute, Odysee, etc where I am constantly accused of being a shill by a small but vocal and TOXIC crowd who is obsessed with this conversation.
You're simply being called out for shoddy journalism.
Derrick is playing the "water down" trick by overloading the comment section with diversions from the point of did any research find virus? Clearly no, and particularly the seminal sars-C-2 definition paper by Fan Wu which I gave him 4-5 times in these comments. He is also playing, the "I'm a good guy on the freedom side" trick all the while avoiding the fact that no virus has been shown to exist (Corbett also plays this trick in his work).
Your idea of "EXIT and build" is to not exit the system but instead run for public office and directly participate... surely you must be aware how (deliberately) broken & corrupt it is.
Or is "EXIT and build" encouraging people to play WITHIN the system, with cryptocurrency? Cuz you've done that a whole lot too.
Sure seems contradictory to your supposed mission and everything you preach.
That's not true at all. If you took even 2 minutes on my campaign site you would see what its about. Or read the essay where I clearly outline my strategy. Spoiler alert: its not about being a politician.
Also, using private cryptos like Monero to avoid the government and the banking system is not "within" the system. I am guessing you are typing this will still being plugged into the credit card, banking, fiat system?
You cannot have self-determination while employing anarcho-capitalism and/or the closely aligned agorism as your mode of operation, because you won't have the degree of organization necessary to defend the inalienable rights upon which you seek to protect. It's not a logical proposal, and there is 2000 years of historical literature to refute Rothbard's and Konkin's claims; ditto for Rocker's anarcho-syndicalists. People with good judgment know that one cannot retire unto themselves and magically preserve individuality; if that was the case we'd still be living in the state of nature. This was mentioned in Isabela Patterson's "The god of the machine", a Tour De Force for those who subscribe to limited government, and also in the Federalist papers which are the world's most cited political documents. Moreover, your attacks on banks are unjustified. Banks are the lifeblood of a capitalist economy. They help move unproductive money (savings) into productive enterprises (investment), which requires some degree of transparency, trust, and expertise. Indeed, Billions of people would starve if Monero was the mode of payment, because investment would stop, money would go to unproductive sources, and there would be no coherent actor capable of protecting inalienable rights. Banks have never been the problem. The problem is that overbearing regulation and barriers to entry have created oligopolies that centralize industry and warp the substructure of the free market. If you remove twenty year patents, end subsidizes, and all of the unnecessary permits which act as a guard for the established companies, then the free market would roar. The top down government we have today is due to the factors aforementioned, along with the introduction of the "Federal" personal income tax. And while inflation is certainly a problem, fiat can be pegged to a commodity like gold, which means there are practical solutions that don't require reverting to the extremism of Monero to defeat inflation and preserve our privacy. The irony here is that you're lashing out at the no virus, 5G crowd for being "extreme", yet your political and philosophical presuppositions are hardly moderate: your proposals show a considerable lack of intellectual depth, and no coherent substructure on which to build your Agorism utopia. In other words, you have a great deal in common with the man you claim to despise: i.e, Klaus Schwab. Lastly, there is no anarchical state that has ever existed. The old Italian city-state Cospaia, often referred to as "anarchic" was a tightly controlled oligarchy that was permitted to exist for smuggling purposes, and which kneeled to the grand duchess in the 1820's. I only mention this because Anarchists love to point to Cospaia as an example of their utopia, which only further reveals their ignorance.
wow, someone defending the banks? I dont think I really need to offer any refutation, kinda speaks for itself.
These are classic strawmen arguments (we've never seen something before so it can't happen) lacking logic.
If you want to understand my views on a stateless society, and past examples of such, check out the 3rd book of The Conscious Resistance Trilogy, Manifesto of the Free Humans.
Straw man arguments and gaslighting. Please just stop your shoddy "journalism" on this issue, Derrick.
What faster way is there to convince others to exit and build than to show to them that one of the most integral part of our understanding of life itself has been a complete fraud?
You completely contradict yourself multiple times, Derrick. Carefully read what you have written with a critical eye. You couldn't be more wrong and time will prove that.
I would wonder that those who are ready to live outside of established systems already do and quite possibly have been doing so as long as there have been systems to turn away from. That those who could might not be listening and are not ready.
In regards to those who question the existence of viruses as disease causing entities as being attacking or however you spoke to it, it's never all. On one 'side' or the other, it is never all.
People outside of established systems tend to question more. Sometimes because they have been poorly used by those systems and might not be well balanced because of so. Others are likely exhausted by the past three plus years and have little patience from the get go. And some who have great patience still become reactive and defensive when pushed, as you yourself have done in this thread as well as others.
I believe understanding the nature of disease and it's roots, deconstructing the present narrative one piece at a time is crucial. There are many lies within this narrative and pandemics will continue to be forced fed until this piece can be seen. (pandemics that are curiously known about years in advance of their existence) I also think it's a huge ask as so many are adhered to this way of thinking and so many structures and systems rest heavily on 'germ theory'. Letting go of belief systems is like asking people to walk around upside down. It's too foreign, too impossible. 'We' are so well trained to think that knowing and having an opinion are paramount. How can there be room for anything else for many.
The video speaks for itself.
Derrrick, I once thought of you as an upfront honest guy and even recommended you to a few people until.......So many times now I've seen you on interviews where it's so clear you either 1) are incredibly ignorant and have no critical thinking abilities or 2) are on the take from someone for some reason but it's not honesty.
This also has me being very suspect of John Bush, just by association. When a "public" figure, so to speak, refuses to actually look at, study, and intelligently consider and talk about a subject, ANY subject, it's game over. You can deny till you're blue in the face but you, and Corbett it appears, are not worth the bandwidth you are using.
That's fine. I appreciate the support, if you decide not to anymore thats up to you.
These conversations are over a month old. I am not picking them back up.
If you want to know my thoughts you can read through these comments or watch my videos more recently. I really don't care to argue with people on the internet anymore. Peace.
One more thought/question. Have you read "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" series? I only recently picked it up, online as a pdf of all 8 books, free, and am on book 7 now. I must say, it's a real eye opener in some respects but in others just confirms what my inner self has always known. Because you are trying to "exit" the system, as we all should, you are on a similar path as the series speaks of but yet are still essentially in the system so to speak and tied to the control of millennia in the past. You might find what's in the books helpful in guiding your path of exiting. It's really essential to read the entire series, however, as the information throughout the series is essential and not in a singular linear format.
The pdf is here:
"music under 33"? Please elaborate. Why that number exactly? Just curious......
Seems you got the signal you were picking up. Good find.
You can find my music at 33IsHere.com
I perform conscious hip hop.
To those wondering why I chose 33:
1. 33 is the age I started rapping
2. it is the age I was when my father died of a drug overdose
3. Christ and Buddha ascended at age 33
4. We have 33 vertebrae
5. I like to trigger people who are afraid of numbers and symbols who dont understand we have the power to retake them
Derrick, you didn't trigger me. That's pretty much impossible. You and I both know why I asked that question. Flashing the number 33 is no different than all these celebrities that somehow all got the idea that flashing the one eye sign, devil horns, or the 6's is what they need to do for some reason. I'm just an observer. If you want people to suspect you are controlled opposition just keep on doing what you do. I couldn't care less. The Masons also claim they use the number 33 for several of the same reasons. I took notice of you about 3 years ago because of some writing I saw somewhere that lead me to look at your website. I made a comment somewhere, under something you wrote about it being a pipe dream that anyone is going to be allowed to exist much less "build a community"outside this coming system. Actually, I don't now think its a pipe dream. I think you know very well THEY are never going to allow that. I suspect misleading people in this way is what you have been assigned to do. Nothing gets by me. If you want know more about what I think of you and your little circle read my comments elsewhere on this thread.
Does he have symbols of some type on his forearms?
By flashing I just meant how they always throw this Masonic/Occult/Numerology symbolism claptrap out there for people to see. Its like their required to do it. I had to razz Steve Quayle for days on his media back in 2016 for his wannabe country star daughter Stephanie Quayle to finally take down all the devil horn photos on her fan website. She has never put them up again and the old ones have been entirely expunged from the net as far as I can see. I really had them in a panic for a few days I think. It might have been affecting the gold sales you see. And of course Steve is marketed as a "Christian Truther" and activist. I am these peoples worst nightmare. They run away like vampires do from garlic when I start up usually. Its too much fun!
Wow! These people are all cult-brainwashed from little.
Derrick has large tattoos on his forearms, cant make them out, maybe you could. https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/derrick-broze
https://www.derrickbroze.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/headshot-1012x1024.jpg (says Warr[ior])
Doesn't look like happy butterflies fluttering in the sun, can say that much.
here we go! The low brow, bottom of the barrel "researchers" who think they are doing something. Stay in the basement.
yes I am assigned to leading people astray you delusional paranoid loser.
people suspect all kinds of things without evidence. 33 has a meaning to me and people who are critical thinkers and not falling prey to every conspiracy know who I Am.
This is the sad thing about the internet. We have these people who live on the internet obsessing over baseless conspiracies while I am out in the real world working with activists from all over the world, focusing on solutions, and accomplishing positive things. This is why I dont give any of this much credit or effort.
So you operate on the internet and do stuff in the real world, but you someone just know that the people who disagree with you live solely on the internet? Evidence?
Thank you for publishing this. Their 7 minutes focusing on no-virus people was pretty ridiculous and not remotely helpful!!
This reply confused me at first, because I thought Meryl Nass and Christine Massey were the same person. It seems that they are not. Curious.
?? Meryl Nass and I are night and day!
Yeah, I'm sorry, by the information that flows into my corner of the internet I had categorized you as the same person. Reading your comment here surprised me, and I did some reading, and now you and Meryl Nass are in a separate category.
Thanks for your work, especially your interview on Jerm Warfare!
Much to unpack here but Christine Massey has already done the work. My point to make is this: why has James Corbett tackled every single false flag, global conspiracy (Climate Change for example), made how many episodes on the Rockefellers and Bill Gates, their families, their rather evil deeds against humanity? Produced one of the best 5 minute video takedowns of the official 911 story and will not touch this one. My answer: paradigm blindness. I borrowed that term from Stellium 7.
Hi Mel, well I thought so too for a few years, now it's clear they are well trained masters of thought deception. Its a perfect straight ball that curves just at the last moment.
See the Proton Magic Orig Investigation I just added to the bottom of the post and more thoroughly this:
Read the 'open letter' and scanned your addition. Good work and explains Corbett on a deeper level. My personal experience of disseminating information about the "non-existent virus" AND the theatrical production worldwide of "no actual pandemic" has garnered the same sorts of dodges and denials as Broze and Corbett make. Especially Broze who carries on asking people like Del Bigtree what they "think" about the "no virus peeps." The responses I've received from people I have known for a very long time and who fancy themselves to be at the forefront of the truthers range from "I have other fish to fry" to "I have a Mufon meeting to go to" to "Stop trying to prove you are right" to "Germ theory and Terrain theory exist together" to "I am banning any more emails from you on the subject of virology for the next two months" to finally: "Are you all right?"
These people aren't public like Corbett or Broze, but they are singing the same tune.
Bill Huston of "Apocalyptic Yoga" substack page created a naughty list of the outspoken truthers who are virus pushers by design or by default. It is the greater majority of the "truth movement" sadly.
To close, I am so over the accusation that the 'TeamNoVirus' is dividing the movement. In fact, all of the 'truthers' who spout this are projecting.
Any one of this bunch of New Age Consciousness people are all extremely suspect. Broze is all that on steroids. Del Bigtree and nearly that whole bunch fall into that category as well and they all clique around together don't they? Cross promotion at every opportunity? Some of these people are directly associated with the Alice Bailey founded Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing). They are the ones that operate the "chapel" at the UN. These peoples job is to lead you back around to the same destination but circuitously. This is likely why Broze uses the terminology "Greater Reset". This is fooling many people. They think they are resisting while they are led the long way round. This is a net to catch the resistors who are not Christian or who are soft on it. These people have nets and nets and nets.......
Many are fooled. Bigtree and RFKare two examples of handsome charismatic alpha males that many find attractive for many reasons and develop emotional bonds. I suspect they won’t bother to look into the possibility that this report is true.
It seems like it’s enough to wake some up, but probably not. The fooled are in a trance and seem to like it.
Hi Jeff, I wholeheartedly agree with you about RFK. About Israel, not sure of your take. Mine is that “Israel” in the sense of geopolitics does not equal “Jewish” people. Some are clearly taken along with it, are fervent Zionists or whatever, but they are deceived by and abused by the NWO that uses Israel and Jews as a front for their nasty operations, and antisemetism as a way to deflect criticism at the NWO (the Committee of 300 or whatever is really ruling most of the world govts). The “Israelis” that are in any kind of real power are not Jewish like the ones you might see at the supermarket any more than Biden or Pelosi are American or that the avg Chinese person is intent on NWO ops. In fact, "rounding them up" in Israel seems to be a way of finishing off the job Hitler (a NWO operative) started and the forced Covid shots seems to be a step towards this goal as many of them are already injured or dead. This is one good vid on the NWO and antisemetism, see from 2:00: https://iaindavis.com/itt-video-new-world-order/
Yes. The history I’ve been studying suggests the Kazarians hijacked judaism after being forced to pick a religion. The Rothschilds grew out of this fraud. They co-opted the faith.
The Balfour Declaration gave the fake Jews, or Zionists Israel. The psy op then was to program the population to believe the fallacious claim that opposing the Israeli terrorism of Palestine or any criticism of the Zionists was anti-Semitic. The programming worked, but might be wearing off.
Tel Aviv is not at the level of London, NY and the Vatican, but they play a critical role, especially Israeli intelligence.
My $0.02.
Why do you think that a candidate for the president does not have pledge support for Israel? RFK was severely criticized when at the Defeat the Mandates event in Washington, DC, said that Anne Frank was able to hide in an attic, and we did not have a place to hide. He had to apologize later. If had to apologize for such a minor comment that is not even derogatory, how would he be treated if he criticized Israel?
It’s his choice. He can be another puppet of the Zionists. If not, he can take the heat or get out of the kitchen.
It probably doesn’t matter. We are NOT gonna vote our at out of the mess we’re in. It’s gonna implode eventually. corruption isn’t sustainable.
evidence or STFU. And you have none so you know what to do.
You mean like the virus pushing frauds?
Your constant questioning other virus pushers about those who have done the research and found the virus missing IS the evidence, Derrick.
Yes, Corbett is CO based on his 911 views. At this point, one should just assume everyone in the MSM and (almost) every prominent person in the alt-media is CO.
Yes, that is almost always the pattern with controlled opposition. They mostly shoot straight to maintain credibility but misdirected about crucial points when necessary. I'm automatically suspicious of most of the people who attained instant notoriety from all this because that also fits the pattern. People come out of nowhere to dominate all the conversations online. This is not organic but the product of computer algorithms and the like. You could watch this with shills on YT back 6 or 7 years ago. Accounts with few subs suddenly piling on hundreds of new subs a week or even day. Tara McCarthy, Reality Calls and Pizzagate in October 2016 was like all this on steroids. Pizzagate was just another Langley scripted OP but few realize it.
Coincidence? James Corbett joined the CHD crew about the same time as Whitney Webb and they both are based off-shore.
That's a good point Jeff. Corbett and Webb have played tandem infocracy for many years. She seems to know more about intel and Darpa than a normal person could. There's a lot out there about her being CO, but for me, her almost desperation to dismiss graphene in the shots was pathetic and you can see this guy rip her guts out on this analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW-k4ZQSPnI
5g, graphene in shots, and the no-virus issue are the 3 smoke detectors that always ring when a deception agent is afoot.
Anyone now denying there is graphene in the shots is either an idiot none should be listening to or mega-shill. I drop kick anyone on here who denies or tries to minimize it now.
What to do then with Dr Tom Cowan and the likes who keep saying that there's no evidence of graphene and does not seem willing to dig that subject?
Don't distort what people say. And do keep up with the daily and weekly changes. Cowan will only state what he either 1) observes from his own experiences and states this is the source or 2) state what he has clearly seen scientifically (proper science) proven. I listen to each of his talks and have not heard him say definitely that there is no graphene in the injections. He sticks to what he can see proven to exist but always states that he will change his stance when he sees proper evidence. If you don't listen or watch each week you will miss some very important information as Cowan is always ready to change his views and does so as more reliable information and/or observation comes to light. As well he readily states all of the "unknowns" that he realizes exist in all areas of life.
TC was recently on a vid with Icke who led him into a diatribe about reptilian aliens running the world. Other no-virus big persons have also recently been on an Icke show, and Icke was on The End Of Covid (or was TEOC actually on Icke?). Icke is very talented, he could discredit an ant who stumbles on it's way into the ant hill he's so good at it. If you look closely at the prominent no-virus people they have to stay relatively complex (this alienates a large % of listeners) and they have some topics they must push that seem even anti-no virus. It is slowly becoming a strange situation.
The name Cowan is his dead give away. He is from The Families. Cowan is the slightly altered name Cohen, Coen, Kohen, Coon etc. The Cowan's are one of the British branches of this family. All aristocracy and royal lineages. None of these people are to be trusted.
I guess you would have same argument for Kaufman then. What about the Baileys, Lanka, Christine Massey, Mike Stone etc Anyone you trust on the no virus team? And is there anyone on the no virus team talking about graphene? At least Cowan was one the first to make the covid/5g connection (at least the one I've heard of at the onset of the scamdemic).
I haven't done any genealogy on those people. When aristocracy and certain families start coming up in genealogy on people like this I'm suspicious. Anyone now denying the presence of graphene and other nanotech in these shots is either an idiot or a lying shill. There are many of these people who rose to prominence to dominate these debates almost overnight buoyed by fixed computer algorithms and big money. Many of them tell the truth about lots of it but misdirect intentionally on certain points. I trust almost no one if that answers your question. Especially if they have tried to enrich themselves selling things or charged to read or view their materials.
Yeah after Whitney went on TLAV like 2 years ago to discuss her analysis of the graphene discussion, and the whole time she was trying to dismiss and prove that the research was "sloppy" or whatever.... I really lost respect. She was getting roasted in the comments of that live stream too. I eventually began to distance myself from that community, for a number of reasons (mostly for the points made above - Broke, Corbett, Webb, and TLAV avoid the germ theory issue because "normies would never believe it" or something 🙄), but that show in particular really put me off.
Exactly. That TLAV show was aimed at keeping the normies where they are, and keeping those on the fence on the normie side, it was not aimed at critical thinkers.
yeah… her two volumes on Epstein?
i guess she’s just a brilliant investigator. And her daddy…
According to Vedmore (who arguably has an ax to grind), Webb prevented him from writing an in depth article on RFK Jr. He also said he believed that some of the alt players were being paid through CHD.
It took Webb a few months to call Kennedy’s extreme Zionism out.
I believe her cohort Austin-Fitts still supports him.
James Corbett and Darrick Bros are also on the CHD gravy train.
Whitney Webb? Wasn’t her dad in the deep state?
Are you familiar with the “Virus Pushers Against the Clotshots” list? Bill Huston was keeping track of it.
It seems the more famous and out in front you are the more likely you are part of the CO. The "main" no-virus group, while they do some great things, also does some strange things. They will make fake friendships" then try to foment conflict between us real people, get us to cancel recommending others SSs, don't talk about 5G causing illness, some of them talk about flat earth, and some have strange connections. Cowan says many great things, then will come up with abject nonsense. He was on with Icke, Mark Bailey was on with Icke's son recently, Sam had a serious interview with Jessica Rose part of Team Enigma and works on Transhumanist projects. Why do they keep that vid on line? Well It is all very very strange.
Interesting stuff. May I ask a few questions?
1. What abject nonsense is Tom Cowan saying?
2. Are you saying the Icke family is untrustworthy?
3. Who is working on Transhumanist projects?
Thank you.
1. I will try to find the data, just my memory for now, but see interview with Icke few months ago.
2. Icke: Discredits by association: reptilian aliens control the world, see interview with Cowan few months ago. This means he has a mission other than to give truths, which of course he does as well. You will need to dig further.
3. Team Enigma: you'll have to read this very carefully:
I admit Icke and his reptilian stories are hard to believe. Four years ago I didn’t understand and doubted a lot.
Corbett says he wants real truth. Eh! Just not the whole truth.
Thanks PM. Corbet's SS is paid only. Another one I unsubscribed from.
As a pensioner I can't afford irrelevant expenses.
I'm reading a lot about freedom, but I wonder, if you are truly free, you should be able to walk away, shouldn't you?
Should you heckle the piano virtuoso for not playing the guitar very well? Should you linger at the piano concert to proclaim the superiority of the guitar as an instrument. Should you spend your energy trying to dissuade the piano player from performing? Should you diminish the piano players achievements by arguing you can only achieve on the guitar?
Would it not be preferable to instead suggest a fine guitar player to the pianist? Would it, if you only like guitar, be better to attend a guitar concert instead? Or better yet, would it not be the most enlightening to savour the music and enjoy both concerts?
I would not go to the fishmonger for a ham sandwich. I certainly wouldn't throw pork fat at his salmon fillets. It is disrespectful and shows a lack of maturity.
I would just go to the butcher's.
I am firmly in the no virus camp. Dr.s Bailey are great presenters of the problems with germ theory explanations of illness.
That still does not address the issue of accusing people of being controlled opposition if they will not address the virus/no virus question. For those of us who want to take down the germ theory dominance, let's do so. Let's let those who want to fight other battles do so also - without our attacking them.
We have good arguments. They will come around when they can. If we humiliate them now, this change will take much longer. Use kindness and build bridges rather than burning them.
If someone is controlled opposition (I believe there are many) then they will be outed in time.
Hey Greenbean, you are correct for the avg person on the street. For people who are investigative journalists and look deeply in all the details of 9.11, climate, finance, not being about to look at the seminal paper making the definition of sars-cov-2, the Fan Wu paper I've pasted in about 5 comments here now, and saying "well FOIs don't mean much" (and saying nonsense like "terrain wasn't isolated") when FOI says exactly what the research says, readable in 15 min, looking up a few words, anyone can get the making of the virus fraud then circular fraud with making of the PCR based on that. Once you are shown the way, it's quite easy, Bailey has said it simply on at least 10 of her vids. That's why people like Corbett are leading you around the Mulberry tree in circles. Take care.
PM, we agree that there are no pathogenic viruses, at least there is no proof of one. I simply do not see the need for the personal attacks on those that will not join us in our efforts to take down the germ theory. Perhaps Broze, Corbett, or others are controlled opposition. I cannot know that so I don't spend the limited time I have fighting with them. Let's build strong groups of no-virus supporters that can grow and eventually bring Broze or Corbett into the fold (if they are not controlled). Attacking them will turn off their supporters and make it harder to grow our truth. Cheers and best of luck in your efforts.
Ok fair enough. If I have made a personal attack pls point that out and I will edit that. If not, please be clear who is making the attacks. Calling people names is a clear attack. Broze called me an "idiot" in his first reply and also to others, I addressed why I would not remove those posts. Persons having an opinion he may be a Mason is not exactly an attack if there is some evidence (like using the no 33). You can be a Mason and a good guy I suppose, what the group's MO is, is a different story.
Calling an obviously intelligent person an idiot is standard troll/shill tactics.
Disagreeing with someone doesn't make them an idiot of course, although they may hold an idiot view you are disagreeing with!
Corbertt certainly isnt an idiot, although he does have some idiotic views -they are probably tactical (as you mention) .
Personal attacks / ad hominem's are often entertaining and even insightful, so anyone with a bug up their arse about them is probably disingenuous , fragile and too neurotic to deal with social media.
The problem is that Derrick keeps bringing up the "no virus" position, while making a mockery of what our position ACTUALLY is because he won't bother to spend a few minutes of research to get a basic understanding of the summary. He continues to call us "rabid" - among other things, in his articles & videos, and is misrepresenting our claims.
THAT is why we are having this discussion and publicly calling him out and holding his feet to the fire. He is being blatantly & deliberately disrespectful. He is actually creating the division he accuses us of. If he wants to claim he doesn't really understand the position or is uncertain, then stop interjecting these childish attacks and opinions when he interviews other people about it (people who, mind you, are on the "we believe in germ theory & lab leaks" side of the conversation).
Then he gets defensive when you call him out and says "but ive interviewed Cowan, Kaufman, and Dawn Lester & David Parker". Ok but you just said you're unsure that the evidence is as solid as we claim. Mike Stone has offered numerous times to have a discussion and clarify and points with him but he would rather be a fence-sitter and point fingers at us, while calling us "rabid".
THAT is my problem with Derrick's position on this. Its just a bunch of ridiculous theatrics and hand-waving, without any real meaningful conversation, and then ad-hominem attacks and logical fallacies. (Also, he has resorted to name-calling on at least a dozen occasions within this post alone.....)
Hey QE, yes agree, I also think that from his handler's position, they would consider the 'oze-'bett interview a mistake and have read 'oze the riot act to go for damage control. All these replies and the content show IMO some desperation on his part to water down and disavow the no-virus position-which has only made my post and the FB post more widely read and spread. So I think he and 'bett got into some trouble in the org for that video and since 'oze is spending so much time in damage control 'bett is clearly above him in some way.
Interesting take 🤔 but it did seem like his responses on Mike's latest article were much less "pissed-off teenager" like on your post, which is interesting. He was wildly disrespectful to all of us above. But on Mike's article, he's suddenly gone a bit softer (still back-peddaling and playing victim and making excuses though).
It seems we have to consider Mike and some others in his Nexus may partially on the Broze's side, Mike Makes a terrible complexity of virology very few people have the ability or time to digest. And this group of no-virus will rarely touch the 5G impending disaster. This is likely why Broze is off on us and Stone-Broze is less acerbic, maybe even ginned-up, which comrades (and politicians) do all the time to make the masses think they are polarized.
What article is that?
Mike Stone wrote about him shortly after Proton did.... Derrick wasn't as angry that day, I guess...
He seems to have mood swings & anger management issues, just from observing his reactions & interactions over the years (and I used to be involved in that community, but I had enough of their germ-pushing nonsense).
Indeed, later I linked Mike's article to the bottom of this post.
They are being outed, that's the point.
While they are being outed they are lashing out at everyone who is even willing to speak the actual truth.
They rather ask each other what they think about the people speaking truth than ask each other, or theory chosen experts, to provide even a shred of evidence to support their claims.
(This is the proof that they are actively focusing on avoiding the truth.)
"If we humiliate them now, this change will take much longer." That feels right to me! Nothing good comes from trying to humiliate people.
Say there are various competing groups. Journalist A is part of group I and they promote stories 1 and 2 and oppose stories 3 and 4. Group I might be aligned with group II on story 1 but opposed to group II on story 2. So they can cooperate on story 1.
Corbett's work has opened many eyes on many subjects. One can thank him for that, while still understanding he's on group I, and that group I only partly aligns with your interests.
Hello Turtle. You would be correct if there was no deception with high (genocidal) stakes, it's not just interests. First we have to take a step back and understand there is a war game being played in the media which this is. Any fair Journalist would be inquisitive about what caused a catastrophic medical event like Covid, especially a false-flag expert like Corbett. Since they don’t and actively avoid it, and now in the FB vid actually shout out against it with ridiculous statements like isolated terrain and completely ignore the original research. Catastrophic because of the plan to jab as much of the world as possible.
It doesn’t matter how much the Corbetts scream the response is tyrannical, those afraid will still get a jab and those on the fence will have swaying doubts. That’s the target of the RFKs, Bigtrees, Corbett and many others. Keep the jabbers as jabbers and push those on the fence into the jab or to be willing to take toxic non jab pills like ivermectin and try to drag as many non jabbers into being willing to take toxic pills too (it’s a game of what % of the people can be moved to what slice of the pie). It is a strategy war of thought, they must be called out even if there is humiliation. It doesn’t matter if you like Corbett’s persona or his limited hang-out Journalism, which I also like. After listening to him a bit you realize it is what HE DOESN’T SAY that makes his coterie of followers stop at a a fake goal post that is short of the real goal post. That is a war game my friend Turtle. Yours truly Proton Magic & Co.
Thanks for your reply. Many groups agreed to the medical event beforehand. Groups like international organizations, countries, states, political parties, corporations, newspapers and social media. They even practiced it.
To see if something is criminal one has to investigate the mental and real aspects of the event. Why was it done? Which alternatives were considered? What did the parties believe they were agreeing to? If all the alternatives (including doing nothing) were worse, it's hard to see it as criminal.
No journalist can take you from your current state of mind to the best state of mind. Back when I joined the Corbett newsletter, if it went further than it did, I would have dismissed it as crazy. So for me Corbett opened lines of thinking that were previously unthinkable, and I am grateful to him for that.
Actually was in the same boat as you as I did not know where the goal posts were clearly in 2019. Now we know that the goals are further out and buried in the fog, and that-unfortunately-many of these previously warm and fuzzy "shephards" are leading their herds into the slaughter house because they are wolves in sheep's clothing. For me Corbett himself led me to realize his goal was a mirage (fortuitously I looked further with Covid because I knew how to navigate the biology maze).
And in April 2021 I very clearly put the Fan Wu Nature paper and a description why no virus was found in Corbett's comments. He was mum though many of his followers chimed in that indeed there was no virus, only a registration of a string of letters. That he never did and still never does look into it (in spite of many many people still talking about it), and his brother Broze still doesn't even after giving it to him multiple times in this comment section here is the telltale sign.
Like other alt commentators and truth-seekers, James Corbett does not always accord with my own views about certain topics. Yet I like his site and watch any of his stuff that interests me. I then make up my own mind about what I see.
I don't believe Corbett is 'controlled opposition' (whatever that means) because he does not buy into the no-virus theory. For what it's worth, I accept that the pro-virus theory was deliberately faked. But that does not mean there are no viruses, just that the evidence they exist was cooked.
On the plus side in a recent NWNW episode Corbett seems to accept the likelihood that some sort of DEW was used to bring down the Twin Towers. This follows the release of new video footage of the collapsing tower. Surely a sign of someone who can change his mind when he gets new information, no?
On the Abe incident, JC made an entire post on Abe that I linked below for the official narrative, but did not make one peep out of the fakery info that took me 15 min to find, an he is a seasoned professional investigator for 20 years and I do this in my spare time for free for 2 yrs, Ergo he only lead you so far.
Hi you should see all the links, esp Omar’s in the post. 9.11 is finished, there is no operational sensitivity to say the DEW truths nor holograms now. This is like Miles Mathis, great info on past and finished ops. Almost crickets from this guy on Covid. Standard Intel procedure.
No, no virus of any type has ever been isolated and characterized. This is good explanation among others
Comedy gold. 9/11 isn't real but viruses are 🤣
I agree that some yes virus people are just as divisive as no-virus people to the movement for medical freedom. We need to focus on the perpetrators of the PlanDemic and agree to discuss our scientific differences civilly.
That all may be true. my point is that we must remain above any response that can be used in those ad-hominem attacks.
It doesn't matter how "they" act. It matters how we in the no-virus movement act.
"I had to pick myself up from the floor due to heavy laughing attack at James Corbett’s ridiculous logic, desperado facial expressions, and hand gestures imitating Bill Gates on a bad day…in a gawkily rehearsed interview. Well, we know James is on CHD with virus lover Meryl Nass getting lots of exposure, so today it’s my honor to announce his election into the Proton Magic Shrine of Shameless Hucksterism."
And for perspective, Corbett himself calls people "huckster" and "charlatan", and calls things they do "ridiculous" like at 5:00+ in the vid, https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/
In fact, I caught the word huckster from that vid, it was barely in my vocab before that. In any case I stand by my wording as opinion on Mr. Corbett's journalism not his person.
I consider that satire about his journalism not about his character. Take care.
Yes, but not sold their souls, they were likely brought up in it and are part of it.