
Guys! Appreciate you like this post but it only took me 15 min to make. The post on the 9th about the RNA was boring I guess but that took me many many hours to put together. I know, next time I'll make a post about Mr. 2nd drinking RNA smoothies!😒

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Hello PM. Do you have any good written info on the toxicity of HCQ and Ivermectin. It would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi see the links in here on ivm


On hcq, look up "Hcq and cardiac toxicity"

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I read it, PM, and was impressed but it's a bit above my head - would need to go and read it again a few times. I'll endeavour to do that at some point.

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Being truthful helps with engagement (this time). Go figure.

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I was diagnosed with Lyme about a decade ago. Rather than going the pHARMa route, I got some cat's claw (an herb) and started taking it. Immediately the symptoms went away, but I took it for a year and a half. When I finally stopped taking it, the symptoms never reappeared. I guess I cured it.

It's sad so Many become engulfed in the pHARMa lies. Thank You for bringing data that point to the issues!

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See this and see what you think


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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Okay, I am amazed I did not retain much of that vid, but yeah... Whatever was making Me faint, and have issues standing at all, seems to have been well treated with the cat's claw. The fact that the symptoms immediately vanished suggests that the herb did something, but who knows what specifically.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Author

Great, we don't know what it was or what that did-glad you are better, but Lyme is just another made up microbiological monster.

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True, and I did not say that's what I had. Just that I was diagnosed with it. Haha!

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I watched that when She first put it out, but the details are hazy now. Will watch again!

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Thank you for this.

I don't use pharmaceuticals.

I'd love to see posts on alternative ideas instead of the constant arguing.

It would feel more constructive.

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What if everyone who read my comment shared an experience of 'alternative' healing?

That would be beautiful.

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Here's one: No medicines. No supplements. No herbs. Body recovers on its own automatically as long as it is not interfered with by someone who thinks they are smarter than it.

Listen to the body. If it tells you to sleep more, or rest, or take a walk, or drink more, then that's what you do. Eat what you especially hanker for, or don't eat a crumb if nauseous. Obey the body.

Medicines are interference and merely suppress symptoms used by the body to get rid of something unwanted.

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Most welcome!

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You might love this:


Alec Zeck and Ihsan Abbas.

A beautiful conversation.

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Thanks! I will work it into My time! 🙏🏿

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I always look for herbs and supplements in times of need before even thinking of big pharma drugs, which I abhor. I am currently using high potency cayenne tincture for my minor heart/circulation problems. Cayenne is another miracle herb.

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I add cayenne powder to My omelets every day. Indeed, it is a good thing for One's heart! And yes, avoiding pHARMa is the most healthy path.

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Lyme is one of the invented illnesses. Here are a few more:


Illnesses have been invented at about one a week in the last 100 years, probably as cover-ups for common poisonings and they also contribute to the bases for the deadly paraphernalia of allopathic "treatments."

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You left out syphilis.

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Yes, I did. Strangely, Terrain Theory is using it for "infection by resonance."

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As a sidebar, I picked up 2 copies of Classic Descriptions of Disease by Ralph Major, leather bound and paperback. You might be interested in what it has to say regarding disease and syphilis in particular.

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Thank you. I'm usually interested in explanations. :)

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Very true. May We remove the main motivation (money) for all these allopathic "medicines" and approaches.

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

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Would you happen to know the Latin name for cat's claw?

Thank you (for reading my question anyway).

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Not sure which variety the supplement company (I forget which, but it might be NOW) used, but wikislimia offers this:


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There's quite a choice of different species, none of them native to Europe though.

But thanks again.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

2nd is a pretty obvious fraud now, and (s)he has a frightening number of credulous followers...

Notice that (s)he is promoting what (s)he is peddling, too. Preying on the powerless and the desperate is one of the most despicable forms of behaviors:


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I suspect a number of scribers of these SSs are bots, it's like buying your own book to make it a best seller.

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I am also suspecting support for the agents from the black budget. It's only taxpayer's money, anyway...

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

I unsubscribed from 2nd Smartest Guy because I was concerned about the promotion of these pharmaceuticals

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Try to make an honest comment about that on his site and see how long it last before deletion or banning. He banned me and my post about it became one of my most popular posts:


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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

I became very suspicious of IVM by following a naturopathic doctor on Twitter who was showing very troubling research about neurological problems it caused, and also stuff like it causing male fertility problems by dropping testosterone levels. His hypothesis is that IVM is being pushed covertly through alternative channels to poison those who were smart enough to avoid the jab.

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These are all psyops to promote the fake virus narrative and to debunk then push these meds, HCQ at higher doses is the suicide pill, there is no reason to take any pill for feared germ as they do not exist.

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deletedOct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023
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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023Author

Virus is defined as replication competent intracellular parasite, chemicals/EMFs do not fit this definition. If you want to say there are other ways of getting sick yes, but they are not viruses.

No virus has ever been found, here on sars-2


No virus found by any country


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me2 and he blocked my comments for no reason...i think he is a shilling bot

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Reese says we should take anti-parasitic drugs because there is no-virus and parasites are the cause of sickness:


Just a few weeks earlier Reese was rabidly attacking us for challenging him on why he didn't realize there was no virus:


I offer Reese 10k to fess up to no-virus has ever been found, later he got pissed at that (screen shots in the post just above):


Full debunk of Reese's pole reversal scare:


Note on Reese's no-virus vid:


Note on Reese's no-virus and parasites:


Reese blocks dpl from commenting on Lee Merrit:


Note on Reese's aliens control humanity and Free Mason imagery (which is all over his bit chute channel):


Farber supports Yeadon, Reese, Duesberg, Crowe, RFK Jr.:


Greg Reese of Info Wars riding the alien psyop:


Reese defensive to me about his reporting on Demons from CERN:


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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

The CDC ignores the public. It marches to big pharma's death dirge.

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Interesting that STIs are on the increase because I listen to podcasts from people talking about how people aren't forming relationships, men are having far less sex and we're naturally depopulating through lack of bearing children. This is what I'd really like to know: if we're naturally depopulating why the jab? I just do not get the purpose of the injuring, maiming and killing from the jab? What is it?

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Graphene internet backbone is the reason for the jab

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Author

Its not enough natural depop. Plan for the US to go from 350m to 100m. If you get a shot or get a digital ID you're time left will just be "calculated".

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Maybe but from the point of view of data scientist, Stephen J. Shaw, we're in mortal danger of depopulating too much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfBL_Qn9jug What kind of rationale is there behind this plan, it simply makes no sense to me? Those in power surely want those inclined to believe them to be in the majority, not kill them off leaving the disbelievers - in fact, comedian, Bill Burr, who I would've thought would know better than to be pro-vax put that argument forward and I think it's a reasonable one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znI046F4FKg. Sure, it could be that whether you kill off the believers or the disbelievers the next generation will psychographically normalise into the same percentage of believers/disbelievers regardless of their parents ... but still.

What I fear is that we'll end up like those Mouse Utopia experiments and kill ourselves off ... but then would that be such a bad thing? We're simply not a great species in so many ways - I don't think we know how to manage ourselves well at all and we cause enormous chaos and suffering and extinction in many cases for the other species. Sure, species go extinct all by themselves but we're doing it as if there's no tomorrow. I do find the Mouse Utopia experiments totally fascinating. Apparently, the ethologist, John Calhoun, did the Mouse Utopia experiment 25 times and each time the mouse population completely died out.

Mouse Utopia experiments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink

EDIT: Oh my goodness, I didn't realise. I thought it was said that the mouse populations died out because the mice had everything provided to them on a platter but when I was looking for a link I found that Wikipedia said the experiments showed they died out from an OVERCROWDING situation. But was it overcrowding or was it having every need and desire provided on a platter? Obviously, as the population decreases overcrowding is no longer a problem ... however, having everything provided on a platter and also the unnatural habitat situation generally may have had something to do with it. The goal to depopulate wouldn't be based on these experiments would it? - which don't necessarily at all show that the populations died out due to overcrowding because that was only one variable and it was only a variable that existed for a limited time?


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Makes sense. Increase in sexually transmitted diseases because men are having far less sex.

Lesbianism run amok.

Now everyone's getting gonorrhea and Chlamydia

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I was thinking the SAME thing! I then thought, I bet the jab induces these STI's which are now infections & NOT diseases. FISHY that they changed the verbiage!

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Hey J - Men having much less sex.

Now the lesbians are giving everyone the clap.

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LOLOLOL ... It's sooo NOT funny. ... yet I can't refrain from giggling.

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On the whole I am too stupid to read an article like this. But others may profit by it.

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The 2nd Dumbest Guy In The World should be known as Dr. Death who uses the moniker DEATHVAXX. He's just peddling death pills disguised as medicine. Where are all the good doctors at these days who sincerely care about your health and not just using your body as a profit source? 🤔😤

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MRNA doesn't exist either. Its' a theoritcal computing construct and a boogey man. The only thing in necessary for all the ill effects of the so called vaccines is the same thing in chemtrails - heavy metals and aluminum oxide, which is also in your deoderant.

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There's no such thing as viruses. There are many many fraudulent tests and doctors who just memorioze what they are told by their big pharma masters. The process to 'isolate' viruses lis not scientific and is basically hand waving and using fancy words to cover it up. Given there's no such thing as viruses, the talk about ivermectin or whatever else is totally and completely irrelevant. Who cares if it treats parasites in horses? The 2nd smartest man is smart like a meter or a phone.

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He switched over to a full-time shill several months back. What a clown.

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Ok, I know I'm not that smart but I'm not a complete idiot. Somebody please help me with what I just read. Is doxy. good for cancer because my partner just got diagnosed with lymphoma and we have no idea what to do and don't trust big pharma. I was diagnosed with lyme 3 yrs ago and have over powering chronic fatigue. I took doxy. then for 4 weeks which touched off colitis. Can someone translate for me because we are sort of freaked out and don't know where to turn. Thanks in advance.

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There is no Lyme disease as advertised


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Sorry to hear this, none of us can fully understand the medical situation, though in general, yes, Pharma may not go well. Antioxidants and alkalizing your blood is something a Natrupath might advise, you can take this and look further. Best wishes.

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